Part Seven: “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Never Hurt Me!”

Pamela photo-6

As the weeks passed following the murder of Pamela Smart’s husband, the police were busy doing what the police do; talking, questioning, listening and comparing what people said against what they were known to have done or what others said about them.  Thanks to an astute parent who heard rumors of a gun being “borrowed” to commit the crime, and his voluntary action of bringing his guns in for testing, the police quickly identified one of the suspects, quickly followed by others involved in the plot.  They had the one who pulled the trigger, the one who obtained and returned the murder weapon, the one who directly assisted Billy Flynn in the murder, the driver of the car, and one other.  A young lady, Cecila Pierce, friends of the boys who carried out the murder knew of the plans and the act even though she was not directly involved.

The only person involved that they couldn’t completely tie to the murder was Pamela Smart.  She wasn’t at the scene.  She didn’t pull the trigger on the gun.  She didn’t acquire the gun for use in the murder.  She had not paid to have the murder done.  What the police had were the statements of several teenagers against the statement of an Pamela Photo-5adult teacher who would deny everything.  How could they fully prove Pamela was involved or had master-minded the whole situation.  Cecilia, who knew the bots and also knew Pamela was asked to ‘wear a wire’ to record whatever Pamela might say in confidence to Cecilia. The incriminating words the police hoped to obtain were said. They had their evidence.

A couple of posts past I had presented an essay on just what Return charts and Cyclic charts were.  “Return” charts are charts cast for the moment and location where an astrological planet returns and conjoins its natal position.  A “Cyclic” Return is a chart cast for the moment and place where a transiting planet conjoins or opposes a natal planet.  In both cases, the chart is cast for the conjoining or opposition point and the planets involved are placed at their proper zodiac positions and in the resulting chart’s house/angular structure.  In most cases the natal chart houses will be shifted within the framework of the Return or Cyclic chart.

I have postulated that the t/Moon is a useful choice for the transiting component as it represents the changes that come into one’s life when an event or situation becomes a meaningful part of one’s life.  The ‘planet’ that is to be used as a base-line to the natal chart is most often the n/Sun—but it can be any planet.  In fact, it is important to choose a planet whose nature will reflect any specific line of inquiry one wants to explore.  In this posting I will utilize t/Moon-to-n/Mercury Cyclic charts. 


On June 12th and 13th, Cecilia Pierce visited with Pamela Smart, gradually bringing up the situation with the boys who were being charged in the murder.  How were they holding up?  What had they said to the Police?  Over the past several weeks no action had been taken relative to Pam.  Were the boys protecting her?  If not, how would she respond, protect herself?  Bit by bit, portions of the actual story were put into words.

Words are a ‘Mercury thing.’  They are thoughts being expressed, information given and shared.  They can also be heard as ‘evidence.’  The words of Pamela Smart were recorded using the wire or sound device that Cecilia was wearing. Her cooperation could keep her out of jail.

t/Moon represents ones reactions to change while n/Mercury represents how one talks and communicates in their adult world.

t/Moon-opposes-n/Mercury from the 1st to the 7th houses in this chart.  t/Moon in the first would indicates one response to the events in the world around them.  t/Saturn at the Asc.; care and caution, fears and concerns are what Saturn is about. t/Moon in this house would raise the emotional stakes and the worrying to a high level.  Now, please not that t/Moon is the focal point of a T-square with t/Venus-IC opposing t/Pluto-MC.  Part of this pattern is a fanatical love and sensual pleasure component coulpled with strong emotions.  Could it be that Pamela was still wrapped up in the ‘romance’ she had with young Billy Flynn and was not properly seeing the larger social-criminal picture that she was part of?  Note t/PoF conjoining n/Pluto.  We have a doubled up Pluto here.  This is highly serious.  With the n/Asc. close to the Desc. angle, it would seems that Pamela was overly focused on Billy Flynn.  If so, this is a strong case of “denial.”  We are looking at a t/Moon-opp-n/Mercury Cyclic chart — let us not forget t/Mercury.  We see n/PoF opposite t/Mercury.  Will Mercury (words) risk saying the truth to Ceceila, and indirectly to the Police?  I don’t have the actual content of thw words spoken other than that they were, in total, incriminating if fractured in their presentation.  It was enough for the Police to work with.


It took the Police some six weeks of legal work to put all of the puzzle-pieces together for the District Attorney.  The chart to the left is a t/Moon-to-n/Mercury in the 4th house Cyclic chart prior to the arrest date which would come a week or so later. t/Moon at n/Mercury, t/Mercury at n/Sun, all in the 4th.  Light will be shed on the situation.  t/PoF opposes n/PoF; “chance and change” are definitely present in this week leading up to the arrest.  Will the whole case against Pamela Smart come together?  t/Sun is at the IC: a powerful symbolic statement about the light of the situation being revealed — a sort of “on” switch for the truth.

