Part 2; Milken pleads guilty

MM-photo-3JWe are going to go back in time to 1990 and look at Milken’s life situation.  Following an investigation by the Securities Exchange Commission, Milken was charged with fraud, racketeering, and insider-trading.  He plead guilty to those charges on April 24, 1990 and was sent to prison.  We will look at the charts for this date, starting with a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return for four days earlier, April 20, 1990.


This Return chart features t/Moon-n/Sun on the cusp between the 2nd and 3rd houses.  This is actually quite fitting as his trial was related to him seeking to enhance his personal gains and to do this by selling bad paper (securities).  He was the “junk-bond king” after all.


This Return chart’s t/Moon-n/Sun is, technically, in the second house, and the advancing angles over the next two weeks will emphasize the 2nd house placement of the Sun.  We can say that his life, for the then-present, will reflect his attention on seeking to improve his personal security and self-esteem.  

  1. n/Moon is at the IC angle; Milken is seeking security and validation.  Being square to t/Neptune-1st, he is dealing with a fantasy.  The square to t/Chiron, opposite t/Neptune, shows his self-deciption as a sickness of logical thinking.

  2. The natal nodal axis across the Asc.-Desc. horizon is telling.  n/S.Node-Asc. is related to his reliance on past and well-established beliefs and practices that have served him well up until that point in time.  He advocated hish-risk bonds and securities that would pay off at higher than typical rates.  Note that n/N.Node is on the natal Ascendant.  He was all about reaching out to others.
  3. n/Mars conjoins the S.Node, and is close to t/Neptune-t/Uranus, while t/Mars conjoins n/Mercury in the 2nd house;  this complex pattern integrates past practices (n/S.Node), aggressive presentations (n/Mars in 1st), unconventional (Uranus) dreams of wealth (Neptune) selling (3rd house) documents (Mercury) in an aggressive atmosphere (Mars, again).  
  4. Note t/Ceres at the n/Asc. in the 7th house of this chart.  Ceres normally is cast as the great mother, major life cycles, parent-child relationships.  Here, Milken is the ‘trusted one’ selling to the ‘believing ones (children)’ that he has an established relationship with.
  5. Finally we take note to t/PoF in the 10th house, n/PoF-t/S.Node in the 8th house. Another interesting pattern  Changes in his public image and status (PoF-MC) due to his well-established risk taking mind-set (PoF in 8th, t/S.Node-8th).

Let us now look at the Advanced chart for April 24, 1990.


We see the natal Nodal Axis closer to the Asc.-Desc. angles, and the t/PoF right on the Ascendant.  Personal changes affect him on this date.  Let’s look at what those changes might be.

  1. n/Moon-n/Venus bracket the IC angle; some form of balance and harmony is at work here, perhaps conditioned by the square to t/Saturn-n/Pluto in the first. It is almost as if he has recognized the faulty logic and lifestyle he has led and is now willing to let it all go.
  2. t/Neptune-n/Jupiter in the 1st house could be a sort of awakening moment, as he recognizes the folly of building fortunes on shaky foundations (Chiron in the 7th).
  3. t/Moon is conjoining t/Sun in the 4th; a new moon in the sky signifies the start of a new cycle of learning and growing.  This new moon is at Milken’s n/Uranus position — he sees the light.  DOES HE REALLY SEE THE LIGHT?  Note t/Mercury in the 5th house of risk-taking, opposite t/Pluto, the planet that can bring transformation.

In summary, at this time in his life, I think he was ready to see a major change in how he manipulated and sold securities.  There had to be a better way.  He could be a better person.  Following his release from prison, Milken went on to edtablish several charitable institutions and research centers, using his money and talents for the public good.  It was in this context that Trump decided to issue him a pardon, something he needed like a hole-in-his-head.  We will check out some other events in this man’s life next.  Dave.

