Update for Posting Index

The Posting Index has been updated, covering Dec. 2014 back to March 2009.  All postings are listed by name or topic along with the month(s) in which they appeared.  All one has to do is to click on the month/year shown in the right sidebar to view the postings for that month.

The Ninth House blog site is approaching its five year mark.  The Posting Index provides a great coverage of people and charting examples.  Dave

Part Ten: A Mis-Guided Life Falls Apart

Cary Photo 3

Sooner or later, life changes.  Life changed for Cary Stayner in July 1999 following the murder of Jolie Armstrong at Yosemite National Park.  Cary had casually met Jolie and talked with her.  People remembered seeing him and his truck.  Cary became a “person of interest.”  

His backpack and truck were searched.  He was told to not leave the area following a period of intense questioning.  On, Saturday, July 23, 1999
after searching his apartment they believed they had enough evidence to charge him with the murder.  Cary was nowhere to be found.  Information led them to a Multi-Views logo-Jnudist camp that he frequented where he was found and arrested.

In some cases, a t/Moon to/opposite n/Saturn return is appropriate to use as an arrest chart; n/Saturn representing one’s sense of limitation, restriction, facing of responsibility.  The t/Moon (in this combination) representing worry, emotional reaction or release, vulnerability to external changes.  Cary Stayner’s t/Moon-opposite-n/Saturn Return occurred on July 13, 1999 and is shown below.


t/Moon-opp-n/Saturn, 2nd to 8th house, involves his personal prestige versus his responsibilities to others as a theme.  What makes this interesting is that this time also marks a new moon environment–a changing, developing experience relative to his social responsibilities to others (the 8th house).

Even more notable in this chart is t/Part of Fortune at the Ascendant; everything is likely to change within the theme-meaning of the chart.  “Change” is also represented by the IC of any chart — the end or the start of a situation.  We find t/Venus conjoining n/N.Node; a time to balance one’s relationships or associations with others.

Now, we can play astrological hopscotch and jump around to other similar patterns in the chart.  Because of t/PoF at the Asc., we should note the n/Asc. in the 7th house opposite n/Venus.  How Stayner relates to others is an issue in this chart, in this cycle.  Because the IC is involved we can jump to the natal IC-MC axis which has t/Mars at the MC opposite t/Jupiter at the n/IC.  This is an example of Jupiter’s association with legal matters, the processes of society in play.  Mars energizes this axis, in terms of actions against his goals and aims in life (t/Mars conj. n/MC) and actions taken in terms of legal or court considerations.  The chart mirrors the situation.

It should be noted that a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return for the 14th of July would have the same planet patterns but does not show significant angular activity beyond the t/MC approaching n/Asc.  In other words, this cycle is not so much about balancing one’s life in the midst of external influences.  The chart presented below is an Advanced chart for July 23, 1999, a date several days after the t/Moon-opp-n/Saturn chart when Cary was questioned and his back pack and truck searched.  He was now a person of interest.  Cary was told to not leave the area.  The following morning, Cary was not to be found.  His apartment was searched, a warrant issued.  He was picked up at a nearby nudist park that he frequented and charged with Joie Armstrong’s murder.  An arraignment followed.

The advanced chart for July 23rd, 1999 is shown below.


t/PoF has conjoined t/Mars opposite t/Jupiter and conjoining n/MC-n/Neptune; Chance and change (PoF) has brought action against his life interests.  The upsets ‘promised’ in the Return chart have now been activated.  t/Venus-n/Pluto (Cary has to transform his view of love and relatedness to others) in an almost sudden fashion.  Let us follow this series of events just a bit further.

Following his arraignment he gave an interview to a local TV station.  This was on Monday, the 25th of July, 1999. An Advanced chart for this date is shown below.


t/Sun-t/Mercury oppose t/Neptune-n/Jupiter.  Speaking one’s mind in an unreal situation involving a wide social circle is one of several ways this pattern can be viewed.  In this interview Cary Stayner confessed to not only killing Joie Armstrong but also the February killings of Carol Sund, her daughter and her friend.  A shocking interview.  The t/Venus-n/Pluto pattern is fulfilled or expressed.  The t/Mars-t/Jupiter-conjoining-n/MC and n/Neptune is fulfilled.  The t/Sun-t/Mercury-opposite t/Neptune (a doubling up pattern) and opposist n/Jupiter (another doubling up pattern) is fulfilled.  Again, the chart mirrors the situation.

As always, we as astrologers, have to ask ourselves, “With all of these examples, could we project the likely developments in a client’s life if we understood the context of their life, the flow of events?”  This is the key point in cyclic charting; the fitting of the chart’s patterns into the personal life of the subject.  We are not talking an overview of developments in a subject’s life such as would be seen in a progressed natal chart.  We are talking about one view through one planet-pairings perspective, into one day in a life.

