Another Journey for Sally Ride; The Beginning Of The End

Sally Ride Photo-2

Following her year long project to redefine the future goals of NASA, Sally Ride took a more quiet position within the organization and then retired.  Returning to her academic roots, Sally enjoyed her work and small circle of friends.  Then, while on a speaking tour to San Francisco, Sally felt quite ill.  She was persuaded to visit a doctor.  That examination was very upsetting and Sally returned immediately to San Diego, CA and a visit to her own doctor.  The diagnosis was that she had a cancerous tumor which would have to be treated. The first chart, a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return for the day of her diagnosis is shown below.


This is a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return in the 2nd house, having to do with one’s self-esteem and comfort-position in life. What strikes me most in this chart is the role of the natal planet patterns in the nature of this event.  

By the very nature of n/Sun-n/Mars, every Return chart involving the Sun activates Mars. t/Mars does not have a strong aspect pattern in this chart, but t/Sun to n/MC-n/Part of Fortune does; here, this pattern indicates “chance and change” will affect her career and standing in life (MC, PoF).  With t/PoF-n/Venus-IC being activated, “chance and change” will bring an end to the balance (Venus) she has enjoyed up until now. This pattern squares the ‘doom and gloom’ pairing of t/Saturn-n/Neptune in the 6th house.  Uncertain limitations will challenge her.  A series of treatments was immediately begun.  The tumor would be shrunk, if possible, to avoid surgery.  After several months, this hadn’t worked out, surgery would be needed.  The following t/Moon-to-n/Sun chart occurred prior to that surgery.


Again, this chart focuses upon the 2nd house of self-esteem and comfort.  The t/PoF opposes this Moon-Sun pattern, making the outcome very questionable. Could the surgery do what the chemical treatments could not do?  t/Saturn on the Desc. with t/Sun indicates the planned and professional effort of another (the Surgeon) who would attempt to help her.  t/Mars-n/Pluto doesn’t look good in terms of dealing with a drastic situation — note n/Moon opposite, an attack on a woman’s body is the most blatant interpretation, but a more reasonable interpretation would be to note the impact on the body’s lymphatic and circulatory systems, and the pre-operation nervousness that would ensue.  This is indicated by n/Uranus-n/Asc.-n/Venus at the IC angle.  We will now look at an advanced chart for the date of the operation.


Oct. 27, 2011, less than four years ago, was the date of Sally’s operation. t/Jupiter-Asc.-n/Mercury opposite t/Sun (the surgeon) lies across the horizontal axis of personal experiences. The vertical axis has no close planets.  t/Mars squares t/Moon-t/Mercury-t/Venus as a supporting pattern–BUT also squares t/PoF.  This whole pattern is not so positive.  t/Moon is linked into this whole pattern — I don’t think that Sally, herself, was very doubtful of the success.  The lady that was always so alive and forcefull in life’s efforts was now besieged with worry and doubt.  The interaction of the natal planet patterns in this chart is worth noting.  Sun-Mars, for example, had always symbolized Sally’s drive in everything that she undertook.  In this situation, the symbols represented the surgery on her body as well as the mental fight in her mind as she prepared to fight her body’s betrayal.  n/Asc-n/Uranus points to the suddeness associated with her finding out about this tumor.  n/PoF-n/MC was indicative of her rise to fame due to her drive and fortunate circumstances, but it also symbolizes the dramatic changes that now negatively affected her status in life. nMoon-opposite-n/Pluto is another succeed big and lose big pattern that seems to be playing out in this chart at this time.  With these charting methods I have always maintained that we need to treat the natal planets not as potential but as the manner in which we have made potential our primary forms of expression in our daily life, the transits being associated with the experiences that come to us.  Yet, natal planets — like all symbols — try to express themselves in as many ways as is possible.  This is our cosmic “fate” that we have to deal with; we can shape our use of how we use our planets, but we cannot totally control them in every case.  There are times in life when these symbols seems to control us.  Your comments are welcome.  Dave.