Solar Return & SR-Prog’d charts for Milken’s ‘Start at the End’

I am following up the last post on Michael Milken’s pardon by President Trump, using a precession-corrected Tropical Solar Return for 2019, plus an ‘advanced’ chart which the Siderealist’s call a PSSR or Progressed Sidereal Solar Return.  The ‘pssr’ progression method is that of Cyril Fagan’s invention.  It is based on the fact that the MC of any annual Solar Return chart appears to have moved 90 degrees for the following year’s Solar Return chart.  Because Fagan was a well-respected Tropical astrologer before he recast the Sidereal zodiac school of modern times here in the ‘west,’ he developed his unique method of progression.

His progression method recognizes that the Earth completes its orbit about the Sun in 360.25 days.  That extra quarter-day (0.25) at the end of the orbital year relates to the 90 degree movement of the MC from year to year.  He also reasoned that the MC had to progress at a day-for-a-year rate of 360 degrees (one revolution of the Earth for each year — just like a secondary progression).  Putting the 360 degrees together with the 90 degrees for the quarter-day, he cam up with a progression of 450 (+/-) degrees for the annualar Solar Return.  Consequently, the MC advances about 1.25 degrees per day, the Sun just under one degree per day.  This moves the MC forward 1.25 degrees while the Sun acvances about 1 degree.  The time of the year for the S/R chart and the ‘equation of time’ factor changes these rates of advance a bit at different times of the year.

So let us look at Milken’s pc Solar Return for 2019, the July Solar Retrun chart prior to his February pardon by the President.  It will be interesting to compare this charting methodology to the t/Moon-n/Sun Return method.  These charts are cast using Ryial-for-Windows, running under a “Windows 8 compatibility” mode.  The program does not run correctly under regular Windows 10.

MM SR-2019-J

In this charting format, for Riyal for Windows, the Solar Return transiting planets are in the outer wheel, the natal chart is placed within the inner wheel.  Let us look at the chart.  1) The natal MC and t/Uranus are at the Ascendant angle, surprising development relative to Milken’s public image and goals are promised.  2) t/Saturn-t/Pluto-MC is evident; this famous cycle will complete and start again later in this annual SR period and will personally impact Milken.  3)  t/N.Node-IC angle; new acquaintances will come into his life regarding these promised developments.

With my long experience in Return and cyclic charting, I have discovered a new technique for Solar Returns.  I take the arc-distance of the Asc.-to-MC arc, and then projected from the MC towards the Descendant area of the chart.  In this case, this point is about 5 degrees Libra — contacting n/Neptune.  I call this point the “CD” for co-descendant.  Essentially, this makes the MC the midpoint between the Asc. and the planet at the CD point.  The CD-planet (in this case, n/Neptune) requires the MC’s role in the chart to be modified.  If we refer to Ebertin’s book, “Combination of Stellar Influences”, we get this statement, in part.  “The tendancy to act under the influence of others, also to lay oneself open to being led astray or corrupted by others.”  Milken didn’t need Trump’s pardon.  He had only served a short time in confinement years ago.  He is a billionaire who operates a number of charities and research centers, and lives a happy life in sunny California.  If anything, this “pardon” is likely to be embarrassing to him.

Let’s advance this pc Solar Return from July 5, 2019 to February 18, 2020 to see what the chart reveals.

MM PSR 2-18-2020 pardon-J

1) The natal MC is now located at the IC angle of the ‘PSSR’ (advanced chart), along with t/Uranus; sudden surprises and a change in one’s personal life is indicated.  2) t/Jupiter is sitting on the Ascendant with Pluto-Saturn just below the Asc.; good fortune, such as it is, and upset is the former status quo have occurred.

If we look for the CD-point, we note the Asc.-to-MC arc distance is sextile-plus 11 degrees are.  From the MC, the CD is then placed about 26 Leo, opposite the t/Sun; an authority (the Sun) will intrude into his life on this day or close/period.

