Part Nine; The Yosemite Murders Continue

Joie Ruth Armstrong

All had been quiet since later winter at the Yosemite National Park.  The bodies and car of Carol Sund, her daughter and their friend had been found, suspects brought forward for questioning, leads followed up, but no concrete information on who had actually carried out the murders.  Among those interviewed early in the investigation was Cary Stayner — he was dismissed as unlikely to be a murderer due to his own unfortunate childhood experiences.

Multi-Views logo-J

On July 22nd, 1999, a hunt was initiated for a young naturalist at the par, Joie Ruth Armstrong.  She was headed out to visit friends north of San Francisco.  Her truck and luggage were still at the cabin where she lived.  Several groups spread out from the cabin, one followed a stream through dense brush.  First some keys were found in the water, visible due to the sunlight glancing off of the metal.  Then, a body.  A headless body.

Cary Stayner’s  t/Moon-to-n/Mars Return occurred on July 17, 1999 and is shown below.


t/Moon-to-n/Mars in the 9th; with no other aspects, we can only see this pattern as Cary Stayner experiencing deep needs (Moon) for aggressive expression (Mars) relating to a distant place from his neighborhood (9th house).  Cary’s natal pattern, Asc. opposing Venus from the first to the seventh is realigned here in this Return chart in the first house to the seventh house.  His view of women, their value and image (whom he generally hates and wants to hurt) is being brought to the surface.   Jumping to t/Venus at the midpoint of n/N.Node-n/Neptune we might say that his attraction to the fair sex (Venus) is part of a disillusioned (Neptune) view of his associations (N.Node) with them.

Now, let us note t/Mars conjoining n/MC while opposing t/Jupiter, the n/MC being in the Return chart’s 10th house.  His expression of anger is his goal during this cycle.  t/Part of Fortune, always a potential trigger no matter its chart position, opposes n/Pluto; the excitement and challenge (chance and change as the PoF keywords) of control and devastation (Pluto) is alluring.

The chart below is for the date of the actual killing of Joie Ruth Armstrong, the lady in the photo at the top of this blog-page.


Now, this is a significant chart.  The natal angles are realigned with the Return chart angles.  Life is at a turning point.  Think about this.  If the birth chart points us along a line of potential development which we shape into our personal life-style and direction, then any reestablishment of this pattern points to a new potential, new choices and actions within a short time span.  So, let us look at those choices and actions.

t/Mars conjoins n/Neptune in the 10th;  His illusionary goals are in sight and will be acted upon.  t/Jupiter-t/PoF in the 4th  opposes t/Mars, n/MC-n/Neptune; the chance (he see it as an opporunity) to enlarge (Jupiter) his enjoyment and activities is at hand.  t/Moon squares n/N.Node; emotional needs are stirred by his associations or the people he sees and fixates upon.  It is unlikely that this latest victim was a ‘random’ choice.  Cary was in and around this area all the time.  He must have seen this buoyant young lady (26 years old) and been both attracted and repulsed by her presence as she clearly was unlike the vile pictures of women he carried in his head.

We will continue this story in a few days.  Dave.

Bonnie & Clyde; Trading Bullets In Iowa

Clyde, gun, car photo 3




We are revisiting our astrological review of that famous 1930’s era American gangster gun-toting, car-driving duo, Bonnie & Clyde.  In prior posts it was noted that they seemed feckless, uncaring of the trouble they caused others during the robbery of stores and gas stations.  Their charts showed no serious astrological patterns — it was almost as if they weren’t involved in the criminal activities they carried out.  Soon or later life becomes very real!