Metamorphosis Of A Symbol

Fort Sumpter

(Edited 5-25-2015) On April 12, 1861, in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, at 4:30 AM LMT, the first shell was fired by the Confederate Union on Fort Sumter.  This moment galvenized the states and the movement to separate from the union. The ‘Battle Flag’ pictured here is in popular use today, but this particular design was not introduced until several months after the start of hostilities. Many versions of this flag were used in the war.  Today, after decades as being seen as a symbol of racism and, for some, a kind of heritage-pride in the “South”, that battle flag is in its own battle following last weeks massacre of nine people in Charleston, S.C. by a hate-filled young

The now embattled Battle Flag of the Confederacy

The now embattled Battle Flag of the Confederacy

man who identified with the racist views of those who were still living in the past and had not adapted to the reality of today.  As we read this, the state government, after long defending the ‘rightfulness’ of this symbol of slavery as a ‘heritage’ issue, is in the process of doing away with flying this symbol on the states lands and buildings.  An overwhelming outpouring of anti-flag sentiment from the country has forced the formerly two-faced political crowd to come to terms with their professed religious beliefs and modern society.  The humble nature of the families of those slain have proven to be stronger than the hatred that some still carry for minorities.  This post will look at the battle flag of the Confederacy, as it has come to be associated with the fight to maintain slavery in the past and racism in the present, and the t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return for the date of opening debate by the political powers of the state of South Carolina.


The use of precession correction, over the years since the battle of Fort Sumpter has caused this chart to displaly the t/Moon some two degrees past the n/Sun of that date.  This is due to rounding to whole degrees plus the actual movement of the Aries point back from its Civil War days placement in the star field.  The chart is correct.

The ‘Return’ occurs in the 2nd house of ‘values’, values which are being questioned. With the n/PoF conjoining the n/Sun of the war’s opening, those values were always held in question.  Jumping over to the t/Sun-IC-t/Mars, we can see the symbolism of today’s challenge to those original long-ago values.  They are being reconsidered!  t/Neptune-Asc. identifies idealism, fantasy and social norms as all being symbolized as being front-and-center in the public’s eye.  It is highly fitting that the t/Part of Fortune conjoins t/Pluto in the house of community outreach.  What isn’t so fitting is that it took several lives of those slain, plus the lives of all the families of the victim and the shooter into a place of turmoil and hurt.  Let us look at Tuesday’s chart, advanced from this one, to the 23rd of June when the state’s political processes began debating the role of the Confederate Battle Flag.


(Edit, the reference to the Battle Flag and battle at Ft. Sumter is in error, as noted above)  Note that t/Sun and t/Mars continue to hold pace with the advancing IC angle.  This issue is not going away.  More significant is the alignment of the Fort Sumpter first shot chart’s angles now at the Advanced chart angles; a toal re-doing of the symbol of the battle flag is occurring.   This is one of the most powerful symbolic features of a cyclic chart— the return of the angles.  A re-birth is indicated, always.

t/PoF-t/Mercury come to the n/Mars-n/Uranus of the original Ft Sumpter chart.  A change of views of the sudden war and its foundation in society is indicated in this pattern.  Of final note, the supporting pattern of t/Uranus over n/Sun-n/PoF indicates a dramatic shift in perception.  If there ever was a time of honest evaluation of the need to discontinue the use of this symbol and similar symbols from modern political allegiance, now is the time.

And much of this is due to the unbelievable bearing of those whose family members and friends were killed in their church a week ago.  Their courage and faith has shamed a misguided segment of society.  Dave

A Horrific Church Shooting In South Carolina

Emanuel AME church photo

A bible-study and prayer meeting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC was held on Wednesday, June 18, 2015.  Among the several participants was a young white male, 21 years of age, Dylann Roof.  After being there for almost an hour he stood up, brandished a gun, and methodically started shooting.  When the gun was empty, he reloaded it.  He was asked why he had to do this terrible thing.  His answer indicated that he did not want black people to rape white people and take over the country; clearly the ranting of a misguided individual.  The shooting continued.  Nine were killed.  Afterwards the young man left and drove off in a small black sedan.  His images were captured on a surveillance camera.

Dylann in custody photoHe was soon identified by name.  Dylann was a school drop out, not working, and hadnot found a job in spite of his family’s pressure to do so.  He had a pistol which was given to him on his 21st birthday.  Police could not find him and put out an alert in the surrounding states.  Thursday morning, while driving to work, a lady spotted him driving northward through North Carolina.  She had seen the newscasts the evening before and recognized the small dark sedan with a young man having a ‘bowl-cut’ hair style from his pictures.  Dylann Roof was detained and sent back to his home state to face the consequences of his terrible actions.  Two charts will be presented, a t/Moon-n/Sun Return and an Advanced chart for the date of the shooting.  Dylan was born on April 3, 1994 in the Charleston area.  The charts are located for Charleston, SC.  A ‘noon’ chart will be used — Moon-to-Sun Returns work well with noon charts because everyone born a specific day at/near a specific location will all have a Return chart with the MC near the same position within plus/minus 7 degrees.  We can work with that.