So far, these t/Moon-n/Mercury charts are reflective of the story.

SmartPamelaPamMtoMercAdv8-01-1990This t/Moon-to-n/Mercury Return chart has been Advanced to Aug. 1, 1990, the date that Pamela Smart was arrested and then charged with the murder of her husband.  t/Sun, by virtue of its movement being close to the diruranl movement of the chart angles, remains at the IC, portraying the shedding of light.  t/Moon is at the Desc. angle conjoining n/PoF; an emotional state over her risk taking venture.  t/N.Node at the MC, the association and status of others will be the focus of the day.  t/PoF is in the 5th house of love, lust and risky behavior, opposite the n/MC.  Her basic premise of how to murder her husband has to be now questioned.  An it will be questioned at the trial that will follow.

Up until this point we have concentrated our attention on the angular planets — and on their counterparts (natal or transiting) which have aspected and involved other planets.  This is how cyclic and return charts are read.  We are dealing with daily snapshots in time.  If we knew the whole story in detail on a day-by-day basis, we could create a chart for each day that would mirror the evnets and situations of that day.

This whole process of cyclic charting is one that is somewhat new to the astrological world.  Yet, there is an archive of some fire years of charts and stories that go with them.  In a couple of months a book on this very topic of t/Moon-to-n/Sun Returns will be published.  It is intended to be a primer, a resource, a guide to both creating these charts and reading them.  In the interim period I hope you, my readers, continue to find these charts and methods engaging and informative.

Part Six: Murder Charges; the Beginning of the End

Billy Flynn Photo

Pamela Smart’s young lover, 15 year-old Billy Flynn was the person, along with his friends, who actually killed Pamela Smart’s husband in their apartment on May 1, 1990.  A gun was provided by a friend who had ‘borrowed’ it from his father’s gun cabinet.  The gun was put back after the murder.  The police had a lot to consider.  The murder may have been intended to look like a botched robbery gone wrong.  However, why was the dog locked in the basement, it would have been easier to just kill it.  Why was none of valuable items in the apartment taken?  Who would rob an apartment in the evening with all of the tenants awake and walking around?  Surely a mid-day robbery would be more likely.  

Billy Flynn had a friend help him overpower Gregg Smart, another friend waited in the car outside, and a girl friend was in on the plan.  Several teen-aged kids couldn’t do something serious like a murder without talking about it among themselves.  One of them couldn’t be having sexual relations with a teacher without the others knowing that that relationship was behind the need to murder the husband.  How would that not be a topic of conversation among the small group.  Soon, pride of getting away with sex-with-a-teacher and a murder became too much to keep quiet about.  Parts of the story became known by others.  Rumors spread.  Among the rumors was “that a parent’s gun had been used.”  One parent in particular became suspicious and took his guns to the local police to be checked.  One was the murder weapon.  It took only hours to question one teen-aged kide and then the others.  Part of the story was out.

Previous to this posting an essay on Cyclic Charting was offered.  That essay postulated that Moon-to-Planet return charts, other than the Moon-to-Sun Returns commonly used on this blog site, could be used.  In this post I will utilize a t/Moon-to-n/Saturn Return.  This chart combines the t/Moon’s symbolism for change and emotions with n/Saturn’s symbolism for depression, early-life family indoctrination, worry and planning/strategy.  


This t/Moon-opposite-n/Saturn Return occurred on June 9, 1990, just five weeks after the murder. It only took that long for immature mouths to talk and to let slip some of the details that led to speculation by others, then to rumors, and then to the ears of more mature adults and the police. With the gun identified and a nervous kid and his friends easily identified, the whole story began to emerge.  What does this t/Moon-opp-n/Saturn Return chart tell us?

t/Part of Fortune (t/PoF) in the 7th opposes t/Sun in the 1st; Ones own intent and interest, or the ‘Authorities’ will act (these are action houses) suddenly and surprisingly. Note n/Sun-n/PoF at a wide square to t/Sun-t/PoF; this is a significant “doubling-up” of two key factors in Return charts.

