The Dark at the End of the Tunnel

The Dark at the End of the Tunnel; John Allen Muhammad looks at a bleak future.

A mild chart within a harsh reality

This chart represents the last phase of John Allen Muhammads life.  Seven years after his horrible alliance with Lee Boyd Malvo and their shooting spree in the Washington D.C. area, Muhammad had run out of options.  Indeed, his prospects for finding any legal mercy were so bleak that he asked that any further appeals on his behalf cease.

This chart is instructive relative to our approach to “prediction” because it forces us to deal with the subject of “context.” The term context, as I use it, relates to the overall flow of ones life and the current flow of life in particular.

There are several elements in the predictive process to consider. First, the Natal Chart represents our potential in life.  We can view this as a roadmap, although it is not in any was as certain as a roadmap.  It will likely prove to be more fluid.  Bit by bit, over a lifetime, elements of the natal chart will be triggered by transits, by interaction with other people and their charts. What may happen is difficult to determine from the natal chart alone.  Second, the Solar Return chart for a year brings a general perspective and emphasis relating to portions of the natal chart.  In the above Solar Return, a quick glance shows no closely angular planets.   Yet, we will find some important portents there.  Third, the Progressed Daily Angles charts will focus those forces or potentials of the natal chart and the emphasis of the Solar Return chart such that what is due to happen will find a way to express itself.  Fourth, we have to deal with the flow of the life situation, or the “context” of one’s life.  Being highly specific, if that is possible in some or all cases, depends upon understanding the context of the life being represented by the trio of charts used.

Let’s talk about “context.” John Allen Muhammad’s earlier and adult life was marked by his personal view of the world.  He combined his being on the bad end of racial pregedice, his Army experience, his inclination to see himself as a leader and role model, his poverty during his years as a child and teenager, and the social views that surrounded him to shape an attitude of arrogance, a belief in himself being a leader and mentor, and to have socialogical hopes and views that placed him in an admirable light among his peers.  He was a problem looking for a happening.

That “happening” was the events of October, 2002 which were an extension of earlier killings that marked his wanderings prior to showing up in the Washington, D.C. area with his young friend who wanted to join in the thrill of killing others.   Following their arrest, charges, legal activities and charges led up to a trial and a guilty sentance for both shooters.  The younger shooter was given a life sentance, Muhammad was given a death sentance.  The context, or flow of life, for Muhammad following his first trial and its sobering outcome had to deflate much of the bravado that marked his attitude up to the start of that trial.  He was faced with the inevitable futility of resisting the system.  In other words, he could see the darkness at the end of the tunnel stretching a short distance in front of him.  What a 49th birthday to experience!

The chart within the context of futility and hopelessness. Given the charts that have been presented previously, let’s look at the angular activity first.  There doesn’t seem to be any close planetary presence, a lot of nearby stuff.  That’s what makes this chart a good lesson for bringing up the context of one’s life.

MC = Neptune/Node; (the MC is seven degrees from Neptune on one side and the N.Node on the other side).  Ebertin in his Combination of Stellar Influences notes “The inability to realise one’s own objectives with the help of others.  Emotional suffering.  The preference for life in seclusion and away from other people.”  Perhaps we can picture the sense of futility, of living in a hopless situation, the facing of a death that was relentlessly coming closer with each day.

With the presence of the North Node in the MC mid-point, we have to hopscotch over to the natal North Node which is conjunct natal Pluto.  Again, Ebertin notes that Node/Pluto can signify “Unions or associations brought about by the particular circumstances of one’s destiny, a karmic link.”  The fourth house signifys and end to this situation and experience — not the square to the Solar Return Ascendant (that which is to be faced and experienced this year).  Continuing to play astrological hopscotch, we jump from this natal Pluto to the transiting Mars conjunct Pluto in the 7th house area. Do we even have to pause to grasp the essential meaning of this pairing; brutal use of force, a compulsion to act, irrevocable changes wrought.

All of the above is more than enough to paint the pictures that must have rolled through the mind of John Allen Muhammad day after day.  And all of this was in the context of his life at that time, at that place.   Sometimes a chart seems to give us just a little.  That little is enough in most cases.  Like an actor who can convey a book of feelings in a glance, this chart simply paints a life within a dismal context.  What more is there to look for at this point?

If any have questions or differing views, please share them here.  Dave

Mercury approaches its station point

Mercury reaches its station point on Dec. 26th, prior to turning retrograde.