This is a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return, 11th house, having a theme, in part, “Contributing to joint ventures having a public …impact. … Launching or completing a … venture… Changes in the … structure of a career.  Seeking to include others in the community.  Removal or leaving from a … group.”  Since this is an extreme event, the generic theme offered in my book has to be edited a bit.  As we know, the 11th house often show where and how we participate in doing something for the community, giving our skills or resources as an expression of love or caring for others in general.

Note t/Part of Fortune conjoining t/Moon-n/Sun while squaring t/Pluto-n/Moon. This “chance and change” (PoF) event will have irrevocable consequences (Pluto) affecting others (Moons) and their welfare (Sun).

We find a ‘doubled-up’ Sun here, with t/Sun-t/Mars on the Ascendant angle.  Dylann had “angry intentions.”  This anger was directed at others — note n/Ascendant at the Descendant angle.  We can also find a ‘doubled up’ Chiron pattern; t/Chiron at 21 Pisces opposing n/PoF at 22 Virgo, with n/Chiron at the IC angle squaring t/Mercury.  The natal and transiting Part of Fortune positions tie in the natal and transiting Chiron’s, while the IC and Ascendant are taken as “angles.”  There are other patterns that could be seen as supportive to the reckless decisions made in the name of anger on this day.  Let us now look at the Advanced chart for the day of the shooting itself, June 18, 2015.


In the week that has passed from the Return chart, several changes have evolved. Note the advanced MC, now conjoining n/Saturn and t/Neptune, a fixed plan and view of his world joined by confusion and ideals.  Note also that the advancing Ascendant and t/Sun and t/Mars have all kept pace with each other.  This anger has been building.  t/PoF conjoins t/Moon; a total emotional-reactive twist is given to his recklessness as this pattern opposes t/Pluto-n/Moon and squares n/Sun-t/Uranus.  You can’t make stuff like this up.  This is a real life tragedy expressed in symbols.

If one was to try to second-guess Karmic law, one would be overwhelmed trying to figure out why the young man would choose to involve himself and others in a tragedy of this nature.  This is really extreme.

I have often said that extreme examples of astrological symbols teach us much.  In this case the personal dimensions of this event in which so many people were killed in such an historic landmarkk keeps me from clearly seeing any astrological lessons.  I’ve stood on the steps of that church in Charleston and have walked those streets many times when I was stationed there in my service in the U.S. Navy and visits since then.  I realize that there is a lot of passed along feelings and viewpoints following the civil war 150 years ago, but that should be something left far behind by now.  In any case, this example again reiterates the applicability of these t/Moon-to-n/Sun charts for mirroring life as we know it and experience it.  Dave


Sally Ride Redefines NASA

Sally Ride photo mag cover

Following the destruction of the Space Shuttle Challenger, NASA was in disarray in terms of not having a schedule to work with, having all of its satellite launch contracts put on hold, a halt or slow down in its projects, and a desertion of key people for other work and non-government research projects.  The Presidential Commission Report determined what caused the Challenger’s fate.  Now, NASA had to kickstart a new future.  The politics and flow of money required something big be done.

Dr. Sally Ride was appointed to generate a full scale review of NASA and to define a future for the agency that would unite political, public, congressional-budget support.  Sally was NASA’s greatest public asset.  Over the years she had proven to be some form of ‘SuperWoman’, working long hours, developing new methodologies and equipment, training other astronauts and demonstrating leadership and excellence in every area of her work.  Dr. Sally Ride was NASA’s public face and most respected member.  The fate of NASA was put in her hands.

As astrologers we often have a birth date with no birth time and an event date to work with.  In this posting we will have the opposite situation; a birth date and time and location but NO EXACT EVENT DATE.  Using ‘Google’ and Lynn Sherr’s book, “Sally Ride, America’s First Woman in Space”, I have not been able to pin down the exact dates of NASA’s assignment nor the exact date Sally submitted her report a year later.  Yet, we can still examine appropriate charts and learn something about this whole process.