Note n/Mars on the Asc.; action of a dangerous nature is part of the day’s events.  This n/Mars opposes n/Nepune across the horizontal axis.  This pairing represents an inborn sense of unclarity in one’s actions or response when action is required.  We will see shortly how this symbolism played out.  Since this is a t/Moon-to-n/Saturn Return, let us look at those two planets. This is a 7th-to-1st house pattern indicating that reactions and responses of those involved (both the kids and the police) would be seen as harsh, warranted, mandatory.  The natal pattern of Sun-square-Saturn-square-N.Node (a T-square) inclines young Billy Flynn to wrestle with his intersts versus those of ‘authority’ and his associates.  Social rules, the views of associates, his self-interests are all contending with each other and, at the age of 15, apparently not yet worked out so as to be manageable.  Combine this with natal Part of Fortune conjoining MC;  his sense of personal goals and direction is subject to change.  We are looking here a an almost permanently immature person in one sense.


It was the very next day, June 10th, that Billy Flynn and the others were charged with first degree murder.  What can change, astrologically, in one day? Obviously the t/Moon and t/PoF will change a lot, the t/Sun only a little, along with the angles.

t/PoF conjoins t/Uranus and will approach/contact t/Moon in the 8th house.  Changes in what is now know brings surprises and one’s daily routines are upset.  

t/PoF will square t/Mars; upsets in actions taken within the community (11th house) on behalf of other’s (8th house) interest — the victim.

Note also, t/Sun squaring n/Sun.  Whenever a natal and transiting version of a ‘planet’ conjoin, square or oppose each other we have to take notice of the symbolism.  With a doubled-up Sun, the interests of two or more people are in conflict.  With a doubled-up Moon, two sets of feelings within one person or between two people cause great emotional upset.

We could look at n/Pluto opposite t/Mars and t/Pluto opposite t/Venus and draw some appropriate conclusions.  However, it is best (and more practical) to just consider angular and angular-house based planets and their paired natal-transit versions and leave all of the non-angular stuff aside.

In future posts I will explore more of these t/Moon-to-n/planet combinations.  I hope you find this interesting.  Dave.


Cyclic Astrology: Charting That Mirrors Life ©

An essay by David Monroe, April 19, 2015
Cyclic Chart illustration-J“Cyclic Astrology” is a charting and interpretive method that incorporates the primary astrological chart factors into a unique, highly effective short-term predictive tool.  These factors are:

** The natal chart’s planets and angles

** The transiting planets
** A chosen personal focus on a current life situation based on a ‘Return’ chart

** The cycle’s house structure as an everyday format for expression
This simple, but rich, predictive tool is based upon use of a Return chart in which the transiting Moon conjoins or opposes the natal Sun or any of the other natal planets that one may choose.  These pairings offer a focused insight into one’s life through a selected personal focus.  While this blog site has primarily utilized t/Moon-n/Sun Returns and Advanced charts, any of the planets may be used to provide a specific focus that the astrologer can use to examine a particular question or issue.

** t/Moon-n/Sun Return:  Regaining, maintaining balance in one’s overall life.
** t/Moon-n/Mercury Return:  Assessing emotional and logical views of life.
** t/Moon-n/Venus Return:  Lust, love, associations, and life harmony.
** t/Moon-n/Mars Return:  Focusing one’s actions, aggression, anger management.
** t/Moon-n/Jupiter Return:  Seeking opportunity, use of social interaction.
** t/Moon-n/Saturn Return:  Dealing with depression, early family indoctrination.
** t/Moon-n/Uranus Return:  How one’s uniqueness of expression affects current life.
** t/Moon-n/Neptune Return:  Dealing with deceit, dreams and life’s drama.
** t/Moon-n/Pluto Return:  Dealing with trauma, transformation and destructive issues.
Natal planets become more than ‘natal chart potential’, they reflect what our life experiences have caused them to become as personal symbolic expressions.  The transiting planets reflect the seemingly-external changes that come to us.  These distinctions are important to remember.

The Return-chart format utilizes the t/Moon to portray a Moon-planet focus within a cyclic structure of some two-weeks length as the t/Moon conjoins, opposes and advances through the half-cycle to the next conjoining or opposition point.

The Return chart’s timing and house orientation provides a short-term structure through which the natal chart has to adapt to current-life situations which reflect the moon-planet pairing chosen for examination.

Current astrology software, such as Kepler/Sirius and Solar Fire  permit easy and quick creation of t/Moon-n/Planet Returns and the Advanced charts for each or any day following the start of the cycle.  The ease of both bringing these charts to screen and the manner in which they are interpreted make it easy to casually dialog with a client while referring to the computer screen.  Lower cost software applications and Internet-based software typically do not provide this functionality and require a trial and effort approach — a process which is lengthy and discouraging. If one does not have software to help in this process it is actually quicker and simpler to do the chart calculations by hand.

