The Democrats in 2010

The “Give & Take” of 2010 for the Democrats (two charts analyzed)

The precession corrected Tropical Solar Return for the Democrats occurred on May 17, 2010. In the 218 years since the founding date in 1792, the Tropical Zodiac had regressed 3d 03m which equates to more than three days of time.  This Solar Return chart is quite different from a Tropical Solar Return chart.

Most striking about this chart is the lack of angular activity!  Only the natal North Node is closely angular — the Node representing here the ending and starting of new association groups.  In retrospect this can be seen as constituencies pulling back from the Democrat’s political agenda and the start of the Tea Party groups that represented a general protest about the lack of progress on creating jobs and worry over the state of the economy and growing national debt.  Playing astrological hop-scotch, we note transiting Node and Pluto behind the 7th house angle.  With the Node in the 6th house, we would see that as groups concerned with civil service, employment and service workers. The close presence of Pluto brings in change, continuing transformation of living conditions — perhaps all of these having a somewhat negative slant.  So how does this reflect in the mid-term national elections chart?   Continue reading

The “post-speech” posture of Republicans in the House

The Reaction of the House Republicans has focused on reduceing spending and the national debt.

It is instructive to look at several charts to see where the Republican’s focus is coming from.  Here is the Founding chart placed in Washington, DC.  The 2nd house relates to the economy, currency circulation, consumer activity, supply & demand, and taxes.

We find the Moon, relating to the public mood, agriculture, satisfaction and with life’s needs in this chart sector.  Moon is broadly at the midpoint of Mars and Jupiter.  On a personal level this would imply the ability to make good decisions or to follow one’s intuitition or past direction in a time of uncertainty.  Expectations (Jupiter) relate to 4th house matters such as the housing market, what the government provides for peoples basic needs.  Mars (industry, military) is a background issue that seems less likely to see the light of full disclosure.  These two planets are widely in trine with the North Node (groups and associations of mutual interests) in the 8th house (financial agreements and multi-national interests, pensions).  Trines seem to “pulse” between planet-pairs in the triad pattern. First, national security (Mars, Jupiter) is addressed, then raising funds and protecting financial alliances (Jupiter, Node) is talked about, then attacks on how associations and shared funds are utilized (Mars, Node) are addressed.  These issues may be openly addressed or hidden in “political speak” code words.

Now let us look again at the State of the Union speech of a few days ago.  We will look for Moon, Mars and Jupiter from the prior chart.  What strikes me first is the founding Moon at the CD point; public response affects the Republican reaction to the speech.  Transiting Moon is entering the 6th house of employment, unions, service industries — in short JOBS.  The transiting Mars conjoins the Sun in the 8th; this is the flag-issue and how it affects debt, foreign investment and the relationship to (founding Mars, 4th) living conditions and government support to those in need.  Transiting Jupiter conjoins Uranus in the 10th; outspoken excitement (the Tea Party?) and posturing for opportunity and well-being issues to counter founding Jupiter’s position in the 8th—opportunity linked to foreign investment and support.

There seems to be a shift in Republican posturing going on here.  First, there is traditional values (as understood and expressed by today’s leaders in today’s circumstances) which has been the consistent party line of tax breaks for the rich and corporations, less control in terms of regulations, and minimizing support for the public’s needs.  After the speech and the public response to it, we see a public backlash of feelings (a rise in the President’s poll numbers), a visible split between extreme elements in the party (harsh and harsher), a greater focus on jobs relative to debt (both seem now equal in importance within the messages of the Republicans).

I think we will next look at the Democrats and what they may, or may not, be doing in their continuing ineptness to play the political game.  This is validated by the President’s moves to shape the debate and focus government’s image by going out on his own and leaving the Congressional ties of the first two years behind him.  A lot to look at.


Republicans and the State of the Union speech?

How might the Republicans react to Obama’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday evening? — an opportunity to look into the near future.