This is a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return in the 2nd house.  A theme for this chart relates to solid values, pride in one’s resources, and pride.  t/Moon-n/Sun-opposite-t/Saturn portrays the hard times, perceived restrictions and hard times that Sally (as a lead NASA representative)  was feeling.  t/Mars at the MC indicates the pressure and public loss of confidence felt by the agency. 

Note also n/PoF-MC-Mercury pattern for Sally at the chart’s Ascendant.  She would need to use and act upon her mental acuity and public image as NASA’s representative (N.Node).

So, we know that NASA handed this task off to Sally in August of 1986.  She had a single year to complete her findings and make her report.  So, what do we do in terms of a chart when we don’t know the date of her being called into an office and given this momentous task.  Well we ‘Advance’ the chart day by day and find a date that looks like it fits an event of this nature.  Then we study it.  We learn something.  If we don’t, then we check other dates.  The book notes that the month of August was underway, perhaps the middle of the month would be appropriate.  Yet, on advancing the chart I found the date of Aug. 5, 1986 interesting.


This chart may or may not be the date of NASA making a public announcement of Sally Ride’s new assignment, but it seems to be a likely date when Sally herself was told.  By mid-august she was settled in an office in Washington, DC, away from NASA, and starting her work.

On this date the Ascendant has advanced to contact the natal PoF-MC-Mercury grouping and t/N.Node and t/PoF brackets this personal degree of action and place.  Look at the opposition to t/Pluto on the Desc. angle.  Her activities would impose a total transformation on the agency.  n/Venus is at the IC point.

Now, we turn our attention to t/Sun-t/Moon contacting n/Asc.-n/Pluto.  The transformation of the agency would mean a transformation for Sally as well.

“When it rains, it pours” is a common saying, meaning that at times of stress more than one thing arises which has to be dealt with.  At this period in her life, Dr. Sally Ride was divorcing her husband of many years and taking up an affair with a girl friend. This was not Sally’s first same-sex relationship, but the divorce and a new partner at the same time she was taking on such a huge responsibility for NASA had to present overpowering difficulties to her.  Perhaps this is part of the Pluto symbolism in the chart.  

Sally MtoS 7-20-1987

This t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return finds the dual lights at the IC angle of ‘starts and finishes.’ n/Pluto-n/Asc. is at the Desc. opposing n/Moon at the Asc. angle.  t/Sun squares n/PoF-n/MC-n/Mercury-t/Jupiter.  We don’t have to tear these patterns into pieces in order to determine their interpretive nature.  The fact that the two lights and angles (both natal and transiting versions) are involved, makes this a life-milestone chart or moment.

Sally had already made up her mind to leave NASA, to return to a college/research type of environment.  She was financially secure.  A few speeches per year would provide all of the income she needed.  Her popularity in the business, civic, academic, research and international world was such that she could find speaking engagements every day of the year.

When was the report finished, submitted.  I don’t know.  The report is dated “August, 1987.”  I have no exact date. But this chart certainly covers the event date.  We can see what Sally was experiencing.  Dave.

Sally Ride: The Impact of the Space Shuttle Challenger’s Explosion

Challenger explosion

January 28, 1986 found Sally Ride flying from Atlanta, Georgia to Houston, Texas on a commercial flight.  The plane’s Captain did not know that Sally was aboard the plane when he announced that the Space Shuttle Challenger had just exploded after it’s launch from Cape Canaveral.  Sally was shocked and rushed to the flight deck, showing her NASA credentials.  She listened to continuing details of Challenger’s demise.  Her friends and co-workers were on that ship and had perished.  Upon landing, Sally proceeded directly to NASA headquarters.  The charts shown below are all located for the city of Houston, Texas.


Sally’s t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return prior to the destruction of Challenger occurred on Jan. 20, 1986.  Sally had taken two trips into space aboard Challenger.  The present launch crew consisted of names familiar to many American’s: Dick Scobee, El Onizuka, Judy Resnik, Ron McNair.  Scobee and Resnik had been part of NASA’s introduction of its new astronaut class, along with Sally,  She had known these people for almost a decade; now, they were gone.  Along with Challenger. This flight had also included Christa McAullife, a teacher who was to play a major role in NASA’s program to bring the Space Program into the nation’s school rooms.

