Emma Watson Plays the “Hokey Pokey”

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Everyone in the U.S. knows the Hokey Pokey, the dance that is always played at weddings. “You put your left hand, you take your left hand out, you put your right foot in, you take your right foot out . . . . and that is how you do the Hokey Pokey.  On July 9, 2007, Emma and her co-stars placed their hand and foot imprints into the cement on LA’s “Walk of Fame.”  This is one of the iconic moments for those who achieve stardom or public fame in some manner.  Although it is not a “life changing” event for those in the public eye, it is significant and something should show up in the charts.

In this post I will utilize Emma’s 2007 precession corrected Solar Return and a progressed daily angles chart for July 9th, both relocated to Los Angeles, CA.  We will see in these charts how Emma Watson’s natal chart configurations played a role in her life on these key dates.

Emma SR 2007-in CA-J

The first thing to notice is Emma’s n/Jupiter at the solar return MC.  This is a familiar place for Jupiter as its natal position was just ahead of the n/MC, suggesting that her life would bring her opportunities and life/social expansion.  Such would be the case in this year of her life, 2007.  Now, play astrological hopscotch and jump to t/Jupiter conjoining t/Pluto opposite the solar return MC, all linked up to n/Moon.  Emma’s n/Moon points her to valuing a home life, a solid foundation and the security of things staying within bounds.  This is in contradiction to the promise of n/Jupiter.  t/Pluto at the IC and opposite n/Jupiter and the solar MC points to total upheaval, a need to control, irrevocable forces at play.  How will these contractions both fit and work out?

Hopscotch-jumping over to t/Moon & t/Mercury at the Desc. angle, we might choose to see a “blending of emotions and logical thought processes at work” involving partners and her fit with others.  Watson’s “home” is within the circle of her associates, that is where she feels comfortable and secure, that is why she signed up to complete the final movies in the Harry Potter series.  Emma’s Sun/Sun is in the 7th house, close to the cusp of the 8th house.  Question: is this an 8th house Sun or a 7th house Sun?  Answer: since the angles and houses move forward in zodiac motion, the Sun/Sun placement stays in the 7th house.  Partner’s will be so very important to her.  With Jupiter located in the MC and 3rd house, we can see in hindsight how her career is linked to the third house (mobility and communication, hands and feet can be included).  Normally, in these charts, only those chart factors close to the angles are of primary importance, every thing that is not so close is a supportive.  In this chart n/Asc. and n/MC are close behind the Return chart’s Asc. and MC angles — real close position would point to a life changing event.  “Sort-of-close” suggests changes are being considered but will not occur at this time — and being in the house behind the angles, those possibilities will not occur soon.

Emma PDA 7-09-2007-J

The daily angles chart, advanced from the Solar Return, for July 9th, 2007 is shown above. The t/Pluto conjunct n/Moon pattern is now at the Asc. and opposed to n/MC.   Now, t/Mercury is again at the daily chart’s Desc. just as it was months earlier at the Solar Return.  t/Sun in the 7th opposes n/Neptune in the 1st; Emma is finding her life’s purpose relative to her dreams.  n/Sun (hopscotch jumping again) is in the 4th; Emma is “at home” in these situations.  She is an actress at home in her world of bringing fantasy into reality.

Now, the critical question.  Since Emma Watson on this date is imprinting her hands and feet into cement on the Walk of Fame, how do we see that in the chart?  Can we see that?  Concrete — what symbolizes that?  Saturn symbolizes concrete.  What is Emma’s purpose on this date?  We look to the Sun for that clue.  n/Sun squares n/Saturn, t/Sun broadly opposes t/Saturn.  The struggle to achieve something permanent in this life (n/Sun square n/Saturn 8th to 5th natal houses) involves the cooperative efforts of creative partners.  On this date t/Sun opposite (broadly) t/Saturn says that partnership (the opposition) is the key to activating Saturn’s symbolism.  Could we see this ahead of time, could we make a prediction?  I don’t think so.  I couldn’t.  Can we learn from this?  Perhaps.  But, we certainly can learn to accept that astrological symbolism is very real, very true and consistent.  Astrology works.  We astrologers can sometimes use astrology well, other times we don’t do so well.  But, we can always marvel at it.   I hope this exercise was interesting.

I encourage any who find this methodology interesting to consider purchasing my new book, Personal Prediction.  The instruction, the illustrated practices, the examples are all fascinating.  The book is good.   Dave

PS. Like the ninthhouse on FaceBook.

