Jimmy Fallon: Filling Leno’s Shoes And Walking Into Our Late Night TV

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Jimmy Fallon has filled Jay Leno’s Shoes on the Tonight Show!  Feb. 17, 2014, the first Monday after the Olympics, found Jimmy bringing his up-beat and highly entertaining self and guests to our late night televisions.

Jimmy was born Sept. 19, 1974 near New York City.  There is no recorded birth time but Issac Starkman has rectified a chart on Astrodatabank for 22h21m and that time will be used.  Our first chart will be a precession corrected Solar Return for 2013, prior to his taking over the Tonight Show, but after NBC had made it’s much earlier announcement that he would be hosting that show.  This is an important chart to study for those who follow or use this form of charting.

Jimmy SR 2013-J

This is a RIYAL produced Solar Return, instructions for using this free-to-download-and-use software can be found in the Calculation menu at the top of this page.  The most important feature of this chart is due to the fact that Jimmy Fallon had reached the age of 39 this year!  When using either Sidereal or p.c. Tropical Solar Returns (used for this chart), the 39th year will bring the natal angles back to the S/R angles.  Age 39 is like being born again, it represents a major life change or ending!  You would be amazed at how many public figures die at age 39. 

Jimmy photo-1In addition to the angular realignment, n/Venus is at the Descendant.  Fallon’s basic attractiveness to his audience will be in play this year.  Sun-Sun occurs in the 7th house; a major partnership is in the works.  These few factors and comments is all that needs to be said about Fallon’s following year in terms of the Solar Return chart itself.  This contradicts the efforts that most astrologers make in interpreting conventional Solar Return charts.  Why?  Because conventional astrologers attempt to use this chart like a natal chart and look for every nit-picking detail, along with other progressions and transits, to find times and events that might occur.  They do not recognize that Solar Returns are cyclic charts, that the chart itself evolves on a day-by-day basis to show each day’s experiences and events.  Cyril Fagan’s work to identify and define the modern Sidereal practices of chart calculation and usage showed us how to advance this Solar Return for day-to-day use.  The charts I use are cast in the precession-corrected Tropical zodiac and have the same characteristics as a Sidereal chart except that the Tropical reference framework is used.

Jimmy PDA 2-17-2014-J

Jimmy Fallon’s opening night is characterized by n/Mars at the Ascendant.  This is a daily chart version of TV Game Show host Jim Barker who had his natal Mars at his natal chart’s Ascendant.  Mars at the ascendant angle indicates one who has great stage presence and who demands attention.  It is like having the Sun and Moon on the Ascendant.  If we play astrological hopscotch, we note t/Mars and t/N.Node conjoining n/Uranus; his special uniqueness (Uranus) will be reaching out (Mars) to others (N.Node).

t/Moon conjoins n/Sun in the 12th; perhaps suggesting that he is coming in from out of the lime-light (a former TV show that aired later near midnight and early morning) and into more prominence represented by the former host, Jay Leno.  Or, this may represent all of the prior planning that went into the new show’s format.   It is questionable as to whether this t/Moon and n/Sun can be considered angular enough to be treated as a supporting factor.  I would note that t/Sun, t/Mercury square n/Moon and t/Saturn; this suggesting that his appearance on this night would be highly public but deeply scripted to assure its success.  Whatever.  The chart is what it is.  Jimmy Fallon has moved his late, late night show to the Tonight Show and maintains his high level of entertainment.

I have several possibilities for upcoming postings; Charlie White and Meryl Davis, the Ice Dancing Olympic Champions, or Carl Sagan the former astronomer and TV show presenter, or Michael Rockefeller who disappeared in Netherlands New Guinea while searching for art forms among the natives.  If you have preferences, let me know.  Dave

Chris Christie: Planning To Climb Out Of The Mud Hole

Christie Photo 1

The End of 2013, three years from the next Presidential Election in the U.S. and time to start positioning himself among the many of his political party who will be seeking that same nomination.  What better platform than being the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association.  From this political platform Christie will be traveling the country, helping to raise money for other Governor’s and their re-election and speaking for his brand of politics.  In the course of his travels he will be both earning the support of other key politicians but will also have the opportunity to introduce himself to the country at large.  This is a major step in chasing the presidency.

