2016 Political Silly Season; Trump Shocks Washington, D.C.

2016 Candidates J

As in past elections (2012) I will from time to time present astrological commentary about those who are seeking the U.S. Presidency.  At this point it is highly relevant to look at Donald Photo 3Donald Trump, a Republican, A businessman, A multi-billionaire who has never held elected office.  The reason why Mr. Trump is important now, today, is due to the release of a Focus Group interview of New Hampshire voters which was released today on national news.  Trump currently leads the other 15+ Republican candidates in national polls by huge margins.  This is now particularly important because that large field of candidates has prompted the first Republican Presidential Debate to be held next month, August, a good six months before the serious start of the season for seeking party nominations.  Off all the many candidates, about half who are in the lower part of the national polling will not be included on-stage at the televised debates — limiting the effective messaging of those who are not included.

Trumps position in state and national polls has alarmed the other candidates and party officials due to his huge lead over the political elite who have announced; governors, senators and business people.  Trump has sucked the oxygen out of the campaigns of others due to his vigorous statements, always politically incorrect, about immigration, working wages and other topics.  He has been soundly trashed by all of his opponents and many public figures — all of which has just strengthened his appeal to every day voters.  Let us look at a few charts.


t/Pluto-Desc. is the most noticeable angular planet; indicating powerful and controlling forces are at work which affect others as well as Donald Trump. If we play astrological hop-scotch and jump over to n/Pluto at midpoint of t/Sun-t/Mercury we will surmise that Pluto’s forces will define the intent and words Donald speaks.

Also angular in this chart is t/Chiron-MC, square t/Moon-n/Moon-n/Sun!  Let us break this down, as it is an important pattern.  First, t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun from the 6th to the 12th house is always “problematic” in nature.  Sun in the 12th points to words being mis-understood, leaving a sense of confusion, not being liked, evoking memories from past times and events.  t/Moon (opposing the n/Sun) and n/Moon (Trump was born at full moon) points to great sensitivity, expanded public attention.  This is the astrological pattern behind Trumps enduring popularity.  How will this emotional appeal be used, be received, used to reflect real important issues of public interest?  The square to t/Chiron-MC indicates that any ‘broken’ prior political solution or problem will be involved.  It will be addressed in such a way as to suggest a solution that appeals, that shores up Trumps status.

Let us now move forward to today and the national release of the Focus Groups questions, answers and statements.


A two day advance of the chart angles (diurnal motion), finds MC still near t/Chiron, the Desc. angle still close to t/Pluto and n/Pluto=t/Sun-t/Mercury in the second house of self-esteem.

t/PoF has contacted the n/Moon-opp-n/Sun position,  bringing “chance-change” to the emotional public view of Trump.  This is broadly square his n/Asc-n/Mars combination (you wondered why his talk is so abrupt and angry?).  Look at t/Mars in the 1st house, contacting n/Venus-n/Saturn (tough love pattern).  Donald is well known for his brashness and love of being in command and liking to negotiate or command a situation.  Yet, he is also a very kind person on a one-to-one level, always helping in many quiet ways.  Brash on the outside, soft on the inside; that is Venus and Saturn paired.

So, what did this focus group say that has got every one talking?

  • “He is willing to tell you his opinion.”  The public sees politicians in Washington, DC and on the campaign trail as always ‘weasle-wording’ or avoiding self-defining statements so as to give their opponents a talking advantage.
  • “He would surround himself with the best and the brightest.”  Trump has 30 years of being in the public eye as a highly successful business person, appearing on magazine covers, running the Miss America pageant, his TV program “The Apprentice” and his resorts and gambling casinos.  It seems the people don’t like political stupidity any longer.
  • “We need a business man, and I like his roughness.”  Politicians have a very bad name in Washington, DC’s echo chamber where the public sees them as isolated from the rest of the country.

Only two have held the U.S. Presidency who did not hold prior political office; Eisenhower and Grant, both war heroes who took office after a major war.  Doris Kerns Goodman commented that even though Trump is a billionair, people admire him greatly and also find him to be very approachable.  “He is one of us” is the common rejoinder from the public.  This is a valued public relations asset that few politicians ever have.  “Trump has common sense” is another often heard attribute.