As we complete this “direct motion” phase of Mercury’s orbit, as viewed from Earth, we can take a moment to review what these recent weeks have revealed to us in the light of this Mercury phase meaning.  As a broad statement, I had noted that Mercury rushing ahead of the Sun, where the Sun had not yet trod, indicated a sense of curiousity, of discovery, of open-honesty, of trial and error without a sense of direction and firm guidance.  So, what have we seen?

The U.S. President was awarded, and accepted, the Nobel Peace Prize based on the changed mood he brought to global politics and the promise of a more open and mature policy of the country in its relations with others.

This President also went to Denmark and found chaos and a lack of forward movement relative to global warming.  He, and other chiefs of state, then directly created and negotiated understandings of how to proceed, rather than the usual practice of attending conferences to sign perviously prepared agreements.  Talking, negotiating, communicating, public pressure — all the things that Mercury in this phase represents.

Then, we have the Washington Circus, a two ring show of rediculous acts as the House and upper chamber each took turns or competed through their debates and arguments and verbal sniping in order to move a hastily-prepared and misunderstood health care bill forward.  Mercury at its worst.

We have seen court trials, such as that of Amanda Knox in Italy, wherein the issue of facts versus opinion resulted in a decision against her —- while the process of appeal starts.  On the other hand we have seen riots and unrest in Iran where the process of appeal is being rejected or resisted by the voices of the government there.  And, at this critical juncture as Mercury slows and stops, we have seen the demise of a senior cleric whose voice was the hope of the opposition group.

In all of these cases of “Mercury direct expression” other factors also play their role.  We need to look at Mars and also the greater context of the outer planet patterns now in place.  But that is another topic.

What has been your observations of how this Mercury-direct-ahead-of-the-Sun phase has played out in your life, or in your view of the outer world’s life?   Post your comments and share with me.  Dave

The end of the beginning

The end of the beginning; the trial and the hopes end.

The "dark" at the end of the tunnel

John Allen Muhammad’s dream of promoting his vision and justifying his deeds came to a sudden end. Ever since following the news and trial of Scott Peterson (he murdered his wife and unborn son in this same general time frame), I have often wondered how these sociopathic wonders came to grips with reality when the trial ended.

First, we should note that I have kept the orientation of this chart the same as the chart for the start of the trial five weeks earlier.  Note that the MC has moved from 20 Cancer to 2 Virgo and the Ascendant moved from 18 Libra to 21 Scorpio.  The Sun remains close to the Ascendant degree during this time. This is why the Sun is not always a good trigger indicator for an event date.  The Sun can equally linger around the ends of the vertical axis due to the relatively small differential of movement; the Sun moving slightly less than a degree a day, the MC moving slightly more than a degree per day, and the Ascendant having a more variable nature.  Still, the Sun plays an interpretive role.

Transiting Moon is approaching or at the MC; Emotions run high, one’s over-reaction, haste and poor judgement affect the present situation.  Muhammads extreme views, his actions, and his demeanor all combined to minimize any benevolent consideration given to his situation.  Guilty. Uranus transits at the IC; Surprises likely today, excitement in the air, unique decisions are likely.  Guilty.  Natal North Node and Pluto at the MC; Others are involved in shaping your status.  Pluto denotes words such as separative, divisive, totally changing siuations surround you — I’d say that fits.  Guilty. 

And, the really emphasized transiting North Node at the Descendant angle; Coupled with the natal Node at the MC, this nodal position points to others being highly influential in your affairs — this would be the jury!  Guilty.   Whenever the transiting and natal versions of the same planet or symbol are angular, great emphasis has to be placed on its dual positions and meanings. In this case, with Node = associations, MC = status, Desc. = partners, enemies, we can easily see that these symbols point to Muhammad’s status is being savaged (Pluto) by others.