Photo GWBIt is also a means of deflecting attention from the “Closing of the George Washington Bridge scandal” that commenced two months earlier and is presently growing in breadth and depth as Federal and State investigations are gathering evidence and issuing subpoenas.  There will be interesting developments as the New Jersey Governor tries to climb out of this political mud hole and emerge clean and fresh.


The house positions of t/Moon-opp-n/Sun are 8th to 2nd, suggesting a general theme of (in part), “Managing investments brings conflicts . . . Confidence to be shown in the face of competition.  Emotions to be kept in check . . . you have to show assuredness.  Drawing upon one’s own resources.”

The most angular planet is t/Mercury opposite the MC;  News and meetings will offer a new course to follow.  t/Sun conjoins the n/Asc.; long standing goals and a direction will be acted upon.  (Natal planets in cyclic charts represent established expressions that have developed in our adult life).  Playing astrological hopscotch, we can look at n/Sun conjoined by t/Mars; emphasizing the “acting upon” nature of t/Sun to n/Asc.

Note t/Mars, n/Sun, n/Pluto and t/Pluto opp. n/Mars.  This cross-grouping of natal and transiting planets suggests a great intensity and control-domination of Christie’s life plan at the moment in time.  He does want to run for U.S. President in 2016.  The t/PoF is always a good thing to check in this type of chart, here t/PoF conjoins n/Moon; the result is an effort to gain a national public image.  Jumping over to the n/PoF we find it conjoined by n/Saturn opposing n/N.Node above the horizon in the 12th house; Christie has launched a privately held strategy to seek national office.  He will not admit that now, at this point in time, but that is his intent.


This chart is for day he won the nomination as Chairman of the Republican Governors Association.  The chart remains located for New Jersey.   t/Mercury and t/Saturn bracketed the IC-MC axis, conjoining n/Neptune and n/Asc.; his strategic plan is off to a start, fulfilling a dream (n/Neptune, the fairytale planet) and following through on his intent to act (n/Ascendant).  It should be noted that t/Neptune conjoins his n/IC angle, doubling up the Neptune energy.  In this case the two Neptunes more likely represent a dream on one hand and a night-mare on the other hand.

t/PoF conjoins t/Uranus on the cusp of the 9th, sudden gains come to him from a wider stage than his home state.  t/Sun is approaching n/Moon; growing publicity will gain the attention of the public.  The old political saying that “any publicity is better than no publicity” will be put to the test as Christie seeks national approval on one hand while trying to avoid local disapproval on the other hand.  Can he out run the fire?  

The last post set a record number of views for the Ninthhouse, many of which originated in France and were not concerned with Governor Christie.  If there is any topical areas that those who follow this site wish to see covered more frequently, please let me know.

Also, now that many followers have had a long exposure to the types of cyclic charts offered here, there may be some who wish to offer a ‘Guest Presentation’ of their own.  If someone would like to use this platform to share their charts and views, please contact me.


Gov. Christie of N.J.; Getting Back by Holding Back

Christie Photo 2

State governments have always fluctuated between having clean political administrations (well, sort of clean — relatively speaking) and those viewed as being corrupt or subject to political maneuvering at every level by every politician and appointee.  In the United States, New Jersey would likely be one of a few states most likely to be tagged with a ‘dubious’ record of clean public services.  This view of New Jersey has been freshened up in recent months by what has become known as the George Washington Bridge Lane Closing Scandal. 

Photo GWB 2

From September 9th through the 13th, 2013, four access lanes leading from the towns and cities closest to the Bridge were close with those orange traffic cones used to delineate work areas.  While a police cruiser was stationed there with it flashing lights to alert approaching motorists, there were no workmen visible.  Just empty asphalt lanes leading up to closed toll booths, and miles of backed-up traffic trying to squeeze into too-few lanes so as to travel from New Jersey across the bridge to New York City.

Before we dig deeper into this ongoing political scandal, we can look at t/Moon-to-n/Sun Returns and Advanced charts for the dates of key events in this exploding story.  This form of charting is particularly helpful in this day of expanded news coverage where great numbers of people and events become NEWS and where too few birth times and birth dates are actually revealed in the news articles published.  Even Christie’s birth date was not overly noted in the news media — media which is increasingly Internet and TV based.  Oh, how astrologers wish that newspapers and magazines were more popular as these news outlets practice good journalism and reporting.