Trump’s standing in national polls relative to the other 15 or so candidates doubles the few who lead behind him, and greatly outpaces anyone else.  As his relatively new campaign moves ahead it appears clear that Trump is no flash-in-the-pan.  He may just survive the many month of the silly season as well as strongly move into the serious season of real debates.

We can also compare Trump’s natal chart to the U.S. signing of the Declaration of Independence.  I use Ronald W. Howland’s time of 10:59 AM which, according to records, seems most likely.


Notice Trump’s n/Mars on the Asc. angle. His n/Sun conjoins the U.S./Mars, giving authenticity to his aura of fighting for his country.  Trump’s Venus links to the U.S. Mercury; people love his words, he talks well and supportively of the country.

Trumps Part of Fortune is close to the national Moon; he excites the public.  With his n/Moon-opposite-n/Sun-US/Mars Trump seems able to both appeal to the public on an emotional level as well as connect on a rational level.  I would expect that over the long haul of debates that he will shift to blunt talk about specific issues in a way that is more detailed and common sense than the fired up rhetoric used early in the campaign to fuel attention.  There is a lot in this chart that could be discussed.  If Trump does well in the long run, perhaps we will re-visit this chart.  Dave

PS, we will get back to Seth’s adventures.
































Part Two; Seth Arrives in Disguise

Jane-Seth-Rob painting

Following her Sept. 9, 1963 ‘mental download’ of strange and implausible concepts, Jane had to live with the confusing nature of what was now affecting her life, day to day. Her husband, Rob, was very supportive and struggled to find the meanings in her message from ‘somewhere by someone’. Jane found that she was now remembering dreams upon wakening, and that many other things that occurred in life were now being noticed where they had never been noticed before.  All of these things caused her worry.  Three outlines for novels set on the coffee table; none of them appealed to her.  Rob suggested that they consider a book that they had purchased on a whim about ESP; perhaps they could explore this subject as novices to the field and topic.  A book proposal was sent off to a publisher, a positive reply came back almost immediately.  They were on the hook to produce some sample chapters for review and a pre-payment.  Money always talks to an aspiring author.

Ouija Board photoTheir first topical area to explore was the use of an Ouija Board, a flat surface marked with letters and phrases, and a small pointer upon which one places their fingers.  This pointer moves, and the letters it stops at spells out a message.  This device is supposedly supportive of one’s unconscious mind permitting messages to come forth.  We will be looking at charts relating to Jane and Rob’s use of this device on Dec. 8, 1963 —- almost three months after that evening when the ‘universe as an idea constructon’  message came through to her while writing at her desk.


This t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return for Nov. 28, 1963 has a “3rd house” theme, suggesting a message, learning experience, local exploration, reading or writing experience.  t/Sun on the 9th house side of the MC opposes n/Mercury near the IC; another offers a different perspective.  t/Mercury conjoins t/Mars in the 10th, this will affect her career, work, life status.  These patterns are close to the natal group of PoF, Asc., Saturn.  Note the presence of t/Saturn behind the Asc. angle, some form of hidden structure or agenda is present.  n/Neptune is on the Desc. angle, in the 7th.  Others will offer strange or inspiring contacts into a relationship.

Lots of important ideas, concepts are to be part of this period’s experiences.  The next chart is advanced to Dec. 8th, 1963.


Jane and Rob sat at the Oujia Board, placed their fingers on the pointer, which began to move.  “Consciousness is like a flower with many petals” was the initial words that come forth.  This chart shows t/PoF-t/Sun at the MC angle; surprising statements and information is given.  Note t/Uranus at the Desc. angle with t/Moon-t/Pluto close by.

While the entity that initially contacted Jane and Rob called himself Frank Withers, he later in the conversation disclosed that he was most often called “Seth.”  This subterfuge may be related to the pattern of n/Moon-n/Sun-opposite-t/Neptune.