Emma Watson’s Mercury Speaks Its Mind

Emma Photo-3

The year is 2007.   The fifth Harry Potter film, The Order of the Phoenix, has been released.  The cast has not yet signed up for the last films of the series. There was some discussion about whether they would continue or leave the series and go on to other projects.  Up until now there had been few cast changes — the most obvious one had been the character of Professor Dumbledore.  Eventually Emma and the others decided to commit to finishing the series.  On March 23, 2007 they all signed up for the Half-Blood Prince and the two part Deathly Hallows, which would complete the series of Harry Potter films.   In this posting I’ll revert to the Moon-to-Sun Return charting format — later I will alternate back to the Solar Return and daily charting.


This t/Moon-to-n/Sun in the 5th house Return chart is appropriate for this event.  The “theme” for moon-sun-in-the-fifth relates to (quoting the pre-written book statement) “the actor emerging from us through teaching, creating, doing.  We gain great confidence and assurance from pursuing our life’s purpose.  Participation is required in the period ahead, applying your own special skills or identity.  There is a role to play whether one wants to or not.”  This is the theme of this period.  Emma Watson makes a decision and acts in accordance with this theme.

The most notable pattern in this return chart is the doubled-up Mercury symbols at the angles; n/Mercury at the Desc. angle, t/Mercury at the IC angle.  Mercury at the 7th angle points to signed contracts and agreements.  Mercury at the IC points to making a decision or deciding on a new start.   The other primary symbol to look for in these charts is the Part of Fortune, here the t/PoF is in the first house of actions taken.   Finally, one should note n/Pluto at the Ascendant; one wants to continue their control or participation in the on-going flow of their life.

There are a number of supportive patterns that one might look at, although the few noted above tell the whole story.  We could note t/Vertex conjunct n/MC (one’s on-going goals — the prior movies made — intrude into one’s actions), or t/Mars approaching t/Neptune, IC and n/Mars; (we might say that action is taken on following a vision, the movie series, and a new phase of effort), or t/Sun square t/Pluto (one’s self-interests are challenged by the need to remain in control of those interests).  In any case, let us look next at the Advanced chart for the date of contract signing.


This Advanced chart is for three days following the Moon-to-Sun Return chart.  Not much has changed in those three days!  Natal and transiting Mercury’s remain at the angles.  T/Sun has moved a bit away from its square to t/Pluto; the decision to control or manage her future has been made, now the Sun represents her self-interests in moving forward with her previous decision.  t/PoF conjoins n/Saturn; the choice reflects that of being consistent, taking a rational step.  N/Pluto remains on the chart’s Asc.  This is one of those circumstances where the Return chart and the Advanced chart really don’t differ — in other words the situation of March 20th remains the same as on March 23rd; the decision was made and the decision was acted upon.  Period.  No dramatic differences.  Mercury represented the decision on the 20th.  Mercury represented the act of contract signing on the 23rd.   Dave.

Magic Strikes; Premiere of Harry Potter Movie for Emma Watson

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It was some months after the London Premiere of Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone on Nov. 4, 2001 that I took the oldest of the grandchildren we had adopted to see Harry Potter.  We had been reading the book, a chapter each night.  While the boy was still young, he was enjoying the time with me and the embellishments and sound effects I added to the reading.  I’m not sure how much his young mind took in at the movie, but it was a big exciting night for him.  For those that followed the book, the three main characters and all of the others were fascinating.  We all love magic and a good story that seems to become real during a movie showing.  Hermione, Emma Watson’s role, was especially endearing and a good counter-weight to Daniel Radcliff’s Harry Potter.  In this posting I will shift to p.c. Solar Return and Progressed Daily Angles charts.  These will be especially instructive for those who are new to this methodology.

Emma SR 2001-J

In these charts, transits/solar-return planets are outside, natal planets are inside.  This is an exceptional Solar Return, the type of return that everyone wants but which come only on occasion.  t/Sun & n/Sun at the MC; fame and recognition are to be had this year!  n/N.Node & t/Neptune are at the Desc.; Our associates (N.Node) and the benefits they represent are bolstered by our fantasy symbol, Neptune.  A shared dream is at hand. Playing astrological hopscotch, we jump from n/N.Node to t/N.Node opposite n/Uranus; great personal excitement and change in how one experiences their life is the meaning that can be applied to this pattern.  These few simple observations are all that are needed to know what this annual solar year will bring.  If we were to have also known the context of young Emma Watson’s life, we would have been able to assure her that fame and recognition would be associated with her film-work.

