MC-Solar Cycle profile: Newt Gingrich

This essay utilizes the MC-Solar Cycle to follow the career of Newt Gingrich during his rise to power as the Republican Speaker of the House and his resignation, plus a commentary on his efforts to reenter the political process.

Free to those who submit a profile — a .pdf file will be provided upon receipt of your profile information.  Please provide the following in an e-mail to :

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  4. Do you use Solar Return charts and any form of daily charts for prediction or for tracking purposes?
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Your information will not be shared but will be used to develop changes and improvements to the site.  It may be that more instructional material may be provided to assist viewers in applying this methodology to their own work. Perhaps a section should be added showing how to use software tools for this charting method. is my e-mail address.  Feel free to add any comments.  Dave

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