Casey Anthony: A Surprise At Trial’s End — Part Ten

Casey at verdict

Casey Anthony’s trial ended July 5, 2011 with a fully unexpected result — “Not Guilty.”  Almost 1100 days had passed since the first 911 call to police.  Casey was found guilty of 4 counts of lying to police. Everyone was shocked, including Casey Anthony.  Her photo, at the time of the verdict being read, is shown at the right.  This posting will present two charts relating to this event — the t/Moon conjunct n/Sun in the 12th house, and the Moon-to-Sun Advanced chart for the trial ending.  I will not be presenting an MP-3 recording because I want to make sure that I note all of the chart factors and comments that occurred to me 

On July 3rd and 4th Casey Anthony’s legal team made the final presentation to the Jury, presenting a jumble of poster and photo displays, chronologically presenting the called-witnesses and summing up their testimony — this summation often being misleading or inaccurate.  Then the judge gave his instructions to the jury: “Only the testimony of the witnesses was to be considered, the words of the lawyers were to be ignored.”  Then, the Jury went to consider the trial’s testimony and their views on what was presented.

The next day at mid-day, July 5th, 2011, the Jury completed it’s deliberations and was set to produce a verdict.  Not guilty to charges of first degree murder, aggravated manslaughter, aggravated child abuse, guilty of four counts of lying to police officers.  The court was shocked.  The public was shocked.  Casey Anthony was shocked. The girl who lied, who did not testify, who never volunteered any true information about the disappearance of her daughter. and who showed little remorse over the loss of her little girl was found not guilty.  Years of lies and deceit had been rewarded.  In these charts, transits are shown in the inner wheel, natal planets are in the outer wheel.


This t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return Chart in the 12th house occurred on June 23, 2011.  This 12th house positioning suggests, “Sensitivity for how past directions shape the immediate future. Self-interests are recognized or denied in relation to how one helps or is helped by others.  The processes of institutions or their agents are at work.”  Much of this standard all-purpose interpretation applies to this situation.

Notable is the presence of the t/PoF and t/Pluto at the MC:  “Chance and change” (PoF) will affect how one’s status in life (MC) is totally turned upside-down (Pluto).  t/Mercury and n/Moon at the IC points to emotional news affecting the start or end of life as Casey has been experiencing it.  t/Saturn opposite the Asc. and n/Venus suggests that the restrictions (Saturn) one is experiencing due to others (opposition to Venus) will bring about a balance into one’s daily experience.  We need to keep in mind that Moon-to-Sun Return charts point to how one maintains or regains one’s life-balance.

This Return chart, occurring more than a week before the trial’s ending, would have made the above statements difficult to state given the widespread views that this defendant would not testify about her missing-murdered daughter, had lied repeatedly over several years to the police, and was not remorseful or emotional during the trial.  Yet, these “book” statements are quite correct in hindsight.

The second chart is the Moon-to-Sun chart ADVANCED to July 5, 2011 when the Jury reached its verdict.


n/Pluto is at the Descendant angle, replacing the t/Pluto at the MC of the Return chart.  Chaos and upsets would occur.  At this point we have to remind ourselves as to what the Part of Fortune (PoF) in that Return chart indicates.  The relationship of the Moon to the Sun defines the manner in which we seek to balance our life.  The relationship of the PoF to the Ascendant points to how we can take action to achieve or express that balance which is so essential to our life.  Here, the t/PoF opposes t/N.Node, n/Uranus, n/Mars.  Chance and change (PoF) is dependant upon associations with others such as the jury (N. Node) and the developed nature of how we act (Mars) out our individuality (Uranus).  PoF opposite N.Node is a signature of a con-artist! Note that this pattern squares n/Sun and n/Mercury (how self-interests are articulated, ie lies).

The n/N.Node is at the Ascendant — doubling up the t/N.Node, it is all about “associations” and the values they represent.  Ebertin, through his book, Combinations of Stellar Influences (also known as COSI) equates the nodal axis to associations that we form and which bring changes and opportunities into our life.  This is the interpretation that I choose to use for the Nodes rather than Karmic meanings and other common views.  This “doubled up Nodes” pattern raises troubling questions!  Will this terrible case be the last we hear of Casey, or will her lies continue and lead to other unfortunate events.

Finally, note t/Jupiter at the Ascendant — good fortune is at hand.