We rejoin Bonnie & Clyde Barrow, and their gang, as they pull into Dexter, Iowa and rent rooms at a small establishment, the Red Crown Tourist Court.  The office person notes that they backed their car into a garage much like gangsters do, according to the papers.  Bonnie had sustained a leg wound which required treatment.  Clyde and other gang members walked to town to procure medicines and bandages.  They were noticed and identified, the authorities were called.  That evening the Sheriff and deputies approached the Tourist Court armed with machine guns.  They opened fire.  The Barrow gang had automatic rifles and returned fire, hitting one of the police cars and causing its siren to function.  The police thought the wailing sound signaled a “cease-fire” and stopped their assault.  Clyde and the gang escaped by car during the cessation of shooting, several of the gang suffering wounds — Buck (Clyde’s brother) had a serious head wound.   Clyde’s PDA (Progressed Daily Angles) chart is shown below.

Clyde Dexter 7-18-1933-J

This charts angles have been advanced from the spring Solar Return, the MC is at 0 Libra and the Asc. angle is 10 Sag.  Typically, events are reflected in these charts when a planet is within one degree of an angle.  Being surrounded, fired at by a squad of policemen, having gang members wounded and a brother seriously hurt should deserve an angular planet.  t/Mars, signifier of gun shots and wounds is 6 degrees from the MC.  t/Moon is 4 degrees from the Desc., t/Sun is 3 degrees from the IC — yet, t/Sun opposes t/Mars across angular houses and the vertical axis.  Now, note the notation CD=19 Cancer. The CD point has an arc relative to the MC that equals the arc between the Asc. and MC.  This makes the MC the midpoint of any planet found at the CD point.  Wait!  There is no planet there at the CD point.  There is exactly opposite — n/Mars at 19 Capricorn.  Why this works I cannot tell you, yet it does.  Mars is the intrusive force that affects the status of Clyde Barrow on this particular day.  n/Mars conjoins n/Uranus; Barrow’s natal chart condemns him to violent action when this natal pattern is activated by a cyclic chart angle.  Many of us have strong natal patterns which seem to come into play often.

It was Clyde Barrow’s habit to scout out the local area that he was staying at.  He had found a field near the town that was heavily bordered by trees.  The field was near farms but was unused.  One dirt road entered this tree-surrounded field.  This is where Clyde drove to after the battle with the police.  They set up camp and attended to the wounded as best they could.  When daylight came it was apparent that Clyde’s brother Buck had a fatal head wound and might not last much longer.  Yet, on July 24th, six days later, he was still alive but clearly failing. Clyde planned to drive him home to his family to die.  Such was not the case.  On the morning of July 24, 1933 noticed movement through the tree line.  Not only the police, but many spectators were approaching the field.  Someone had seen them.  Clyde fired over their heads, hoping to scare them off.  Return fire told him they were not scared.  Bullets rained down upon them as they dived into their car and backed out to the only entry road into the field.  More shooting discouraged that choice.  They plunged forward, ran over a tree stump and stopped.  The car was being hit with heavy fire from the police.  They carried Buck Barrow, helped Bonnie, and ran for the tree line at the far end of the field.  A gang member, W.D. was hit,  Buck’s wife was hit, Clyde suffered a shoulder wound.  Into the trees and down a bank to a small river.  Leaving Buck and his wife, both wounded, the three (Clyde, Bonnie, and W.D.) swam the river and made their way to a farm on the far side.  The progressed daily angles chart for this date is shown below.

Clyde Dexter 7-24-1933-J


In this chart, t/Mars is at the MC; Clyde’s status in life was being literally attacked.  n/Mars-n/Uranus opposes t/Pluto.  With slow-moving Pluto moving across this sensitive pairing, this period of his life was approaching an end.  Now, note the CD point at 0 Leo, conjoining t/Sun.  We have a midpoint structure, MC = Asc./Sun.  Ebertin’s book, Combination of Stellar Influences, provides a positive interpretation — “positive” is not the operative word in this case.  Perhaps we might say, “Barrow’s life status (MC) was being defined by his actions (Ascendant) and attitude and intent (Sun).  Leaving his brother and his wife to be captured and to die was not admirable, but perhaps necessary to his personal safety.  With t/Sun so important, we can play astrological hopscotch and jump over to natal Sun.  n/Sun and n/Saturn cluster around the daily chart’s IC angle; this creates another midpoint, MC = Sun/Saturn with an interpretation of “being lonely, in solitude, being constrained in what one can do, feeling ill.”  All of this fits.