This is a different form of astrology.  It may be difficult to make the shift from generalities to close-up-and-personal astrology.  Are we up to it?  Dave








Part Nine; The Yosemite Murders Continue

Joie Ruth Armstrong

All had been quiet since later winter at the Yosemite National Park.  The bodies and car of Carol Sund, her daughter and their friend had been found, suspects brought forward for questioning, leads followed up, but no concrete information on who had actually carried out the murders.  Among those interviewed early in the investigation was Cary Stayner — he was dismissed as unlikely to be a murderer due to his own unfortunate childhood experiences.

Multi-Views logo-J

On July 22nd, 1999, a hunt was initiated for a young naturalist at the par, Joie Ruth Armstrong.  She was headed out to visit friends north of San Francisco.  Her truck and luggage were still at the cabin where she lived.  Several groups spread out from the cabin, one followed a stream through dense brush.  First some keys were found in the water, visible due to the sunlight glancing off of the metal.  Then, a body.  A headless body.

Cary Stayner’s  t/Moon-to-n/Mars Return occurred on July 17, 1999 and is shown below.


t/Moon-to-n/Mars in the 9th; with no other aspects, we can only see this pattern as Cary Stayner experiencing deep needs (Moon) for aggressive expression (Mars) relating to a distant place from his neighborhood (9th house).  Cary’s natal pattern, Asc. opposing Venus from the first to the seventh is realigned here in this Return chart in the first house to the seventh house.  His view of women, their value and image (whom he generally hates and wants to hurt) is being brought to the surface.   Jumping to t/Venus at the midpoint of n/N.Node-n/Neptune we might say that his attraction to the fair sex (Venus) is part of a disillusioned (Neptune) view of his associations (N.Node) with them.

Now, let us note t/Mars conjoining n/MC while opposing t/Jupiter, the n/MC being in the Return chart’s 10th house.  His expression of anger is his goal during this cycle.  t/Part of Fortune, always a potential trigger no matter its chart position, opposes n/Pluto; the excitement and challenge (chance and change as the PoF keywords) of control and devastation (Pluto) is alluring.

The chart below is for the date of the actual killing of Joie Ruth Armstrong, the lady in the photo at the top of this blog-page.


Now, this is a significant chart.  The natal angles are realigned with the Return chart angles.  Life is at a turning point.  Think about this.  If the birth chart points us along a line of potential development which we shape into our personal life-style and direction, then any reestablishment of this pattern points to a new potential, new choices and actions within a short time span.  So, let us look at those choices and actions.

t/Mars conjoins n/Neptune in the 10th;  His illusionary goals are in sight and will be acted upon.  t/Jupiter-t/PoF in the 4th  opposes t/Mars, n/MC-n/Neptune; the chance (he see it as an opporunity) to enlarge (Jupiter) his enjoyment and activities is at hand.  t/Moon squares n/N.Node; emotional needs are stirred by his associations or the people he sees and fixates upon.  It is unlikely that this latest victim was a ‘random’ choice.  Cary was in and around this area all the time.  He must have seen this buoyant young lady (26 years old) and been both attracted and repulsed by her presence as she clearly was unlike the vile pictures of women he carried in his head.

We will continue this story in a few days.  Dave.

A Fire Storm Five Years In The Making; The “Torture” Report

David Monroe, Dec. 9, 2014©


This review utilizes the heavily researched Ronald W. Howland chart for the signing of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 at 10:55 AM LMT, Philadelphia, PA as presented in his book, American Histrology, 2014.  The U.S. chart has been precession corrected and a cyclic t/Moon-to-n/Sun chart for Dec. 8, 2014 and a diurnally advanced chart for Dec. 9, 2014 Flag-1(the date of the release of the report on the use of torture and enhanced interrogation techniques).

In the course of 238 years the precession corrected Sun has moved from 13:12:39 Cancer to a corrected position of 16:50:55, a difference of 3:38:06 degrees-minutes-seconds.  The rate of change is about 1 degree in 72 years.

The t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return in the 12th house has a theme dealing with choices of conscience and self-interests, balancing conflicts.  Government processes, interaction between people or groups that limits or incapacitates one side while serving the needs of another is suggested.  Actions can have an opposite or unintended effect.  (This statement is nuanced for mundane application from the personal themes given in my upcoming book, Moon-to-Sun Returns).  Each house position of t/Moon-to-n/Sun positions, or opposing house positions of t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun positions have a unique theme that overlay the entire two-week cycle of the Return chart.












I have kept the chart’s data at the side of the chart so that the readers may be able to replicate this chart using their own software and to explore its contents further. The 12th house position of t/Moon-n/Sun relates to secrecy, a position that contrasts with the 9th house founding Sun (openness, altruistic, international endeavors and principles) and 4th house placement of the founding Moon (people coming and going, assimilation of values from various sources).  The natal Sun-Moon polarity has been subverted.

n/Mercury, near the Asc., opposing t/Mars-n/Pluto-Desc. angle points to an angry posture by others (those not releasing the Report) who wish to bury its findings, or at least transform the report into innocuous gibberish.  We have to note that the Democrats control this Intelligence Oversight Committee and will lose power to the next Republican-controlled Senate body in January of 2015.  The former Republican/Bush administration is obviously tied to this report and these practices, and the report could influence the upcoming 2016 Presidential-Congressional elections.

t/N.Node-n/Saturn-IC opposes t/Uranus-MC; Associations or groups t/(N.Node) having their own agendas (n/Saturn) seek to protect or project their own views against the status and goals, the public image (MC) of those who have unleashed the surprises (t/Uranus).  The Report is now a matter of public record and all of the opposition’s screaming and posturing will find it hard to counter the Report’s status and statements.

