Part 7: The Legal Circus Begins for Amanda

Amanda Knox watched helplessly as the Italian legal circus struck up the band and marched to some strange music.   For the past many months the media had kept the fantastic story before the public — a story demonizing the Perugia students, their Halloween celebrations and rituals involving Satanism, their lack of personal values and respect for Italian culture, all of this being personified by the American student, Amanda Knox.  This in spite of the Ivory Coast native, Rudy Guede, being found guilty and already sentenced to jail for 30 years.  Guede had a history of assault and robbery, preying upon the students and Perugia citizens.  Still, as the trial commenced the media had already rended its guilty verdict.  The sounds of guilt filled the courtroom air.

Jan 16, 2009  Start of trial

Daily chart angles     MC=23 Leo   Asc=12 Scorpio  A/M=3 Libra

Natal chart angles; Italy   MC=26 Gemini Asc=26 Virgo 


As is common in many of these Progressed Daily Angles charts, there are only a few astrological comments that are angular on this significant date.   

MC opposite Neptune “Loss, disappointment, a new inspiration found.” would be the book interpretation.  The natal version of Neptune is on the cusp of the 3rd house (based on a chart relocated to Perugia, Italy) and would more readily suggest lies, misrepresented information and facts, media fantasy, gossip and rumor, drama.  All of this was present in the posturing of the lawyers and legal/law system as everyone wanted more than their share of the media spotlight.  Celebrity is a big part of enhancing one’s career in Italy.

Moon was transiting over the Italian Ascendant for Amanda:  Public image is so important on this date.  Hopscotching over to natal Moon at 7 Leo, we find natal Moon conjoining natal Jupiter in the natal 11th house.  Popularity is part of Amanda’s image.  Everyone loved to hate her, apparently.    Pluto is transiting past the IC angle:  Control by others, overwhelming force and irrevocable change is the nature of the day’s events and likely defines how Amanda felt as this foreseen circus of events moved ahead.  Looking at natal Pluto we find transiting Saturn conjoining the pairing of Uranus-Pluto in the natal 12th house.  “Sudden (Uranus) disaster (Pluto) is harshly applied (Saturn).” 

Ascendant  (12 Scorpio) squares natal Moon & natal Jupiter :  Feelings run deep as events swirl around.  Public expectations are huge.  Transiting Moon transits the natal-Italy Ascendant:  Public notoriety.   Transiting Jupiter opposes natal Jupiter and Moon:  Amplification of public image and personal feelings–the stress on Amanda must have been unimaginable.  Adding to this complex, the Asc./MC midpoint is close to transiting Moon and the Italian Ascendant:  Everything seems to be a public circus of high emotions, claims and counter claims, changing situations.  Perhaps the dramatic newspaper and TV reports understated the actual events and people’s interactions at this trial.

There can be times when a few astrological components can present an overly rich and complex picture.  Dave.  





Part 6: Italian Legalistics “slog” forward for Amanda Knox

Amanda Knox had been in jail since Nov. 6, 2007 when her appeal to be released was rejected on April 1, 2008. In the U.S., April 1st is known as “April Fools Day.” when pranks and surprises are sprung on friends and co-workers.  It is unlikely that Amanda’s legal team was surprised at the judge’s ruling given the nature of Italy’s court system.  For major trials it seems as if a “two trial” system plays out in which the first trial is one of “posturing” for the prosecution team and which involves the evidence being slanted to suit the needs of the day.  The second trial becomes more open and fair in terms of how “fair” resources and expertise can make it. 

This chart is for that April 1, 2008 in Perugia, Italy based on a Solar Return cast for that locality but showing Amanda’s natal chart angles for Seattle, Washington.

Progressed Daily Angles chart for Amanda Knox,     April 1, 2008 at Perugia, Italy.

MC 22:30 Leo  in natal 4th house      Asc. 12:05 Scorpio     in natal 6th house




This chart is notable for transiting Neptune at the IC angle with N.Node close by suggesting  loss, disappointment, or a new inspiration found.  It is unlikely that Amanda found new inspiration in this court’s finding.  Natal Neptune (by angular association with its transiting version at the IC) suggests (from the book, in part) “Liars met, slander, wrongful observations of other’s actions.” 