Up until now we have been looking at prior events and how the charts related to those events in terms of the symbols presented.  With this post we will start to actually look ahead in time and see what might happen.  We have a context of how the Republican’s chart has shown itself to work, we will project the symbols forward to next Tuesday when President Obama presents his State of the Union speech. Remember that this chart is a Republican view of that day.

First, the 2010 S/R MC is at the daily chart’s Ascendant: The opportunities and goals of the Solar Return will now come into focus!  The Republicans will be presented with issues and challenges that will require their response and adjustments to their plans.  We can visually see that the Ascendant will later move on to contact the founding MC-Sun in some 8–11 degrees or 6–9 days (next week).

Founding Neptune is at the MC: How will their message be presented effectively when the President has the stage?  We can see from the chart that the MC will contact this Neptune a couple of days later–suggesting that a response over the next few days will be their opportunity period.  Sounds realistic.   We note the transiting Neptune is approaching its “return point” some seven years from now.

Transiting Node and Pluto are at the Descendant: This is a “reach out and touch someone” pattern where a battle for transforming (Pluto) group associations (Node, here representing the many constituencies the two party’s will be courting).  We will expect the “Spin Doctors” to be in full swing.  A battle of messaging will be launched that might have no end as far as the public is concerned.  Messaging relates to Mercury.  Here, we see transiting Mercury opposing the founding MC and Sun from the 7th house. We know that Mercury typically accompanies the Sun—here in an oppositional pattern we might expect some lack of credibility in terms of how the message is accepted.  Mercury squares transiting Moon and Saturn:  The message will find that it is strategically challenged as to how the public will react or support it.

In the coming weeks, polling will be influential.  The President’s number are dramatically improving.  Republicans will find that it is necessary to adjust their planned approach to how they share in governing.  Perhaps it would be fruitful to go back to the election date and its daily chart to assess how the Tea-Party component will affect any decisions made.
Finally, we should note the Founding Moon at the chart’s CD Point. This point in the chart places the MC in a midpoint position relative to the Ascendant and any planets found at the CD point.   Often, this point is seen as an “intrusion” point.  Here, the Moon represents Republican’s views on the people’s role, their mood and satisfaction with national life. The Ascendant, on this date and in this chart, is involved with the challenge to win public support and to change the parameters of that discussion.  With this pattern, the MC will be required to adjust its stated posture and goals (Neptune at the MC) in order to win the messaging battle.

In summary, from just this one-sided view through the Republican lens, we can expect that the messages and expectations of the Republicans-as-a-whole (including the Tea Party component) will need to be changed in response to the changed perception and posture of the President.  Perhaps we can find time to look at the President’s role in the coming months as well as the Democrats role–both these seeming to a bit different in their nature.  Comments are always welcome via either posted comments here or via e-mail to me at   Dave

Debate on Health Care . . . again?

House Republicans open debate to revoke Health Care which was passed last year.

John Boehner, Speaker of the House, opened up a debate on the Health Care bill which was passed last year.  Revoking this bill is the intent of this debate.  The Senate will not bring up this debate, making the House effort a symbolic one to meet campaign pledges made for last year’s elections.

Transiting and founding Neptune bracket the MC of this daily chart.  Public opinion is targeted as the goal of the debate.  Social programs are also associated with Neptune.  (see the mundane listing of planets and houses in the Essay section).  The 10th house and MC are associated with the political group which is in power — the Republicans in the House of Representatives. 

Grouped at the Descendant angle are the transiting North Node, Mercury and Pluto.

  • Mercury is primarily seen as communication.  In a political chart is also represents wide spread opinion and the Department of Health.
  • North Node represents group associations (the Republican Party as a whole, in this case), and (perhaps) Lobbyists.
  • Pluto represents social upheaval, propoganda, and issues associate with the cycle of birth-life-death.