As a supportive point we have to note t/Part of Fortune conjoining n/Moon in the 8th; Chance and change are the impression made in the public’s view.  This is explosive, this is a damming indictment of the Bush Administration’s policies and handling of the Iraq invasion and following hostilities.  The Democratic Obama administration is likely to let this whole deplorable mess sit out there for the Republicans to try to dance about and find ways to distance themselves from this Report.












The actual Report was formally released on Dec. 9th, 2014, one day later than the t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return date.  In this chart we find t/Moon at the Asc., opposing t/Mars-n/Pluto; The public’s attention and associated uproar (the Asc.-t/Moon) sees a dangerous and hidden side of their government (t/Mars-n/Pluto).  The chart’s IC angle has moved to the t/N.Node position; each of the many groups will line up in favor or in opposition to the words of the Report, a fact that may come into play later in the next election.  t/Uranus remains near the MC while t/PoF now squares n/Uranus; a doubled-up Uranus signifies a large uproar and upsets in the public image of the various politicians and agencies.  Note that both t/Mercury and n/Mercury, which we would see as representing the words and information in the Report, are not angular.  The Report itself is not currently important, only the beliefs and claims that people attach to the written report are important —- we are seeing the “spin” operation at work here.

We can expect in another four days, when t/Sun opposes n/Mars, that a fresh form of outbreaking news or views will emerge for the weekend TV talk shows.  We are in for a verbal thrashing.  By this weekend the views of the international community are likely to be heard, including any public reaction by those opposing the United States and its positions on treating prisoners and not closing down its prison at Guantanamo, Cuba.

Note:  The research of Ronald W. Howland for his book, American Histrology, is quite extensive with progressed charts for many hundreds of events in the country’s history being charted for the reader’s review.  I myself have always favored a chart time of 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM for the passing or acceptance of the Declaration by the sitting Congress, with the signing taking place over the following hours and days by the individual members after the morning vote.  This time makes more sense than Rudhyar’s chart, the Sibley chart or other charts that are used by some.

I expect to return to the “multiple views” series to finish the Cary Stayner story.  Dave













Part 8; Murder for Sure, Bodies Found

Cary photo 4

It was murder, absolutely.  On March 18, 1999 a burnt out car with two bodies in the trunk was found hidden in the woods of Yosemite National Park, a couple of miles from the lodge where the Sunds were vacationing prior to disappearing.

Multi-Views logo-J

The police now knew that a murder had been carried out.  A few days later Julie Sund’s body was found at the bottom of a ravine.  The police still had little to go on in conducting a search for the murderer.  Possible suspects were identified and then interviewed, alibis were checked. There were no solid links to be found.  We will be using a t/Moon-opposite-n/Mars Return chart and advanced chart for this March 18, 1999 discovery.
















Most notable is t/PoF-Asc. opposite n/PoF-t/Neptune-Desc.:  Chance and change are at work here, confusion is likely and all that is discovered just adds to that confusion. Square to this pattern along the horizontal axis is t/Mars;  an angry event is uncovered.  Cary Stayner’s n/Mc and n/Neptune are in the 4th house; starting and endings are found here.  The police had a starting point in their search for a killer now that the bodies had been found.  An ending point was obvious in that the discovery led them nowhere.

t/Moon in the 9th opposite n/Mars in the 3rd might suggest, if we stretch things a bit, a far-away reaction to a local anger event.  Captured and murdered, then the bodies being hidden further away.  So, how did Stayner react to this?  He had earlier placed a wallet belonging to the victims at a shopping location where it was found.  The police followed that trail relentlessly to no avail.  Once the bodies had been found there was no use such deceptive practices.  It was time to lay low.  Cary Stayner’s Advanced chart for the date of the car’s discovery by a hiker is shown below.
















Stayner’s n/MC at the chart’s IC angle opposite t/Venus-t/Saturn at the MC is immediately evident;  His status or life-image is taking a new turn, his attempt to balance out his early childhood’s inequities (Venus-Saturn) is paramount in his mind.  Public knowledge of his ‘revenge’ has been received.  T/PoF-t/N.Node conjoins n/Merucry-n/Sun-n/Uranus in the first house;  His created chaos (the murders) achieves public recognition that is very satisfying to him.  The n/PoF conjoins t/Neptune-t/Uranus at the Desc. (as it had in the root-chart) feeding his fantasy on how others were responding to his get-even plan — even though nobody else was aware of the get-even plan.

What we see in these charts is that even when there is no action taken by the subject, that the actions and events of others relating to the subject are mirrored in the subject’s charts. Stayner was basking in the glow of the police uncovering the bodies of those he had murdered.  He was satisfied.  For awhile.  Weeks later he murdered again. 