The Moon-to-Sun Returns are especially useful for these “no reported birth time” people in the news at the rate of advance of the Moon compared to the Sun provides a chart for a noon birth that is always within a sign of having the correct MC sign-degree, and often is within a few degrees. When we consider that these are “cyclic” charts and that they produce a series of on-going daily chart-pictures of the subject’s life, we know that we do not need high levels of chart accuracy.


Most notable is t/Venus, and n/Venus (outer wheel) at the Ascendant; Venus is a “balancing” force!  While often seen in charts associated with falling in love, acquiring something desired, or death — all of which tend to bring a ‘balance’ into one’s life — this planet can also be seen through political eyes as “Getting Even.”  That topic is the key to this whole tempest in a teacup.  In recent elections, not every region and city in the state backed Chris Christie’s drive for reelection as Governor of New Jersey.  This recent election was claimed to favorable for the Governor because he could attract voters from all sides of the political landscape.  This was important if he chooses to run for President of the U.S. in 2016 given the fractured nature of the national Republican Political Party.  The scent of retribution was in the air.  It was also in e-mails sent between his top staff and the appointees to various agencies associated with managing and supporting the George Washington Bridge between New Jersey and New York city.

t/Part of Fortune is also conjoining t/Venus near the Asc. of the chart; Actions taken on that day were spurious and chance-ridden.  Chance, change, chaos are all words that I have found to work well with the Part of Fortune when used in cyclic charts.  t/Mars in the 10th house (a supportive factor because it is not yet close to the MC) suggests that actions will be taken.  Remember, this Moon-to-Sun Return represents the whole next two week period.

The ‘theme’ for an eleventh house Moon-to-Sun Return (as a generic theme for normal everyday situations) is, “Contributing to joint ventures having a public benefit.  Training others, supporting creative efforts of others. Launching or completing a financial venture.  Teamwork.  Changes in the financial structure of a career.  Seeking to include others in the community.”  When we pull out key phrases and nuance them to fit political situations we can see “supporting ventures affecting the public” and “supporting the creative efforts of others” (in finding ways to make political points against those who did not directly support the Governor), “teamwork” and “changes in a career.”  All of these proved appropriate and will be seen as our story progresses.


The above chart is for Sept. 9, 2013, the first of four days in which four key access lanes to the George Washington Bridge were closed to automobile traffic and created horrific back-up problems for commuters, ambulances, delivery trucks, buses, etc.  t/Moon, t/Venus and n/Venus remain close to the Ascendant; signifying the public response to the unfairness of the situation.  t/Part of Fortune in the 2nd house of resources squares t/Sun and n/Sun in the 11th house — yes, Christies’ birthday is Sept. 6th.

t/Mars conjoins n/N.Node nearer the MC angle;  Actions take affect and public welfare suffers, the public reacts to events.  While not closely angular, both t/Saturn (1st house) and n/Saturn (4th house) square each other closely.  In time, the chart angles will approach this square-pair and set off a lot of restrictive, controlling actions.  We can note here that investigations and subpoenas did soon follow.  

This is an interesting story which will continue in the next blog later this week.  Over time, we will find continuations of this story that arouse our interest.   Dave

Amanda Knox: Wanting To Awaken From An Unending Nightmare

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Innocent photo

Holding a placard declaring her innocence, Amanda Knox responds to the unbelievable finding of the Italian Court system of “guilty” after having been previously declared “not guilty” by that same court.  In the U.S., this is “double jeopardy” — not allowed to occur.  One trial, one verdict, no going Amanda photo 6back on the same charges for the same crime in order to obtain a different outcome.    A tearful Amanda Knox was on several TV networks being interviewed and making statements, clearly consumed by shock and disbelief, yet compassionately concerned over the family of her deceased best friend who was murdered and their ongoing grief and exposure to the antics of the Italian court.  We can look at two Moon-to-Sun Returns for Feb. 11, 2014, one cast in Seattle, one cast for Perugia, Italy where the murder of Amanda’s friend occurred.


The above chart is cast for Seattle, Washington state, USA and is notable for t/Uranus at the Asc. and n/Venus at the IC angles.  t/Uranus at the Asc. is typically indicative of excitement, hopefully not the sudden event that was sprung upon Amanda by this news from Italy.  Shock is typical of Uranus, the Ascendant bring it harmfully home.  n/Venus at the IC is often a signature of death or a love affair, its broader meaning is to represent a re-balancing of one’s life, a new start.  In this case it seems, for her, a unbalancing.