This powerful seventh angle grouping paints a realistic picture of the events of this date and the surrounding days.  Governor Tom Pawlenty, R-MN, was on the news advocating the need to reduce entitlement programs of all kinds, including Health Care, Social Security and Medicare programs.  This was an expected message for the Republicans after they managed to keep the tax cuts for the richest people in the country — the cost of those tax breaks exceeds the cost of likely entitlement program cuts, meaning that the tax advantages given to the very wealthy will be paid for by those who can least afford the extra cost.  This will be part of a very headted political debate in coming months.

Finally, we note the transiting Moon across the Ascendant and through the first house — the general economy as seen by the general public. The Moon represents the whole population and its mood.  This is certainly a public-attention date to take advantage of.  Comments are always welcome.  Dave

The founding of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party was founded in Philadelphia on May 13, 1972, set for Noon time.   This chart is relocated to Washington, DC where the Democrats, for practical purposes, exist along with their Republican counterparts.  There are several interesting patterns to be found in this chart:

Sun squares Pluto & Moon: The view that the national character should fight against hidden and powerful interests such as were being proposed at that time relative to who should control the govern- ment: the wealthy (Sun in Taurus) or the people (Moon in Aquarius).  Would Pluto be part of the Moon’s influence?

Jupiter is associated with capitalism, judges, law and finance.  Pluto relates to monopolies, mergers and social upheaval. It would seem that the trine aspect with Jupiter and Neptune would bring a marriage of similar interests with a hidden-from- the-people component (Moon conjoins Pluto).  Jupiter conjoins Neptune, promising an idealistic view of religion guiding the nations conduct and discourse (in the 3rd).  Saturn opposes Jupiter and Neptune, bringing a cautionary component into play.  It has been my observation that trine aspects tend to let on factor phase in or out with another factor in a taking-turns form of expression.  If so, would the Democrats find a consistent path to follow as they seek to gain and keep political power?

Mercury squares the Ascendant, suggesting that the party’s articulation of their main interests (Sun) will always be a struggle.  Stuttering messages.  With the inconjunct to Neptune, confusion and misrepresentation by others will be difficult to counter.  We see that being an issue for them in today’s political environment.  Contrast this with the Reuplican’s Mercury which sextiles the Ascendant: yielding a more fluent message capability.

Michael O’Rielly of the Neptune Cafe ( ) notes that the Saturn-Neptune pattern is associated with the “American Dream”.  Republican’s have Saturn-square-Neptune; a struggle over who should be part of the American Dream and how it should be experienced.

For the next several posts, we might experiment with the Democrats representing Senate actions, the Republicans representing US House actions, since each party controls those respective bodies.  In our next post we will see how this chart lines up with the 2010 mid- term elections.  Dave

Current Zodiac Question

The current news reports about zodiac questions and a 13th sign are based upon a lot of confusion over some basic facts.

The stars have been in the sky, much as they are now, for millions of years with little or no apparent change.  Certain star patterns or “constellations” have been recognized for several thousand years and are/were related to cultural myths and gods.  However, the zodiac and constellations were originally seasonal markers for agricultural civilizations.

As civilizations advanced in mathematics and sciences, they recognized that the seasons were actually related to Earth’s orbital and rotational characteristics relative to the Sun.  The slow wobble of the Earth’s poles changes Earth’s tilt relative to the Sun over some 25,000 years, and changes the time and place when the tilt-point evens out for the Northern Hemisphere such that the days become longer than the nights — we call this “Spring.”  We measure this point and base the Tropical Zodiac of twelve signs upon the exact date and time that spring starts.

This Tropical Zodiac is not related to the Sidereal Zodiac which is related to the fixed star patterns in the sky.  While there is some differing views on “where” the Sidereal Zodiac’s starting point is, those views are generally close to each other within a few degrees.  In either zodiac, the zodiac serves as a measuring and reference system and is used by astronomers, NASA, the military, and by astrologers.  All of them recognize the history and mathematics and use of the zodiacs.