In one sense this chart is not in the ‘dynamite’ category, it does not have momentous patterns the reflect momentous events for people undergoing extreme stress.  But, the chart does mirror the personal events and experiences that this “couple-like-youj-and-me” was experiencing as they explored a new and strange topical area.  Would they be able to write a book?  Would they make money to support themselves?  How would they deal with this apparently ‘real or unreal’ contact called Seth?  Perhaps this quiet chart is more ‘dynamite’ in nature than we perceive.  Keep in mind that we are dealing with a young couple having no experience with the occult or spiritual practices that others in the world at that time were familiar with.

We will continue with Jane and Rob’s self-introduction to the universe as described by Seth.  As usual, the world of upsetting public events may intrude upon this series from time to time.  Those having comments to this particular time and experience should share them in the comments section.  If there are any “Jane-Seth” fans having strong astrological skills who want to share or contribute postings, I am open to that.  Dave

An Interuption of Reality: Donald Trump Speaks Out, Again

Donald Photo 3Donald Trump has decided to run for political office; the President of the United States.  He is not a politician, he is a businessman, a showman, a legend in his own mind, and a multi-billionaire real-estate developer.  He has had his own national TV Show and runs the Miss Universe  pageant each year.  Donald is running as a Republican, one of a dozen and a half candidates.  Donald doesn’t do anything half-way.  He will personally fund his own campaign, making him beholden to nobody and no special interests.  Before we go further, let us look at his natal chart.


Mars is on the Ascendant; Trump is very blunt, outspoken, aggressive in his manner.  Opposite Mars we find the Part of Fortune, an interesting pattern.  How will Mars opposite PoF play out?  PoF is associated with “chance and change.”  We would expect Trump to always be challenging others.  Notice also Venus conjoining Saturn; a tough love combination, or ‘love with strings attached.’   Donald loves to make deals involving everything and anything.  With Sun conjoining N.Node, Trump is always involved with someone else.  If we put all of the above factors together we start to see just how Donald Trump is seen by others.  “He is aggressive, sees every interaction as a “deal”, he challenges others, when he does a favor for others there always seems to be a string attached.  He is as he appears.  Donald is always himself.

As a political candidate in a crowded field, he has to find a way to stand out.  He wants to avoid being lumped into a line of candidates at a TV debate with one or two questions being asked of each candidate — this being the path to defining himself.  No, Trump has made his own rules.  In the few weeks since he has announced his candidacy he has surged to the top of the political polls.  As of now, his national poll numbers among Republicans stands at 24%, almost twice his nearest rivals at 13% and most of the others at 5% or less.  He has done this by making statements on controversial issues that are either extreme in nature or very different from core Republican values.  A current example is his attack on former Republican Presidential candidate Senator John McCain of Arizona.  Over the weekend Donald Trump stated that McCain was considered a war hero because he had been captured in Viet Nam.  He claimed to most respect those who had not been captured.  Now, consider this situation:  a dozen or more of other Republican candidates have little standing in the national polls, 5% or less.  Trump has taken the lead and is widening the gap.  This is due to his extreme statements, his sense of ‘authenticity’ and the identification of the ‘angry right wing of the Republican party looking for a leader.  Presto, extremism wins over moderation in the polls.  Let us look at Trump’s latest Moon-Sun Return, shown below.


Trump’s n/Mars-n/Asc. is at the MC, conjoined by t/Venus-t/Jupiter — all in late Leo and square t/Saturn in the first house, opposing n/PoF in the 4th.  His anger and challenging nature is now going to serve his career and standing in life (MC), the anger will be ‘large’ in nature and well received.  The noted square to t/Saturn finds that Saturn opposing the n/MC; Trump is setting fundamental rules relative to how his career (as Presidential candidate) will be managed.  Mean words may be part of his message.

t/Mars-t/Mercury conjoins n/Mercury in the 8th house.  The 8th house, in this case, is shared values, a sense of representing the best interests of others.  Angry words are being used to define how Trump manages his interests and the interests of his Party (which he doesn’t seem to care much about at the moment.)  Over this weekend, Trump chose to direct his remarks against John McCain, dropping the extreme remarks over immegration issues of previous weeks.  Lets look at the current Advanced chart for the weekend.