Clyde stole the farmers car, after being shown how to start and operate it, and made his escape, again.  It would seem that Barrow’s criminal career was helped most by his driving and least by his cleverness and use of guns.

At the same time these events were happening, other gangs of a similar nature were also engaged in robbery and killing — all of which was facilitated by the lack of communication between police districts, the availability of fast cars, and fueled by the great depression and lack of employment.  Birth times of the members of these other gangs are not available — I will be using Moon-to-Sun Returns and advanced charts to explore their exploits.   Dave


Phillip Hoffman’s unplanned demise

Hoffman photo-1

The newspapers, magazines, television and the Internet have all been filled with comments on Phillip Hoffman’s untimely demise due to drug overdosing.  How can an astrologer not be interested in looking at his chart?

Upon checking with Astrodatabank, his given time of birth was not given a good accuracy rating.  There were additional notations of times that had been astrologically rectified — one of those times being 2h39m38s AM on July 23, 1967.  This “time” has been checked out against several events in his life and appears highly workable.  I’ll use Moon-to-Sun Return and Advanced (daily) charts in this exploration of his death.













Notable is t/Sun on the IC angle!  Health, personal vitality, his identity and life direction is at an end/start point.  t/Moon opposes n/Sun from the 3rd to 9th houses, defining a “theme” for this period; Unfortunately a generic theme doesn’t do well with an extreme situation such as a self-induced drug overdose.  What might be suggested is that external changes triggered old habits (Moon keywords) that led him to questioning his current life’s direction and interactions with both others close to him and distant from him (3rd and 9th house implications).  What might support this statement?

t/N.Node at the Asc. conjoins n/Mars, opposes n/N.Node (squaring the t/Moon-opp=n/Sun axis).   Hoffman’s personal projection (his acting ability) was an important factor in connecting with others (the opposition to n/N.Node) — this connection was currently being strained in some way (t/N.Node opposite n/N.Node) that directly affected his daily view of the world.  Playing astrological hopscotch we can jump over to t/Mars conjoined by t/Part of Fortune; a time to take a chance, carelessness.

Again, astrologically hopscotch jumping from t/PoF to n/PoF conjoined by t/Pluto and t/Venus; we can see a proclivity to indulge in taking a chance (n/PoF) to indulge (t/Venus) and personal self-annihilation (t/Pluto).   This is generally what this period of the next two weeks offered.  Let us now look at the Advanced chart for his death.













We note that the Ascendant is now separating from the Mars/Nodes pattern.  We do see the t/Sun still conjoining the IC angle; Both t/Sun and IC move a similar daily rates of 1 degree and 1.25 degrees daily — they will stay in sync for a week or more.  For timing of an event we need to look at other factors, especially the t/Moon and t/PoF.

t/Moon is opposing n/Pluto, n/Uranus.  This severe natal pattern is a “cosmic setup” pattern — whenever either or both of these planets are activated in the future (following one’s birth), their symbology can be expressed, like it or not.  In this case, t/Moon opposing n/Pluto activates t/Pluto conjoining n/Part of Fortune.  Looking at t/PoF, we see it squaring t/Neptune and t/Venus while opposing n/Ascendant.   Chance and change (t/PoF) conflicts with drugs (Heroine, Neptune) and his indulgences (n/Venus) to the detriment (opposition) of his physical self (n/Ascendant).

There are a lot of conflicts, pressures and un-answered questions here.  What could have triggered this acclaimed actor’s decision to take up drugs after having left them behind him in years past?  What happened with his personal associations that triggered this action that he himself knew was detrimental to him?  What personal fear and devastation (Pluto) was part of his life (n/Uranus, n/Pluto) that caused a violent and sudden reaction, something from his past?  I’m sure more will be revealed in the coming days.  Dave
























Pope Francis: A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing?

