Fresh Air comes to Rome

Fresh Air Comes To Rome: The Election of Pope John Paul II

The choice of his peers

On Oct. 18, 1978, after many ballots had been cast, a new Pope was announced by a puff of smoke from the chapel chimney that the world’s Catholics and news media was watching so intently.  History would subsequently note that this Pope was unique in his style, travel and personal warmth.

For John Paul II, what was significant about this chart for this date for him?  Neptune was conjunct the MC: This planet, among its many negative attributes has positive attributes as well, a sense of  social conscience and public connection is indicated for a religious person.  This planet was conjunct his MC in his natal chart as the focus of a T-Square involving N.Node and Mercury/Venus.  His natal mission in life was being fulfilled.  A very powerful symbol in his charts. 

Natal Uranus at the Ascendant indicates sudden change and surprise.  Uranus was also part of his second T-Square with natal Moon and Saturn, the Moon being the focal planet—the Moon is also a “public” indicator, representing the response of others to you and your reflection of their expectations.  This has to be placed within the context of the Saturn-Uranus opposition, a pattern that represents a breakdown of the status-quo.  This is a pattern that the world is facing now. Transiting Saturn had just completed it’s second “Saturn Return” cycle, indicating a time of reaching one’s career apex.

There are other interesting symbolisms in this chart as well.    Transiting Moon over the natal Sun: With the natal new moon (Sun conjunct Moon), this powerful “renewal of purpose” symbol is noteworthy.  North Node transits the CD Point: The CD point highlights the MC as a midpoint between the Ascendant (what we experience) and what life throws at us (the CD point) such that our career or life purpose or goals has to adjust to these two polarities of purpose: what we intend and experience versus what life brings to us as a challenge.  Here, new associations are formed and impact our life —- the association-relations with his fellow Cardinals, his association with the wider congregation of the world-wide Catholic Church, his personal projection in terms of individual connections with others.   Note that the natal N.Node opposes natal Mercury/Venus indicating a need to develop and exercise a communication with others that is warm and charming—and heartfelt.

Jupiter transits his natal MC, Jupiter and Neptune positions, another powerful restatement.  It is likely that we will never see a more powerful chart than this one.  The natal, solar return and this daily chart shows that his stars were truly aligned at this time.   All in all, a powerful example of the person linking with the cosmos, or as the astrologers say, “As above, so below.”
At this point, my expectation is to next explore the US Horoscope as a tool for following the political processes and welfare of the nation. Comments can be posted here or sent direct to me at  Dave

It’s all about our life!

It’s All About Our Life: One step before becoming Pope.

What can this chart tell us?

As Solar Return charts go, this one appears to be a quiet one.  Only transiting Neptune is angular, at the 4th house angle.  Neptune @ IC: “Ideals end, new ideals arise, a sense of unreality clouds one’s purpose and values.”  This would be a typical interpretation.   However, natal Neptune conjoins natal Jupiter and natal MC as the focal point for a T-Square between N.Node opposite Mercury/Venus.  This pattern brings an imaginative charm to how he deals with others to show them the larger reality of any situation and how they might change their goals for their own benefit.

An angular planet carries its natal pattern into its chart expression. It is as if the whole T-Square pattern was focused on the IC angle.  So, we have the symbolism of the MC, Jupiter, Neptune, North Node, Mercury and Venus all impinging upon the IC.  It doesn’t look so lonely there now.

The chart interpretation has to be put into an applicable context.

At this point in his life, the man who would be Pope was 58 years of age and had already made a reputation for himself within the church and among the international community.  He played a major role in the Polish nationalization movement, he had fought against Communism, he had reestablished the church in his homeland, he was a formidable scholar, and a power within the church.  At this time, in Rome, he was busy in the highest levels of church business, applying his administrative skills and knowledge.  It is within that context that we have to interpret this transiting Neptune.

We will look to the transiting versions of the natal T-Square involving Neptune, our attention being placed there by the transiting and angular Neptune at the IC angle.  Jupiter and Venus, two of the natal T-Square inhabitants, are in the 10th house.  Transiting Venus trines natal Ascendant and Mars, bringing out the future Popes assertiveness and energy. Jupiter squares the North Node, just as it did in the natal pattern, and sextiles transiting Mercury.   All of this mans finest attributes have come to the fore along with all of the planets in the T-square pattern.  His potential will be lived out this year.

Chart Interpretation can be just that simple!

What else would you tell this man if he were your client that year?  This is the substance of what the year hold for him in Rome.  If the “When?” question came up, then our search would focus on those dates when his stars were literally aligned for him.  We will, in the next astrological post, show the chart for when he was elected Pope, but for now we must ask, “What do we look for in a chart to indicate when the Solar Return chart’s promise might be expected?”

