Part 5: False charges & arrest

Following the devastating murder of her roommate on Nov. 1, 2007, Amanda and the others in the student community were at a loss in understanding who and why such an event occurred.  Media speculation was building upon the Halloween festivities and the extent of student participation through their costumes and visits to the local pubs and dance-music sites.  The occult and Satan worship was a popular conjecture attributed to the murder.  On Nov. 6th, the police made their move —- arresting Amanda Knox, American student for the murder of her roommate.

This chart, and the following charts in this series will be based on Amanda’s natal angles and relocation to Perugia, Italy for the Solar Return and Progressed Daily Angles charts.









This shocking turn of events, for Amanda Knox, marked the start of several years of a miscarriage of justice due to the inept judicial and legal system of Italy.  For now, it is enough to examine the primary features of this Progressed Daily Angles chart based on a Solar Return located to Perugia, while showing the natal angles of her Seattle, WA, USA birth chart.

On Nov. 1st, Amanda’s daily MC conjoined her natal MC:  Her status and life situation was being challenged.  On Nov. 6th, Amanda’s MC had moved on while her daily Ascendant approached her natal Ascendant:  She was going to experience a totally new situation related to the murder, five days earlier.

The MC was approaching Neptune, 4 degrees and 3 days away:  Confusion was building, fueled by the news media, police  and various members of the prosecuting teams.

The Asc./MC midpoint was at 12 Aries, conjoining natal Saturn:  Amanda was feeling very restrained and victimized (as she actually was).  Playing astrological hopscotch we note transiting Saturn at the natal IC:  New limitations and responsibilities would be placed on her and her family.

This whole series of charts illustrates the manner in which our lives and significant events in our lives seem to resonate with the chart angles developed by the intertwined Solar and MC cycles — what I have labeled as the MC-Solar Cycle.  Once we know the “context” of a subject’s life, this MC-Solar Cycle depicts the attitudes, actions, circumstances and event of our lives though the contact of angles by angles and by planets at angles.  This method is an excellent tool for the astrologer who needs a quick and reliable method of checking out a family member, friend or client in terms of the types of events that are lining up for them to experience.  As always, comments can be entered here on the blog site or submitted directly by e-mail at     Dave


Republicans and the State of the Union speech?

How might the Republicans react to Obama’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday evening? — an opportunity to look into the near future.

Up until now we have been looking at prior events and how the charts related to those events in terms of the symbols presented.  With this post we will start to actually look ahead in time and see what might happen.  We have a context of how the Republican’s chart has shown itself to work, we will project the symbols forward to next Tuesday when President Obama presents his State of the Union speech. Remember that this chart is a Republican view of that day.

First, the 2010 S/R MC is at the daily chart’s Ascendant: The opportunities and goals of the Solar Return will now come into focus!  The Republicans will be presented with issues and challenges that will require their response and adjustments to their plans.  We can visually see that the Ascendant will later move on to contact the founding MC-Sun in some 8–11 degrees or 6–9 days (next week).

Founding Neptune is at the MC: How will their message be presented effectively when the President has the stage?  We can see from the chart that the MC will contact this Neptune a couple of days later–suggesting that a response over the next few days will be their opportunity period.  Sounds realistic.   We note the transiting Neptune is approaching its “return point” some seven years from now.

Transiting Node and Pluto are at the Descendant: This is a “reach out and touch someone” pattern where a battle for transforming (Pluto) group associations (Node, here representing the many constituencies the two party’s will be courting).  We will expect the “Spin Doctors” to be in full swing.  A battle of messaging will be launched that might have no end as far as the public is concerned.  Messaging relates to Mercury.  Here, we see transiting Mercury opposing the founding MC and Sun from the 7th house. We know that Mercury typically accompanies the Sun—here in an oppositional pattern we might expect some lack of credibility in terms of how the message is accepted.  Mercury squares transiting Moon and Saturn:  The message will find that it is strategically challenged as to how the public will react or support it.

In the coming weeks, polling will be influential.  The President’s number are dramatically improving.  Republicans will find that it is necessary to adjust their planned approach to how they share in governing.  Perhaps it would be fruitful to go back to the election date and its daily chart to assess how the Tea-Party component will affect any decisions made.
Finally, we should note the Founding Moon at the chart’s CD Point. This point in the chart places the MC in a midpoint position relative to the Ascendant and any planets found at the CD point.   Often, this point is seen as an “intrusion” point.  Here, the Moon represents Republican’s views on the people’s role, their mood and satisfaction with national life. The Ascendant, on this date and in this chart, is involved with the challenge to win public support and to change the parameters of that discussion.  With this pattern, the MC will be required to adjust its stated posture and goals (Neptune at the MC) in order to win the messaging battle.