Emma PDA 11-04-2001-J

Our first impression of this Progressed Daily Angles chart is of t/Moon opposing n/Moon at the MC, with n/MC being at the IC angle!  Even an early studies student would view this as a most remarkable pattern.  First, we note that one of the Solar Return symbols is back in the spot-light again — t/N.Node is anchoring the IC angle and the n/MC angle, along with t/Moon.  Public attention, favourable reception by the public for both Emma and her character Hermione (two Moon’s, two women).   n/MC at the IC can point one to suddenly realize that everything has changed, that a few days may be needed before the extent of “change” sinks in.  How can one prepare for a new life suddenly emerging around one?   You know its coming, but it arrives in a rush, probably quickly overpowering an 11 year old girl.

n/Asc. in the 7th house suggests that this a “shared” experience with others, here cast mates.  If we take a “loose” view of the chart we note t/Sun closing in on n/Pluto (taking control of one’s sense of self) and opposing n/Mercury (how one has commonly thought about life) — now, Sun is bringing new perspective (the opposition) to how one views life and thinks about their part in it.  The dream had become real and in doing so, had burst upon Emma Watson with a new intensity, bring a new dream into reality.

Again, if we were to counsel Emma Watson ahead of time about the premiere showing of the movies, we could only note highly positive factors in place for her.  I doubt our words about see life as becoming totally changed for her would sink in — it was something that had to be experienced.  That is life.  Dave

Personal Prediction, my book about Solar Returns and in-between daily charts (all of the stuff illustrated in this and other posts) is available through your local book store or can be ordered on-line.  And, you can always e-mail me for a personalized copy — I’ll include a Solar Return and marked-up annual hit list for you to check out your year ahead.   e-mail me at dadsnook@charter.net   Dave.

A Magical Moment: Emma Watson Becomes “Hermione”

Emma Photo-1

When casting began for the first Harry Potter film in London, England, hundreds applied for the role of Hermione Granger, one of Harry Potter’s friends in the, by then, established series of books by J.K. Rowling.  Here, a photo of a young Emma Watson is shown — she has since become a very attractive lady, an actress and model having great popularity.   Emma had wanted to act since the age of six, has studied part time while in school but had no real experience outside of school.  She attacked the part with all of the zeal and charm she exhibited in the films, won the approval of the author, J.K. herself, and was awarded the part on August 8, 2000 along with Daniel Radcliff and Rupert Grint who played the roles of her friends, Harry and Ron.  In this short series of postings we will utilize Moon-to-Sun Returns and Advanced charts as well as Solar Returns and advanced daily angles charts.  

The first chart is a Moon-opposite-Sun in the 8th house Return chart.  Watson was born in Paris, France.  I have relocated her chart to London, England.


August 5, 2000 was Emma Watson’s Moon-opposite-Sun Return chart date prior to the casting selections for the Harry Potter series.   There are several notable patterns in this chart.  Note that transits are shown inside, natal planets outside.  This has to be as the computer can advance or adjust only the inner wheel chart in my Kepler software.  t/Pluto on the IC;  Taking control of the basics.  t/Jupiter on the MC; opportunity is before her, within reach.  Together, Pluto, Jupiter and the MC are a recognized “success” signature.

t/Moon-opp-n/Sun in the 8th; Confidence in one’s abilities or skill-set needs to be maintained in the face of competition or group opposition.  Emotional levels need to be kept in check in order to break through the traditions of the situation or the abilities of others.  Courage can be tested.  Stress involving others can be turned around to empower oneself if confidence is there.  (This is the “book” generic statement for this pattern that I have developed, printed out for my own use, and will be including in my “in-process” book on Moon-to-Sun Returns).

t/Part of Fortune opposes n/PoF, 3rd to 9th.  Whenever the two PoF placements are opposed, odds-against Chance and Change take on extreme meanings.  Big success or big failure, all in all a notable pattern to watch for.  n/Venus is on the Desc.; Emma will be well-received by others.  t/PoF squares t/Venus; her appeal has a great chance of being strongly seen and appreciated.  Finally, n/Asc is in the 1st house, n/MC is in the 10th house.  While not close to the angles, this is still an important alignment relating to a time when life’s overall direction can change significantly.  Now, we’ll look at the cast selection date, August 8, 2000.


t/PoF has now advanced to n/Jupiter in the 10th, having previously  opposed it’s natal version and squaring t/Venus; Chance & change now focus on opportunity instead of favorable recognition.  t/Jupiter still clings to the MC; opportunity is still within reach.  t/Moon approaches t/Pluto at the IC; Emma could feel the tension building, even as a ten-year old, she must have been filled with the excitement of the moment.  Note t/Sun opposite the t/Vertex!  I do not typically use the Vertex angle, but this opposition indicates men playing an important role in one’s life while the subject wants to increase or gain a sense of importance, to be assertive and self-confident.  These are precisely the terms noted in Wikipedia relative to Emma Watson on this date.  The views on the Vertex are taken from the book, Vertex; the Third Angle by Donna Henson.