Using t/Moon-n/Sun (or other planet returns) with clients or for study is simple and effective

Clients or students who are new to astrology can immediately ‘see’ a chosen period or event in one’s life mirrored in the chart.  There are no prolonged or hesitant ‘convincing’ processes to contend with.  The astrologer can easily move through a series of focused views of an event to explore how the subject did act and respond to past events, or how one might approach a future period or event.  Overall, the t/Moon-to-n/Sun Returns are the most effective tool for exploring or predicting life-experiences.  t/Moon-n/Sun Returns are far more effective and richly interpretive compared to conventional Lunar Returns.

t/Moon-n/Sun Returns are a diary of one’s life, a diary that can be read  about past events or present-future events with ease and surety.  They are a most effective and reliable short-term predictive tool.

Each of the noted Moon-planet pairings can be adapted to a highly specific focus that fits with the astrological symbolism.  For example, the author used a t/Moon-n/Mercury format to explore the Affordable Care Act rollout in the fall of 2013.  There was extensive public reaction for and against the disastrous Internet-interface for health care sign up by the public. There was strong political uproar and deceptive claims by all involved.  These were Moon-related issues.  The positioning statements, extensive computer re-coding, Presidential assurances and corrective decisions were all Mercury-related issues.  Nuancing astrological symbolism to fit within these Moon-Mercury events was a natural choice and one that was astrologically appropriate.  The postings for this series of events can be found on this blog site,

 An overview of the basic Interpretive Methods used in t/Moon-to-n/Sun Returns

The t/Moon-to-n/Sun house or the t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun houses relate to a ‘threme’ for that period’s cyclic chart.  The Theme statement represents a short term imprint that carry’s through the cycle-period of the Return Chart.  Planets which are angular or in angular houses form the core assessment process for the chart.  They are read utilizing natal planets to represent life-based experience symbolism and transiting planets to represent external changes.  The house structure of the Return chart provides a short-term structure for expression of the planets.

By diurnally advancing (keeping the chart time, changing the chart date) the Return chart one can advance day-by-day or jump to any date within the following two week cycle to obtain a ‘daily’ chart.

Natal planets, located within a new non-natal house structure are assessed on how they react and work within the Return chart’s house structure.  This is due to the natal planets being reoriented to the Return charts angles and houses.  The transiting planets symbolically represent themselves through the Return charts angles/houses.  When both the natal and the transiting planets are angular, this ‘doubling’ up both transiting and natal planets creates a strong interpretive ’emphasis’ on the role of that planet in the Return or Advanced chart’s reading.  The t/Part of Fortune, by house, aspect — or both, represents ‘Chance and change’.
These above summarized points form the interpretive basis for reading these Return charts. There is much more to working with these charts, but this commentary serves to introduce the use of these charting methods.

I felt that it was important to interject an explanation or overview of what cyclic charting is all about.  Over the past few years I have submitted, and had published, five articles on the use of Solar Returns and Progressed Daily Charts and for t/Moon-to-n/Sun Returns and Advanced (daily) charting.  The astrological world, in my opinion, has missed out on the value of using this form of astrology as a short-term predictive tool.  When we read a natal chart for a client, and then go on to use a progressed or directed chart to examine overall trends in one’s life, the questions of “when will this actually happen?” or “what other factors will be involved in this happening?” or “How do I deal with this?”  will also arise.  These various forms of cyclic charts can be used to directly and clearly examine the charts and the subject’s life conditions — the chart always mirrors life.  All we need to do with a client is to provide the actual “context” of a personal life in which to accurately portray the symbols of the chart.  After all, how one person uses Mercury is different from how another uses Mercury in their everyday life.  Modern life requires modern astrological tools to effectively help a client.  Confusing astro-babble and “this may” or “that could” statements are not very helpful.   Dave.

Part Five: Before The Murder, How To Start An Affair

Pam and Billy Photo

Pamela was married only a half-year when she decided that life was boring.  Her husband worked hard at learning his new job, less time was spent drinking, dining and partying.  Concerts were few and far between.  Then a school project involving her class at the regional high school she worked at brought her into contact with young (15 years of age) Billy Flynn.  They like the same music.  Soon, Pamela began to have thoughts about young Billy that crossed the line between how a teacher and student should interact.  Before we get to deep into that part of our story, let’s look at Pamela’s chart prior to this idea of expressing her feelings.
SmartPamelaPamelaMoopS1-27-1990proposeThis t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun Return is in the 12th house.  The opposing houses around the Ascendant-Descendant axis make for problematic situations.  The theme for this 6-to-12 polarity is, “Choices.  One’s conscience says to help another, one’s self-interests want to address personal needs first.  Balancing conflicts.  Working in supportive care fields, government, personal services such as tutoring, nursing, social work.  Interactional support is seen, offered, appreciated.  Incapacitated for some reason or period of time.  Being ill or discomforted.  An intended action has an opposite or unintended effect.  One’s life balance is affected in clandestine manner.”  Clearly this generic statement is ‘right on’ in its definitions.  “Conscience . . choices . . self-interest . . tutoring . . interactional support . . one’s life balance is affected in a clandestine manner.”  Now, we note n/Venus on the Ascendant; one’s established sense of love and being appreciated is being experienced at this time.  t/PoF opposes n/MC-n/Chiron;  One’s status and standing is about to be changed.  t/PoF squares t/Mars; Pamela is not managing her aggressiveness well, but she will be expressing it.  Note n/PoF at the IC and square n/Venus-Asc.; How one handles one’s natural need for support and closeness is likely to take on a new dimension.  