In summary, from just this one-sided view through the Republican lens, we can expect that the messages and expectations of the Republicans-as-a-whole (including the Tea Party component) will need to be changed in response to the changed perception and posture of the President.  Perhaps we can find time to look at the President’s role in the coming months as well as the Democrats role–both these seeming to a bit different in their nature.  Comments are always welcome via either posted comments here or via e-mail to me at   Dave

Paris Hilton: Events of 2008

An Instructional Series on Natal, Solar Return, and Daily charts—Part Seven; Proportion the MC’s yearly advance for a given date.

In the previous post I noted that several interesting events occurred for Paris Hilton in 2008.  Of course, her lifestyle and endeavors seem to frequently bring interesting events to the forefront of her life.  As noted earlier, August 6th, 2008 placed Paris before the nation’s TV sets.  At that time, the 2008 Presidential campaign was in full swing.  Republican John McCain had, just previous to this date, mentioned Paris in one of his promotional events.  Never one to be bashful, Paris quickly produced a reply-video addressing the questions of a viable energy policy, and finished her video by musing about a likely Vice Presidential candidate to run with her.  She referred to McCain as the wrinkly-faced white haired dude. will lead you to her video for your review.

To quickly review the process of finding in-between dates located in the span of time following a Solar Return, we find the total number of degrees between one Solar Return and the next — a value near 450 degrees (360 plus the quarter-day of time at the end of the year which adds another 90-or-so degrees.  We then find the number of days from the Solar Return date to an event date (using a table that equates dates to day-numbers) and divide it by 365.25.   This gives us a “ratio” or proportion which we use to multiply the 450 +/- degrees to find the degrees of advance by the MC from the Solar Return.

August 6th (day # 218) is 170 days from the Feb.17th Solar Return date.  This is 46% of the year’s number of days.  458 degrees, multiplied by 46% yield 210 degrees.  Added to the S/R MC of 2o Capricorn (290 degrees), this will give us 500 degrees (210 plus 290) from which we subtract 360 degrees to find a value of 140 degrees.  This equates to Leo 20 degrees.

The actual software-calculated chart for August 6, 2008 has an MC of 19 Leo, an Ascendant of 13 Scorpio.  Playful Leo and transiting Sun near the MC, along with trickster Mercury points to the playful mood of Paris.  Tweeking the would-be President’s nose with humor and a well-positioned Energy Policy caught the public’s attention.  Let us look at this chart to see how it reflects Paris’ humor and desire for publicity.

  • Mercury at the MC: This is communication at its best, in full view of the public.
  • Natal MC at the IC: Paris’ goals (natal MC) are opposite the events apparent goals of poking fun at McCain so as to publicize herself.
  • Transiting Neptune conjoins natal MC: Fantasy and drama are at work here.  Neptune is also often associate with the public and large audiences.
  • Transiting Sun at the MC: Here is the power of the moment and of the idea to take advantage of the wrinkly-faced white-haired dude.  Paris shines and shows her public posture, composure and insightfulness.  This is no dumb blonde but a smart business lady.
  • Transiting North Node at the IC: Associations are at the bottom of the day’s events.  In other words, linking herself to a national figure confers much attention on herself.  Note that natal North Node conjoins the natal Moon: seeking links to the public, needing a response.

Well, we see the public, we see fantasy-film-drama-large audience, we see communication, we see recognition and acclaim.  Of late, I have been looking into midpoints used with these cyclic charts.  Up until now, users of these types of cyclic charts (the Siderealists) have focused on planets at angles.  The Asc.-MC midpoint in this chart is at 0 Libra, conjunct Venus.  Paris was her most alluring self in this video, clad in a peek-a-boo swimsuit and setting upon a lounge chair near a pool.