The t/Moon-to-n/Sun in the fourth house offers a theme of “Promoting or changing ones personality for a new situation, efforts to work through a transition, . . . the integration with past . . . future conditions.”  All of this is certainly appropriate for Amanda’s current situation.  Note the t/Part of Fortune opposing t/Neptune; her feelings of upset, chance and change are triggered by a delusional (for her)  judgmental message from a foreign place — Neptune’s 12th house position is the fourth house of the ninth house of foreign affairs.  Since the event of finding her guilty again occurred on the day that initiated this Moon-to-Sun cycle, the event seems appropriately powerful.


The chart above is cast for Perugia, Italy, where the murder of Amanda’s friend occurred.  Different forces are at work in this locational chart.  t/Saturn has taken over the IC angle; new limitations are being put in place.  t/Mercury and t/Neptune hover at the Descendant angle, conjoining Amanda’s natal/Part of Fortune; unreal news upsets her, coming from another source (her Italian-based lawyer).  Playing astrological hopscotch, we look at t/Part of Fortune squaring t/Mars; an attack is upsetting and changes her life situation.

I’ll return to Shirley Temple in a couple of days and then on to other people’s charts.  Dave

Shirley Temple Flashes Those Bright Eyes At The Camera

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Shirley Temple, America’s adorable child star in the era of the Great Depression (1930s) brought life and relief to a country full of despair and empty of an economy that could put bread on the table.  Three days after Christmas of 1934, long before most of us (including me) were born, her Bright Eyes movie was released.  Back in those days, schools would have been closed for the holidays and to save the expense of heating them with coal — the fuel used in public buildings in that time.  The audiences loved her cheerfulness and uplifting personality, as well as her singing.  I’ve seen most of her films, and would classify them as “happy ending” tear-jerker.  Still, everyone at that time needed a boost of spirits.

Cyclic Chart diagram

Before we take a look at Shirley Temple’s t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return and Advanced charts, let us review the essence of what makes these cyclic charts effective and interesting to both interpret and use as a forecasting tool.  Astrologers who use natal and transiting charts often find that the timing of events is seldom reliable.  A transit over a natal planet may not bring expected correlations with life!  When we use a cyclic chart such as these Moon-to-Sun Returns we add important new elements to the natal-transit paradigm.  We add a re-oriented structure of houses and chart angles.  Looking at the diagram to the left we see the chart structure used on this blog site — the transiting planets inside the bi-wheel chart, the natal planets outside.  Note that the natal chart house structure is shown in an altered orientation compared to the transiting chart.  The transiting chart controls the placement of the natal chart, the transiting chart’s Ascendant angle is at the left.  The natal chart has to take any placement where its signs/positions align with the transiting chart’s signs and positions.  In this diagram the natal Ascendant is in the Return chart’s eleventh house, suggesting that the subject will experience much in the coming days that is associated with friends, the in-laws or family of his/her adult children, community volunteers, etc.  Transits that are at the angles will provide a key to understanding the subject’s reaction to his/her world.


 These cyclic Moon-to-Sun Returns work just as well for children as they do for adults.  In this case, the t/Moon opposes n/Sun from the 7th to the 1st house.  This suggests a theme of “responsiveness, trading, becoming over-involved.  Asking for support . . . a new relationship, . . .  milestone moments.”  Nuanced for a child movie star, Shirley would be reaching out to her public audience, seeking a response from them.  She may not have been fully appreciative of the necessity of achieving high box-office returns, but her parents and studio managers did.  Without belaboring the other components in this chart let us jump ahead to her Advanced chart for the day the movie was released.


On this date, Shirley’s Advanced chart shows t/Mercury and t/Sun at the Ascendant;  Her ability to reach out and touch her audience, to communicate her spirited character was highly obvious.  t/Uranus at the IC, conjoining n/Mercury and n/Jupiter promised a great start.

Permit me to introduce Phase Relationships of t/Moon to n/Sun.  Using Dane Rudhyar’s Moon-to-Sun phase interpretations, we find this t/Moon in the 4th of 8 phases, this phase has the t/Moon within the 135 degrees to 180 degrees relationship to the natal Sun — signifying Adjustment, skill development, improvements in one’s situation.  This film saw a highly polished Shirley Temple, still only five years old, interacting with adult actors and stealing every scene from them.

