Quiting doesn’t end the story !

Three days following his inappropriate remarks about Eagles quarterback McNabb, Rush Limbaugh resigns his long-coveted sportscaster job. This incident, this chart, provides us with a highly instructive example of the importance of chart angles in cyclic charts.

Rush Limbaugh      Prog. Daily Angles  Oct. 1, 2003

Daily Angles: MC = 14 Aquarius   Asc. = 0 Gemini       CD = 29 Libra

Natal Angles calc’d for Florida: MC = 0 Sag.           Asc. = 18 Aquarius

“Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” . . . children’s saying.

ESPN and the National Football League reacted immediately to Rush’s intemperate remarks about McNabb which ignored his established credentials as a top competitor and skilled quarterback.  Rush had forgotten that the NFL fans were distinctly not like his own political following.  When looking at this chart keep in mind that these fast-moving angles will approach, conjoin and leave contacts with natal and transiting planets and angles over the space of several days or a week or more — this chart is portraying one cyclic point in this span of time.

MC approaching natal Ascendant (within 4 degrees): How on acts, what one says (Ascendant) is a public matter (MC) and one’s position in life.  When angles come to angles in these daily charts the day is highly significant.

Descendant conjoins the natal MC (exact): Ones status and reputation (MC) is in the hands of others (Descendant).  How a simple statement can be so appropriate.

Within the context of Rush’s life and career, these two observations tell us just what will happen and when it will happen. When angles advance at a rate of 1.25 degree per day, a five degree orb represents four days of time.   Now, let us also look at some other interesting chart factors.

Natal Asc. is opposite natal Pluto: one cannot be angular without the other being also angular.   Rush Limbaugh’s natal chart sets him up for Pluto-type consequences such as efforts to control others, seeking to transform situations, acting with focus and intensity, being involved in chaotic situations, etc.  In this case, Rush demolished one of his dreams.  Transiting Pluto squares this natal Asc.–Pluto pattern: More confrontational power, coming from the 7th house of “others” is added to the mix.   Pressure is coming from one or many sources.   The daily chart’s Asc./MC midpoint is 7 Aries which opposes the transiting Sun: The authority (Sun) of others (opposition) affects the “here and now” situation (midpoint) involving Rush.  MC has just contacted transiting Neptune; confusion and poor judgment is the nature of this period. Now, when we add all of these factors into the mix, the message becomes overwhelming.  As can be seen, cyclic charts are simple to read — if you can break all of your learned habits and practices for reading conventional charts.   Dave

Talking himself out of a dream job in a rush

Rush Limbaugh makes a living by talking — so why did he screw up a dream job so fast? His dream of being a sportscaster was made real by ESPN.  He turned that dream into a publicity nightmare.  On September 28, 2003 Rush was covering a Sunday game and observed that the Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback McNabb was overrated.  Limbaugh said, “I think what we’ve had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn’t deserve. The defense carried this team.”  These views created a firestorm about a Quarterback that had already made his mark in football.

Rush Limbaugh’s   daily chart for        Sept. 28, 2003

Inner:  Transits   Outer:  Natal

Natal angles:             MC: = 0 Sagitt.           Asc. = 18 Aquar.

Daily angles:            MC: = 11 Aquar.     Asc. = 26 Taurus




Rush Limbaugh has always been out-spoken and quick to say what he feels and believes.  After all, he is king in his world, operating from his Palm Beach, Florida home studio and reaching a large radio audience who hang upon his every statement — accurate or just plain baloney.  His audience, termed “Ditto-heads” go along with everything he says.  It seems that ESPN was part of his Ditto-head fan base.  But, that’s for the next post.

This strong chart defines a most significant period and demonstrates the power of the MC-Solar Cycle as an indicator of life changing events.

Natal MC is at the daily Descendant angle: Goals and status are noted by others. Either praise from others or expectations of others will be at play.  A chance to change a relationship will occur.

Natal Ascendant is at the daily MC angle: One may be in the spotlight today or asked to justify their position.  Speaking or testifying for yourself or another in a public setting, in court, or at work.

These angles have not yet matured but they are closing towards exactitude.  They are close enough to have an impact.  Rush is in character, just as if he were in his home studion addressing the Ditto heads — except that he is on national TV with a different audience.  OOPS.  Shouldn’t have said that in that way.

Daily MC is at the midpoint of natal Ascendant and Venus: This is a direct midpoint — the MC at 11 degrees is between natal Ascendant (18 degrees) and natal Venus (5 degrees).  this suggests a harmonious person, one who is comfortable in himself.

Transiting N.Node near Ascendant:  Group activity or business associates become the focus now and provide a direction to move ahead.


Mel Gibson; a weasel has his day in court

Mel Gibson goes to court and “weasels” his way out of a likely jail sentence

Again, we interrupt the Rush Limbaugh postings to follow up (this time) Mel Gibson’s continuing story on spousal abuse.  Mel Gibson is due in court to plead guilty to charges of abuse brought against him by his girl friend Oksana last summer.  Mel’s rants made Hollywood headlines and were also covered on this blog-site.  For the past few months his public displays of passions have either been absent or eclipsed by Charlie Sheen.

First, a note about his early January Solar Return chart. That chart had Jupiter and Uranus in the 10th house, Jupiter having an affiliation with legal actions.  Sun-Sun was in the 7th house of contention and partners, with Moon, Pluto, N.Node on the Descendant angle — all relating to emotions of intensity with associates (to use book keywords).  Now, we’ll address his Progressed Daily Angles chart for this date.