Pope Francis photo-4The new Pope, Francis, has made an initial impression on his Church and among the world’s citizens as being a pleasant man who lives his life in a humble manner, following the teachings of Christ as represented by the Catholic Church.  On April 13th of 2013, Pope Francis announced the formation of an international council of Cardinals to help him identify and suggest needed reforms within the Church.  Given the easily identifiable problems noted in the press over the past several years, these problems are numerous:  Sexual abuse of children, Covering up misdeeds of priests and bishops, and haunting rumours of the Church’s banking and financial dealings with distasteful institutions and characters within warring countries and criminal groups.

This action could be rife with dangerous political, legal and religious consequences and shows the courage of this quiet man.  We will look at the daily chart, derived from the 2012 p.c. Solar Return, for the date of this announcement.  We will also delve into some deeper investigation of this type of chart than is typically done at this blog-site.  To do this, I will make use of one of RIYAL’s software features.

Pope Francis PDA 4-13-2013-J

t/Neptune at the Desc. angle suggests that the Pope is sharing or promulgating a vision or ideal with others.  Playing astrological hopscotch, we note n/Neptune in the first house squaring t/Jupiter in the 10th; The Pope’s personal vision and sense of personal ideals is now the Church’s ideals and will be challenged by the enlargement of those ideals/visions as they become the goals of the Church and need to be managed.

t/Moon at the MC (3 degrees) represents the publicity and the people (of the Church) who are most affected by this announcement and the problems to be resolved.  Astrological hopscotch takes us to the n/Moon & n/Venus in the 6th; this effort will require balance and effort/work to accomplish.

Is this all of the angular symbolism (so important in these cyclic charts) to consider?  No!  We will now utilize one of RIYAL’s (the software used for this charting of Solar Returns and Progressed Daily Angles charts) most important features — the Hit List — shown below.

Pope Francis Hit List for 4-13-3013-J

Riyal can produce an annual listing of the Solar Return’s progressed MC and Asc. angles, Progressed Moon, RAMC position, and listing of natal, solar return and transiting planets that are contacted by each day’s angles. Take particular note of the April 13, 2013 data indicated by the shaded horizontal row.  On this day, and the next day, the Solar Return Venus (1:49 Sag) will be on the daily chart’s IC angle, the Solar Return Moon (5:05 Pisces) will be at the daily chart’s Desc. angle.  These positions bring the Solar Return’s Venus and Moon symbolism forward into this day’s announcement.  

In the S/R, t/Venus squared t/Moon from the 8th to the 12th:  the resources and balance of values (Venus) looked after by the church (8th house symbolism) is challenged (the square aspect) by the popular vision (Moon, Neptune in the 12th) (and all other forms of interpretations for this pairing in the twelfth house).  The purpose, the life mission of this man is to bring harmony and religious ideals to the people.  He intends to impose his vlaues and vision for the church upon the church.  This is a very serious man on a mission.  He will not be a care-taker post.  He may be 77 years of age, but he is very young in his mind.

There are complete instructions provided in this blog for the downloading, calculation and use of Juan Revilla’s free-to-use and free-to-download RIYAL for Windows software.  You are encouraged to use this software and these methods for use in your own predictive work.  Dave.

Hate For The One You Love

Married for only a few years; what do you do when you hate                  the man you loved?

Photo Shannon and husbandYou get rid of him, of course, causing as much discomfort and hurt as possible.  Meet Shannon Roger Richardson, small-time actress, now living in New Boston, Texas.  Not being able to make an acting breakthrough beyond bit parts, Shannon married, had several children and is currently expecting another. That didn’t stop her from mailing ricin-tainted letters to President Obama and Mayor Blumberg of New York City, and then calling the FBI to cast blame upon her husband. 