These two charts again illustrate the appropriateness of direct and simple interpretations applied to these cyclic charts.  Later posts will explore other dates and events in Watson’s life during the Harry Potter filming.  Dave.

A Really Fated Man: Snowden’s Birth Time Is Now Known

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Edward Snowden’s birth time is now known thanks to the efforts of Eric Francis Coppolino who has obtained a birth certificate copy from the state of North Carolina.  This information is taken from his radio presentation on Planet Waves, given a little over an hour ago at 8 PM, this Tuesday evening.  From that dialog I have reconstructed Snowden’s natal chart with an Ascendant of 15:14 Gemini, derived from a birth time of 4:53:40 AM, June 21, 1983 in Elizabeth City, NC.  This chart will be used for the following charts, a Moon-opposite-Sun Return chart and an Advanced chart for June 6, 2013, the date he released his secret material.


This Moon-opposite-Sun 8th to 2nd house Return chart is cast relative to Hong Kong, Hong Kong where he has supposedly fled to prior to the release of his formerly secret material.  Transits are inside, natal planets outside in this chart.  t/Mars conjoins the Ascendant:  Anger, striking out, a strong sense of presence.  t/Sun in the 1st: his self-interests are his focal point in these days before his media-blitz is launched.  With t/Sun opposing n/Jupiter, he seems to have a long-standing (natal planet) sense of “opportunity” to seek.

I have found that a key to these charts is the Part of Fortune (PoF).  Here, t/PoF opposes t/Venus, t/Mercury, t/Jupiter along with n/Mars, n/N.Node, n/Sun. This grouping of personal planets might be summarized as “thoughts of values and gains” (t/Venus, t/Mercury, t/Jupiter) have aroused established “need-to-act to affect others and impose self-interests” (n/Mars, n/N.Node/n/Sun) — all of this is put on the line as he gambles with t/PoF (chance and change) to attempt to make changes in his world.

This above complex is compounded by the nearby t/Moon and n/Neptune opposite n/Sun.  As noted in another post, n/Sun opposite n/Neptune points to one who has dreams and visions, who can be confused by what is perceived.  As Eric Frances pointed out in his broadcast earlier this evening, n/Mercury is in n/12th house, there is some aspect of his thoughts and mind-processing that is hidden from us.  This Moon-Neptune opposition is another chart factor that fits with that observation.

Let us now look at his Advanced chart, situated in Hong Kong, for June 6, 2013.


Ten days have elapsed since his prior Moon-opposite-Sun Return.  That Return was an 8th-to-2nd Return.  Given the extreme and unusual nature of these events, I can adjust the “theme” meaning of that Return chart to say, “A focus on one’s resources or practices has to account for changes in plans, emotional issues or contracts/situations that are now at a critical point.  A death or personal transition point is at hand.”  As we can see from that chart of May 27th, the events of June 6 has brought all of that forward.

On this date, June 6, 2013, t/Asc. conjoins t/Mars, n/Mercury.  n/Mercury has come to the visible and action side of the Ascendant, out of the 12th house of private thoughts.  His intentions are now clear, having been acted upon.  The opposition to n/Uranus at the Desc. highlights his sense of individuality and rebelliousness.  He will inflict change. Since “change” is the order of the day, let us look at t/PoF opposed t/Saturn.  Chance and change (PoF) is intended to fight against (opposition) Saturn (the government system).

Is all of this sane?  Note t/Moon opposite n/Moon and t/N.Node:  Emotions run very high, everything is reactive.  We can sense a jumpy person, one running on emotional nerves (is there such a thing?) that react to every person he has contact with or sees on the street.  He is running from ghosts.  Yet, his personal excitement must have been high on this date as n/MC conjoins the Advanced chart MC:  This is the time for his plan to take place, this is his time.

Now that we have a birth time we can utilize a variety of charts to follow the developments in this case of man-versus-government.  Dave

Snowden; Playing a Fated Role?

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When a big news story breaks with little substantive news and lots of speculation, we always suspect that there is a bigger story lurking in the background that might emerge later.