March 10, 2011 PDA chart for Mel Gibson

Outside: natal chart  Inside: transits

Natal angles for Hollywood, CA MC @ 8 Aquarius  Asc. @ 26 Taurus

Transit angles MC @ 12 Gemini    Asc.  @ 13 Virgo



This Progressed Daily Angles chart shows that the S/R MC of 17 Pisces has advanced to 12 Gemini.  Understanding this chart will require those who have been following this system for prediction and event definition (the MC-Solar Cycle) to call on a deeper understanding and practice of chart interpretation, including some techniques that have not been used prior to today on this blog site.  Let us look at these chart factors:

Transiting Sun @ Descendant: The Sun represents both the presence and actions of those in authority (often “legal” in nature) as well as personal will, decision and intent.  Here the Sun can be said to be the will of the other (Oksana) and authorities (court).

Transiting Mars @ Descendant: Attacks, adversarial conditions imposed by others.

Natal Mercury opposite the Asc/MC midpoint: Communication, plea bargaining is part of the day’s events.

Ascendant @ Solar Return MC; The Solar Return chart’s indications of intense emotional situations of/from others is being acted out today.  Couple this with the MC being at the Solar Return’s North Node position (which is part of the Solar chart’s Moon, Pluto, N.Node at the Descendant) and we can see that the association we have with another is the key to what is played out today.  Additionally, the natal N.Node is at the IC angle; associations with another ends one phase, begins another phase.  The news of the next few weeks will show how this plays out in terms of custody battle, divorce settlements, civil damage suits, etc.  This can also impact Gibson’s public image and his career in films.  Sometimes the public turns against excessive behaviors.

Unless other significant news comes along, I would hope to continue exploring Rush Limbaugh’s climb up the ladder of sports-casting success and his plunge from the top of that ladder.  Dave.

What a difference a week makes !

Rush Limbaugh goes from pain-addiction to game-addiction in eight days!

July 14, 2003.  ESPN announces that Rush Limbaugh will be an National Football League commentator.  Only the week before, on July 8th, Rush had publicly admitted an addiction to pain medication.  Now, his dream of being a sports announcer was to be realized.  The photo at the left shows Rush broadcasting from his home radio studio at his Palm Beach, Florida residence.  He had moved to Florida to avoid the high income taxes levied by New York state when he had lived and worked there.  This post will not only analyze the chart for this date, but delve more into the process of how it was calculated and how the interpretation is developed.

Progressed Daily Angles chart for July 14, 2003; angles advanced from the 2003 precession corrected Solar Return chart.

Transits: outer chart   Natal: inner chart

Natal MC (Florida) is at 0 Sagittarius      Natal Asc. 18 Aquar.

Natal MC, (Missouri) is at 21 Scorpio,    Natal Asc. is 0 Aquar.


The MC-Solar Cycle is a process of using a precession corrected tropical Solar Return chart and advancing the MC position proportionately from one S/R to the next S/R chart as was developed by Cyril Fagan in the mid-1900s.  He referred to this process as a PSSR or a Progressed Sidereal Solar Return chart.    I have discarded Fagan’s use of progressed planets and substituted transiting planets, providing a more dynamic presentation of daily charts.  Since his early January Solar Return with its 28 Pisces MC position, the progressed MC has advanced to 16 Scorpio — a rate close to 1.25 degrees per day.

Solar Returns are cyclic charts. They show the MC advancing an apparent 90 degrees per year, shifting the Sun’s house position clockwise by 3 house positions.  In this chart the MC is approaching the Florida-location MC of 0 Sagittarius (some 14 degrees ahead) but is much closer to the natal-location (Missouri) MC of 21 Scorpio.  When angles are contacted by angles, in a cyclic chart, it is a significant event.  In this Florida location the Florida Ascendant is also close (within a degree) to the natal Ascendant0.  Permit me to offer an interpretation direct from my upcoming book relative to both the MC and Asc. positions closely coinciding with the cyclic chart’s MC and Ascendant.  “This year will likely bring fundamental changes to your life.  Angular planets, either natal or S/R, will focus the type of experiences involved in bring about these changes.” We will now examine this chart for its angular planets and their meanings.

  • Transiting Mercury at the Desc.; “Phone calls, visits from others, letters and the study of other’s proposals.  When we have an angular natal planet, our next step is to look at its counterpart — in this case, natal Mercury in the 12th house of this chart and the natal chart. Interpretively, “a mind that is interested in the psychological, in perceptions, wondering what is behind the ideas and words of others.”

So, we have two factors at work in this chart.  First, the MC  angle of the daily chart (at 16 Scorpio) is within a few degrees of the natal MC (Missouri) and the daily chart Ascendant (1 degree Aquarius) is almost exactly on the natal Ascendant — an angular re-alignment signifying a “new birth”, a time when one’s life can change greatly.  Second, we have an angular Mercury (at the Descendant).  These two factors make this chart easy to grasp. there are not may factors to confuse us.  Rush Limbaugh is at a power point in his life, his life cang undergo great changes.  These changes will relate to his communication skills and an agreement with others. That is the sum total of the day’s chart.  It is enough to tell us just what is likely to happen on that day or within a day or so either side of that date.

This is simple but effective astrology.  The power of the daily charts is in their focused message based on a few factors — in this case, two factors.  We can work with a couple of factors for a given date when we have a year of daily charts to provide us with an astrological diary.  In any given year we may have 15 or 20, up to 30, “power points” when our chart seems to provide energy and opportunity to do things better and differently for ourselves and for others.    Dave