From these few simple observations we can deduce that this next two-week period will bring some fundamental changes in how she relates to others within her work environment.  In a supportive role we can note t/Venus opposite n/Asc., mirroring and doubling up the n/Venus at the t/Asc. angle.  t/Sun squares the n/N.Node, associates are likely to cause conflicts. 


In this Advanced chart for Feb. 5th, the day Pamela advised young Billy Flynn that she was attracted to him, we note Pamela’s  n/Pluto at the Asc.; Pamela is going to unleash a personal earthquake on this date.  Can you imagine the thoughts and feelings of a 15-year-old boy being told that his very attractive female teacher finds him to be attractive to her in a most suggestive manner?  Confusion, exhilaration are just the first thoughts that come to mind.  A real live, pretty, warm and dominating woman.  No early teen stuff, no holding hands, and awkward stuff.  The real thing being offered to him.  Yes, Pamela rocked his boat, got his attention.  t/Sun opposed n/Jupiter, conjoining n/N.Node, taking advantage of a situation.  Note also t/Sun square t/Pluto; a dominating manner is being expressed.  t/Mars opposite t/Moon, t/Jupiter, t/Chiron, and square n/MC;  a complex pattern of assertiveness to impress one’s needs on another, to seek recognition from that person using her status and position.

We can see how the chart fits the picture, we can assume how young Billy Flynn reacted.  Instead of assuming how he acted, we can look at his charts.  Having his birth date and place, and using a ‘noon’ chart, we can look at this t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return knowing that the MC will be within 7 or 8 degrees of accuracy.  That is because everyone born on a given day will have Moon-to-Sun Returns where their timed chart’s MC will be within 7 or 8 degrees (at most) of a ‘noon’ based chart’s MC position.


Here, 7 days before the proposition by his attractive teacher, Billy Flynn’s Moon-to-Sun Return has n/Uranus on the Asc.; surprise, surprise.  t/PoF conjoins n/Neptune; a fairytale is about to emerge before his very eyes.  This t/PoF also opposes n/Mars; changes in how one feels about one’s place in the world.  t/Moon conjoins n/Sun in the 5th house; the theme for this placement is “Being an actor in some way, taking pleasure in one’s efforts or work, parties or celebrations, hobbies, the promotion of new programs or products.  One’s love nature is strong. Confidence is high, pride in one’s accomplishments.  Being true to one’s self.  A creation being recognized in its own right.  A creative project opens up.”  We can take the following from this generic statement to fit this unusual situation . . pleasure in one’s efforts or work . . parties or celebrations . . strong love nature . . being recognized . .”   While this chart doesn’t tell us exactly what will happen, the chart sets us up to expect surprises, fairy tales, something romantic.  Let us look at Feb. 5th, 1990.


Here is the chart for Billy Flynn’s side of the story.  n/Venus at the IC; new love enters the picture.  t/Sun-t/PoF are approaching n/PoF; Life is about to get a major overhaul and change.  t/Moon and t/Jupiter are crossing the n/Asc.; everything is coming up roses to quote some Broadway musical.

So, over the next couple of weeks, Billy met Pamela in her office, in her car, and found his life changing rapidly.  The affair moved on staying the night with Pamela when her husband was travelling for business.  They enjoyed music and sex.  

Of course there was a price to be paid for all of this.  Pamela liked her fun but she also had a plan.  Not a firm plan at this point, but a plan.

In future posts we will move on into the tragic aftermath of this ill-conceived, poorly planned, and bound-to-fail attempt to get a way with murder.












Part Four: One Way To Obtain An Uncontested Divorce

Pamela photo-2

Marriage will change one’s life, that is for sure.  For her new husband it meant working each day to support their family of two, their apartment, cars and living expenses.  It meant learning a job and growing within that career field so as to prepare for a future, larger family.  He was growing up.