The talk of a 13th sign is just that, “talk.”  That “sign” is actually a “constellation” in the sky above us which has been there for millions of years and recognized by many cultures over thousands of years.  The “Whale” constellation is only one of very many in addition to the twelve most commonly associated with the zodiacs.   The whole sky is full of constellations including the Big Dipper and other well known constellations.

The bottom line is that all of the news flap about a 13th sign and astrology being invalidated is “bunk” at worst and erroneous reporting at best.  Dave

National tragedy impacts Congress

Shootings in Tuscon, AZ shock the nation, upset Republican’s schedule

The January 8th, 2011 shootings in Tuscon, AZ impacted the nation and disrupted the plans and schedule of the House of Representatives.  I won’t dwell upon or repeat what the news has covered so well but will focus on our series of trying to follow Congress’ progress using Progressed Daily Angles charts which are derived from the precession-corrected Solar Return (2010) of the Founding chart of the Republican Party.

This chart reflects both the Jan. 8th shooting and the Jan. 12th memorial service. The Jan. 8th placements shows the Asc. transiting founding Saturn, while the midpoint of the Ascendant and MC opposes transiting Saturn in the 5th.  Saturn represents misfortune and disasters in general — at the Ascendant, this suggests a direct experience.  The linkage with N.Node and Venus brings in groups and associations that are engaged in sharing.  This can be directly linked to the Congresswoman’s “Congress on your corner” public meetings with her constituents.  The midpoint of the Ascendant and MC (represented as A/M) is opposite transiting Saturn; the “here and now” nature of this midpoint is subject to constraints imposed by others.

Transiting Neptune is being approached by the advancing MC on Jan. 12th while the Ascendant squares the founding Neptune.   Neptune, according to the Interpretations for Mundane application published in the Essay section of this blog, relates to changing public opinions, sensationalism, and ideals, political unstability–among other things.  The speech of the President, the shared outcry of the nation and national press-media, and outpouring of public empathy is certainly represented by this double-Neptune symbology.

To all of the above, we keep in mind that the 10th house represents the party in power.  This is Neptune’s place of transit.  It would seem to me that where the Republicans control the House of Representatives that this chart probably best reflects them and the public face of their activities and policies.  We will need to look at the Democrat’s founding chart as that may better represent the Senate which they control.

In any case, for Congress this turned out to be a week where the political agendas came to a halt.  Business will resume on the 18th of January.  I’ll try to use that period to present the Democrats side of life in DC.  Dave

2011 Session of Congress Opens

On January 5, 2011, the 2011 Session of Congress Opens — for funny business?

This chart is based on the founding chart of the Republican Party, relocated from Michigan to Washington, D.C. with the angles advanced from the precession corrected Solar Return according to the methods advocated in the MC-Solar Cycle system.  The July 8, 2010 Solar Return chart’s MC of 3 Cancer had advanced at a rate of approximately 1.25 degrees/day to the MC position of 14 Aquarius in this chart.  The Ascendant is at 7 Gemini.  There is a listing of “mundane-political” interpretations in the Essay page that the blog-visitor can refer to.  Let us look at this chart for what is a largely ceremonial day.

The Ascendant (actions of the day) conjoins founding Node, Venus and Saturn. We blend Associations and Groups (N.Node), Relating, Balance (Venus) with Conservatism and structured programs (Saturn) and relate that to the ceremonial scripting that is part of power transfer (balance).  Natal Mercury is at the IC; relating to the speaking and efforts to put out the “message” of the many constituencies.

It is interesting that the angular components in this chart are all the “founding chart” planets–none of the transiting planets of the day are angular.  This is an “internal” party event as far as the Republicans see it, as they now control the House of Representatives.