Note t/Neptune nearing the n/MC angle; her place in film-dom was reaching a pinnacle of fame.   t/Part of Fortune squares n/Moon;  she confirmed her ability to touch the public, no longer just a short-term phenomena in the movie industry.  This same t/Part of Fortune also conjoins t/Moon.  A doubled up Moon brings considerable public attention.  When/if there are no angular planets in an Advanced chart, we always look to the t/Moon and t/Part of Fortune to provide hints to what experiences and events are most likely to occur.

The doubled-up t/Mercury at the Asc. and n/Mercury at the IC angle was a sure-fire guarantee of her ability to communicate through film at this time.  Having two sets of doubled up planets in one chart defines the whole experience-nature of the chart — nothing else is needed.  Communicating with the public is the whole story.

In coming blogs I hope to introduce additional refinements to the interpretations.  Not that the interpretations will be deeper somehow, but to show how cyclic charts offer a number of effective tools, any greater or lesser number of them will illustrate the story of the subject.  Remember, we can look at any day within the cyclic period of a subject and read the chart almost as if it were a diary.  Keeping our interpretation within the CONTEXT of the subject’s life makes forecasting much simpler.

I am considering formatting my upcoming book, Moon-to-Sun Returns, within an e-book format, perhaps breaking it into three or four sections, each section being complete in itself and selling for only a couple/few dollars.  This is an alternative to doing a full print book for a price of $20 or more.  If anyone has any thoughts on this subject, leave a comment or e-mail me at dadsnook@charter.net.   Dave

Childhood Memories; Shirley Temple Black

Shirly photo 1 small

The name ‘Shirley Temple’ invokes for many of us the image of a small three-four-five year old girl who sang and tap-danced across the silver screen during the early 1930’s when the great depression had sapped the economic health and happiness out of the U.S. and much of Europe.  At a grim time, Shirley brought smiles and hope, an uplifting message of optimism and helping others, a reason to laugh and be happy, very happy.

I can remember during those World War II days riding my bike several miles to a nearby city, paying my 12 cents admission to the theater and watching a double feature.  Shirley Temple made frequent appearances on those days, if not in one of her many movies, then certainly in the previews of what would be appearing next week.  In the following charts I have spelled her name incorrectly for which I apologize.


The t/Moon conjoins n/Sun in the 12th house of this Return chart.  This establishes a theme, when one considers that we are talking about an 85 years old lady, of institutionalism  and care as well as preparation for the next phase of one’s life.  The t/N.Node opposite points to a break in one’s friendships.  When we note the t/Part of Fortune opposing n/PoF along the IC-MC axis, and both squaring the t/Moon and n/Sun, we know that chaos (t/PoF opposite n/PoF and both square t/Moon-n/Sun) and upset plans will occur.    In the big picture, t/Uranus is approaching n/Uranus; a major life completion phase is in progress.  This is a critical period.  When we take the context of hospitalization into the mix, the possibilities arise.

Shirly photo 4 adult

Shirley Temple Black as an adult, Ambassador and Chief Protocol officer for the White House.


On the date of her passing, Age 85, on Feb. 10, 2014, the t/Moon-to-n/Sun chart’s angles had changed, bringing t/Saturn exactly to the 7th house and the Desc. angle; one experiences limitations and difficulty in their dealings with others.  This angle is also known as the death angle.  t/Saturn squares t/Sun; the strength of one’s heart is diminished.  Transiting Moon and Part of Fortune should always be checked in any Advanced chart.  Here, t/PoF squares t/Moon; Chance and change brings upsets to one’s bodily rhythms.   t/Moon had recently conjoined n/Moon in a Lunar Return — did Shirley have the body energy to enter this renewed (new moon) phase of her life?  Dave

Phillip Hoffman’s unplanned demise

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The newspapers, magazines, television and the Internet have all been filled with comments on Phillip Hoffman’s untimely demise due to drug overdosing.  How can an astrologer not be interested in looking at his chart?