The simplicity of this approach, when searching for potential impact dates, speaks for itself.  Let us review how we look for these dates:

  • Muhammad’s natal chart sets up the potential for strong, willful actions; Mars in the 7th opposses Asc., Sun and Mercury.  He perceives threats of various kinds coming from others.  Venus opposses Uranus; he has a unique set of values that revolves around conflicts (the opposition aspect) — he loves to pick a fight or to perceive that others mean him harm.   MC squares Jupiter/Saturn; the business of life (Jupiter/Saturn) is a struggle to control and direct.  Node/Pluto is at the midpoint of Mars/Neptune;  Node/Pluto suggests the tendancy to misuse influence over others while Mars/Neptune is a signature of irritability and weakness — combine these and we find one who can cause damage to others,, to be brutal, to use others for one’s own aims.  Whenever these aspect patterns are aspected, these portions of Muhammads nature are triggered. He has shown that he hasn’t grown past these basic instincts.
  • Depending upon the astrological software that we use, we can look for a listing of daily MC and Ascendant values that coincide with the zodiac positions of these planets, or we can step through a series of charts to see when two or more of these planets/patterns are angular at the same time.  That is the date when fireworks are likely to erupt.
  • The natal chart is one’s potential.  The Solar Return chart represents a focus for the coming year — if the key natal aspect patterns are in the solar return, that portion of his nature and personality are likely to emerge and need to be faced.   The Progressed Daily Angles chart will indicate the day when the potential and yearly focus planets are likely to be experienced.  The three charts work together in this manner.

The planetary meanings used here are all tuned to represent situations, actions, attitude, decisions — in other words, events.  While the term “prediction” is used, we have to recognize that prediction is really the definition of events and timing within the context of one’s life style.

As always, comments or direct e-mails ( are welcome.  This series of charts will end with the upcoming charts for Muhammad’s day of execution.    Dave.

Starting Down the Inevitable Path

Starting Down the Inevitable Path; the beginning of the end.

The trial for murder commences

The Trial for Murder Commences John Allen Muhammad went on trial for murder on Oct. 14, 2003.  Several other trials were being planned, this being the first to commence.

The chart has several strong features such as natal MC at the Ascendant; this date will be a time of actions taken and decisions made relative to one’s standing in the world.  Sun conjunct Ascendant; Subject to legal authority and actions, taking a stance, inciting an action or making a major decision.  We can note Mercury above the Ascendant; (with a 12th house, hidden bias) Conversation, face-to-face meetings, changes of plans, playing a key role in the day’s activities.  John Allen Muhammad announced to the court that he would represent himself.  Following opening statements and the judge’s examination of his legal knowledge, his lawyers were re-appointed as his legal representatives and advisors, and the trial continued in a more orderly manner.  Muhammad had intended to showcase his particular views on the inequities that he saw in his life and society.

We also note natal Jupiter and Saturn at the IC; “The business of life” (Jupiter and Saturn) is either ending or beginning, depending upon how you want to look at the situation.   These few factors, natal MC, Sun, Mercury, Ascendant, IC, Jupiter and Saturn located at their respective angles, defines exactly what the days activities involved.

Playing hop scotch, again. The context of ones life, at the time of the solar return or the day of the PDA (Progressed Daily Angles) charts, has to always be kept in mind.  Our birth chart shows the potential of our life, the solar return shows the opportunities that are likely to come to us in the annual period ahead, and the PDA chart shows the experiences and our interaction with them.  This logical linkage, moving from the broad whole-life view to the current situation to the daily events of our life, helps us to both stay within a context of actions, decisions, accomplishments, and attitudes and to then view these charts in terms of what is most likely to happen at a given time.

We can seek to enrich our understanding of the chart, of any chart, in a variety of ways.  We can look at playing hop scotch to see if we can gain deeper insight here.  With natal MC at the Asc., we can bring in their opposite numbers.  Natal Ascendant conjoins Mercruy and Sun, the same players that transit the PDA Ascendant.  So, willful plans and conversation is the order of the day in a big way — as evidenced by Muhammad deciding to represent himself.   The chart’s MC is close to transiting Saturn on the 9th house side of the MC; complaints arise, conditions are imposed.  The philosophy of the court was to maintain control over the trial and to assure that due process was followed.  Given the construction of the chart, our game of hopscotch is limited to these few components.

Prediction, timing, event definition. This system, based on the three types of charts and the MC-Solar Cycle, is quite good for timing.  We will need to spend some time reviewing the technical methods of how we can most easily review when angles and planets will come to the angles of a solar return or daily chart.  But, planets and natal angles at the angles of a solar return chart or daily chart is the key timing factor.  Event definition is accomplished due to the nature of the angular planets and our synthesis of their placements.  Prediction is done by combining timing and event definition with the context of the subject’s life, recognizing how the aspect patterns of the natal chart have the potential for aligning with the angles of solar returns and daily charts.