However, that was eight days after this chart.  What we are exploring in this series of charts is the portrayal of an event that affects one, but which is also separate from the affected person.  Will this indirect chart tell us of Sally’s reaction to this tragic event?  t/Moon-MC indicates that this period will be very much an “in the public eye” period, something that was not unusual for Sally Ride.  Sally’s natal Sun-Mars conjunction at the MC indicates that she will be highly visible and very active in the upcoming cyclic period.  The opposition of these 10th house and MC factors to t/Saturn at the IC angle tells us of hard-to-manage events, and (using 20-20 hindsight) grief, sadness.  This is all of the angular components in this chart.  We can note the non-angular t/Part of Fortune (t/PoF) conjoining t/Neptune and opposing n/Uranus:  Sudden and highly confusing events or situations will create changes and upsets during this cycle.  Now that the above comments have been made it is necessary to go back to the one thing that I usually post first — the theme of the chart.  In this case the t/Moon-to-n/Sun position is in the 10th house, near the MC angle.  This cyclic period will clearly impact Sally’s career.

Challenger crewAs noted earlier, most of the Challenger crew were Sally’s co-workers and friends. The loss of Challenger and its crew was tragic for NASA who had reached a point where four of the Space Shuttles were flying routine loads into space (satellites)  or supplying the being-assembled International Space Station.  With the Challenger explosion, everything came to a screeching halt.

The chart below is Sally’s Advanced daily chart for the day of the explosion.


The chart angles show little activity, indicating very little involvement for Sally on this day.  t/Chiron-MC and n/N.Node-Desc. are the only close angular planets.  Using simple keywords, Associates (N.Node) will be hurting (t/Chiron) in terms of work-careers (MC).  t/Moon in the 1st house points to being publically visible and accessible (to the news media).  We can’t overlook the t/PoF transiting n/MC and n/PoF !  Whenever the natal and transiting PoF conjoin, a super-sized headache event is likely to occur.  With the involvement of the n/MC, and t/MC-Chiron being active, events of the day definitely relate to Sally’s career.

Three days later NASA announced that President Ronald Reagan had formed a Presidential commission to investigate the Challenger’s destruction.  Sally was the lone astronaut to be included in that group.  We haven’t talked much here about Sally’s work ethic and intense drive to excell.  In her eight years with NASA, and in the midst of so many keen minds and talent, Sally stood out as one who got things done, who knew everything to know about the shuttle program and the technology that made it run.  Few spoke to her as “Doctor Ride” but everyone knew here PHD title was matched to an intellectual powerhouse.  Sally’s chart for her being named to the Commission on Jan. 31, 1986 is shown below.


We still find, three days later, Chiron at the MC angle, and n/N.Node at the Desc. angle. The other major change, a very significant one, is t/PoF conjoining n/Sun-n/Mars and opposing t/Mars.  It is always interesting to assess doubled-up planets in opposition to each other.  We have seen that opposing natal-transiting Suns often equate to differing view points, squared natal and transiting Mars often relates to angry words or actions, while doubled-up Moons can signify emotional turmoil.  Here, I would suggest that the appointment to the commission will reveal ‘working at cross purposes’ or ‘one hand not knowing what the other is doing.’

As it turned out, the commission did function and did identify the problems that led to the failure of the shuttle to launch.  In the course of that investigation a number of operational problems, technical problems, political decisions, carelessness, and ‘not following written procedures’ was uncovered.  It was not a pretty story.  Yet, in the end, NASA and many good people prevailed, the Space Program continued, although changes did occur.

In this posting we did note the role of the natal and transiting Part of Fortune, even when not angular, as a significant indicator of turmoil, crises and change.  Doubled-up planets (natal and transiting) also have shown the need to ’emphasize’ their interpretive statements.

I have a question.  The readership of this blog is beginning to include many new-to-astrology followers.  Would it be helpful to include a listing of astrological symbols and interpretations, as well as comments on practices such as ‘doubled up’ planets, the nature of Returns and Advanced charts, etc. in a condensed form which could be downloaded, printed, and used when following my charts and comments.  If so, make a comment here or e-mail me at     Dave

The Curious Case Of Sepp Blatter; Winning, Then Quitting

Sepp Photo 1The posting-series on Sally Ride will be interrupted so that we can look at the charts of Sepp Blatter, now the former-but-still-in-office-but-resigned President of FIFA, the World Soccer Association.