Note that the MC has precisely advanced to activate n/Asc-n/Mars-t/Jupiter–opposing n/PoF at the IC angle.  t/PoF has passed over n/Moon and opposed n/Sun.  In true Trump fashion, Donald has followed up his initial remarks with a barrage of modifying and conflicting statements, all designed to accomplish two objectives: 1) confuse the news media and critics about just exactly what he said and meant, and 2) to keep the news-conversational focus upon himself and away from others.  This is important because of the number of candidates running in his political party — 16 at last count.  The first Republican Party debate will only contain those with the highest poll percentages.  The rest (or second tier) will or may have their own “also running” debate — or they may not.  Trump is assuring his poll leadership so as be included in the debates and is taking all of the oxygen-in-the-room from the others.  Imagine this, all the other candidates will contain attacks against Trump in their remarks and answers to the debate questions.  This assures more notice for Trump as well as giving him rebuttal time in the debate.  Donald Trump will dominate these debates.

There is much to look at in Trumps natal chart and in these Moon-Sun and Advanced charts.  I wanted to publish these quickly because they represent Trumps pugnacious and argumentative personality quite well.  The role of Mars in these charts is important to study.  Perhaps my readers will find comments to offer.


Part One: Without an Introduction, Seth Arrives

Universe as Idea Construction photo

Have you ever been ‘sand-bagged?’  This phrase relates to being hit with something heavy, suddenly and with great force.  The experience can knock you off your feet.  I suppose the term came from those who were engaged in piling up sandbags along a river front to prevent flooding during heavy rains.  One can imagine a line of wet people tossing these sandbags, one-to-another, from a truck to an area where the river waters are likely to flood streets and homes.  One heavy bag is tossed, one is quite prepared to catch it, everyone collapses under the unexpected weight and force applied.

Jane Roberts was an aspiring writer, living with her husband-trying-to-be-an-artist, in a small upstate New York town, Elmira, during the early 1960s.  Each took jobs that they could find in their community to provide a living for themselves while giving them time to pursue their individual avocations.  For them, times were tough, income was marginal for their rent and living expenses, the future was always a paycheck away.

Our story takes us to a September, 1963 evening after supper.  Rob, Jane’s husband, was in one room with his paintings.  Jane went to her writing desk and sat down, pursuing some thoughts about various writing possibilities; a children’s book, an article for the local news paper.  Her first novel had just been published, another idea was needed.  Another cup of coffee was at her elbow, one of very many that day.  I quote her words from the book, “The Seth Material, page 10″.  Between one normal minute and the next, a fantastic avalanche of radical, new ideas burst into my head with tremendous force, as if my skull were some sort of receiving station, turned up to unbearable volume.”  I’ll continue Jane’s words.  “It was as if the physical world were really tissue-paper thin, hiding infinite dimesnsions of reality, and I was suddenly flung through the tissue paper with a huge ripping sound.”

When Jane regained conscious control of herself she was writing furiously about the physical universe being an idea construct.  Hence the photo of a living room couch placed in the middle of the universe at the top of this blog posting.  What was an idea construct?  As Jane’s books were written and published, we learned that this phrase related to all we see and touch and experience is a world within our minds, a world that has commonly held core ideas and places and history that is shared well providing us our own unique place within that shared construct of ideas.  This was a revolutionary thought in the 1960s,  It was also something completely beyond the daily life of Jane Roberts.  These and other ideas became a shaping force of the “new age” philosophy that was emerging in the last part of the 20th century.


This is the natal chart of Jane Roberts, relocated from Albany, NY to Elmira, NY.   One immediately notes Saturn on the MC and relates this pattern to Jane’s dark and severe facial appearance.  Next, we might note the Moon closely approaching the Sun, a phase that relates to “preparing for the future, the act of becoming” and 12th house connotations.  The N.Node conjoins Jupiter, suggesting an expansion of opportunities (Jupiter) through others (N.Node) that she associates with.  Perhaps the most-strange pattern, for me, is Saturn-Asc.-Part of Fortune.  With the PoF representing ‘chance and change’ we can interpret this pattern as ‘experiencing (Asc.) change and chaos (PoF) through a structure (Saturn).  As many of us know, as all of us will see, this is just what Jane experienced as she later found herself speaking for an entity that was not alive, and having her husband make notes of the conversations being held.