Upon checking with Astrodatabank, his given time of birth was not given a good accuracy rating.  There were additional notations of times that had been astrologically rectified — one of those times being 2h39m38s AM on July 23, 1967.  This “time” has been checked out against several events in his life and appears highly workable.  I’ll use Moon-to-Sun Return and Advanced (daily) charts in this exploration of his death.













Notable is t/Sun on the IC angle!  Health, personal vitality, his identity and life direction is at an end/start point.  t/Moon opposes n/Sun from the 3rd to 9th houses, defining a “theme” for this period; Unfortunately a generic theme doesn’t do well with an extreme situation such as a self-induced drug overdose.  What might be suggested is that external changes triggered old habits (Moon keywords) that led him to questioning his current life’s direction and interactions with both others close to him and distant from him (3rd and 9th house implications).  What might support this statement?

t/N.Node at the Asc. conjoins n/Mars, opposes n/N.Node (squaring the t/Moon-opp=n/Sun axis).   Hoffman’s personal projection (his acting ability) was an important factor in connecting with others (the opposition to n/N.Node) — this connection was currently being strained in some way (t/N.Node opposite n/N.Node) that directly affected his daily view of the world.  Playing astrological hopscotch we can jump over to t/Mars conjoined by t/Part of Fortune; a time to take a chance, carelessness.

Again, astrologically hopscotch jumping from t/PoF to n/PoF conjoined by t/Pluto and t/Venus; we can see a proclivity to indulge in taking a chance (n/PoF) to indulge (t/Venus) and personal self-annihilation (t/Pluto).   This is generally what this period of the next two weeks offered.  Let us now look at the Advanced chart for his death.













We note that the Ascendant is now separating from the Mars/Nodes pattern.  We do see the t/Sun still conjoining the IC angle; Both t/Sun and IC move a similar daily rates of 1 degree and 1.25 degrees daily — they will stay in sync for a week or more.  For timing of an event we need to look at other factors, especially the t/Moon and t/PoF.

t/Moon is opposing n/Pluto, n/Uranus.  This severe natal pattern is a “cosmic setup” pattern — whenever either or both of these planets are activated in the future (following one’s birth), their symbology can be expressed, like it or not.  In this case, t/Moon opposing n/Pluto activates t/Pluto conjoining n/Part of Fortune.  Looking at t/PoF, we see it squaring t/Neptune and t/Venus while opposing n/Ascendant.   Chance and change (t/PoF) conflicts with drugs (Heroine, Neptune) and his indulgences (n/Venus) to the detriment (opposition) of his physical self (n/Ascendant).

There are a lot of conflicts, pressures and un-answered questions here.  What could have triggered this acclaimed actor’s decision to take up drugs after having left them behind him in years past?  What happened with his personal associations that triggered this action that he himself knew was detrimental to him?  What personal fear and devastation (Pluto) was part of his life (n/Uranus, n/Pluto) that caused a violent and sudden reaction, something from his past?  I’m sure more will be revealed in the coming days.  Dave
























I Can’t Wait To See How This Works

Mila Photo 1

Jim Beam Photo

Mila Kunis, Hollywood actress, was announced as the new spokesperson for Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon.  Mila is claimed to love bourbon so the invitation was offered and accepted according to a news release on Jan. 31, 2014.  A video of Mila touring the firm’s facilities was released — the ads themselves will appear within a month. 

I seldom post about Hollywood personalities because their biographies list the years that movies were released and their personal notes are seldom date-specific.  This is not good for an astrologer.  It is only when someone like Paris Hilton or Mel Gibson do something goofy and make the news that we have charts to look at.


This Moon-to-Sun Return for Jan. 18, 2013 has a 10th house focus.  t/Moon-conj-n/Sun in this position presents a theme related to public recognition and career, highly appropriate for such a joint venture with the producers of Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon.  Note that the natal planets are shown in the outer ring.  This child of the Ukraine came to the United States at age seven without any knowledge of the language.  In a couple of years she had not only learned the language but was enrolled in acting schools by her parents who held common jobs — jobs they appreciated having come from far poorer circumstances in their homeland.  I personally took notice of Mila Kunis when she was appearing on TV as a cast member of The 70’s show.  The move from the Ukraine brought her natal Sun to her new (relocated) Ascendant.  Coupled with Venus rising in the natal chart, she represents her chart very well.