We see, in this chart, that Paris Hilton acted very much along the symbolic meanings of her planets and angles, and that she did so on this date and near this date.  Isn’t astrology a fascinating subject?  In the next posting, I will look at the events of September 30th, 2008 relative to Paris Hilton.  Comments or e-mails are always welcome.  Dave


Precession-corrected Solar Return

Marilyn Bell’s p.c. Solar Return, 1953

A conventional Tropical Solar Return for 1953 has been previously posted.  That Solar Return occurred 5 hours, 2 minutes, 22 seconds earlier and the Moon in that chart was at a position of 3 degrees and 6 minutes of arc earlier. The Solar Return is two things: 1) it is a milestone chart which occurs once a year with the Sun returning to its natal position relative to the Earth and Sidereal (star) background, and 2) it is a daily chart reflecting the ever advancing MC degree which follows the MC-Solar Cycle.  Both of these factors together make this a unique chart.

The following notations about this chart are taken from my upcoming book for the most part.  We have to remember that no book or no software can reflect an explicit meaning for all cases, so it is also necessary to refer to the context of the natal chart and to the person’s life experience.

  • Pluto @ MC: Intensity and revolution should be the keywords for this year, the winds of change and associations with large movements may already be obvious. This period of the year marked the end of outdoor swimming and long-distance competitions in open water.  We have to wonder how much time was available in the colder months for indoor swimming access.  This might have been a time of reviewing the past summer season and planning for the coming year.
  • Natal Uranus @ Desc.: Expect changes and surprises from those you relate closely to. Uranus has often been linked to a mentor or a dutch uncle, someone who can bring change and enlightenment into your life by a suggestion or action. Marilyn’s coach was most likely that person.
  • Mercury near the Asc.: Important news, plans and opportunities to travel will be the themes for the year.  The written word (print or electronic) will be important. Among the many meanings attached to Mercury, we could surmise that travel-swimming, coaching-talking, and planning-thinking would be most appropriate.
  • Transiting Uranus @ natal MC: This is also an “angular” configuration, even though we are not talking about the Daily chart’s angles.  When we consider the natal Uranus’ position at the Daily chart’s Descendant angle, we have a “similarity” pattern, as I call it.  One can shape public opinion . . . clarity of thought . . . are some of the book comments.

The “double” Uranus offers a highlight or focus point for this chart. The natal planet was near the 8th house cusp, depending upon the house system used, signifying one who has great insight, who can spot an opportunity and choose to take advantage of it — or to trust that capability in others.  As we pursue this story, we will find that in 1954 Marilyn took advantage of a publicity offer to offer a world-class swimming star a monetary prize to swim across Lake Ontario.  Marilyn, as we will discover, did what the star couldn’t do, she accomplished a most difficult feat.

So, what does the Solar Return chart tell us. In this case, it doesn’t tell us that she will make the swim of her life.  It does tell us that she will be intense about her life and her swimming (the focus of her life at that point), it does tell us that she will receive important news about opportunities and that the written word will be important to her.  (We have to note that a newspaper sponsored her attempt to swim the lake).  And we know that great changes will come into her life this year.  Given that she is a competitor, we can expect to see opportunities, news and changes for her in the coming year.  The rest is expectations and dreams.  We need to find the dates when opportunities meet action and attitude.  As always, comments can be left here or I can be contacted via e-mail at    Dave

Lights Out !

Lights Out !  The D.C. Sniper on the “receiving” end

The End of the End.

For John Allen Muhammad, the end of the end arrived on Nov. 10, 2009 at 9 pm. The chart at the left is a Progressed Daily Angles Chart for this date, and is an extension of the precession-corrected Solar Return of 2009.   I have kept the signs of this chart oriented with the chart shown in the previous post for the Solar Return in order to make comparison simpler.

We had seen in the Solar Return the seeds of depression and hopelessness, a series of vague implications that matched his request to not have more appeals made on his behalf, to let the process move forward. That chart was not highly angular or active.

This chart for the last day of his life, however, is very active. This is typical of precession-corrected Daily charts, highlighting the timing of the event as well as defining the interaction with the events of the day.   Most notable is the transiting Sun at the CD Point.  Remember, the CD Point creates a mid-point structure in which the MC = Asc./CD, or in this case MC=Asc./Sun-t.  This is normally interpreted as “Attitude toward others, soul unions, seeking intellectual understanding, attainment of respect.”  For this situation we need to twist this around to indicate, “The attitude of others to the subject, thinking about one’s soul and inner self, seeking to grasp the impact of what is about to happen, wondering about any shreds of self-respect.”  We need to remember my maxim about the CD Point: Indicates seemingly “fated” intrusions into one’s life, pressures that affect one’s status and goals.