What about signs, rulers, asteroids, Uranian TNPs, and other factors? Any of these other methodologies can be layered upon this three-chart system — but we have to keep in mind that none of those factors contribute to the basic system of prediction depicted here! Those factors can, and likely will in almost every case, add refinement and deeper understanding  to the chart.  Yet, we have seen in these three charts that the sparse methods used has been more than adequate to define what happened and when it happened.  So, I promise to address the means by which any of my readers can construct these charts by themselves.

All of the interpretive statements made here are taken directly from my book which in the final editing phase.


PS, as always, comments or direct e-mails are both welcome.

Astrological Hop Scotch

Astrological Hop Scotch; jumping from square to square

Hop Scotch thru the Chart

Children play hop-scotch, a game in which one has to jump from a square to another square while following a sequence.  As part of our interpretive process in finding the key factors in a chart, we can also play astrological hop scotch.

Refer to the precession-corrected 2003 Solar Return chart for John Allen Muhammad in the previous post.

That chart, along with the upper portion of the diagram at the left, will serve to teach us how to hop scotch in an astrological sense.  In that chart deliniation I started with transiting Neptune at the IC angle. Refer to the upper group of four boxes in the diagram—note the green box (top left).  This signifies that both Neptune and Mercury are at the IC.  Planets at an angle are always important to consider.

Now, note the dotted line leading to the olive-colored box below.  This box shows natal Neptune at the Ascendent of the chart.  When a natal and transiting version of the same planet is at an angle, any angle, that  is important to consider. Note also in that 2003 S/R chart that the Ascendent is at the midpoint of natal MC and natal Sun. (The “equal” sign gives the clue that this is a midpoint structure.

Again, follow the dotted line up to the top-right box where we see natal Ascendent, natal Mercury, and natal Sun grouped together.  The common element is the Ascendant — be it the natal or the S/R Ascendent.   We have hop-scotched our way from one square to another appropriate square, finding common links in various parts of the chart.

While we have this set of “jumps” from one astrological factor to another, let’s take a moment to peek at the lower set of four boxes.  Only the designation of A, IC, MC, D has been replaced with a sign designating an “angle.”   I have left the top-right “A” in place, by mistake when creating this diagram.  We can treat any angle, for the purposes of this game, like any other angle.

Some simple guidelines for playing Astrological Hop Scotch:

1)  Planets (natal or transiting) at/near any angle are the only ones considered.

2) Any natal angle at a Solar Return or Daily chart angle is important.

3) Natal and transiting versions of any planet (a pair) at any angles are important.

4) We can interchange the Moon and North Node for the purpose of playing hop scotch, even though they have different meanings.

5) Other planets that are linked to an angular planet through an aspect pattern can be brought into the game.

The purpose of this astrological hop scotch is merely to identify which planets are to be considered for our quickie-interpretation of the chart.  In this case we had Neptune, Mercury and Sun, plus the MC, Ascendent and IC involved. Drama and self-deception, talking and presenting ideas, ones intent and willful actions, one’s goals in life, one’s attitude, and one’s core values as a foundation for life are all the primary issues that we have to deal with in this chart, with this period of time after his crimes and before his trial.

In future charts for the start and end of his trial, and for his execution, we will see examples of this astrological hop scotch leading us through the key points in each of those charts.  Dave

En route to his final crises

En route to his final crises while fulfilling the promise of his chart.

Another step towards a fated end

Following the many sniper shootings in the Washington, D. C. area in October, 2002, and his arrest, John Allen Muhammad was waiting in jail and working with his lawyers to prepare a defense.

What will the precession-corrected Solar Return chart tell us? The first step is always to note what planets (either natal or transiting) are angular in the chart.

Transiting Neptune is at the IC angle with Mercury in close company. Ideas, self-deception, imagination at work, the end of a delusional train-of-thought can all be seen in this symbolism. 

Natal Neptune is in the 1st house, natal MC in the 12th house, Ascendant at the midpoint. If we refer to Ebertin’s Combination of Stellar Influences to see what this midpoint of Asc. = MC/Neptune has for a core meaning: “Propagating one’s own opinions and influencing one’s environment accordingly.  Determinng one’s attitude to other people, judging or giving advice.”   How does this fit with the known facts of his pre-trial and trial period?