For Pamela Smart, life also meant working.  She took a position at a regional high school in Hampton, NH as a media coordinator.  She liked being around young people,  She also missed the partying of her college days and resented her husband’s lost interest in those carefree days.  Life had become boring.  Half a year into her marriage, life became intolerable.  She started dating one of her young students, meeting in her office, her car, and when her husband was out of town on a business trip, in their apartment.  Soon, this 15 years-old student was being pressured to kill her husband so that their love-making could go on forever.  

That poor kid.  When he had reached the point of being agreeable, Pamela developed a specific plan for the murder.  She would give him a key to the apartment.  He would put the dog downstairs (not to be traumatized by the murder). He would have a friend help him to overpower her husband and cut his throat.  Valuables would be taken to make it look like a robbery gone bad.  Below is the Return chart.


This is a t/Moon-opposite-n/Sun Return in the 7th house, having a theme of, “Compromise can be minimal in nature except for emotional issues.  Who controls the relationship?  Arguments, seeking a solution.  Promises are on shaky ground.  Multiple views on one situation.  Changes in who decides, who follows.  Resolution tends to be abrupt.”  The combination of Moon in the 1st (My reactions, my actions, my primary needs are important) with Sun in the 7th (what I want from you, what I think we should do) is always a tough pattern in these forms of charts, as is the 6th and 1sth houses.

With Pamela’s n/Ascendant on the Desc. angle of the chart, the basic theme given above is made more pronounced — “it is all about me” is one common phrase that comes to mind.

At this stage of looking at the chart we can already see that it is appropriate to the leading-up-to-murder situation that is being planned.

t/Pluto-n/Mars-at-MC opposing t/Mercury;  Taking charge of her life-status and destiny (Pluto-MC) is done by taking action (Mars) and having a plan (Mercury).  t/PoF in the 9th; this has an obvious link to the use of a school student, but in regular practice we might (for most ordinary situations) see this ninth house as “plans with another” (as opposite of the third house (plans of mine alone).  Since it is so close to the MC, we can also include in the Pluto-Mars-MC grouping. In any case t/PoF squares t/N.Node; a break point in one’s associations or relations with another.  (I use Ebertin’s approach to interpreting the North Node as relating to associations one has/develops with others).  Note t/Sun conjoining n/N.Node; pointing to Pamela’s intent (Sun) to affect her relationships in a meaningful way — the 3rd house suggesting she was behind the plan, not the person “doing” the plan.  This PLAN is symbolized by n/MC-n/Saturn-n/Chiron in the 2nd house squaring n/Moon:  Her status and life plan is mean and sick (applying chosen words for Saturn and Chiron) and relates to her emotional self (Moon).  Once we get past the angular factors and interpretations, it is fun to look at any or all of the supporting patterns in the chart as “filling in the details”.   Transiting Moon-Mars-Saturn, some of the key players in interpreting this chart, are all in the first (action) house of the chart.  


This second chart is the Advanced chart set for the date of the murder.  Her young lover and a friend had entered and waited for Pamela’s husband to come home. The use of a knife proved to be too personal and repulsive, so a gun ‘borrowed’ from his friends father was used for the killing. Another friend was waiting in a car outside to drive them away. This occurred about 9:40 in the evening.

Note n/Neptune near the MC, t/Neptune in the 12th.  A hidden, secretive act.  We can note that n/Mars-t/Pluto is now in a ‘background’ house, the 9th, and square t/Nepune in the 12th; more ‘hiddenness.’

t/Moon is on the Desc. angle; Pamela is emotionally tied to what the others are doing for her.  Note n/Mercury has retrograded back to opposing n/Mars.  And, we can’t overlook t/Pof square n/Asc. in the 6th; Chance and change is being instigated through the work of others (6th) house in a hidden manner (the 6th is the 12th house of the 7th house of partners).  t/Mars squares n/PoF in the 10th; another symbolism of action and the future plans of Pamela.  This same t/Mars broadly opposes n/Venus, “attacking her love” might be suggested.

So, the dirty deed was done.  All that followed would be the inevitable police investigation of a robbery gone bad, a period of public mourning and a continuing life of “love” with her student lover.  Or, so she thought.

This has been an interesting set of charts illustrating the clarity and power of this approach to viewing life’s daily events.  Even an extreme set of circumstances such as this cannot detract us from recognizing that Moon-to-Sun Returns are a powerful short-term predictive tool.  The astrologer can just sit in front of a computer screen and pop-up charts as he/she talks to a client.  No heavy preparation work is required.  The conversation can shift to other events in life and those appropriate charts can be viewed within seconds.