So, that’s it.  PSSR charts often have only one-or-a-few patterns at angles to use.  Yet, the whole story within the context of his life is right there to see.  If looking at this chart ahead of time, we might not suspect a pardon from the President, but we would expect something designed to affect his image before the world (MC) and some surprising development (t/Uranus).

So, there you have it, another way to look at events by using a pc Solar Return and Cyril Fagan’s “developed for Sidereal astrologers” methodology as applied to a ‘tropical zodiac’ Solar Return (precession corrected).  I hope this is interesting to my readers.  Dave.

Milken, Starting At The End

Comment:  After deciding, based on her charts, that Shirley MacLaine had likely made up the story of finding a prized possession from a previous life, 1200 years earlier, I couldn’t bring myself to continue with her Camino story.  The following days recounted prior life experiences in Atantis and other stuff.  All of this was now very doubtful for me to try and follow, astrologically.  So, now on to new stories.

Milkin photo 4JMichael Milken was known in the later part of the 1900’s as the Junk Bond King.  He even won a Nobel Prize for his financial structuring of stocks and financing.  But, then several scandals broke out on Wall Street, the financial capital in New York City, and sooner-than-later, Michael Milken became involved.  More on those stories in a later post.  Today, I am looking at his pardon by Donald Trump, Feb. 18, 2020.

After being convicted of racketeering and tax violations, Milken served 22 months in jail.  He was barred from further operations in banking, lending, stock trading, etc.  No problem.  He open several centers that specialized in cancer research and other charitable endeavors.  He was quite wealthy and his short prison time hardly made a dent in his personal life.  However, the pleading guilty to the charges against him did leave a small stain upon his career.

Along comes Donald Trump.  Yesterday, on Feb. 18th, 2020, Trump went on a spree of issuing pardons suggested to him by his friends and donors.  Milken was one of them.  Trump, of course, is following his avoidance of charges stemming from the Mueller Probe-Report this past spring, and the Impeachment — for which the Senate saved his butt — by issuing a bunch of pardons.  This is seen as ‘normalizing’ his behavior in advance of him also pardoning all of his Administration’s team for various crimes for which they have, or are being, convicted.  Roger Stone, for one, is about to be sentenced to 8 or 9 years in prison, Paul Manifort is already in prison, as is his former personal lawyer, Cohen, and former National Security Advison Flynn is in the process of being sentenced.  All will likely be pardoned.

Milken is just a lucky recipient of this unfolding personal scandal of Trump’s.  His t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return is shown below.


This is a highly interesting chart.  1)  t/Moon-n/Sun is at the fourth angle, the start and end of affairs.  This speaks to itself.  Although MIlken’s life will go on as before, at age 73 this will likely be a small satisfaction for him.  2) t/Jupiter is at the MC; a fortunate experience for him, improving his status in some circles — as if his life as a philanthropist needed it.  But, something nice to talk about at the Santa Monica, CA yacht club.   3) t/Uranus-Asc. indicates the personally surprising development of the day.  4)  n/Part-of-Fortune at the Desc. angle, chance and change has arrived.  To back this up, note that t/PoF has contacted n/Moon.  Public recognition.  5) t/Sun now opposes n/Asc.-n/Venus — a nice touch indicating support from another person.  This is what is in store for Milken over the next two weeks.  Let us now move ahead 12 days, almost two weeks, to the last day of this cycle, Feb. 18th.


This advanced-to-the-18th daily chart is interesting, also.  While the Return chart had t/Jupiter on the MC, this chart has t/Saturn on the MC.  The Jupiter-Saturn pairing is what I call “the business of life” pair.  We have to take note of the larger picture here, these actions of President Trump are indicative of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of a few days ago — the upheaval and changes in ‘normalcy’ of the past. Trump is breaking all past practices of the pardoning-process where special teams of lawyers reveal proposed pardons.  Trump bypassed those practices, Milken is the happy recipient of these actions.  So, how should t/Saturn-MC be interpreted? A ‘restriction’ or ‘limitation’, in terms of his public image, has been removed.  Yet, that seems to be “small potatoes” for him.  I don’t know, perhaps a reader does and will offer a comment.