John Allen Muhammad represented himself at the beginning of his trial.  He must have spent the prior months, as indicated by this Solar Return chart, gathering his thoughts, bouncing ideas off of his lawyers, listening to their discussions.  At the start of the trial he took over the direction of his own trial.   Ebertin’s short written statement is strikingly appropriate—he spoke for himself, intending to follow his delusional view of his actions.  The judge quickly reinstated his legal team as advisors.  Over 100 witnesses and 400 pieces of evidence were introduced by the prosecutor to tie Muhammad to 8 of 10 killings in the Washington, D.C. area and 2 killings in Louisiana and Alabama.

Neptune can represent large crowds and public attention (stemming from the “drama” and “entertainment” issues often associated with that planet) in addition to a lack of clarity, a range of deceptive pratices (such as drug use, deciet, fraud).  With ‘Neptune’ at two angles, its influence is amplified. This is true of any planet when its natal self and transiting self are angular.

The Sun’s position and its aspected planets are important! After looking at the angles of the chart, we move to the Sun’s situation.  By definition of what a Solar Return is, both natal and transiting Sun are exactly conjunct and important.  Natal Sun is conjunct Merucry and opposite Mars.  We have a few more “rules of good practice” to consider here. 1) The Sun’s house position shows us part of the year’s theme; the third house represents activities of talking and planning and writing—obviously travel is out of the question.  2)  Aspects of other planets to the Sun are important; the conjunction with Mercury, the opposition to Mars, the trine to Pluto and the North Node.  The conjunction and opposition aspects are always critical to consider.  In the Solar Return chart Mercury is at the IC with Neptune nearby.  With Sun/Mercury opposite Mars we have a built in fantasy of aggression and defense that is triggered whenever one of these aspect pattern planets is angular. 3) Transiting Mars is in the first house, part of the Sun-Mercury-Mars grouping, becomes important to consider.  This transiting Mars conjuncts transiting Venus, a combination that often relates to poise and self-confidence.  Of course, this self-confidence is heavily influenced by the angular Neptunes, but we can expect Muhammad to assertively talk, plan, espouse his views, follow his dreams of influencing others.

I haven’t yet addressed Pluto.  Natal Sun is also aspecting Pluto and the North Node.  If we look again at the Solar Return chart we see transiting Pluto conjuncting the Moon.  Now jump over to the natal Moon—it is opposite an angle, the Ascendant.  We can substitute or swap Moon and N.Node as if they were the same. They aren’t, but for investigative work we can do this.  Pluto conjuncts Moon (read as substitute to N.Node)  This pair is opposite natal Moon.  John Allen Muhammad has a primary need (moon) to control (pluto) others (node).  He achieved this (for him) in his killing spree.  He tried to achieve this in terms of running his own trial.  This technique of playing hop-scotch from planet to planet may seem playful, but it leads us to discovering meaning within the chart that is not obvious at first sight.

The simple act of starting our deliniation with the angles is the key to reading the Solar Return chart. All of the many, many rules or steps that are promulgated by authors and professionals at seminars are not necessary.  There is no need to make astrology difficult to learn or to practice.    Angles and hop-scotch jumping can lead to all we need to know in order to make a judgemen about the chart and the person it represents.  In the next posts we will follow the trial of Muhammad and look more closely at the role of the Sun in the daily charts. As always, anyone is free to comment or to e-mail me directly at  I would particularly like feedback on how visitors feel about these chart presentations —- is there clarity?  Does the predictive or interpretive method seem simple and direct? Dave

D.C. Snipers Caught!

D.C. Snipers Caught: One nightmare over, another one starts

On Oct. 24, 2002, late in the evening, John Allen Muhammad and his teen-aged associate were found at a rest stop and arrested.

Discovered and arrested

The progressed daily angles chart for this event is shown at the right.  At first glance this chart appears to not be anything special. But, should one look back a few posts to the Solar Return chart of Jan. 1, 2002 for John Allen Muhammad it would be seen that the angles of that chart are repeated here.  As it turns out, Oct. 24, 2002 is 297 days after the Solar Return—9 months 3 weeks later.

The MC-Solar cycle discussed in prior posts is very much evident here.  With the angles of the Solar Return repeated, the meanings of that Solar Return chart are recalled for experiencing.  Readers are suggested to visit the post with the chart on the blue file card and review that chart and analysis.

Here, we are looking at a chart for the capture of one of the two demented individuals who shot at 13 individuals, killing 12 of them.   The clues had finally added up, and the bravado of the killers in their messages taunting the police all combined to culminate in their capture.  Let’s look at the chart’s components.