In the case of Edward Snowden, there is a lot of story, astrologically speaking, behind his actions.  Let us start with November, 1982, 7 months before his birth!  In the sky, Saturn and Pluto conjoined.  I have labelled this conjunction as the Terrorism cycle as it shows up in Solar Returns to the conjunction point in the World Trade Center bombing, the 9-11 Trade Center airplane attack, the London subway and Spain train station attack and the attempt to sink the USS Cole.  Below is a natal chart for Edward Snowden (outer wheel) and the signing-chart for the Patriot Act, enacted Oct. 26, 2001 @ 11:09:11 AM with the pen of President George W. Bush.  This posting will explore these charts relative to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.


If we note Edward Snowden’s natal chart, outer wheel, we see Saturn conjoining Pluto.  This is 7 months after the conjunction in Nov. of 1982.  This is a tight, but separating aspect, closely conjoining the Patriot Act’s ( pa/ )signing Sun, the intent and core of the act.  pa/Mars squares pa/Sun and Snowden’s  ( s/ ) Saturn/Pluto pairing.  Mars squaring Sun, in a legal congressional act, points to lots of action in the pursuit of goals and achievement.  Controversy, fights, attempts to strengthen and also to weaken the act will likely be ongoing.  This is a “war time” aspect for a war time legal act.  Using Snowden’s chart as a reference, it is obvious that the “terrorism” cycle marked by Saturn-Pluto is the astrological link to the Patriot Act.  One cannot dispute this claim since the Patriot Act’s Asc./Pluto conjunction opposes Saturn.  This horizon axis is an action-axis, Pluto and Saturn are the target of the Patriot Act.

Snowden’s Sun opposes Neptune; he deals with problems of mixing dreams and illusions with ideals and society’s needs.  With the Sun conjoining Mars (within 5 degrees) Snowden will pursue and act on his dreams.  The problem here is the trine to Moon (29 Gemini to 0 Pisces) which provides an inner sense of support and belief in what he does.  This Sun-Mars trine Moon also trines Saturn-Pluto.  The dream, vision, mission and life-purpose is all wrapped up in a disruptive pattern.  Who said trines are nice?

I’m sure that there is more to look at in terms of Snowden’s transits to the Patriot Act.  And more will likely come out as further material is leaked and people talk.  We will try to follow this as it may be a great example of the individual (Snowden) against the system (the Patriot Act) in tune with the solar system (Saturn-Pluto).  The Patriot Act, with Pluto/Asc. opposite Saturn, is an astrological response to the Saturn-Pluto conjoining.


Edward Snowden: Taking & Giving

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A year or so ago we had the Wikileaks incident which caused a great deal of newspaper ink to be used, a lot of prime time TV to be taken up, and a lot of angry words and worries to be expended.  The consequences of that event are still being experienced by many.  On June 6th a new set of disclosures were made by Edward Snowden, an employee of a CIA contractor.  Snowden appears to have gained access to enough intelligence to cause severe problems for the US government.  The information was released in-part through newspaper outlets after Snowden had left the country to hide elsewhere — it is said that he went to Hong Kong.

We have a birth date with no birth time.  As we have learned, we can work with “no birth time” by using Moon-to-Sun Return charts.  Because so little is actually known about the man and the nature of the intelligence information he has, we can only conjecture about the large part of the story that we don’t know about.













In this May 26th, 2013 Moon-opposite-Sun in the 8th house Return we can state that the chart’s theme is “Having confidence in one’s abilities or skill-set so that the maintenance of one’s goals is successful in the face of opposition.  Emotional levels need to be controlled, avoiding hasty changes if one is to break through the barrier of rules and traditions of others.”  We can play astrological hopscotch and note n/Moon conjoining t/N.Node; Associates (t/N.Node) deal with reaction of Snowden (n/Moon) to whatever is driving his actions.  Natal planets represent the established form of expression for the planet involved, while transiting planets portray the current-day’s reactions  to a seemingly new set of conditions or of the reactions of others.  Hence, our  associates are involved in what we have been reacting to for some period of time.