The Asc. angle has moved over the n/MC position.  His public image and career has been brought into the spot light and it affects him on a personal level.  n/Saturn is on the MC — another point in the ever-important Saturn cycle.  t/Sun is coming up on a square to t/Mars.  A highly energized period.  This will become exact in the next t/Moon-opp-n/Sun Return cycle.  Finally, I take note to t/PoF squaring the natal Nodal axis; changes in long-standing relationships are to take place.  I’m not sure how this works out in the social and business circles of a man in Milken’s circles works out.  Perhaps one of the readers can comment on this.

What we have seen in these charts is how well, within the context of one’s life, these charts reflect the situation.  Whether we use them to track our own or someone elses life, or use them for short-range forecasting, this charting methodology is quite fascinating and reliable.  Dave

Part 11-B; What About That “Proof Of A Prior Life?”

As I review Shirley’s precessed t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return chart for June 22, 1994, for its applicability to discovering, in a shop window, 1200 years later an ancient cross of a unique design.  This was the cross that was given to her by a historical figure, John the Scot.  Consider this.  This would be a gob-smaking unbelievable discovery (or recovery).  What are the chances that something so antique would not be held within a collection, a museum, a monastery or church!  If true, wouldn’t Shirley see this as a revelation, as a proof that we live again, and again, and again.  Would not this experience determine that we live and die as spirits in a temporary physical body.  Wow.

But, as one who is currently writing a book on Awakening, of attaining conscious awareness through a variety of paths and experiences, I find this chart lacking in the ‘fingerprints’ that mark those many other charts that I have studied.  I believe that this story may be a fabrication or another dream drama within her head.

Let us look at this Advanced chart from that view point.


Attributes -JThe table at the left is for the benefit of the many (yes, there are many) new-to-astrology and early-studies students of astrology who need a bit of help in keeping planet glyphs and meanings straight in their minds.  Sun (awareness, intentions, truth, enlightenment) is not closely angular.  We are looking at n/Sun being some 11 degrees from the Desc. angle.  I do note t/Neptune and t/Uranus at the IC angle, this could be a tinge of fantasy and imagination for this story line.  t/Pluto at the n/Asc. in the chart’s second house — an upset of ones view on a revelation-story.  And, t/Part of Fortune opposite n/Neptune-n/MC also looks suspicious.  Am I seeing shadows.  I think not.  This incident should be the main point of the Camino pilgrimage — a proof of establishing a spirituality link to the past, to an afterlife.

I would like some feedbak from those following this post-series.  Was Shirley spinning a fantastical tale?  I think so.  So, let us look at a different type of chart: a t/Moon-to-n/Mercury.  This chart type looks at common sense (Mercury) and sympathetic responses.


Here we see t/Moon-IC-opposite-n/Mercury-MC.  Let me ‘cherry pick’ some comments from Sue Tompkins book, “Aspects in Astrology.”  

PLUS INTERPRETATION:  Cool, detached, communitative (Mercury) and sympathetic response (Moon).  She notes, “Facts tempered with consideration of what is actually useful to the matter at hand.”

NEGATIVE INTERPRETATION:  “Feelings, emotional bias, cosidering what is best . . .”  Distort capacity to look at facts.

n/Jupiter is in contact by t/Moon; enlarging on ones emotional bias.  t/Sun-12th-squares-n/PoF-9th;  honesty is subject to change to meet the situation of one’s private or hidden needs.   Since the MC is so important here, lets look at n/MC which conjoins t/Chiron.  Are Sherley’s long-standing goals tempered by inner hurts that need to be addressed?  Now, note t/PoF conjoining n/Asc.; what one experiences (Asc.) is subject to change (PoF).  This mirror-image of angles and PoF ‘doubles-up’ the importance of making changes.  Lets advance this chart to the 22nd of June.