The party-in-power is traditionally represented by the 10th House (Aquarius, ruled by Uranus), the out-of-power party is represented by the 4th House (Leo, ruled by the Sun).  This type of chart and complexities of the political scene in Washington, D.C. will probably be beyond the expertise  of myself and many readers.  However, that will not stop us from plunging ahead.  For starters, it may be safer for us to match the events of the period to what we can find in the chart.  Later, we will try some prediction.  So, as for Uranus (either natal or transiting) founding Uranus (symbolizing the House of Representatives) squares the daily MC, suggesting that goals might not be met, or only met with great difficulty.  Founding Sun & MC opposes transiting Sun; the openness that was promised will be challenging to provide.

Part of the media messaging from the Republicans was that the Health Care bill which passed in the previous Democratic-controlled Congress would be revoked. Health is related to the 6th House  Mercury traditionally rules the Dept. of Health and the Center for Disease Control — do these fit with the chart?  Saturn represents Social Security which is linked to Health Care in the minds of Senior Citizens, does that planet fit into this date.  We can see the founding MC is near the midpoint of founding Mercury and Saturn — is this relevant or just a stretch to find something?  Your comments?

What happened in the next few days? This form of cyclic chart finds the MC advancing about 1.25 degrees per day.  What comes into “focus” a day or two later relative to the events that occurred?  The Ascendant move to contact Saturn—activities are suppressed or limited, MC advances and squares founding Uranus (rules founding 8th) in the 12th—regional interests, protests are some of the Uranus-words.  On Thursday and Friday the Republicans announced that Health Care would be exempt from any budget-balancing. The Budget Office had noted that canceling Health Care would increase the Budget deficit, while leaving it intact would lower the deficit.  Hence, the Speaker dismissed that analysis and exempted Health Care.  Is this a signal for the political double-speak to resume?

We will address the tragic events of Saturday, Jan. 8th in the next posting.  Dave

Republicans in 2010 mid-term elections

The strong “on message” Solar Return for 2010 translates into a strong showing for the Republican Party in the mid-term elections.

This chart represents the 2010 Solar Return angles when advanced some 1.25 degrees per day, and transits for Nov. 2, 2010–compared with the “founding” chart for the Republican Party (relocated to Washington, DC).

Natal Moon @ MC; the posturing to the public of the Party’s image and goals is indicated.  Couple this with the transiting Moon at the CD point; the public brings a strong action to this national decision day.

Now, let’s add more wood to the fire. Transiting Pluto and North Node @ Asc.; Political power (Pluto) and a cause (Node, in this case the message for repealing Obama’s Health Care and other costly programs) is the face of the electorate’s mood on this day.  Founding N.Node, Venus, and Saturn (a complex pattern we will talk about) is at the IC.  Venus, in a mundane-political sense, represents the arts, the national style, sense of fairness, etc.  Saturn represents property, government systems, conservatism, control, etc.  Putting these three symbols together, we can construct a statement such as “a well packaged strategy for public consumption.”  The addition of natal Uranus just behind the IC angle suggests radical movements (the Tea Party) and innovation (the boldness of the message).

We can see how the founding chart’s Mercury-square-Pluto (powerful messaging) ties into the transiting Node-Pluto squaring the founding Node-Venus-Saturn (bold face of message claims) and founding-Moon-at-MC (appeal to public)  with MC-Mercury is all an effective mix of energy.

Although we haven’t yet looked at the Democrats charts, we have seen that this public response to the Republican message was very strong.  Some news commentators have suggested that this election marked the actual shift in how politics suddenly changed, and not the opening of Congress two months later.  That is a valid point based on the flurry of negotiations and program passage that we saw in the past months.

It is my expectation that we will find these Progressed Daily Angles charts will prove to act as a coded diary of the Republican and Democrat Partys and their actions.  Given that the House is governed by the Republicans after Jan 5th, their chart may represent the House, while the Democrat charts may represent the Senate.  We’ll see as we move along.  At the least, it should be a fun exercise.  Perhaps we might even have an opportunity to predict the outcome of a few key votes and publicity efforts prior to their happening.   Dave.

Founding Mercury (9 Leo) @ Descendant; the crafted message that was presented to the electorate is shown by this placement.