The Solar Return angles repeated in this daily chart: problems and answers are said to be found on two sides of the same coin according to a popular saying.  The return of the chart angles to this chart shows that the problem and its solution are linked.  Here, the transiting Sun is at the IC angle: One’s intent and willful actions are at an end.  Natal Neptune at the IC: The dream is over, the illusion is at an end.  Note that transiting Neptune is also angular, the dreams of another are also involved.  Nearby is Pallas: symbolizing the seeking of approaval  and support.  It is difficult to properly asses this placement — were the messages a means of unintended surrender?  This is one possible meaning for these two in a conjunction situation.

Of course, a most notable feature is transiting Jupiter at the Ascendant: This is another twist of logic for an astrologer.  Jupiter is associated with luck, good fortune, expanded social opportunities as well as justice and legal situations.  Another symbol that I’ve often found to be associated with legalities and the power of authorities is the Sun.  Here, we have both symbols, and the law was involved.  Of further interest is the presence of transiting Venus near the IC; a placement that often shows up when a balance is restored.  This Venus-placement has also been found in the Progressed Daily Angles charts where a death occurs as well as when a love relationship is established!

To repeat prior observations: The angles of these cyclic charts are most important, whatever is angular will tell the story.  The meanings of natal planets will carry forward into their transiting versions and blend with the angular significance of their location.   We can always combine any of the angular planets in a keyword format to find basic chart meanings —- here we can bring Jupiter, Sun, Neptune together as a T-Square pattern which we could see as “a lack of self control, irresponsibility, the misfortune of being deceived” to partially quote from Ebertin’s Combination of  Stellar Influences.    Comments on these observations, or alternate views and open discussion is always welcome.  Dave

Solar Returns & Daily Charts #2

Tutorial: Solar Returns & Daily Charts #2

This post continues the series of explanations behind the MC-Solar Cycle that is the basis behind this predictive system.

The MC of a given Solar Return progresses through the signs 450 degrees per year, approximately. This is shown in the diagram (right) where the MC moves from late Libra (year: 2000) to late Capricorn (year: 2001).  This rate of advance continues year to year.  After four full years the MC has advanced to the last degree of Libra.

The MC of a given Solar Return has a daily rate of advance of about one and a quarter degrees. Note the sine-wave portion of the diagram between the Solar Return of 2002 and 2003.  The MC progresses some 1.25 degrees per day in synchronization with the annual cycle of 450 degrees of progressed advance.

Astro Tip

Astro Tip: Chart Angles. The chart angles of a Solar Return or a progressed daily angles chart for an “in between” date are important to note relative to the natal chart.  When a natal chart’s angles contact a solar return or a daily chart’s angles, then then those angles have significant interpretive meaning.  For example, the natal Ascendant at a solar return MC would signify one being a spokesperson for an organization or a civic cause.

The MC position in a Solar Return has it’s own cycle of significance. That MC progresses with the daily charts to an opposite point in the zodiac approximately 4 months and 3 weeks following ones birthday.  This is a challenge point when the meaning or theme of the Solar Return chart is at a crises or challenge point. The MC progresses onward, day by day, until it returns to its previous Solar Return position 9 months and 2 weeks later.  This is a completion or resolve point when the promise of the Solar Return is fulfilled. A couple of months later, the progressing MC point reaches next year’s Solar Return point, 450 degrees (more or less) ahead of the prior-year’s MC position.  A new cycle starts.

We will return to following the major events in John Allen Muhammad’s fateful journey through life towards his execution seven years later. Who said seven years was a lucky cycle period.  Readers may want to test this MC-Solar Cycle themselves without having to go through the process of calculating Solar Return charts or the in-between daily charts.  Merely start with your birthday date and count forward 4 months and 3 weeks.  Note the date.  Then, count forward 9 months and 2 weeks and note that date.  If the period around your birthday was positive and marked by an event or circumstance of significance, check the first period 4 months and 3 weeks later to see what challenged you relative to your birthday period.  Then check your status and situation 9 months and 2 weeks following your birthday.  Whever your Solar Return and birthday seemed to promise should now be an established part of your life and you should be preparing to move on.

We will see, as we follow the examples to be presented over the next few weeks, how easy it is to apply these techniques to our individual lives.  In fact, if someone has had a significant period in their life and if they wish to have those events followed here using these predictive methods, please contact me via e-mail — It is so much more interesting to apply these methods to someone you know — you!  Dave