Upcoming Supreme Court Announcement on Health Care

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to announce its findings following three days of hearings in March concerning the two-year old “Obama-Care” Health Plan. In this post I’d like to review how I came to select the date of June 19, 2012 as the date that the Supreme Court makes its announcement.

The primary predictive system used on this blog site is that of precession-corrected Solar Returns and their “in between” progressed angles and daily transit charts.  The Solar Return chart angles are progressed some 1.25 degrees per day (on average, and based on the difference between one Solar Return’s Sidereal Time and the following Solar Return’s Sidereal Time.  This difference is proportioned over 365.25 days of the calendar year at a flat rate which is then adjusted for Equation of Time variances in the daily apparent Sun’s motion.  Riyal software, which is described and which can be downloaded and used following instructions in the menu-bar items, will perform these calculations and produce the charts used here on this blog.

May 23, 2012 was considered.  t/MC conjoins t/N.Node: The focus is on the public’s association and interaction with the Health Care issue.  t/Asc squares t/Jupiter: The public reacts to court issues from a variety of perspectives.  t/Sun opposes the t/MC: The whole issue is under basic review and restructuring.  It is my opinion that the basic findings of the court were likely completed on this date but time is required to both write the many arguments for-and-against portions of the bill and to fine tune the ultimate announcement.  This date had a low possibility.

June 6, 2012 was considered.  t/MC at 20 Sag squares hc/Jupiter/Uranus midpoint: Surprising advancements and developments.  t/Moon conjoins t/Pluto in the 10th: The public reacts strongly to fundamental changes imposed by the court ruling.  t/Asc conjoins hc/Jupiter: the court’s view of the benefits and resources required for those benefits (the mandate funding) are directly adjusted/changed.  This date has some degree of possibility but not a high degree.

June 11/12, 2012 was considered.  t/Mercury conjoins the hc/Asc. (health care Ascendant) and hc/Moon: News for the public.  t/Asc conjoins hc/Sun (over the next couple of days):  Upsets occur which threaten the public view of the Health Care act and its viability and core structure.  With t/Moon at this t/Asc. position, the publicity of this date and event is likely to be high. t/Mars & t/Sun are square this date:  Arguments are likely to experienced.  This date had a reasonable possibility of being the “announcement” date.

June 19, 2012 was the date selected for the court’s announcement.  t/Asc. conjoins t/Uranus at the hc/Mercury:  Exciting news and change is the issue of the day.  t/MC conjoins hc/Pluto (5 Capricorn) with t/Pluto close by and to be activated 2 days later, t/MC opposed to hc/Moon at hc/Asc.:  Altogether this whole complex can be seen as “when the fit hits the shan” (mix the letters around). t/Moon conjoins t/Sun in the 6th house: A new start occurs relative to health and workers.  t/Mars conjoins the MC of the March hearing dates:  The court’s decision is subject to bitterness and anger, likely due to a split decision which actually leads to more problems than solutions.  We can expect that portions of the Health Care law reviewed by the Court will be returned to Congress for clarification or change, leading to public and political outrage in this upcoming election period.  This date has so much contention, change and public involvement that it stands out as a focal date for the Court’s announcement.

June 27, 2012 was another date considered.  t/MC conjoins hc/N.Node, square hc/Merury and square t/Moon in the late 6th house:  The status of the public’s benefits are impacted by news that emerges, unrest is to be expected as the public’s views are interpreted and expressed by others to suit their own views.t/Asc loosely opposes t/Saturn and squares hc/Mars and t/Mercury:  Restrictions and unhappiness make the news.  t/Sun conjoins hc/Moon at hc/Asc.:  A light is shown on the public’s needs and how it can react to what is happening relative to health care.  Protests and organized responses make the news.  This is also a date that has to be considered.  It seems to be more of an aftermath date.

Again, without being a political analyst, a follower of the Supreme Court, one who is knowledgeable about the Health Care Act in detail, it would seem that the Court will play its role by returning portions of the Health Care Act to Congress for either clarification or for rework, leaving much of the bill intact, but some of it up in the air until the political process is worked out to clean up the mess made by both the Court and Congress.  All of this should fuel the fall election process to a great extent.  Dave

The Price Was Right !