Part Three: For Pamela Smart, Marriage Was Not ‘Forever’

Pamela Husband photo

For Pamela Smart, her marriage to Gregg was an event that she had planned and worked for.  As a College Disk Jockey she had loved Heavy Metal bands, Van Halen, Motley Crue and Bon Jovi.  She found that Gregg also enjoyed this music.  Both were avid party goers.  Pamela, known on college radio as the Maiden of Metal, and Gregg hit it off in late 1985.  Pamela was attending college in Florida.  In 1988, her last year of school, Gregg moved there to be with her.  On returning to New Hampshire after her graduation, they were married on May 7, 1989.  A year later Gregg would be dead!

Before we get to that part of the story we need to look at some charts for the period when they were married.  Surprisingly, the t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return charts do not show much of significance, it was almost as if the fundamental concept of Moon-Sun charts was not the right focus for examining Pamela Smart’s view of life.  t/Moon-to-n/Sun Returns indicate how one experiences or seeks to regain balance in their life.  When I considered this I decided to check out a t/Moon-to-n/Venus Return.  t/Moon-to-n/Sun Returns portray the joy of life,a desire to relate to others, a period of acquisition.  It is from this perspective that we can view the part of Pamela’s life.


In this t/Moon-opposite-n/Venus Return chart we find n/Venus in the 6th, t/Moon in the 12th.  The issues of what love and sharing is all about is tied to Pamela’s hidden needs, what the unstated bargain is that she has in mind.  With n/MC in the first house; she is acting to achieve a certain status that is important to her.  Looking at the chart’s MC we find t/Uranus opposite t/Mars at the IC; grabbing excitement and seeking to fill one’s unique vision of life seems to be a factor.  If we also note n/Chiron at the Asc. doubled up by t/Chiron at the IC angle; we can see that there is a fundamental and troubling issue that is part of Pamela Smart’s life.

Since this is a t/Moon-to-n/Venus Return, let us now look at t/Venus.  t/Venus opposes the midpoint of Mars-Pluto; Ebertin, in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences, notes this as indicating “a passionate disposition, assault or rape.”   For Pamela, her husband represented her love for Heavy Metal music, the rock stars that played that music, the fun she had in college, and her husband’s looks that resembled (in her view) Bon Jovi.  She had an ideal view of what life had been and how it needed to be preserved to keep her happy.  Marriage would guarantee the shared memories of college life, of music, of partying.  Which takes us back to just what “Venus” can mean; love, lust, attachment, acquisition, desire.


Advancing this t/Moon-opposite-n/Venus chart, we find several interesting factors.  Ascendant at the midpoint of n/MC-n/Saturn suggests she is involved in solidifying a plan to cast her future status in concrete.  She is getting exactly what she wants.  t/Mars-opp-t/Uranus-square-n/MC indicates she is taking an exciting step to shaping her life.  

Now, note t/Sun opposing t/Pluto-n/Mars (and n/Neptune); a male figure represents a transitional situation.  She is rearranging her life to her standards.  t/Part of Fortune conjoins n/N.Node; Pamela’s view of an association with another is going to changed and not appear to be as it really is.

Their marriage took place in the same church where Gregg’s parents had been wed some 30 years prior.  All seemed to be as perfect as it could be.   Dave.

Part Two: Finding Easier Ways For Complex Explorations

Pamela photo-4

In this posting I will utilize some different tools to aid in the exploration of Pamela Smart’s natal chart.  Some of this material will appear in altered form in my upcoming book which is due to be released in early summer.  

I will utilize, in this posting, two chart presentations of Pamela Smarts natal chart.  The first is her natal chart containing 1) conventional natal planets, 2) the four most common asteroids plus Chiron, 3) the eight TransNeptunians or TNPs, and 3) a 45 degree planet-line.  This latter is a feature of Kepler software and consists of a 45-degree line, shown in red at the bottom of the chart.  (This may not show up well here as it seems intended for screen use).  By folding the 360 degree zodiac into a 45 degree presentation, all planets in hard aspect to other planets (0, 45, 90, 135, 180 degrees) will appear grouped together.


A visual examination of the red planet line shows several ‘hard aspect’ groupings; Jupiter-MC, Neptune-Moon-Sun, and Mercury-Mars.  When looking at charts with many components shown in them, any tool that helps to identify important factors is a welcome tool.

Pamela NATAL Zodiac Line Diagram-D

The diagram at the left is what I term a ‘Zodiac Line’ which is (as I typically use them, when I use them) a straight vertical line which has 12 zodiac sign segments covering a sheet of paper. On the paper I first list the natal planets in the approximate locations.  Then, using a printed zodiac-sequence listing of planets, asteroids, etc., I note each component that conjoins one of the primary planets or angles.