Casey Anthony; A Partial Story Of Her Role As A Mother — Part Nine

Casey Photo 3

MP3 icon

Almost three years passed from the time of Caylee’s disappearance to the start of Casey’s trial for her role in her child’s death.  In that period investigators were frustrated in their attempts to obtain answers to their questions and to be able to piece together those facts they uncovered.  Even the remains of little Caylee did little to provide clear and definitive answers.  The following two charts are for the Moon-opposite-Sun Return chart of May 13, 2011 (prior to the start of the trial) and the Advanced chart for May 23, 2011 (the start of the trial).

Visitors may view the charts while listening to my remarks by clicking on the MP3 link below the charts.  Thanks for visiting.  I hope the following proves interesting as a story and illustrative as an astrological practice.  Eventually all of these processes and observations will become part of a book on Moon-to-Sun Returns, a method that I find more helpful and useful than conventional Lunar Returns.



Casey 5-13-2011-M

Thank you for visiting my blog site and your interest in the Casey Anthony story as seen from an astrological view.  Dave

Casey Anthony; the Worst Possible Outcome — Part Eight

Casey Photo 5

Following Casey Anthony’s arrest and release in the late summer of 2008, a number of events occurred among which was her re-arrest, leaving jail with a monitoring ankle-bracelet, an indictment for both murder and child abuse.  On December 11th, 2008, the remains of a child were found.  The fears of the Anthony family and of the nation were realized.  Little Caylee was dead.  The questions now were how, who, when, why?

We will examine the Progressed Daily Angles chart for this date.  These charts are true event charts, representing both the transits of the date to the natal chart and the special orientation of the planetary order within the cycle of zodiac signs that marks for each of us our special and personal MC-Solar Cycle — the cycle that guides us through our entire life.

Casey PDA 12-11-2008-J

Casey Anthony   Dec. 11, 2008   Prog’d Daily Angles chart

MC 26 Taurus  Asc. 26 Leo






As a reminder, the approach to take in this form of cyclic chart is to examine those planets, transiting or natal, found on the chart’s angles.  Within this eventful date, we find angular planets.  t/Saturn at the Asc.:  All kinds of dire implications and restrictions now befall Casey.  Her many stories are now proven to be lies.  Lies upon lies.  One small set of remains reveals a momentous situation.  Casey’s precarious situation now becomes her personal nightmare.  What story can now be concocted to explain this development?  We look to her natal Saturn, following our now-familiar astrological hopscotch practice. N/Saturn is on Casey’s relocated, rectified Orlando, Florida MC angle.  Casey’s whole life at this location was fraught with perceived limitations, burdens and responsibilities.  Clearly, her child was part of this sense of limitation, “limitation” being a key Saturn word when Saturn is seen in a negative light.

Asc. opposes t/Uranus.  What words do we choose to use with Uranus?  Surprises for her opponents?  Her unique identity?  n/Uranus conjoins n/Mars, squares n/Sun and n/Mercury — and n/Neptune.  Perhaps a unique (Uranus) presence and stance (Mars)  that seeks and searches (square aspect) for understanding and self-interests (Mercury and Sun) is affected by (conjoining) a vision (Neptune).  Casey’s self interests and ability to maintain a successful charade will be her ability to lie and live within her ideal life.

The chart’s MC axis is also activated; MC opposes n/Mars, n/Sun.  Casey’s “fight or flight” response is activated.  Flight is not possible.  She must fight.  What is her weapon? Her lies are what has kept others at bay.  Lies may yet help to deflect her fate.  Lies do not seem to work in murder trials for long.  Still she will fight (Mars) for her self-interests (Sun).  Let us hopscotch over to n/Sun, found conjoining n/Mercury and t/Neptune.   Self-preservation, words and lies.  Her course is set, her goal is clear, her future is uncertain.

Rather than follow every development in the trial and investigation, we will skip many events and charts and next go to the start of her trial and the conclusion of her trial.  There are many other public figures and events for us to pursue after Casey Anthony.  Dave













Casey Anthony; Questioning Interrupted — Part Seven

Casey Photo 2

This August 29, 2008 Moon-to-Sun Return occurred following Casey’s earlier arrest and questioning.  At the time of the arrest Casey had offered an unending series of wild stories which could not be confirmed and which were often contradictory.  The investigators were frustrated by Casey’s lack of embarrassment and ease of transferring from one scenario to another.  Up until this mid-August date, each of her stories were checked.  Everyone she had, or might have had, contact with were questioned.  All the while, a media frenzy was being played out in front of the home of George and Cindy Anthony, Casey’s parents.