In line with this major factor of this chart, we note two other angular components; the Moon at the IC angle, Pluto at the Descendant angle (and natal Node, Pluto at the IC angle, natal Asc. at the Descendant).  We will play astrological hop-scotch with these factors.

Transiting Moon at the IC angle; my forthcoming book notes, “Upsets at/in ones home, women visiting, feeling imposed upon in terms of what you value or protect.”  As a general statement, this is quite appropriate as severe upsets were occuring in his environment, he felt imposed upon to the most extreme extent.

Transiting Pluto at the Descendant angle; Power politics, brutality, irrevocable change by or from others is the most obvious meaning for this configuration.   Seeing this powerful position of transiting Pluto, we have to look for natal Pluto.  We hop-scotch over to transiting Moon at the IC, and its conjunction with natal Pluto at the “end of life” point in a chart.  When we see the Moon, we know that we can additionally look at the North Node point as an additional clarifier of the Moon’s position.   We see the transiting N.Node in the 8th house area (what I call the house of unequal sharing — he pays the bigger price on this day).  We see the natal Moon in the 12th house of undoing, the natal N.Node at the IC’s end of life position.  One indicator on top of another.

Final Comments

This chart ends the series of charts on the adult member of the D.C. Sniper duo.  We have seen in these charts a precise and reliable timing function, as well as a tutorial on how the angular planets describe the basic events and the individual interaction with them.  We can overlay this approach with more conventional astrological interpretive tools, but those do not seem to be overly necessary for successful interpretation.

At this point, my thoughts are to switch my focus from another series of such charts to the development of essays that go deeper into the concepts of these predictive methods.  If it appears that some notable person or situation is approaching a crises point, perhaps we can lay out some charts ahead of time to indulge in some actual prior prediction.  Comments?  Dave

Example Chart 01D: O.J. Simpson

Prediction; Example 01D for O.J. Simpson’s 2008 Solar Return prior to his trial.

O.J. Simpson's 2008 Solar Return (p.c.) chart

O.J. Simpson's 2008 Solar Return (p.c.) chart

This precession-corrected Solar Return chart shows Sun/Sun in the 4th house, 7 degrees from the IC, signifying changing circumstances, the adoption of new values, making a new life.  Natal Sun is in the 11th; one is always seeking a “new life” and a different future–this year he will get what he has always sought.  Transiting Jupiter opposes Sun from the 10th house area; Simpson expects much from others and has high hopes.  One might also say that Jupiter represents legal processes from an objective view point, but angular transiting Sun has also been shown to have legal impositions suggested.  Natal Jupiter was at the IC angle, so his social values and expectations will be “reversed” or restated in this annual chart.  These two angular bodies make up the core meaning of the chart.

We might also look at transiting Moon, conjuncting natal Neptune from near the Descendant angle.  Natal Moon was in Simpson’s 8th house; the house of unequal sharing.  Moon  squared  natal Uranus in the 11th;  expectations of what his friends contribute to his life tend to cause anxiety and upsets.  Or, to put it another way, why don’t they focus more on him?  We can see that transiting Uranus is approaching natal Moon, reinforcing this ingrained pattern.  The part that doesn’t visually fit in this chart is natal Neptune being conjuncted by solar return Moon.  When we find “parts” that don’t seem to fit into the “whole”, we need to stop and really look at those factors. Transiting Neptune conjuncts the transiting N.Node;  Unrealistic associations may be part of this message; Simpson had attempted to retrieve (via breakin and robbery) his property which represented needed cash-value to him.  Or, we might say his associates decieved him–this is how Simpson saw the situation.  All in all, there certainly was a lack of clarity and judgement in these circumstances.

What might we have said to Simpson, as a client, about this chart?

This year will represent a time of fundamental change for you.  Given last year’s escapade in which you attempted to retrieve your property, you need to take a highly realistic view of the upcoming trial and refrain from your subjective view of why those events occured.  You need to follow the objective advice of those who legally represent you.  The opposition of Sun/Jupiter in this chart begs for separation of your personal views and legal views.  Given the reasons for your attempt to recover your property, and the factors that suggest a lack of clarity in this chart, you should give your legal representatives the choices of how to make your case; your views and emotional factors involved in your mishap will not be seen within the legal system  in the same way you see them.