What else does the chart tell us?  t/Saturn (inner wheel) conjoins Asc.; plans and caution must be the watch word of his actions to avoid immediate consequences.  t/Part of Fortune conjoins t/Mars; one’s actions affect others (7th house), the results of those actions are subject to any form of outcome.  We have to note that Snowden has recently experienced a Saturn Return, t/Saturn has now moved on some 9 degrees but is in a retrograde mode — is Snowden regretting his actions or wishing he had pursued a different plan?  Let us advance this chart o June 6, the date of the disclosures.













t/PoF has conjoined n/Pluto; a “fated” gamble is undertaken by means of undercover actions (12th house).  t/N.Node conjoining n/Moon is now conjoined by the Asc.; his plan (formerly t/Saturn on the Asc.) is now in play and is dependent upon associates to carry it out.  The Return chart’s t/PoF & t/Mars has been replaced by t/Moon conjoining t/Mars; public anger, strong reactions — all kinds of Moon-Mars symbols are in play.  t/Sun contacts n/MC; Today’s self-interests (t/Sun) affect his long-standing goals (n/MC).  All of this wording and symbolism suggests something that has been in the works for some period of time, longer than just the time to set up the help of others to channel the intelligence.  His first pass Saturn Return occurred in December of 2011 — it would seem that his current actions had their root just after that period of time.

Playing hopscotch with t/Mars, we note that n/Mars & n/N.Node conjoins t/Jupiter; an opportunity arrives through gained associates (n/N.Node in the 8th).   Further hopscotch games take our attention to t/Pluto opposing t/Mercury (2nd to 8th); game changing information affects the management of resources and the value of those resources.

Given the volume (noise and substance) of debate and talk about the news (but not what exactly has been taken or given or may still be released), we have a mountain of talk and a mole-hill of facts.  We have little to relate these charts to.

“Like” this post on the side bar Face Book icon and offer any comments.  Dave







Part Two: Hate & Instant Karma

Photo Shannon 1

Everyone understands that Karma reflects the issues of this life into one’s next life — or does it?  Shannon’s plan to get rid of her husband by accusing him of terrible and unlawful acts that she had perpetrated backfired. Upon questioning by the FBI, she was not convincing and actually messed up her story, leading to polygraph testing and a confession.  Her plan not only did not work out, it immediately implicated her.  The karma?  Well, she goes to jail and to a trial.  Her husband filed for a divorce — no pity on his part.  When one is not wanted, one goes.  

A short write-up has been added to the Essay tab explaining how t/Moon-to-n/Sun charts are excellent tools for studying charts with no recorded birth time.  

Shannon’s next Moon-to-Sun Return occurred on May 31st, 2013, the day after she made her accusations against her husband.  This t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun Return chart from the 8th to the 2nd house is shown below.  The “book” generic interpretation for this house pattern is: “1) Management of resources (money or real estate) or a joint project has to account for past practices, changes in (family) plans, emotional issues or contracts that are approaching a critical point.  2) Changes in who controls monies may occur.  A death or personal transition point may affect a partnership.  Self-serving decisions may be chained to emotional needs that might not be easy to reconcile.”  Well, this statement does not fit that well except for the final tag line printed in italics.  All I can say is that this system is still being developed.

Whereas the 2nd house Sun relates to one’s self-interest in their resources, monies, and valued possessions, and the 8th house Moon relates to a need to have support, are strongly attracted to others and finds it easy to express one self, or experiences loss of people or resources — how would one synthesize this into a generic statement that fits many everyday experiences?  This case seems to be extreme.


Of immediate notice is t/Part of Fortune (PoF) at the MC opposite t/Saturn and n/Uranus.  Saturn-Uranus suggests a challenge to the status quo with t/Saturn hinting at a plan or at restrictions on her freedom.  t/PoF at the MC indicates “chance and change” situations affect her status and goals.  Clearly this two-week cycle’s theme is one of upset and uncertainty.  n/MC in the 1st, n/Asc. in the 4th can be seen as 1) Shannon has to speak or act relative to her goals/status (n/MC in 1st), 2) her actions bring her to a start-stop transition — something has to change (n/Asc in 4th).  

We can play astrological hopscotch and look at the natal/transiting alternatives to the planets we just looked at.  t/Sun conjoins n/PoF; her self-interests (Sun) are wrapped up in her established, earlier decision to take a chance on changing her life (n/PoF).  t/Sun squares n/Sun; what Shannon planned to do and what she actually did has come into conflict — a sign of mismanagement in her affairs.  t/Uranus has no strong aspect to n/Saturn although it makes a grand-trine pattern with n/MC and n/Neptune; perhaps a quick or hasty action for a misguided dream about her goals in life.  Let’s look at the next Advanced chart June 7th, when the FBI arrested her.


We immediately note that the Advancing Asc. conjoins n/MC:  Her goals and status (MC) has to be faced or spoken about (t/Asc.).  t/IC also conjoins n/Asc.:  Ends and starts are the order of the day, affecting her experience as she deals with a changing situation.  t/Sun exactly contacts n/PoF:  her self-interests are jeopardized.  The square to n/Mercury means that earlier plans and communications (letters) cause her a lot of conflict — quite appropriate symbolism.