What do we look for to indicate “when” the Solar Return’s promise may be expressed? There are several factors to explore:

** When the Solar Return’s angles are progressed to their opposite position (about 4 months, 3 weeks later), when the Solar Return’s angles progress back to their original position (about 9 months, 2 weeks later), when the natal angles are reestablished within the progressing angles or contact any of the progressing angles. Angle-to-angle contacts are often significant.

** When the progressing angles of the daily chart contacts one of the planets in a significant natal pattern.  In this chart, for this person, that would mean that each of the three ends of the two T-squares are “meaningful” points.

Given that the Progressed Daily Angle charts are defined by the progressing MC and its movement of about 1.25 degrees per day, we can see that this chart–like any busy chart with lots of aspects and planet-patterns, will have many opportunities during the year for “triggers” to take effect.  Given the multitude of choices, we would expect to first follow the MC-Solar Cycle through its opposition and return cycles first to see if thsoe dates are most auspicious.  In the next posting we will see the charts and the date where the natal and solar return charts were activate.  Dave

The state election turns country’s direction

Massachusetts special election points out a new direction for the nation.  Comments on a tarot spread for this election.

The voters of Massachusetts have followed a wide-spread trend in recent years for many states —- they have shifted from party affiliations with the two major parties to identifying themselves as Independents.

On Tuesday, Jan. 19th, 2010 the Republican candidate, who had advertised and ran as an “independent”, won the former Senate seat of Ted Kennedy, shocking both the state and national Democratic organizations.  Scott Brown became identified with voter dissatisfaction with the economy, the distorted practices of the U.S. House and Senate and the overall poor leadership of the Democratic Party.

Feedback on other lists and via e-mail before the election all pointed out my mis-reading of the spread I created.  However, we have to recognize that no Tarot spread is a thing unto itself.  The spread has to be seen within the context of the question it poses and answers.

In my spread the position of the typical voter (read as average) was represented by the Knight of Swords.  The Waite-Smith deck shows this Knight charging to the right, to the position of the Republican-leaning Chariot card, a card that is seen as victory being celebrated and recognition granted.   We need to see this Knight and his message in the context of the campaign’s tone and messages.  When we link these cards with the view of the national government, the Ten of Pentacles, we sense that the fat-cats and self-satisfied government (as the voters see them) is at odds with the Knight.
Do we really need to throw in the Moon’s association with Jobs, the Two of Swords with Health Care, and Five of Wands for National Security to see the views and mood of the country?  What I do find interesting is the Ten of Cups (everyone’s rainbow of doubtful expectations) for “change” and the World (having done everything) for the status-quo. This, for me, shows the topsy-turvey nature and twisted logic of a dissatisfied population who has not been included in the national conversation —- or feels that those who are talking are not hearing them.

In the coming weeks we will see shifts in the directions that the government pursues.  Some of us will feel personally hurt by this election, others will feel elated.  Somehow we survived the previous administration and we will now have to live with this administration.   Perhaps all of this is just a small part of a greater picture.  If there is interest in having more political tarot readings and discussions, please leave a comment or e-mail me at       Dave

The state election as a harbinger for the nation

Tarot Spread for Massachusetts Senate Election

Tarot spread, state election affects national elections

The election on Jan. 19th, 2010 in Massachusetts to fill the seat of Senator Kennedy has seemingly become a referendum vote on the state of the nation, the effectiveness of Congress and the Obama administration, and on singular issues such as jobs/unemployment, health care, and expenditures on national security and budget.  What makes this state election especially acute is that Massachusetts has a state-wide health care plan—the voters don’t care about the Obama national health care plan. The Wall Street bail-out versus the individual job availability and unemployment is hurting towns and cities and the taxes that are being increased to pay for shortfalls.

Accordingly, it seems to me that a Tarot Spread may be the best way to foresee the consequences and results of tomorrow’s key election.  I’ll post a commentary here on Wednesday.  The spread has the following positions and cards:

#1; View of the National Government:  Ten of Pentacles. The public sees the government as continuing to live “fat and contented”—in other words, not leaning itself out to better fit with the conditions that the citizens face.  This doesn’t speak well for support from the voter.

#2; Jobs, unemployment, personal security:  Moon. The public faces uncertainty as well as sensing the illusion of the candidate’s political messages and promises.  This can lead to irrational behavior.  Worries and fears should be addressed by the political process.  Instead, the candidates seem bent of expanding confusion and fear of each other.

#3; Health care: Two of Swords. This card represents the need to decide between two extremes. Hostilities are not part of the needed process at that this point, but stupid and illusionary choices are what is being offered to voters.  How will voters greet this situation—low turnout, party affiliations determine the winner, rebellion for the sake of change.