These two factors sum up the situation of this date.  Deception, drama, show time.  All of this follows the media’s portrayal of Amanda in the most irresponsible and horrendous manner.  Prior to this date, Rudy Guede (Ivory Coast citizen) had been arrested in Germany on Nov. 20, 2007 and extradited to Italy on Dec. 6, 2007 — he also awaited trial for the murder of Meridith Kercher, Amanda’s roommate.  It would be another six months before Amanda’s trial would begin. 

Part 5: False charges & arrest

Following the devastating murder of her roommate on Nov. 1, 2007, Amanda and the others in the student community were at a loss in understanding who and why such an event occurred.  Media speculation was building upon the Halloween festivities and the extent of student participation through their costumes and visits to the local pubs and dance-music sites.  The occult and Satan worship was a popular conjecture attributed to the murder.  On Nov. 6th, the police made their move —- arresting Amanda Knox, American student for the murder of her roommate.

This chart, and the following charts in this series will be based on Amanda’s natal angles and relocation to Perugia, Italy for the Solar Return and Progressed Daily Angles charts.









This shocking turn of events, for Amanda Knox, marked the start of several years of a miscarriage of justice due to the inept judicial and legal system of Italy.  For now, it is enough to examine the primary features of this Progressed Daily Angles chart based on a Solar Return located to Perugia, while showing the natal angles of her Seattle, WA, USA birth chart.

On Nov. 1st, Amanda’s daily MC conjoined her natal MC:  Her status and life situation was being challenged.  On Nov. 6th, Amanda’s MC had moved on while her daily Ascendant approached her natal Ascendant:  She was going to experience a totally new situation related to the murder, five days earlier.

The MC was approaching Neptune, 4 degrees and 3 days away:  Confusion was building, fueled by the news media, police  and various members of the prosecuting teams.

The Asc./MC midpoint was at 12 Aries, conjoining natal Saturn:  Amanda was feeling very restrained and victimized (as she actually was).  Playing astrological hopscotch we note transiting Saturn at the natal IC:  New limitations and responsibilities would be placed on her and her family.

This whole series of charts illustrates the manner in which our lives and significant events in our lives seem to resonate with the chart angles developed by the intertwined Solar and MC cycles — what I have labeled as the MC-Solar Cycle.  Once we know the “context” of a subject’s life, this MC-Solar Cycle depicts the attitudes, actions, circumstances and event of our lives though the contact of angles by angles and by planets at angles.  This method is an excellent tool for the astrologer who needs a quick and reliable method of checking out a family member, friend or client in terms of the types of events that are lining up for them to experience.  As always, comments can be entered here on the blog site or submitted directly by e-mail at     Dave


Amanda Knox is falsely arrested: Part 4

On November 6, 2007, the police arrested Amanda Knox for the murder of her friend and roommate. In the previous post, Amanda’s natal event was relocated to Perugia, the time and location altered to keep the same charted planet positions, but the angles and local time were changed.  The Solar Return for this “Perugia-birth” was used to see if it would present a different and significant view of Amanda’s life compared to her Seattle, Washington chart and relocated Solar Returns and daily charts.  I will present one more chart — for her arrest date — using the Perugia “birth” basis.












This chart has the daily (progressed) MC at 14 Aquarius, the Ascendant at 10 Gemini. The MC conjoins Neptune (hysteria and confusion about her status in life).  The Ascendant angle squares transiting Saturn (how does one deal with limitations and restrictions?).  The Asc./MC midpoint is at 12 Aries, conjoining natal Saturn and opposing transiting Moon (this relates, again, to restrictions relative to women — her murdered friend, perhaps if we wish to stretch the symbolism that way). 

Now, we have transiting Pluto at the IC of the Perugia natal chart, and transiting Venus at the natal chart’s Ascendant.  All of this symbolism is appropriate but not that much for the astrologer to choose this series of charts based on a “Perugian birth.” over any of the chart series that was based on Amanda’s Seattle, Washington, USA chart location.

Therefore, the future posts will revert to using the earlier set of charts.  This portion of the exercise was an exploratory one.  Worth the effort to see what would happen, but not the best way to proceed.  I’ll see you in  a few days.  Dave