Mercury conjunct the Sun, Nov. 5th, 2009

Cycle Chart: Mercury conjuncts Sun, Nov. 5th, 2009

Signs of both exuberance and caution are indicated.

Merc-Sun 11-05-09-J

Excitement and caution, side-by-each-together

Mercury, running direct ahead of the Sun in terms of zodiac position, covers ground that the Sun hasn’t yet trod upon.  Mercury finds new ideas, new places, new opportunities to explore.  This phase starts with the superior conjunction (on this side of the Sun) on Nov. 5th, 2009 — a time to pause, recognize that things are about to change, that what was hoped for might just now be possible.

Then, Mercury charges ahead, moving faster than the Sun from our vantage point here on Earth.  The chart (right) shows Sun-Mercury in the 2nd house (for Boston and the east coast of the US).  Saturn, however, is on the Ascendant squaring Pluto while opposing Uranus.  This latter T-square pattern will remain with us for awhile, setting the overall tone  of the economy, social structures and individual attitudes.

What can we expect in this period until Dec. 26th when Mercury stations and turns retrograde?

The possibility of change and the thrill of new ideas is an essential part of this 7 week long Mercury phase.  But while happy-talk floods the TV and media outlets, behind-the-scenes reality in the form of Saturn will be pulling back.  Forecasts of all kinds will be up, actual achievements will be more modest and put forth within structures.  We can apply this view to many of the current news items that we are expose to just a few days before this cycle commences:

  • Pakistan will take aid from the USA but will continue to complain about the conditions that are tied to it use.
  • The two houses of government will make nice-talk while the universal health care bill waits for enough votes to pass, but the power-brokers will delay action of any kind (Saturn) until each tries to get his bargaining chips in order–I won’t vote for that unless I get this.

These examples convey the idea behind this phase and these planetary configurations.  As the days pass we will be able to collectively observe and comment upon what we see relative to the above statements.  Please feel welcome to comment and even offer your own expectations for this time. Dave.

Cyclic Chart: Mercury turns direct

Cyclic Chart: Mercury turns direct on Sept. 29, 2009

Chart for Mercury turning direct

Mercury Direct, 9-29-2009

This chart has several interesting features: Vesta opposing the Moon along the MC–IC axis, and Saturn sandwiched between Sun and Mercury.

Vesta at the MC suggests that the role of idealized or important women, or the subjects of female, gender-issues, sexual abuse will take the public stage.  Moon at the IC suggests that both women and the public will be considering any national or international news relating to Vesta to fit into their own lives.  The opposition of these two will bring debate, differences of opinion, distraction and examples that highlight the role of women and sexual/gender issues.

In the news: In the last couple of days we have seen Elizabeth Smart has started to publically testify about her captivity for many months.  Her composure and articulate presentation of her issues and how they relate to all women have made a significant impact on the public.  In the next couple of weeks, President Obama will be signing an updated version of an act that protects against abuse relating to sexual orientation, equating it to other protections of civil rights.

Mercury turning direct will relate to the bringing forth of new information that informs and teaches us, collectively.   The placement of Saturn between Mercury and the Sun suggests that this illumination of consciousness will be passed through some form of structure (laws, story, concrete examples) — these observations already being confirmed by the news that is emerging.

Comments: Because this chart is cast for Boston and the upper east coast of the US, those in other areas will find differing chart angles which may highlight other factors for them.  Plus, we all have natal charts to consider relative to where Mercury is turning direct.  In my case, my Sun is at 21 Virgo so I expect to find this chart to be relevant to me and my interests.   The fact that I am writing this post is probably a self-fulfilling prophecy.

As the next few week pass, I’ll add comments here about anything significant that comes along relating to this chart.  I do hope that others will post their opinions, comments or experiences as I seek to make this blog-site better serve and interact those who are interesting in astrology.  Dave

(This has been a trial posting to work out the style of posting that I hope to use)

Making Progress

As October draws to a close, I’m busy finalizing my book.  That is why this site development has been going slower than I wished.  As I create the new pages and then get around to posting some of my explorations to share with other astrologers, the whole site will take on a new focus.  I’d like to share some of my plans, as they currently stand.

Basic Themes: The work that I will be sharing will be in the form of Astrological Stories using the methodologies I have developed for “prediction” purposes.  Each story will, of course, follow events in the lives of the chosen subjects and will illustrate the usage of Solar Returns, daily charts, and the interpretive models that I have developed over several decades.

Astrological Approach: I typically use precession-corrected Solar Returns and daily charts, although I feel equally at home with the Sidereal zodiac.  Using precession-free Tropical charts enables me to share with the much larger Tropical-“Western” community of astrologers and early-studies students.  I believe in keeping my astrology simple.

A Different Path: My approach to predictive work borrows a few, just a few, ideas developed by the great Irish Astrologer Cyril Fagan who re-discovered the Sidereal Zodiac in the Mid-1900’s and went on to develop and experiment with a great number of charting methods.  The few ideas that I have adopted from his work include precession-corrected Solar Returns and the use of his progressed MC angles that he utilized within his “PSSR” (Progressed Sidereal Solar Return) charts.  While Fagan used progressed planets of the Solar Return with the progressed MC-Ascendant daily charts I use, instead, the transits–the actual planet-positions for that day.  These make a world of difference that I will be demonstrating here on this site.

A Robust System, but Simple in its Concept: The interaction between the Natal Chart, the Solar Return Chart, and the Daily Angles Charts are all deeply connected and work well together to form the complete basis for following the flow of events, experiences and actions that one typically takes in life.  There is much depth in these methods that belies the surface simplicity, yet almost anyone who can cast and understand a natal chart at some reasonable level can learn to use this predictive system.  This site will demonstrate this.

The Development of this Site: I expect that it may take another month to build the pages and initiate the first exploratory postings.  While this is going on the book will be finalized and sent out for reviewing by a few close associates.  I hope by the holidays to be in the process of preparing the publication steps.  That book will provide all of the basics which will be covered in time on this site while the astrological stories will focus on both current and historical figures of interest.  Those who wish to comment or interact with this sharing process will be most welcome to do so.  Thank you all for your patience.  Dave.