#4; National Security and directions taken: Five of Wands. This is a “conflict” card, a sort of situation where one moves from the tough decisions of the Two of Swords to the decision to fight back and just take action.  The general mood of the voters has an element of anger.

With the above cards and positions, we have looked at how the state voters see the national context of major issues and government performance.  We now need to see how the individual voters are most likely to express these views through their decisions at the polls tomorrow.

#5; The typical voter: Knight of Swords. This is, as Mary Greer notes, a revolutionary force.  This card needs to make a point and is not interested in listening to advice.  Anger can be expressed.  Not always a happy messenger, this card.  The voters are inclined to support change.

#6; Change as an appeal factor:  Ten of Cups. This card is the rainbow’s promise.  Rainbows are illusions, so what is seen is not what one can obtain.  This card represents all that one wishes for and loves relative to their present state.  This card can only have a definitive meaning relative to other cards/positions in the spread.

#7; Keeping the status quo:  World. The World signifies a “completion cycle” or an attainment of all that can be achieved.  Experience and maturity has brought us to the present point.  Can this suggest that the voter is more mature and capable of making good judgments relative to the issues being distorted by the two candidates?

#8; Democratic leaning voter; Justice. The voter knows that what one initially desires and what one should do is two different issues.  While angry, good sense should prevail with these voters.

The big question is, will enough party voters turn out and support the party, the local candidate, the Obama administration and agenda.

#9; Republican leaning voter; Chariot. This card is “aggressive self-interest” according to Mary Greer, a meaning that seems highly appropriate to the Republican candidate.  Verbally posing as an Independent, a reformer, an outsider, this candidate is a very down-the-line Republican.  Will his message resonate?  Or will his record resonate?  This card can convey the appearance of a winner.

Summary: We have four Major Arcana cards; the Moon representing job security, the World for keeping the status-quo, Justice for the Democratic voter, and the Chariot for the Republican voter.  How would we balance out these cards/positions?  We go back to the typical voter card, the Knight of Swords!  Anger will win out over reason.  Voters are disappointed about the national government’s performance, are worried about jobs, have no great interest in national health care considering the state has its own health care, and are inclined to support the fight against terrorism and the need for military expenditures.  I would see this spread as indicating a slim win for the Republicans and a slap in the face for the one-year-old Obama administration and the national democratic party.

NOTE:  Given the complexity of finding appropriate charts, it seemed easier and more-direct to use a Tarot spread to view tomorrow’s election in the state of Massachusetts.   It would appear that it will be a close contest and not very comforting to the Democrats.  No matter who wins, the message seems clear:  The voters are unhappy and results will be needed soon in large measure or else both political parties will be in trouble.


More than 15 minutes of fame

More than 15 minutes of fame: From babe to Pope

The babe that became Pope

Karol Wajtyla was born on May 18, 1920 in Wadowice, Poland.  As a child and young adult he was dedicated to learning, partly due to the strict guidance of his father and partly due to his own character.  He was also very athletic.  Some of these factors will play into charts that may be pursued here.  However, for now I want to use this Natal chart, the precession-corrected Solar Return chart and a Progressed Daily Angles chart for his election as Pope on Oct. 18, 1978.

These three charts will be used to illustrate in some depth the MC-Solar Cycle and the MC-Solar Cycle Interpretive Model that is used in these posts as a basis for predictive work.  Unfortunately we cannot go around the Internet selecting people who are old and who may possibly die within the next few weeks, or follow those who lead dangerous lives—all in the hopes of being able to predict their deaths.   It would be almost as absurd to predict other events in the lives of well-known people.  So, we will limit ourselves to following past events, seeking to learn from them.

This natal chart features two T-Square patterns.  T-Squares are defined as two or more planets in opposition to each other while squaring a third single/more planets.  This patterns represents tensions and oppositional factors that must be reconciled as well as the tension and conflict of the square aspect.  Yet, in spite of these likely issues, the T-Square has become known as often providing a driving focus in one’s life to achieve practical goals and advancement in life.  A natal chart with two T-Squares is uncommon but not unknown.  For a successful person, we have to assume that the strife contained within them has been turned to achievement — and represents a unique story.   Let us briefly examine this chart.

Saturn opposite Uranus, squaring Moon: Saturn represents the status-quo,  solidarity, conservatism, struggles to maintain one’s place in life, dedication.  Uranus represents change, innovation, inspiration, rebellion.   These factors are contradictory to each other.  Now, throw in the Moon — changability, moodiness, relating to people as a group, habits, women and mothers, emotions and caring.  What a combination.  Now, when we combine these factors from an astrological viewpoint, we do not come up with a magical combination of some of these words that explaing how this contradictory set of factors is blended.  Instead, we expect that life will bring opportunities that allow first one set of expressions, then another combinations of expressions, even multiple forms of expression to be experienced over time.  Especially through one’s younger years and teen years into early adulthood.  It takes time to integrate complex factors into one’s personality and lifestyle.