Sepp Blatter, born March 10, 1936 at 4:10 PM in Visp, Switzerland has been the President of FIFA seemingly forever.  In this posting I will present the t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun Return chart, and two diurnally advanced daily charts; one for his reelection and one for his resignation just a few days later.


This Return chart occurred May 27, 2015 with the t/Moon in the 5th, the n/Sun in the 11th; an altogether fitting pattern for one who is associated with sports.  The generic theme for this pattern is “Committing oneself to projects benefiting others. Representing the best ideals of a group.  Planning for the future of family members. Supporting the arts or creative efforts.  Acting contrary to what is expected.  Being or causing disappointment.  Personal needs can suddenly arise.  Unease between personal and public life.”  Much of this statement could be applied piecemeal to Sepp Blatters actions during the days following this chart.

Let us first note the (outer) natal chart with Mercury-Venus opposite the Asc.; Sepp will have a congenial, pleasant manner in his dealing with others.  This was very much true as he remained in power through five elections despite heavy criticism from many of the larger industrial countries, keeping their demands at bay by working the larger crowd of smaller countries with promises of hosting future FIFA events.  However, during this cycle, starting just before the FIFA elections, we see t/Sun nearest the Asc. angle, opposing t/Saturn.  One’s direction, intent and focus is part of a scrutinizing, limiting process.  An election process. That’s it.  That’s the key, angular factor in this chart.  Now, there are other factors to consider that do not include angular planets.  Note t/PoF conjoining n/Neptune, opposing n/Saturn-n/Sun-n/PoF;  This adds some complexity to our chart analysis.  First, two PoF’s, conjoining-square-opposite, always indicate shocking surprises and chaos.  Guaranteed.  The natal pattern of Saturn-Sun-PoF suggests one who takes calculated risks and often uses subterfuge (n/Neptune) and promises (n/Jupiter) (the T-square pattern provides a survival technique) to play the game.  The game seems to be everything.


Advancing the t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun Return to May 28, 2015, Election Day, we find t/Sun and t/Mars in the first, but t/Mercury has fallen back (Retrograde) to move close to the Asc.  t/Moon opposes the Asc.  Mercury-Asc. opposite Moon-Desc is a classical election signature; words and thoughts will be offered to the public and others seeking a positive response.  t/PoF will conjoin t/Saturn-t/Moon and oppose n/Uranus on this day.  Firm expectations will be shattered,  t/Sun has moved forward to contact n/Chiron; light will be shed upon what is not right within the election.

Well, there was great controversy over Sepp’s winning reelection for the 5th time.  One prominent member of the board gave his resignation saying that he could not work with Sepp and all of the attending corruption.  News commentators questioned the unadressed problems of the organization, the problems revolving around the selection of a small gulf state where the heat makes playing soccer a nightmare for the players and attendees alike.


While the newspapers raged, Sepp found some behind the scenes trouble brewing.  Another mini-scandal was in the works and would soon be world news.  He had proved a point, he could win the election.  Now was the time to retreat, save his reputation and his money, and his connections.  Vanish.  Sort of.  Sepp offered his resignation.  Yet, the elections will not take place before the end of the year.  So, he is gone, he is here. What has changed.  FIFA’s problems are still here.

t/Mercury-Asc. now oppose t/Moon with t/Saturn close by, and t/PoF to overtake the t/Moon position later in this day.  We have to consider the movement of the t/PoF.  So, the public support for his words and promises of a few day ago are not subject to “chance and change.”  The public will not like another scandal on top of the election.  It was easier to leave than be tossed out.

Sepp Photo 2

He shut his mouth.  He walked away.  Committees can be appointed to review new problems.  The board can make decisions, leaving him out of the decision making, and perhaps leaving him out of direct contact with any new revelations.  Gone with a smile.  Bye, Sepp.

These types of charts, once again, show that only a few simple factors can tell the story when one has the context of that story.  This was simple.  Sepp was a talker, a genial hand-shaker, a personal politician, a consensus builder.  He had money, he needed no more that what he had.  Others could be permitted to skim bribes and cash as they saw fit as long as his lifestyle and public image was not affected.  That is why the scandals of FIFA mostly passed him by.  He was complicit in letting the culture be corrupted, but he did not have his hand out for money — only hadshakes, parties, and the good life.  Dave