This is a recent photo of Bob Barker as most of us remember him from his TV show, the Price is Right.

Back when he was still hosting Truth or Consequences in 1971 and 1972, a new opportunity was developing for him that was to become the hallmark of his public persona and career as a game show host.  Barker was always very well dressed, a perfect hair cut, charming, warm and able to put everyone at ease.  For me, I always thought that anyone who wanted to be a public speaker or marketing spokes-person would do well to spend a month watching Barker perform on TV.  We will look at his 1971 precession-corrected Solar Return located in Hollywood, CA.

First of all, we need to note the angles of this solar return, shown in the outer wheel area of the chart.  The ASCendant is at 8 Pisces, located in the natal chart’s (inside wheel) 4th house.  The MC is at 16 Sag, in the natal chart’s 2nd house—the S/R Sun & natal Sun is only 3 degrees away.  This year will be one in which his public image will become “high-profile”.   The eye cannot ignore Jupiter and Mercury clustered with the MC and Sun; happy news, an expanded audience are typical keywords that can be applied.

Squaring this cluster of MC-Jupiter-Sun-Mercury is t/Mars in the S/R first house.  To understand the role of this transiting Mars we have to go back to Barker’s natal chart where Mars is on the Ascendant.  Mars is, so says the textbooks, a symbol of aggression, anger, action, heat, blood, hurt and pain, etc.  But, Mars also has a softer and more realistic side; it can be applied creativity, putting oneself forward not only as a leader but as a model for others, a willingness to be exposed, daring, in places that would be seen as uncomfortable for others, of being a presence to be reckoned with, setting a bar for others to reach.  All of this was how Bob Barker portrayed his Mars.

With natal Mars on the natal Ascendant and transiting Mars in the first house of the S/R, we can expect Mars to be amplified this year.  Amplified big time.  Now, back to the S/R Ascendant which is opposite the n/N.Node (or conjoining the n/S.Node).  Barker will be using already-in-place skills.  His natural demeanor is his ticket to ride.  Looking at his transiting Node we find t/N.Node in the 3rd house, square his n/Mars & Asc.–clearly pointing to his use of his personality for his new opportunities.

There is more to look at in this chart, as there is in almost any chart, but, what has been covered so far clearly paints a theme for the coming year.  If we leave it at this point, then we have practiced simple astrology.  Why makes things more complicated?  Dave

Telling the Truth

We have to dig back into our memories to remember TV game show host Bob Barker as shown in this photo.  We mostly remember him as white haired, smile on his sun-tanned face, and very affable and inclusive in his interactions with others.  

Born on Dec. 12, 1923, Bob Barker grew up in Darrington, WA.  Viewing the inner chart in the bi-wheel chart below, his natal chart, we note Mars just above the Ascendant and Moon on the IC angle opposing Neptune on the MC angle.  The Moon-opposite-Neptune along the vertical axis defines a need to project himself into the public’s view, to dramatize his presence, to serve his need to support others.  Couple this with Mars/Ascendant and we can see an outgoing, personally involved individual.  Sun in the 2nd house (Sag on the cusp) points to his sense of establishing a personal domain, security and dealing with money and values.  This Sun squares Uranus near the cusp of the 5h house of games and speculation — excitement comes from taking chances and pushing himself to new levels of achievement.  

The 1956 Solar Return, precession corrected Tropical, is shown above.  This chart occurred day before he started playing host on the Truth or Consequences TV show which started 9 day later.  Uranus is on the IC angle (the MC is at 5 Aquarius in the natal 3rd house) pointing to a new and exciting new phase in his life.  His S/R Ascendant is opposite transiting Venus & N.Node, suggesting a “bonding through associations with others.”   This is very apt for a TV game show host.