North Node opposite Mercury and Venus, squaring Jupiter and Neptune: This pattern may be even more complex than the other T-Square.  Mercury and Venus bring a cohesive and charming expression into a exploration of associations and working with others (N.Node).  The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction brings a flamboyant, altruistic idealism into the mix, especially due to the closeness with the MC angle.  The greater good and opportunities of society and the wider populace has to be wrapped up with his personal choices of goals and ultimate social status.

Mars conjuncts the Ascendant: This signifies an active, physical person who holds little back.  As we explore the life of this influential man, we will see how this and the other patterns all fit into his life.  The final planet to address is Pluto, trine Uranus and sextile Saturn. Deep struggles, hard work, sometimes brutal conditions will mark some portions of his life.   The trine aspect is not one of continuous effect but instead indicates an alteration between which planets will be expressed —- a sort of “your turn” and now “my turn” of affairs.

In this chart, every planet seems to play a role.  Not an easy role, but a significant role.  It is my practice to only note briefly the nature of the natal chart, and to move on to the other c harts.  When factors show up there, I come back to the natal chart to examine portions of it more closely if the need to do so exists.

In my next post I will present the precession-corrected Solar Return chart prior to his election to Pope by the college of Cardinals on Oct. 18, 1978.  We will find that chart and his election day chart to be most informative. Dave

Lights Out !

Lights Out !  The D.C. Sniper on the “receiving” end

The End of the End.

For John Allen Muhammad, the end of the end arrived on Nov. 10, 2009 at 9 pm. The chart at the left is a Progressed Daily Angles Chart for this date, and is an extension of the precession-corrected Solar Return of 2009.   I have kept the signs of this chart oriented with the chart shown in the previous post for the Solar Return in order to make comparison simpler.

We had seen in the Solar Return the seeds of depression and hopelessness, a series of vague implications that matched his request to not have more appeals made on his behalf, to let the process move forward. That chart was not highly angular or active.

This chart for the last day of his life, however, is very active. This is typical of precession-corrected Daily charts, highlighting the timing of the event as well as defining the interaction with the events of the day.   Most notable is the transiting Sun at the CD Point.  Remember, the CD Point creates a mid-point structure in which the MC = Asc./CD, or in this case MC=Asc./Sun-t.  This is normally interpreted as “Attitude toward others, soul unions, seeking intellectual understanding, attainment of respect.”  For this situation we need to twist this around to indicate, “The attitude of others to the subject, thinking about one’s soul and inner self, seeking to grasp the impact of what is about to happen, wondering about any shreds of self-respect.”  We need to remember my maxim about the CD Point: Indicates seemingly “fated” intrusions into one’s life, pressures that affect one’s status and goals.

In line with this major factor of this chart, we note two other angular components; the Moon at the IC angle, Pluto at the Descendant angle (and natal Node, Pluto at the IC angle, natal Asc. at the Descendant).  We will play astrological hop-scotch with these factors.

Transiting Moon at the IC angle; my forthcoming book notes, “Upsets at/in ones home, women visiting, feeling imposed upon in terms of what you value or protect.”  As a general statement, this is quite appropriate as severe upsets were occuring in his environment, he felt imposed upon to the most extreme extent.

Transiting Pluto at the Descendant angle; Power politics, brutality, irrevocable change by or from others is the most obvious meaning for this configuration.   Seeing this powerful position of transiting Pluto, we have to look for natal Pluto.  We hop-scotch over to transiting Moon at the IC, and its conjunction with natal Pluto at the “end of life” point in a chart.  When we see the Moon, we know that we can additionally look at the North Node point as an additional clarifier of the Moon’s position.   We see the transiting N.Node in the 8th house area (what I call the house of unequal sharing — he pays the bigger price on this day).  We see the natal Moon in the 12th house of undoing, the natal N.Node at the IC’s end of life position.  One indicator on top of another.

Final Comments

This chart ends the series of charts on the adult member of the D.C. Sniper duo.  We have seen in these charts a precise and reliable timing function, as well as a tutorial on how the angular planets describe the basic events and the individual interaction with them.  We can overlay this approach with more conventional astrological interpretive tools, but those do not seem to be overly necessary for successful interpretation.

At this point, my thoughts are to switch my focus from another series of such charts to the development of essays that go deeper into the concepts of these predictive methods.  If it appears that some notable person or situation is approaching a crises point, perhaps we can lay out some charts ahead of time to indulge in some actual prior prediction.  Comments?  Dave