The above chart is advanced to the date of “the antique croos being discovered.”  We can note that t/Moon has moved on to square t/Saturn-n/Venus at the cusp of the 9th house (distant knowledge, or ‘stretched truth’).  t/PoF will also, on this date, conjoin t/Neptune (illusion, etc.).  t/Sun-t/Mercury are entering the 12th house.  Just the feel of this chart, these patterns seems suspect.  I will stock by my opinion that Shirely’s account of finding a possesion from 1200 years earlier is a matter of fiction.  Especially since she offers no photos in the book, Camino.  Dave

Proof Of A Prior Life.

We are back to our Shirley MacLaine’s Camino pilgrimage series. But, first, a couple of comments.  The past several days have been dedicated to helping a few others assess their Near Death Experiences, one of whom had an actual ‘Awakening’ or an attainment of conscious awareness.  Many NDE experiences do not involve visiting a heavenly environment, meeting dead family members or receiving instructions to change your life.  Those that do have distinct astrological patterns.  My current ‘book-in-the-works’ has led me to do much research in this area.  If this list is interested in the area of exploration, comments should be offered.

SM Photo START of CaminoNow, to Shirley MacLaine’s Camino pilgrimage and her daily encounters.  I have changed the location or basis for her charts to Leon, Spain, close to the halfway point on the Camino.  I just want the charts to be as accurate as practical.  The date is June 22, 1994.  

A few days earlier, Shirley heard a newscast on a shop’s radio that she was walking past.  O.J. Simpson has trying to evade the police in his white Bronco back in California.  

While walking along the trail, she had come across a small pond.  Taking advantage of the quiet silence, she took off her dirty clothes and dived into the water.  While there, thoughts led to her talks with John, the Scot from a prior life on the Camino trail when she was a young Moorish girl.  They had talked about the need for her to rid herself of many biases.  So, on this day she ‘baptised’ herself in this water as a symbol of having come to peace with herself.  Upon leaving the water, she noticed a crowd of locals standing there watching her.  She just got out, dressed and started to leave.  Many came and asked for autographs or just to express their admiration for her movie-work.  She then continued on her way.

We now take up her activities on June 22nd near Leon.


The evening before a local lady offered to wash her clothes and to carry her back pack to the next town.  This permitted Shirley to walk without the burden of a pack and give her back a rest.  So, she set off this day with a bounce in her walk and looked forward to what this day would bring to her.  She had snuck out of where she was sleeping by use of a back door and avoided photo-journalists at the front door.  Leon was a spectacular city with a great cathedral.  Leon was an important capital in Christian Spain in the 10th and 11th centuries.  The Moors had conquered the area two centuries earlier and battles still raged in the centuries following. Walls surrounded the old city, but modern day building extended out over the hills that surrounded the city.

She approached the city and later found herself in narrow streets with lots of small shops.  She felt she was being guided through the streets.  Then she saw a small jewelry shop.  The window was full of a variety of outdated ornaments.  In one corner of the window she saw a cross — a very familiar cross.  It was the cross that she had been given nine or ten centuries ago to protect her on the Camino trail.

The shop-lady told her it had been handed down through many people, that it may be Christian or Moorish, even Egyptian due to its blended design.  It probably came down from the time of Charlemagne.  Tears came to Shirley’s eyes.  She remembered the time as John the Scot placed it around her neck.  Of course she purchased it on the spot.  I have looked through Shirley’s books, blog sites, but I cannot find a photo of this cross or of Shirley wearing it.  It is hard to believe this story without such an important item as this being presented as proof.  Let us now examine her chart.

If we wish to concentrate on ‘antique jewelry’ we need to look at Venus and Saturn, perhaps Mercury also.  1) t/Venus-10th-square-t/Jupiter-1st; despite being in a square relationship, this is a gracious pairing.  The discovery of the Cross brings a warm glow to Shirley’s personality and sense of self-image that links the present and the past.  2) n/Venus is close to t/Saturn in the 5th house; no comment on this.  3) n/Pluto trines t/Pluto; perhaps this is a good time to ‘unearth’ or dig up something.