In this t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return the natal MC is in the 7th house of partnerships.  This also fits with the spokesperson role announced.  t/N.Node at the n/Part of Fortune at the Ascendant again emphasizes the sudden opportunity to form a new association.  t/Mercury at the IC fits with the new announcement of her joint venture.



On the date of the news release, the chart’s Ascendant conjoined n/Moon and opposed the n/MC — her actions had brought her public attention relative to her career.  The chart’s MC had contacted her relocated Ascendant, her personality was her public image on this date.  Transiting Part of Fortune squares her transiting Moon, doubling up her public response pattern.  Her charts read like a diary.  

In my next post I expect to look at the Affordable Care Act (the U.S. health plan) and the media frenzy over the release of opinion by the Congressional Budget Office.   Dave.

Jay Leno; From the Start All the Way to the End

Jay Photo 4

On February 6th, 2014, next Friday evening, Jay Leno will host his last NBC Tonight Show.

In the intervening years since he started, Jay has set a high bar for other late-night TV hosts and for his successors.  A fast paced opening monologue of some 12 to 15 minutes followed by guests, musical groups and zany skits has kept his show fresh and appealing.

In this pair of charts, a Moon-to-Sun Return and an Advanced chart relating to his last Tonight Show, we will examine a less-appreciated factor in this type of cyclic chart.   How the key chart symbol, not a planet in this case, provides a message and then goes on to set the timing of the message-event.  This will be a simple illustration.


 In this Moon-to-Sun in the 8th house Return chart I have shown the entire data listing as presented by the Kepler software application I am using.  You can note that I have relocated Jay’s chart from his New York birthplace to Hollywood, CA.  Cyclic charts always work best when located to where the subject is living.  The relocated natal chart is outside, the transits are shown inside.

As an 8th house Return, this chart is given a “theme” which seems less appropriate at first than what we have come to expect from these charts.  From the in-preparation book, 1) The flow or the management of monies, property or tangible ideas that will have realizable value or gain from one’s investment or efforts.  2) Joint property . . ., 3) . . . decisions without emotional baggage while fending off dependencies that upset one’s plans.”  After many years, Jay has developed highly effective comedy routines that mark his style of humor — there are likely to be many contractual agreements over which of his years of material he can use later in his following career events free from NBC copyright controls.

While this last evening’s show will likely include a number of popular past guests and well wishes, the chart suggests that Jay Leno already has his future months all planned out.

Note the transiting Part of Fortune conjoining his n/MC angle;  What he has long been recognized for in his career and public image is now subject to “Chance and change.”  This portion of his career will end.  The n/PoF is in the 10th house, reinforcing the ‘career” focus of this chart factor.  t/PoF squares t/Neptune and n/Jupiter; how this relates to 1) large crowds (heavy TV audience viewing), high drama and show-biz notables, or an elaborate good bye extravaganza will not be know till next Friday evening.

Note also n/Mars in the 1st opposing n/Venus in the 7th.  Mars in the 1st represents one’s presence and command of the situation, while Venus in the 7th represents one’s ability to connect to others.  In the natal chart this pair has Venus in the 2nd, Mars in the 8th; lending him an ability to make/collect money and valued items which can have an ‘investment’ form of function in his life.  The many antique and special automobiles (close to two dozen) fits within this view.  In this Return chart, Mars in the 1st indicates that he will have effective stage presence, there will be no emotionalism for himself, only for his guests.


The chart above is the Moon-to-Sun Return ADVANCED one day to Feb. 6th, 2014.  Again I have displayed the data from the Kepler software’s birth/event date data.  Note that the time of the chart remains the same as the actual Return chart.  In the single day since the Return chart, t/PoF has advanced to the IC angle; indicating that this date is when “Chance and change” will occur.  The t/PoF moves some 13 degrees per day as does the Sun, so we can consider it closely angular on this date.  

The t/PoF identified Jay’s career and public image (n/MC) in the Return chart and has now moved on the contact the IC angle and provide the timing of this event.  Cyclic charts do not get any simpler or any more clear than this example.

Keep in mind that this is a TV show, it is not a major dilemma in Jay’s life nor a wind-fall event.  For someone in show business this is just a couple of levels above an ordinary day.  For the audience this date does loom large, marking the end of an era for those who watch TV in the late evening.  A long-standing routine, for some, is ending.  For Jan it is another fun day at the office.   Dave.