Into this circus-like situation stepped one more publicity-seeker who put up $500,000 for Casey’s bail.  The idea was that if Casey was at home in a more relaxed environment that the story of what actually happened could be determined.  Let us look at the Moon-to-Sun Return of August 19, 2008.


This is a 7th house Moon-to-Sun Return.  The “theme” for this 7th house Return suggests that Casey is highly engaged with others, taking the lead in small group efforts, establishing a firm relationship of importance, being of assistance to those close to you, defending yourself.  Social events can distract from one’s career of community standing. Choices that benefit oneself or others needs to be defended.  This Return chart will assessed within this broad theme.

The Moon-to-Sun position at 28 Pisces squares t/Pluto at 28 Sag.; Casey’s situation (being confined in jail) will be completely changed.   t/Mars also opposes Moon-Sun, suggesting that her situation will be affected by the actions of another.  Note that  n/Mars at 25 Sag also squares this Moon-Sun opposed Mars, providing a “doubled-up” Mars.  “Intrusion” and the “presence” of another (Mars words) will be the key to understanding this Return chart.  

t/Part of Fortune (t/PoF) conjoins n/Venus in the 8th;  Chance and change (PoF) will affect Casey’s creature comforts (Venus) shared with others (8th).  t/Sun opposes t/Neptune and n/Asc from the 12th;  A transiting Sun represents our current self, self-interests, and attitude towards life.  t/Neptune represents, in Casey’s situation, the current lies and manipulation that she is engaged in (the n/Ascendant) as her way of controlling her life. 

The Return chart’s Ascendant is also important.  Here we find t/Saturn and t/Mercury tightly conjoining the Ascendant.   Transits tend to indicate what is happening to us.  Mercury/Saturn can represent the contract or agreement to comply with a bail-granting.  Conventional meanings would suggest seclusion, separation, going it alone — close, but not the best words for Casey’s situation.  We must nuance assessments to fit the context of the subjects life.

Interestingly, n/MC and n/Saturn are at the Return chart’s IC angle; Casey’s defensiveness over her life-status and goals is undergoing a major change, seeming to both end now and perhaps starting anew.  We have a “doubled up” Saturn condition but without the clarity and structure that Saturn typically offers.  It might be safest to just say that Casey’s self-protection has been helped by an external situation — a picture that an astrologer might not see ahead of time.

Finally, we have n/Moon being opposed by t/Jupiter and squared by t/PoF and n/Venus.  This is a weak pattern where fortune (Jupiter and Venus) is bolstered by unexpected chance (someone offering bail for their own purposes).  

In the next post, two different events and dates will be examined as “Advanced” charts from this Moon-to-Sun Return chart.   Dave

Casey Anthony Being Questioned — Part Six

Casey Photo 1Following a month of misleading information about her missing child, Casey Anthony found herself at the short end of a long line of questions.  Everyone wanted to know about Caylee, no body had seen her.  Everyone was totally exasperated about Casey’s stories and claims, no body could pin down any facts, any leads, any hope. 

On this day she was closely questioned.  An offer was made to show the authorities her place of work, her office as part of a collaboration of her story.  Casey took the investigators to Universal Studios where she claimed to work.  As it turned out, Casey was faking the whole event.  She did not work there.  After wandering aimlessly around, she admitted that she did not work there or had been there as part of her alibi for the period when Caylee was presumed to have gone missing. She moved seamlessly to other variations of her story, then migrated to more stories. Nothing could be checked out.  None of these failed subterfuge efforts bothered Casey.  She maintained her outward calmness.  No embarrassment was shown.  No concrete answers were given.

Casey’s Progressed Daily Angles chart for July 17, 2008, the date of her arrest and questioning blitz is shown.  The transits and daily angles are shown in the outer ring, the natal chart is shown within the inner ring.  Note that daily MC is at 21 Sag., the daily Ascendant is at 17 Pisces.  In order to assess this daily chart it is necessary to continually refer to the natal patterns being activated.  This daily transit chart is oriented within the advancing angles of the prior Solar Return chart, precession corrected, and based upon Casey’s natal chart rectified to a 4:50 AM birth time and relocated to Orlando, Florida.  All of this manipulation must be kept in mind..