I can’t make the case for discovering an item as important to the story of a prior life and its recovery some twelve centuries later.  Perhaps the readers can.  I will end this posting here and to look at some more charts, perhaps a t/Moon-to-n/Venus or t/Moon-to-n/Pluto.  If I find anything I will post it.  Dave


Trump: A New Chapter In An Old Story

This posting has been edited to reflect the aftermath statements by the President following his Senate acquittal vote.  View the addendum comments.

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2020, Washington, D.C.  A new chapter unfolded as an older chapter closed.  President Trump was acquitted of charges in his impeachment trial by the Senate.  The Senate was controlled by his party, the Republicans.  On this very day, Trump had a t/Moon-n/Sun Return; starting a new cycle for him.

Donald Trump photo pointing fingerThis chart is shown below.  Notable is the t/Moon-n/Sun is located in the 7th house.  The generic theme, taken from my book, Personal Moon-to-Sun Returns 2, page 51, is, “Engaged with others, actions taken on behalf of another.  Social/partner issues contend with career issues.  Surface agreement may prove false.  Negotiating.  Meeting with friends.  Offering or receiving support.  Others impose situations upon you, you upon them.”

The overall sense taken from these words is one of contention and ‘apart-ness.’  Because Trump’s natal chart is really a “full-moon” chart, any of the “new-moon” charts (such as a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return chart, poses a dilemma for him.  Normally, he is contentious with others, he has difficulties with woman, he is often polarizing.  With a ‘new moon’ situation, he finds himself in the midst of a battle, but being supported by others.  Does he deal with this within a sense of gratitude?  No, it has to become a personal victory of his, alone.


The above chart has an anomaly.  There is a t/Uranus at 2 Taurus shown.  When calculating and producing this chart on-screen. this symbol does not appear.  Yet, when saved and then placed here, this errant Uranus glyph appears.  For a man of this age, we cannot have t/Uranus and n/Uranus near each other.  Please disregard this strange situation.

As noted, t/Moon-n/Sun is in the 7th house, opposite n/Moon and t/Mars.  His natal chart has Mars rising.  We can expect verbal attacks on everyone. 

n/Uranus is on the Desc. angle, exactly square t/Neptune-3rd.   Note n/Neptune on the MC angle.  Uranus-Neptune combinations often point to a lack of control,  With the two Neptunes activating the 3rd and 10th houses, what he speaks about in terms of his image and office is likely to cause uncertainty.  He will be subject to various disappointments in the speech of others and characterization of his office as he represents it.

The above statement fits with the headlines of the day concerning Mitt Romney, Senator from Utah, who was the sole dissenting Senator to condemn his actions and to vote for impeachment among all of the Republicans.  The end of the long trial to impeach him came and went in a simple manner, but this one act of defiance against Trump made big headlines and news coverage.

t/Venus at 27 Taurus is close to the IC at 0 Aries.  Both t/Neptune and t/Venus square the t/Moon-n/Sun pair.  We can choose to view this in several ways:  As support for Trump, as false support for Trump, as illusionary ‘connectedness’ to his values and program, as a forced support (due to the square) — since he retaliates against those who oppose him.

So, another chapter in this national soap-opera has ended.  In the next posting we will again take up the pilgrimage of Shirley MacLaine on the Camino trail.   Dave

Edited to add:  As expected the President has made two appearances today as of 1:00 PM to talk about his acquittal by the Republican-controlled Senate.  His first statements came at a annual Prayer Breakfast held every year a couple of days after the State of the Union speech.  Although this was a bi-partisan event, he spoke about the impeachment, the Democratic-run House of Representatives, the Senator from Utah, Mitt Romney, who voted against him.