In any case, a change of circumstances is highly likely this year.  Your goal should be to mitigate and shape the changes that will be imposed, not to expect to totally circumvent them.

Additional comments

This form of chart reading, concentrating only on the solar return angular planets and their associated natal chart factors insures that we bring the life-long natal chart meanings in our life into our present circumstances —- and then we modify these views thru the transiting planets. Dave

Example Chart 01B: O.J. Simpson

Prediction Example Chart:  O. J. Simpson’s 2007 Solar Return.

With the natal chart of O. J. Simpson now covered, we can move into the process of developing predictive charts.  The chart presented here is a precession-corrected Tropical Solar Return (which is the positional equivalant of a Sidereal Zodiac chart only with Tropical signs and degree positions).   The natal chart is shown in the inner area, the solar return transits in the outer area.

O.J.Simpson's 2007 Solar Return chart

O.J.Simpson's 2007 Solar Return chart

The 2007 Solar Return Chart, precession corrected

This Solar Return occured two months before O. J. Simpson tracked down some “friends” who were selling autographed items that supposedly were taken from him.  Rather than have the police raid the sales-site and determine that he, in fact, owned the property. O.J. took matters into his own hands.  With the help of some friends, he crashed into a hotel room and took his own material.  Money had been important to Simpson because the family of his former wife’s slain boyfriend had a court order that was intended to retrieve a great deal of money from Simpson, money which he had never paid to the family.  Let us look at the promise of this Solar Return chart.

Natal Neptune is at the chart’s MC; group plans, unclear motives, deceit is the theme for the year.  Transiting Pluto is at the Ascendant; big challenges will present themselves, Simpson will change the rules to gain what he wants.   Natal Uranus is at the Descendant; expect surprises in what you receive and in how others react to you.   This chart has the three outer planets at the angles.   It seems likely the Simpson will be part of events which become bigger than his expectations.

Note the point labeled “CD”.  This stands for Co-Descendant, and the point marked is one end of an equal arc from the CD to the MC, equal to the arc Asc. to MC.  The CD becomes a mirror of the Ascendant and represents that area of the chart where others project themselve into our lives, become an unwanted challenge, force us to make adjustments.  Simpson’s natal Mercury is at this CD point, suggesting that his plans, words and ideas will boomerang back into his life.  The planets noted up to this point are the only planets we will consider in terms of this chart.  They will be the basis of what happens this year to/for Simpson.   So, what do we do with this information?  How do we use it? The comments made above following each planet, when put together, tell us what the challenges and opportunities for the coming year will be.  In this case, with the outer planets involved, Simpson will be caught up in events that run away from him, events that become bigger than life and overpower his personal desires and intent.

A Preview of Coming Events

In the coming posts, we will be introducing a method of constructing Daily Charts.  Just as we only used angular planets in this Solar Retrun chart, we will be focusing upon only the angles in these daily charts as well.  In these daily charts the angles will move quite rapidly over several days and weeks.  We will be looking for the Solar Return chart’s angles, and the angular planets noted above to be present at the daily chart’s angles on the days when events happen that are promised in the solar return.  On days when the angles of the daily charts do not contact the angular planets found in the solar return, nothing of note will happen.  So, we will be looking for Mercury, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to be at one or more daily chart angles.  When we get to those charts I’ll show readers how we can see the events within the chart.

Tropical vs Sidereal Solar Returns

Prediction 04: Tropical versus Sidereal Solar Returns

It might be safe to say that at least 95% of all Solar Return charts are cast using the Tropical Zodiac. At least by those who practice “western” astrology.  Why do so few utilize the Sidereal Zodiac?  The answer is that very few books, if any, are on bookstore shelves that present this most ancient of all zodiacs as the basis for their teachings.  All of the authors and lecturers seem to use the Tropical Zodiac.  One might conclude that the Tropical Zodiac is the only logical choice.

In my opinion the Siderealist’s have done something right and something wrong. The Irish Astrologer Cyril Fagan was a driven researcher who delved into ancient cultures and their writings and determined that the star-background, or Sidereal Zodiac, was the basis of measure and placement for the early forms of astrology.  Fagan also documented the findings of the Greeks and the discovery of precession (this phenomena had been known in earlier centuries by others), and the subsequent adoption of linking the zodiac signs to the Aries Point.  The introduction of careful and detailed mathematics also set a high standard for astrological research in this area.