These are the highlights for these two charts.  When we look at the charts as being snap shot pictures on a day-by-day basis that fit within the context of her life, than we could see ourselves as easily counselling Shannon on a day-by-day basis using these tools.

If you like this post and this charting method, click my Face Book “LIKE” button.  My book, Personal Prediction, which covers Solar Returns and Progressed Daily Angles charts, is released and can be ordered through your local book store.  The next book, addressing Moon-to-Sun Returns has been started but is not likely to be available for several months, perhaps the end of the year.  If you, the visitor, to this site would like a short preliminary paper on this “new” technique, send me an e-mail — I may be able to put together available materials  to make this available this summer for a very small fee. 


Hate For The One You Love

Married for only a few years; what do you do when you hate                  the man you loved?

Photo Shannon and husbandYou get rid of him, of course, causing as much discomfort and hurt as possible.  Meet Shannon Roger Richardson, small-time actress, now living in New Boston, Texas.  Not being able to make an acting breakthrough beyond bit parts, Shannon married, had several children and is currently expecting another. That didn’t stop her from mailing ricin-tainted letters to President Obama and Mayor Blumberg of New York City, and then calling the FBI to cast blame upon her husband. 

Richardson was born on August 31, 1977, time unknown.  The chart below has been located to New Boston, Texas where she made her home.  For this person/event, I will be using the now-familiar Moon-to-Sun charts.  Since the Moon moves about twelve time faster than the Sun, we know two things; first, the t/Moon is within 6 degrees of its correct place, and the Sun is within half a degree of its correct position.  From the perspective of a transit chart, this chart is useful.  The questions to be asked are “how useful are the angles of the chart, how is the house orientation to be used?”

Simple testing by moving the noon “birth” time back six hours or twelve hours shows that the MC is repositioned “earlier” by some 7 degrees in the first case, 14 degrees in the second case.  The answers are that the angles are relatively accurate, the house structure is highly useful.  These charts are highly useful when an accurate birth time is unknown!


This is a t/Moon-conjunct-n/Sun in the 9th house Return chart.  Using the “book” description for the Moon-Sun pattern we find “1) Contacting or visiting distant places as . . . for business that involves shipping or supply (mailing) in some form.  2) The exchange of material or ideas, . . . 3) Leaving or avoiding a place or situation that one detests.”  Let’s put this into the context of the situation.  Shannon Richardson, married and the mother of four with another child on the way, had come to hate her husband and wanted him out of her life.  This must have been an extreme hatred that she felt, the reasons being yet unknown to the public.  Shannon chose a most bizarre plan; she would frame her husband for the crime of sending ricin-laden letters to public officials, President Obama and New York City Mayor Blumberg,  specifically.  Using her husband’s computer to look up information on the making of ricin, gathering the ingredients and storing them in the kitchen, spreading castor beans about the trunk of his car.   On May 30th, 2013, she reported her husband’s alleged activities to the FBI.

We can see how the generic book statement for t/Moon-n/Sun in the 9th house fits this situation.  Shannon contacted distant places via the postal system.  Her business involved shipping (mailing).  She sent material affecting the affairs of others (her absent husband) and the intended recipients.  She wanted to leave or avoid a situation that she detested.

t/Mercury at the Desc. angle represents communications and the mail, contact with partners or others.  This symbolism is expressing itself as letters, as her call to the FBI, as her contact/view of her husband/partner/adversary.  Playing astrological hopscotch, we note n/Mercury close to the MC and opposing t/Part of Fortune.  We might view this as communication that affects her status and goals being affected or constrained by the nature of the “change and chance” (PoF) that was involved.  Indeed, t/PoF at the IC angle clearly points to a dramatic play or plot that will change her life (the IC angle represents the start and end of things).

Since this is is a Moon-to-Sun chart, we can again play astrological hopscotch and note the n/Moon conjoining t/Uranus.  This points to an emotional use of one’s sense of individuality to manage change.  Looking at n/Uranus, it conjoins t/Saturn, indicating a desire to manage change.  t/Sun squares n/Saturn; Shannon’s self interests (Sun) are in conflict with the need to be more cautious in her plans.