Of all of the many asteroids that one might choose to use, I only use the three-dozen that my friend Martha Lang-Wescott uses. The reason being that I have extensive writings of hers that give me delineations of various combinations of planets, TNPs and asteroids.  Since I don’t often work with these, this reference material is useful.  The fact that I don’t work with this material is not be construed as a sign that I don’t believe in its value.  We will shortly see is applicability.  It is just that when I work with cyclic charts that the simplicity of the charts and their narrow focus on day-to-day expressions make the use of other complexities unnecessary, in my opinion.

The reader will note that I have also included pre-natal eclipses in this listing.

This type of listing is essentially a ‘filter’ that is used to focus on only the more obvious conjunctions.  Adding square and oppositional factors does not seem to provide that much more useful material given the added complexity.

So, let us now proceed to see exactly what this zodiac line listing shows us. I will summarize my observations at the end and will illustrate how it applied to the murder of her husband.

  • At 4 Aries, conjoining MC, PoF, and Part-of-Disputes/Arguments; Pamela will use logic and verbal barrages to achieve her goals.
  • At 12 Aries, Saturn and the Part of Retribution/Retaliation; There will always be a plan or strategy to ‘get even’ or strongly react to situations which constrain her freedom and wishes.
  • At 1 Taurus, North Node and the Part of Hidden Changes suggests she keeps friends and associates separated, each affiliation has a purpose.
  • A pre-natal Eclipse occurred at 18:18 Taurus on May 9, 1967, squaring Jupiter, and suggesting difficulties in achieving social opportunities and future gains as she move through life.
  • At 13 Leo Mercury conjoins the Part of Messages.  Communication, talking and stating her convictions and ideas is emphasized for Pamela Smart.
  • At 12 Virgo, Venus links to te Part of Suicide, Disappearance.  The energies of Venus in terms of love and balance will be turned on and turned off at will to suite the situation as Pamela perceives it.
  • At 22 Virgo, Uranus conjoins the asteroid Siwa; a tendency to become quickly upset over specific facets of life or rlationships that wouldn”t be much of a bother to others.  A need to destroy and rebuild a bothersome issue from scratch.  Quirky dislikes suddenly manifest themselves.  Siwa also conjoins the IC angle, emphasizing one’s proclivity to disassemble a situation that is irksome and rebuild or replace it with something more pleasing.
  • At 14 Scorpio Mars and the asteroid Hidalgo are found.  The spoken word is considered as a weapon.  When upset, one may remain silent, or may speak out assertively so as to hurt another.  What is said may not be the full truth.
  • Mars is also conjoining the Part of the Father.  The actual father or one who is seen as a strong or visible male role model is seen as an adversary to one’s own interests.
  • Close to Neptune was a pre-natal eclipse at 19:45 Scorpio on Nov. 12, 1966.  This is close to Neptune and suggests an over-sensitive imagination lacking objectivity.
  • At 6 Sag we find Part of Fortune  with the Part of Faithfulness and Dedication.  These qualities will be subject to change and anxiety.
  • And we have an opposition that I wish to note; from 6 Gemini the Uranian planet Kronos opposes Part of Fortune.  Issues of who is in control, who is the authority and who knows what is best for others can be invoked or relinquished at any point in time or under any conditions.  Vacillation of intent.

These several observations can be summarized as:  Pamela Smart is a woman who will let nothing stand in her way as she seeks to achieve her aims.  She is verbally abusive and will assault others, becoming easily upset over small details in a relationship.  She will use others to suit her purposes.

How will we find this applying to her story?  She became upset with her husband after only a half year of marriage. She conceived of a plan to end the marriage using a teen-age boy (highly unreliable) to kill her husband rather than move through a costly, messy divorce process.  She verbally pushed the boy into this terrible act by first hooking him on sexual involvement and then threatening to end those ‘privileges’ (as a teen aged boy would see them) if he didn’t do as she had instructed him to do.  She took a job as a media consultant at the local high school where her college degree in communications was helpful.  She used her communication skills to abuse her teaching position to ensnare a young person into a situation which they were not able to handle. She had, it seems, contempt for men, and used them for her own advantages.  How she could hide her activities from the school staff, from other students, from her husband and the neighbors is probably a story in itself.

In any case, this approach to collecting and assessing complexity and detail seems to work well.  It is always a question of balancing time spent against value received.  For a natal chart, this seems warranted.  We shall see if it is warranted when we do some cyclic charts.  Dave.


I’ve had some problems with Astrological Fonts on my computer, plus its the holidays and a lot is happening.  My next post has been unfortunately delayed.  Dave