Richardson was born on August 31, 1977, time unknown.  The chart below has been located to New Boston, Texas where she made her home.  For this person/event, I will be using the now-familiar Moon-to-Sun charts.  Since the Moon moves about twelve time faster than the Sun, we know two things; first, the t/Moon is within 6 degrees of its correct place, and the Sun is within half a degree of its correct position.  From the perspective of a transit chart, this chart is useful.  The questions to be asked are “how useful are the angles of the chart, how is the house orientation to be used?”

Simple testing by moving the noon “birth” time back six hours or twelve hours shows that the MC is repositioned “earlier” by some 7 degrees in the first case, 14 degrees in the second case.  The answers are that the angles are relatively accurate, the house structure is highly useful.  These charts are highly useful when an accurate birth time is unknown!


This is a t/Moon-conjunct-n/Sun in the 9th house Return chart.  Using the “book” description for the Moon-Sun pattern we find “1) Contacting or visiting distant places as . . . for business that involves shipping or supply (mailing) in some form.  2) The exchange of material or ideas, . . . 3) Leaving or avoiding a place or situation that one detests.”  Let’s put this into the context of the situation.  Shannon Richardson, married and the mother of four with another child on the way, had come to hate her husband and wanted him out of her life.  This must have been an extreme hatred that she felt, the reasons being yet unknown to the public.  Shannon chose a most bizarre plan; she would frame her husband for the crime of sending ricin-laden letters to public officials, President Obama and New York City Mayor Blumberg,  specifically.  Using her husband’s computer to look up information on the making of ricin, gathering the ingredients and storing them in the kitchen, spreading castor beans about the trunk of his car.   On May 30th, 2013, she reported her husband’s alleged activities to the FBI.

We can see how the generic book statement for t/Moon-n/Sun in the 9th house fits this situation.  Shannon contacted distant places via the postal system.  Her business involved shipping (mailing).  She sent material affecting the affairs of others (her absent husband) and the intended recipients.  She wanted to leave or avoid a situation that she detested.

t/Mercury at the Desc. angle represents communications and the mail, contact with partners or others.  This symbolism is expressing itself as letters, as her call to the FBI, as her contact/view of her husband/partner/adversary.  Playing astrological hopscotch, we note n/Mercury close to the MC and opposing t/Part of Fortune.  We might view this as communication that affects her status and goals being affected or constrained by the nature of the “change and chance” (PoF) that was involved.  Indeed, t/PoF at the IC angle clearly points to a dramatic play or plot that will change her life (the IC angle represents the start and end of things).

Since this is is a Moon-to-Sun chart, we can again play astrological hopscotch and note the n/Moon conjoining t/Uranus.  This points to an emotional use of one’s sense of individuality to manage change.  Looking at n/Uranus, it conjoins t/Saturn, indicating a desire to manage change.  t/Sun squares n/Saturn; Shannon’s self interests (Sun) are in conflict with the need to be more cautious in her plans.


May 30th, 2013 was the day her letters were received and detected by screening, and also the day she made her call to the FBI to report her husband’s alleged conspiracy.  This chart for May 30th is “advanced” from the former Moon-to-Sun chart by merely changing the date, leaving the Return chart’s “time” unchanged.  This has the effect of advancing the MC and presenting the day’s transits within the chart’s house structure.  n/PoF is at the Desc. angle; her long-standing choice to bring change into her relationship was at hand.  Note the transiting version of the PoF, t/PoF conjoins the n/Sun and opposes t/Neptune and t/Moon:  The way that “chance and change” works out (t/PoF) affects her long-standing self interests (n/Sun) and is countered (the opposition) by emotional confusion and uncertainty.  Near the vertical axis, t/Uranus conjoins n/Moon, opposes n/Pluto suggesting great emotional tensions as she seeks to control her fate.

This is one of those charts that reflects the context of the day but which is a bit outside of normal life and would therefore be difficult to “predict.”  Sometimes people surprise us and we must accept what we find, or think we find.   This is one of those charts that we will find interesting and from which we hope to learn something.

In my next posting we will examine the day when everything went wrong for Shannon.  Dave.