Jane’s experience with this unexpected and unsettling experience of “idea construction for the universe” was preceded by a t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return on Sept. 8, 1963.  That chart is shown below.  In this posting I will present the complete chart as it appears on my computer screen with all of its data.


We immediately note the natal PoF-Asc-Saturn pattern at the IC angle.  Within cyclic charts, this always indicates the commencement of a new experience (Asc. at the IC angle).  t/Mercury is in the 1st house; things said, news experienced personally.  We can play astrological hopscotch and jump to natal Mercury in the 9th; the news will involve foreign concepts which are strange to Jane.  With the t/Moon-conjunct-n/Sun in the 8th house, we can assume that the following two week period will have a generic theme of “shared management of resources or valued items which Jane will be intrusted with.”  These are the angular components and primary factors of the chart, and are all we need to make an assessment of what this two week period will be like for Jane.

The Pluto-Sun-Venus combo in the 12th can be seen as a supportive factor; behind the scenes understanding of transformative ideas and relationships.  The actual experience of these wild and unexpected ideas coming into Jane’s mind occurred on Sept. 9, 1963, the very next day after the above chart’s date.


I have include the chart data for this “Advanced” chart.  Note that the date has changed but that the chart’s time has remained the same.  Adjusting the Return chart’s date, and leaving the chart time unchanged, causes the chart to be ‘diurnally’ advanced.  The angles shift about a day (similar to the Sun’s daily progress) but the transits for the day after appear in their correct zodiac positions.  With a one day advance, only the Moon and Part of Fortune (PoF) make significant changes, as a rule.

Here, we see that the t/Moon and t/PoF have moved on to bracket n/Mercury.  t/Moon is an ’emotional reaction to changes in one’s life’ when considered within a cyclic chart.  t/PoF is a ‘personal experience of chance and change.’  Note that the PoF also shows how one experiences (the Asc.) what ever the PoF aspects — in this case n/Mercury (words, ideas).  t/Mercury, angular, trines n/Mercury.  This is one of those instances when ‘trines’ are seen as effective in a cyclic chart; t/Mercury is in an angular house and connects through a close aspect to its counterpart in a non-angular house, activating both of them (natal and transit).

Let us now go back and consider a natal pattern, MC opposite Venus.  Venus at the IC angle can mean many things in a natal chart; an appreciation of home life, a desire to have things arranged just right, looking for balance within any new situation, etc.   Here, this opposition pattern lies in the 2nd/8th house polarity, affecting Jane’s self-esteem (2nd) and duty to share/manage things (8th house).  This small factor in this cyclic chart gives us pause to think about how unsettled Jane must have been by this “outside the box” experience that was so unlike her normal daily experiences.

I have shared a lot in this posting, which may be too long for some.  First, we have been introduced to a woman whose prime adult experiences started in the 1960s when everything seemed new and fresh.  We have encountered some charts which reflect the chaotic event the would prove to shape the rest of her life.  We have seen how Moot-to-Sun Return charts (precessed) are calculated and advanced to show daily experiences.  We have seen that only a very few planets are used in looking at these day-by-day photos of one’s life.  And, we are coming to appreciate the manner in which planets are interpreted in these charts and the simplicity of that interpretation in terms of phrasing that is ‘everyday’ in its nature.  Astrology can be fun, simple, and profound in how it mirrors life. 

A Challenge To Astrology; Jane Roberts and the Seth Material

Jane & Seth photoJane Roberts was an author, her husband a painter, both living in upper-west New York state in the U.S.  They were like many young couples in their efforts to make a living while following their primary interests. In the 1960s an aspiring author and a artist had difficulties in finding work in a small town such as Elmira.  Yet, despite their modest existance, these two would have a most dramatic impact on shaping the “new age” philosophies that would mark the last half of the twentieth century.  It all started near the time the couple proposed a book to a publisher on ‘ESP.’