What the Siderealists did not do so well was to define the Sidereal Zodiac and its basis of difference from/to the Tropical Zodiac.  Although the Sidereal Zodiac (SZ) was the original zodiac, it is incumbant on this newly re-introduced school of thought to sell itself to the reigning Tropicalists.  I haven’t seen this done, or done well.  So, how can those who practice astrology one way ever be convinced to practice it another way?

The one reason, above all others, to consider the Sidereal Zodiac or it’s convenient cousin, the precession-corrected Tropical Zodiac. “Timing” is the answer.  Let’s consider the following diagram:  sidereal-tropical differencesThe orbital path of the Earth is shown.  When the Sun reaches a point defined by its alignment with the Sun relative to the Zodiac Reference, as defined from the Aries Point, the Sun is said to have returned to its natal position.  Because the Aries point “precesses” or moves backwards along the ecliptic, the return of the Sun is accurate only in relationship to this moving zodiac.  This backward slide amounts to one degree every seventy two years. Note that the second Earth position, the Sidereal Return Position, places the Earth relative to the Sun and relative to the star background of the galaxy.  This reference basis does not slide backward or move.  The Precessional Difference, as shown in the diagram, requires that the Earth continue in its orbit for a longer period of time, often several hours.  Due to the added rotation of the Earth, a Solar Return chart cast in either the Sidereal Zodiac or in a precession-corrected Tropical Zodiac format will appear to be quite different from a “conventional” Tropical Solar Return.

The PROOF is in the pudding! In subsequent postings I will be constructing precession-corrected Tropical Solar Return charts, showing the details of how its done, and using the charts to demonstrate the dramatic differences due to the timing of the chart.  Now, I won’t be using Sidereal sign meanings.  In fact, I won’t be using any form of signs in my Solar Return charts, only in my natal charts to some degree.   On the whole, those who follow these posts will find that I use very simple methods and only the fundamental features of astrology such as Planets, Chart Angles, Aspects.  Other features which you won’t find include Signs, Houses (except in natal charts),  Rulerships, Dignities, Arabian Parts.  There will also be a few surprises here and there.

Posting Format To Be Used: I will be utilizing celebrety charts which are likely to be familiar to many readers.   These charts will be identified different than the “Prediction” category posts, being labeled as “Example:  name, number”.   This process will enable anyone to find specific posts made in prior months among other example charts that will be added over time.  Dave

Prediction 01: MC-Solar Cycle

Prediction 01: MC-Solar Cycle.

Our birth chart reflects unique factors such as the Date and Time, the MC and Ascendant, and the relationship of the Sun-Moon-Planets to those angles.  Another factor, seldom recognized by Astrologers, is the start of a personal cycle related to the daily forward advance of the MC and the Sun in a cyclic relationship.

The MC-Solar Cycle

The MC-Solar Cycle

The Sun advances a bit less than a degree each day, having 365.25 days in which to advance 360 degrees.  The MC advances about 1.25 degrees per day, or 450 degrees per year (360 + 90) which accounts for each Solar Return having its MC some 90 degrees further along the zodiac circle.  This also places the Sun some 3 houses further along in the chart.  This cycle first became obvious to me through the writings of Cyril Fagan, an Irish Astrologer and researcher.  Fagan discovered the use of the Sidereal Zodiac by ancient cultures and explored the coming to use of the precessing (moving) Tropical Zodiac by the Greeks in the early centuries and its re-discovery and use in the Renaissance period.  Fagan and other Sidereal adherents never did make their case for using the Sidereal Signs, but their research and math proved the superiority of the timing of the Solar Return chart when either the Sidereal Zodiac or a precession correction factor was applied.

The use of a Tropical Zodiac, Solar Returns incorporating a precession-correction factor, and the MC-Solar Cycle will be used to demonstrate a predictive method that will incorporate:

  • The birth chart as a “whole life view of one’s potential.”
  • The precession corrected solar return chart as a annual “theme for the year” view of the opportunities and challenges likely to be encountered.
  • Daily angles charts which reflect the movement of the MC and Asc. angles from one Solar Return to the next Solar Return for any day between.  These charts provide the focused “here, now” view of actions, events, responses that occur within the context of your life at that time and related to the natal charts factors.

There are other factors that go into the predictive process that I use.  These factors will be covered in future posts.  Once the basics have been laid out I will start to enter example charts for well known people to demonstrate the validity of the system.  Comments and questions are welcome.  Dave.