With natal Sun squaring Uranus, transiting Uranus (t/Uranus) at the IC becomes very significant to Bob’s sense of self, ego, direction and decisions.    The n/Neptune at the MC pattern is emphasized with t/Neptune at the midpoint of natal Mars/Saturn pattern. An image will be carefully forged.    When we note t/Saturn being conjoined with n/Jupiter, we can sense that this business of entertainment will be a strategic direction, that his public persona will be crafted.

In the next post we will look at his daily chart for the start of his TV show which will be defined by the progressing angles of the Solar Return (the MC-Solar Cycle) and the transiting planets of that day.  This series of charts will lead us up to the expected June announcement pertaining to the Supreme Court’s findings on the Health Care Act.  Dave

Health Care & Interstate Commerce Act

One of the discussion points of interest to the U.S. Supreme Court, relative to health care is the Interstate Commerce Act which was passed by Congress Feb. 2nd, 1887.  This Act was intended to bring under control some of the practices of the Railroad Industry relative to its charges for short-haul and long-haul freight. There were many who felt that the cost per mile should be the same, while the rail roads wished to charge more to cover the cost of loading and unloading.  Today, this view-point would be accepted.  In 1887 the equal costs per mile for any haulage, long or short, prevailed. Over time the Interstate Commerce Act was expanded and modified many times to cover the trucking industry and other practices engaged in which crossed state lines.

Most recently this act was raised relative to health care.  Could Congress create commerce so as to be able to regulate it once it was created?  In other words, by forcing a new comprehensive health care plan upon the nation, could the government then regulate it as it saw fit?  Could coverage be forced, would a mandate require payment even if the service was not wanted?  Several states sued the government.  Several states have started implementation.  One state, Massachusetts, already has it mandated health care plan implemented — put in place by the GOP presumptive nominee who claims he will abolish the national plan.

The following chart is a bi-wheel chart with the Interstate Commerce Act signing date (set for Noon) inside and the “predicted” U.S. Supreme Court announcement on its ruling shown in the outer wheel of the chart.

We will first examine the interior chart, the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.  Pluto is precisely (within 09 minutes of arc) on the Ascendant (for a commonly used Noon chart for legislative actions). The Act was seen as a case of political power (so many of Pluto’s key words begin with “P”) over a dominating industry of its time.  The “people” are ruled by the Moon at the cusp of the 2nd house of their values and sense of pride in their accomplishments — this Moon has no strong primary aspect pattern to other planets, suggesting the people will not get what they seek in the long run.  The tightest aspect patterns are between Sun/Mercury, Venus/Mars opposite N.Node, Neptune/Pluto, and Saturn’s square to Uranus/Part of Fortune.

Sun/Mercury points to the narrow (highly focused) view of the Act’s original incarnation.  Neptune/Pluto indicates a blending of fraud and idealism with factors of financial management and the use of power — all in all, not a likely positive blend.  The Mars/Venus opposite N.Node pattern points to the sales job of presenting a nice compromise and attractive package to the public to show that the government was on their side.  Saturn square Uranus/Part of Fortune points to rules that are not up to par with quickly changing fortunes of the republic.  It did not take long for many changes to be adopted to the Interstate Commerce Act over the following decades.

The outer wheel of the bi-wheel chart has the transits for June 19, 2012, the date which I have selected as the most likely time for the Supreme Court’s upcoming famous decision on Health Care.  The Interstate Commerce Act planets will be indicated by a “a/Planet” prefix.

a/Pluto is conjoined by t/Jupiter and opposed by t/N.Node:  Jupiter often plays a switch-hitter role before bringing its good fortune to bear.  I would suggest that the hoped-for great success of the Health Care Act will seem to be less than it actually is at first reading of the Court’s announcements.  The public agreement (of Health Care) may seem to be set back or left under a cloud of doubt (Note the square to t/Neptune and the square to the a/N.Node).  We can expect confusion and the need for clarification as the court lacks clarity in its announcements.  Playing astro-hopscotch, we can note the t/Ascendant conjoining a/Jupiter:  lots of sugar-coating going on here.