Later at the noon hour, he hosted political supporters to give a lengthy victory speech.  In this speech he covered every issue encountered in his campaign for the office, his time in office, his predecessors.  Praise and lies about Republican actions and accomplishments, lies about Democratic actions, comments on the economy, the current elections and how well the Republicans are doing (they are not doing well, having lost all of the inbetween and special elections for Senate and House interim elections, governor races, and losses in court battles.  We are witnessing a full-scale attack on everyone he feels is against him.  The chart showed this, he is confirming it.  Dave.

John Bolton; Caught In A Tough Place

Bolton photo-1This is written Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020.  It pertains to Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2020.  On Feb. 5th, the U.S. Senate will vote on the Impeachment of Trump — they are expected to support Trump and vote down the attempt to impeach him.  John Bolton has an interesting chart for this day.  His t/Moon-to-n/Jupiter Return chart is diurnally Advanced to this particular day, Feb. 5th.


John Bolton could have appeared before the House of Representatives and given testimony, he didn’t.  While the Senate declined to have witnesses, Bolton could have gone on TV and done an interview, he didn’t.  He could have released more information from his book via the New York Times or Washington Post, he didn’t. He let an opportunity to make a difference.  He let that opportunity pass so that he could personally profit from his soon-to-be-released book.  Let us look at the chart posted above for the upcoming Wednesday, Feb. 5th.  Keep in mind that the context for this chart is John Bolton’s role in the impeachment process as a potential influencing factor.

t/Mars-n/Mars-Asc.;  Bolton will be embroiled in an attack on him as well as him counter-attacking.  In the context of the day, it seems he will be attacked for not playing the role of exposing some of Trump’s lies, as well as being attacked by Trump relative to his book — it is lying, or it should be kept from being released, or both.  The Democrats will certainly criticize him.

t/Moon opposes t/Mars-n/Mars-Asc.;  The public will also take a dour view of his decision to act in his own interests rather than serve the country.  Backlash is one of the day’s themes.  This may dampen his books sales in some way.

Here is an interesting pattern:  t/Mercury-square-n/Sun and n/Mercury-square-t/Sun.  This pattern, like the t/Mars-n/Mars-Asc. pattern, emphasizes the pattern’s importance.  With two Mercurys and two Suns, we can surmise two voiced opinions and two wilfull people manuevering to make their points.  There is a battle of words shaping up here. 

Since the two Suns (natal and transiting) are involved, note that the t/S.Node is at the midpoint of these two Suns.  Each side will argue from the past-established positions.  “Same-old, same-old positions.”  Much noise, no appreciative audience to listen to the claims.

Finally, note t/Part of Fortune in the 4th house.  Somehow, once the verbal attacks are over, a new appreciation for the results of the impeachment being stopped in its tracks will emerge.  Perhaps that is signified by the election primary votes in each of the states being underway.  Attention may/will turn to the fall election.

Conclusion:  On Wednesday, 1) following the State of the Union address by Trump the evening before, 2) following the Iowa Caucuses of Monday-Tuesday, 3) prior to the New Hampshire primaries next week, 4) under the expectation of several court cases related to Trump-Giuliani-Parnas-Subpoenas-Taxes, and discussion for/against John Bolton — all of this will be in the mix.  I don’t see how Bolton comes out of this in a better position.  He will be hated by both the Republicans and the Democrats, and the Press will not be kind to him.  His book sales may end up being badly hurt.

Enter John Bolton, Would-Be Wildcard!

Bolton photo-2Behind all of the Senate’s convoluted antics as they avoid facing any facts and strive mightily to follow the dancing ball of hypocrisy as presented by the President’s lawyers, lies the story of John Bolton.  Bolton, former National Security Adviser to the President, had quit his post after the President attempted him to take part in the Russian-originated plot to involve Ukraine in the investigation of Joe Biden’s son.  Bolton would have no part in the phony corruption story.  He left.