May 30th, 2013 was the day her letters were received and detected by screening, and also the day she made her call to the FBI to report her husband’s alleged conspiracy.  This chart for May 30th is “advanced” from the former Moon-to-Sun chart by merely changing the date, leaving the Return chart’s “time” unchanged.  This has the effect of advancing the MC and presenting the day’s transits within the chart’s house structure.  n/PoF is at the Desc. angle; her long-standing choice to bring change into her relationship was at hand.  Note the transiting version of the PoF, t/PoF conjoins the n/Sun and opposes t/Neptune and t/Moon:  The way that “chance and change” works out (t/PoF) affects her long-standing self interests (n/Sun) and is countered (the opposition) by emotional confusion and uncertainty.  Near the vertical axis, t/Uranus conjoins n/Moon, opposes n/Pluto suggesting great emotional tensions as she seeks to control her fate.

This is one of those charts that reflects the context of the day but which is a bit outside of normal life and would therefore be difficult to “predict.”  Sometimes people surprise us and we must accept what we find, or think we find.   This is one of those charts that we will find interesting and from which we hope to learn something.

In my next posting we will examine the day when everything went wrong for Shannon.  Dave.

Angelina Jolie Bares All

Jolie photo 1

Angelina Jolie surprised her fans and the public with her public announcement on May 14, 2013 concerning her breast removal, reconstruction and completion of her cosmetic surgery.  Gasp!  Those famous breasts gone, new ones in place.  With this dramatic announcement, Angelina put an important health issue for women before the public for discussion and consideration, encouraging other women to face reality and step up to self-empowerment.  The following interviews provide details on the surgery, her decision-making, and the support from her famous husband, Brad Pitt.  All in all, this was an important act by Angelina to help women who face this difficult issue.  In this posting, instead of using Moon-to-Sun Return charts, I will present Angelina’s Solar Return for 2012 and her Progressed Daily Angles chart for the date of her announcement.

Angelina SR 2012-J

In her 2012 p.c. Solar Return chart (above) we find Sun/Sun in the 6th house, and indication of health issues and/or being involved in an ongoing, stick-it-out form of work or service-like tasks.  Well, health and being involved in a long-tough stick-with-it recovery was in store for her in this Solar Return year.  We are primarily concerned about angular planets in the Solar Return chart as the factors which set the theme for the coming year.  Here, we find Mercury/Mercury at the Desc.;  Discussions, decisions, talking, signing documents — all of these Mercury symbolic acts will involve her partners and associates this year.  These will involve her partner, Brad Pitt, her doctors, her family, and her fans when she makes her public announcement.

t/Uranus, n/Mars, n/Moon are all at the IC angle:  This angle represents the “basics” of life, the start and end of situations, the family circle and fundamental resources and values.  Uranus will relate to her individualism, Mars her actions and presence (self-confidence expressed), Moon her feminism and emotional state.  All of this points to a heightened sense of excitement, anxiety, and awareness of life moving through a “change” point.  When we, as astrologers, want to know “what and when” this S/R chart will express itself, we will look for these symbols at the angles for any given date.

To do this, using the RIYAL software which is free to download and use, we calculate the Solar Return chart, leave the chart and choose to view “PSSR” (the Sidereal term for Progressed Daily Angles charts).  A hit list is presented which shows the Asc., MC and planetary (natal, solar or transiting) angular positions.  We scan through that list, find dates when these symbols are “active” and right-click on that line.  Our chart pops up.

Angelina 5-14-2013-J

Here is the Progressed Daily Chart for May 14th, 2013 when Angelina made her public announcement.  The S/R MC of 12 Libra had advanced a full circle and move ahead to 20 Sag in the intervening 11 months and 1 week.  We are looking for Moon, Mercury, Mars, and/or Uranus — the angular planets in the Solar Return.  In this daily chart we find n/Mercury (& t/Jupiter) at the IC angle, t/Uranus tightly conjoining n/Mars, and t/Sun & t/Mercury on the cusp of the 3rd house — as a supportive function. 

n/Mercury at the IC: speaking from the heart about private and family issues, conjoining t/Jupiter at the IC:  a major issue, speaking through a large microphone.  If we play astrological hopscotch, we find n/Jupiter conjoining n/MC; a big public statement.  t/Uranus exactly conjoining n/Mars, squaring t/Pluto; Angelina’s individual style (Uranus) joins with her bold action (Mars) so that she can exercise control (Pluto) over her life situation (IC angle).

It’s nice when the chart reflects reality.  Note that these cyclic charts enable us to treat the primary symbols in a basic manner.  We ignore the planets not located at or planets not associated with the angles.  We treat each daily chart as one of a series of snap-shots that fill in the theme of the Solar Return.  Astrology becomes simple and fun.  Dave.