It turned out that Jane would develop into a medium, channeling information from a non-living entity who called himself Seth.  Seth provided revelatory material on many subjects, but primarily on the real nature of the universe and our place within it.  During her years of speaking for Seth, all dutifully copied down by her husband, Robert Butts, Jane stated the following:  “. . . horoscopes that readers have cast for us . . . seldom show much correlation . . .—nor will one persons charts for us agree with those prepared by others.  . . . astrology, as its presently practiced, is too limited in conception.”  From her book, The Unknown Reality, Volume 11, note 3 from Session 729.

I will begin a series of postings exploring ‘Astrology’ relative to the Seth Material.  Jane had written some three dozen books prior to her passing in the1980s.  There will be plenty of material to demonstrate just how well, or poorly, astrology mirrors her life.  We, as astrologers, will take up her challenge.  In the meantime, we will examine the role of Return and Cyclic charting.  This will be fun.  As always, we may interupt our series to explore current issues of interest as they arise in the news.  Dave.

Dylann Roof Indicted for Church Murders

Photo Roof Captured in NCRoofDylannStormRoofMoppS6-25-2015indict

This photo, left, was taken when Dylann Roof was apprehended in North Carolina following a tip from a woman driving to work who had watched the evening news about the Charleston, S.C. church shooting and had seen the suspect’s photo.  In the next lane she saw him driving his car, the same car shown on the newscast.  The police took him into custody at short time later.  Today, on July 7, 2015, Roof was formerly indicted for nine counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder and one weapons offense charge.  This puts into motion the long process of lawyers planning strategy, discovering and sharing evidence, and then moving forward to trial.  Given the nature of the circumstances and evidence it would seem that the outcome of the trial is predictable.

Dylann’s t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun Return occurred on June 25th, 2015.  The primary angular component in the chart is found at the Ascendant — t/Mercury being there.  Words, news, pronouncements, legal processes involving writs and court papers are symbolized by Mercury.

The next important factor is n/Asc. in the 7th house, six degrees from exact opposition.  His circumstances and environment is being controlled by others.  One important factor in this, or any Moon-Sun Return chart, is the Part of Fortune which does not have to be angular to be significant as it is a substitute for the Ascendant in some ways.  Here we can see t/PoF conjoining n/PoF; chaos and changes occur when these components meet up in the chart.  Here, this pair is seen opposite t/Chiron and n/Mars, sybolizing Dylann Roof’s threatening approach to fixing or healing a bad situation (as he sees it), meaning his racist views.  Whenever we use a transiting or natal planet, we have to look at the other natal or transiting version of that same planet for added information on how the planet will express itself.  Here, we find t/Mars conjoining t/Sun in the 1st house; his personal anger and temperment, and his developed intent and life-style is on exhibition, squaring n/N.Node and n/MC — His life status is mixed up with the views of others.


This chart has been advanced to July 7, 2015  which is the date of the indictment.  Much has changed, the t/PoF has now moved to the MC angle; his life status has now been subjected to total change, he is on the path to being tried for his crimes.  He will learn a personal lesson (n/Saturn) from this.  His ideals, t/Neptune, are on display.

Due to the now-direct t/Mercury’s motion, t/Mercury and the Ascendant are keeping pace, indicating the ongoing dialog among the court offices and lawyers over Roof’s trial process.  t/Sun is separating from t/Mars, perhaps indicating logic separating from anger   This t/Sun opposes t/Pluto-n/Moon, a heavy set of symbols.  Roof’s emotions and habitual way of dealing with life (on impulse, on irrational feelings and built up beliefs) is being torn apart.  Surely, it mus start to be evident to him that his personal views have been totally rejected by everyone around him.  How alone he must now feel.

Note that t/Moon is approaching n/Sun.  Tomorrow will bring a new cycle, and a new realization that he is “up life’s creek without a paddle.”   I will follow this sad process as it unfolds over the next year.  I would expect that the trial will begin in some nine months or so.  Dave