As it turns out, Bolton was writing a “tell-all” book.  As the Impeachment process moved through the House of Representatives, Bolton let it be known that he would like to testify if he was subpoenaed.  Of course, “subpoenas” were working their way through the court process for several people, and the House had not illusions about a subpoena being enforced and responded to in time to include testimony in their bag of evidence.

Bolton upped expectations in the past few days by leaking statement by his book through the New York Times and other outlets.  He was a witness to Trump trying,  and asking others, to fabricate a corruption story involving his political rival, and to get the Ukraine President to publicly state that there was an investigation.  In the last day or two, Bolton further leaked the story that Trump had tried to involve him in this bizarre plot as early as May, 2019.  Many wondered why he just didn’t come before the House of Representatives earlier.  Well, he wanted to sell a book more than he wanted to help keep the country from entering the mess it is now in.  Shame on him.  Then came another bombshell.  One of the lawyers presenting to the Senate, claiming that Trump was innocent of any wrong doing, was himself involved in the circle of those promoting the false narrative about corruption and the former V.P. Biden.  It is illeagal to be both a participant in a crime and a legal advocate defending that crime.  Yet, the Senate ignored all of this in its efforts to save the President from himself.

Lets us look at a t/Moon-to-n/Jupiter Return and diurnally Advanced charts for John Bolton.  The Return chart is shown below.  Keep in mind that n/Jupiter, in Bolton’s chart, represents the courts, legal situations, and the Congressional Impeachment process.


t/Mars-Asc. squares t/Venus-opp-n/Saturn (3rd-to-9th); Mars, in the context of Bolton attacking Trump and his cover-up scheme, represents an attack made by him which defends his sense of personal values (Venus-rd) as he states them, and his long-standing conservative standing for hard foreign policies (Saturn-9th).  Remember, I am trying to keep this in the context of Bolton’s public and leaked statements about his motives, as well as how his actions affect the sales of his soon-to-be-published book.  

Now, take note of n/PoF at the MC and t/PoF-n/Mercury-11th;  Bolton is creating a crises (natal PoF at the MC) concerning the goals and ideals of the Impeachment process as a fundamental Constitutional article.  However, the actual chaos and change is being talked about (Mercury in the 11th) by the whole Washington, D.C. community BUT the talk is only generating noise, not action.  Why?  n/Mercury squares t/Mercury; as Shakespeare said, “Much ado about nothing.”  

Yes, there were lots of speculation, highs and lows in political coverage and hoped-for changes in the course of the Impeachment trial.  We can see Uranus involved in all of that; t/Uranus square t/Sun, n/Uranus opposed by t/Moon.  Everyone was all stirred up.  Look at those Moons; t/Moon-conjoins n/Jupiter and n/Moon opposes t/Jupiter.  Lots of hope.  Now let us look at February 1st, the Advanced chart.


The national news is subdued.  The Senate voted on Friday night to not allow any witnesses and documentation to be presented.  The vote was along party lines with only two (out of the four needed) Republicans voting with the Democrats.  The rest of the process, next week, will be one of “just going thru the motions prior to taking a final vote on Feb. 4th, that will let the President off the hook.  The larger picture behind this action is that it destroys the Constitutions structure to create a balance and checks on power, between the three branches of government.  This can be highly dangerous to our country.  The Republicans just want to stay in power.

t/Mars is now on the Ascendant; I am expecting that Saturday or Sunday will reveal more devastating leaks that will incriminate the President, but which at this late date will have no real immediate effect on him.  t/PoF-3rd opposes n/Saturn-9th; Bolton’s desired to change the national picture now represents “the irrestible force (PoF) meeting the immovable object (Saturn).  His t/Moon conjoins his n/N.Node; what he wants from the public is playing to deaf ears.  Today, all of the attention has shifted to the Iowa Caucuses.  Other political events are now taking the stage.

Bolton’s situation, relative to his book and the Impeachment process is about to change.  I’ll be posting soon about what is going to happen next week.  Dave