Casey PDA 7-17-2008-J 

When we first look at this RIYAL-produced Progressed Daily Angles chart (Sidereal astrologers will recognize this as a Fagan-PSSR chart cast in the Tropical zodiac) we find both the natal angles (MC at 4 Sag, Asc. at 22 Aquarius) and progressed angles having both transiting and natal planets close by.  This indicates that the developed, more natural expression of those energies associated with the natal planets will play a role in shaping how the transiting planets will play out as they represent the current (now, today, this week) reactions and uses of opportunities and situations affect actions, decisions and the perspective of current life.

t/MC conjoins n/Uranus and n/Mars:  This natal pairing generally suggests one who can act in a unique and bold manner, one who is enthusiastic and self-confident.  Positioned at the MC, this represents an attempt to be in control of her situation.  This is how Casey has always used this pairing, she tries to achieve what she wants, first, last, always.  We have to note the square aspect to t/Uranus at the Ascendant:  Now, we have two Uranus’; uniqueness and individualism is guiding Casey’s actions today.  Close to this t/Uranus near the Ascendant is n/Mercury and n/Sun. Casey’s self-interests (the n/Sun) and her perceptions and story (n/Mercury) have been worked out to some degree ahead of time.  I say this because the natal planets have to show how those symbols have come to be expressed due to a lifetime of development.  The transiting planets and daily angles will show the impulses and actions of the day, the moment, to suit the needs that have to be addressed at that point in time.  t/Uranus at the Ascendant simply points us to understanding that she is acting (the Ascendant) out her uniqueness to cover up a desperate situation—the full court press (to use a Basketball term) of authorities and her family to achieve some sort of answer.  She might be seen as “playing” with the investigators.

We can play astrological hopscotch with the angles as well as the planets.  If Asc./Uranus is an important point to consider, let us jump to n/Asc. and t/Neptune;  acting out a fantasy (a set of lies).  Jumping again to n/Neptune at the midpoint of t/Pluto & t/Moon we might say that Casey’s ability to fantasize relates, at this time, to an extreme emotional situation that generates great fear and feelings.  How can an ongoing series of lies and deceptions hold up to penetrating scrutiny?  Casey most likely thought she could carry this off.

By using this astrological hopscotch technique, we have really been seeking to integrate the natal imprint into the understanding  of how transiting planets (opportunities for expression) might be used to serve Casey’s self interests (the Sun and the MC as chief expression-tools of the MC-Solar Cycle that underlies all of these Solar Returns and progressed daily charts).  The natal chart (potential and character), the Solar Return chart (annual theme and marker of the MC-Solar cycle), and the daily chart (opportunity and timing of how we best express ourselves to actualized one of many variations of our natal potential) all have to be treated as part of a cyclic process of living.

We can continue to play astrological hopscotch.  Note t/Pluto in the 10th, 7 degrees from the MC.  t/Pluto squares n/Sun; one hides one’s plans, one struggles to be in control, to cast light in a favorable direction.  The Asc/MC midpoint squares n/Pluto in the 8th house; One has to struggle to deal with conflicts between the self and the “others” who seek to control Casey’s life and use their power to coerce her into cooperating.

And, we cannot overlook the CD point (the Co-Descendant point, making the MC the midpoint of the Asc. and the CD) — this point marks an “intrusion place” into our chart.  This is where we meet our fate, find an enemy already in our back door.  Any planet here forces the MC to modify its goals so that the Ascendant can interact with the CD-planet.  Planets opposite the CD point show what we use to counteract this intrusion point into our life.  Here, we find t/Uranus and n/Mercury, n/Sun.  This is complex to unravel.  Mercury and Sun point to a personal perspective with the mind following the experiences of the Sun’s life decisions; there will be a strict following of prior practices—-using one’s mind and experience to deal with life.  Yes, this is a game for Casey in which all of the marbles can be won or lost.

Again, this chart, like any series of cyclic charts, has to be related to the context of the subject’s life.  For Casey, life had one burden too many.  And many other attractions that did not involve burdens upon her. Without facts one can only conjecture relative to what normal practice is for a young mother and her child, and compared to what little we know of Casey.  It didn’t look good after a month with no sign of a small child.  Dave


Addition to the Essay Index

Quill-1-JA new series of commentaries on Moon-to-Sun Returns has been initiated on the ESSAY INDEX.  This first entry is an introduction.  Definitions of the 24 Moon-to-Sun and Moon-opposite-Sun house positions will be posted later along with comments on the various factors within the Interpretive Model.

This “new” technique in cyclic charting is subject to on-going refinement, perhaps even substantive revision as we learn more about this exciting methodology.  Dave