The a/IC angle is at the t/MC angle: The core integrity of the Interstate Commerce Act is up for review and revision.  t/MC is opposite the a/Sun and a/Mercury which reinforces the first statement: The interpretation of the Interstate Commerce Act will be changed.  Now, based on the select “Noon” chart of the IC Act, we have a doubled-up Jupiter, the a/Jupiter on the daily chart’s Ascendant (at 5 Scorpio) with the t/Jupiter at the IC act ascendant.  I don’t trust doubled-up Jupiters, I’ve seen this represent overreaching, being overconfident, demanding too much, taking too much.  In short, I’m not sure what to say about this factor.

Finally, t/Sun conjoins t/Moon conjoins n/Moon.  There is a new cycle being introduced to the people.  It does not seem to be the chaos that some expect (Note the t/Saturn has passed a/Uranus — no new trends being introduced here. t/Mercury passing over a/Saturn suggests some narrow portion of the Interstate Commerce Act will be re-defined.  Perhaps a compromise in which the mandate is scaled to the scope of what the states will be permitted to pick and choose from the total health care act, the actual mandate-as-a-method-of-enforcing-inclusion will be upheld, but flexibility is given to the states on how much cost to accept and share.  I don’t expect the Court to go too far into re-writing Interstate Commerce or the Health Care bill.

I will try to present some other views and charts over the next couple of weeks.  Dave


These Boots Were Made For Walking

On July 20, 1969 Buzz Aldrin was riding in a small and cramped space ship, a shuttle craft that was designed to lower a small crew from a larger craft orbiting the Moon.  This craft lowered itself with rockets blasting downward so as to slow its descent.  Bumps and sudden small movements, a small light coming on — these signaled a most significant event.  Man had reached and landed on Earth’s Moon for the first time.

A nation, the world, watched this event through a video feed.  It took a period of time before the crew shut down the engines, checked the ship’s functions and prepared to leave the ship.  The cramped quarters dictated who would leave the moon-lander first.  Buzz Aldrin followed Neil Armstrong down the ladder, the second human to set foot on the Moon.  Video showed dust being kicked up as they walked about, great leaps were made due to the lower gravity.  This was a date to remember.  Aldrin’s chart for this date is shown below — a progressed angles daily chart, the angles progressed from his prior precession-corrected Solar Return chart, with the natal chart inside, the transits shown in the outer wheel.  The chart is cast for the departure location, Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The MC-IC axis of this chart (24 Sag., 24 Gemini) has no angular planets while the Asc.-Desc. axis is marked by Ascendant and t/N.Node opposing Pluto.  If we quote Ebertin’s “The Combination of Stellar Influences”  we find, “The sharing of the same destiny together with other people – the tendency to enter into unusual associations.”  This book is the result of extraordinary research covering decades in the early 1900’s by the astrologers of the “Hamburg, Germany school”, and written by Reinhold Ebertin.  I would venture to say that this is the most-purchased book in astrological history.   The phrasing for this three-element combination is very apt to the situation.

Of note in the chart, but not angular, is the t/Sun approaching opposition to n/Sun and a close (27 minutes of arc) opposition to n/Venus.  This was a thrilling moment when great perspective and clarity of his role in this accomplishment was experienced.  With Venus, the planet of balance and harmony, involved Aldrin saw an achievement of a life time under his feet as he looked at Earth in the “sky” above him.

If we play astrological hopscotch, we find the t/N.Node’s natal version (at 7 Taurus) in contact by t/Saturn.  t/Saturn and n/N.Node points to a highly structured and planned experience with others.  If we were to view this through the natal chart’s 9th house, we would say that this experience with others occurred in a far-away or foreign place, an apt description of the Moon.  We might note t/Pluto’s natal version at 18 Cancer opposite n/Mars which paints an indication of great perseverance and push to accomplish tasks.   We might link this to t/Mars square n/Neptune, fighting to achieve a dream.  Can we imagine the adrenalin-flow in the astronauts as they felt the excitement of the moment, the relief in having made a safe landing, the worry about being able to lift off and return to earth, the curiosity of  awaited them outside the hatch of the lunar-lander?   This “hopscotch” process is one way in which we can add more supportive insights into the chart to reflect the components of the subject’s experience.
