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The new ‘Ninthhouse 3’ format, introduced in late April, 2020, is designed to allow me  to showcase a broader range of astrological interests and projects.  This site started some ten years ago focusing on precession-corrected Solar Return charts and advanced daily charts using Riyal for Windows software. 

Then came, in 2014, the discovery and re-formulation of t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return charts.  During these years I was involved in a book study group on Karmic Relationships — a series of books written by spiritual scientist Rudolph Steiner. This led to the discovery of Johann Wolfgang Goether, German philospher, writer, poet, natural scientist and writer of one fairy tale — the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.  

This fairy tale led to a study of Awakenings, Near Death Experiences, NDEs, and OOBs — Out of Body experiences.  This is a story in itself.  Again, this led me to a resumed interest in graphic arts, a talent I seem to have been born with.

The end result is the Ninthhouse 3 blog site.  I will be presenting my various forms of Return charts, the use of new charting techniques, charts on Awakenings-NDEs-OOBs, the retelling and the illustration of The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, along with some of my other interest areas.

The end result will be a more lively and broader selection of postings, topical areas and exposure to a more creative astrology.   Yes, series-presentations will continue but will be interspersed with other postings.  It will take time to populate this blog site with examples across the spectrum that I’ve layed out.  Patience.   Dave.