Donald Trump boycotts Fox News Debate

Trump Photo 3

Donald Trump, the leading Republican contender for nomination for President has announced that he will boycott the Republican Debate of Januray 28, 2016 to be hosted by Fox News.  He originally cited one Fox moderator, Megan Kelly, as being unfair and a lightweight journalist, then noted a Fox News statement that some world leaders would snub him if were to be the President of the U.S.  Instead, Trump has announced he will host a fund-raising event to benefit the Wounded Warriors.  These are the wounded veterans who need support and help.  The chart below is his Jan. 20th, 2016 t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return, set for Jamaica, New York, his birthplace.


The above t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return of Jan. 20th, 2016 is set for Jamaica, New York, his home.  This serves as a base for his life going into this two week period. The chart has t/Moon-n/Sun near the MC, opposing t/Venus-IC-n/Moon and squaring t/N.Node-Asc.  t/Moon-n/Sun at the MC (9th house side); this 9th/10th house position favors the 9th house due to the chart angles advancing away from the t/Moon-Sun position.  The 9th house theme is, Conflict between home and distant projects. Concerns over sharing information or the means of travel.  Seeking advice for your own benefit, planning for a relocation.asking another for assistance.  Making an effort to maintain contact with someone.  Dealing with new types of people.

Conflicts between personal values and feeling fairly treated versus a network’s debate structure is a nuanced version of the above theme.  Sharing information relates to the debate, as well as his fundraising event for veterans at another locations.  He will be dealing directly with a specific group of people while indirectly addressing the wider group of potential Iowa caucus goers.

Trump’s n/Sun-n/N.Node indiacts his natural interactions with others, sextile n/Asc-n/Mars (the Art of the Deal, his book title) links to his proclivity to talk and converse with others.  With t/N.Node-Asc, doubling up the N.Node symbolism,  his communication skills are at the heart of his impromptu actions.  The t/N.Node-Jupiter conjunction indicates a big event having social impact.   Note t/PoF conjoining n/PoF;  chaos, upsets, a change of plans is indicated. This pattern is opposed to the n/Asc., indicating that this is directed against his opponents as well as the offending news network.



The Advanced chart for Jan. 26, 2016, is the date of his announcement.  The chart is set for Des Moins, Iowa as that is where its impact will be made and felt. n/Uranus-n/N.Node-n/Sun in the 10th opposing n/Moon; Trumps surprising public announcement to help his self-interests in communicating with others serves to increase his personal popularity.  t/MC-opp-t/Saturn tells us that Trump seeks to relate to others as part of a plan.  The square of n/SU to t/PoF indicates the challenging nature of organizing a fundraiser and drawing a crowd and TV coverage on short notice.  t/Sun-squares-t/PoF; his self-interests and intent is to be disruptive.  It is as if he was looking for an excuse to do this.  Trump has had a feud with Fox News.  Their claim to having received information about foreign leaders planning to snub him was the excuse he might have been looking for. t/Moon-Asc-t/Jupiter-t/N.Node opposing t/Chiron tells us of an opportunity to receive public attention due to his being “hurt by others.”

















It looks interesting.  The night of the debate and Trumps event, Jan. 28th, 2016 is seen in this last Advanced chart.  Not much has changed in two days.  The t/PoF opposite t/Mars indicates the fight which can have an either-or outcome will depend upon Trump’s personality — see the square to n/Asc.-n/Pluto.  Trump is ruthless underneath the gregarious outer mannerisms.  With t/Sun-opp-n/Pluto, his present intent is to inflict damage on his opponents and Fox News by having a separate, competing event to draw down coverage of the debate and prove that he is bigger than Fox News.  We are now seeing a narcissistic personality in full battle mode.  This may be frightening to a thinking voter.  Is this how we want a President to act?  Overt retaliation is not a “plus.”  Dave







El Chapo; Saturn’s Grip Applied Again

El Chapo photo-2

Half a year after his escape through a mile long tunnel built expressly for his escape, El Chapo was again in custody.  The planning, the bribes, the engineering, the work, the costs fo build that tunnel was incredible.  The stupidity that made it all fruitless was equally stupid. El Chapo wanted to be the subject of a movie.  He was a legend in his own mind.  A series of quiet contacts with people in the film industry was initiated.  The whole chain of events led to actor Sean Penn conducting an interview with this drug lord on behalf of the magazine, Rolling Stone.  The fact that the interview was simplistic and failed to ask tough questions is beside the fact.  The many contacts leading up to the interview had caught the attention of the authorities.  The interview exposed El Chapo’s movements and location.

In this blog, a t/Moon-to-n/Saturn Return chart will be used to explore El Chapo’s latest arrest after his latest escape in July, 2015.  Among the standard planets, Saturn is most affiliated with ‘constrraint’ and ‘limitation.’  As in the previous post, the full charts as produced by Kepler v8 will be shown so that others may re-create the data and charts.


Most striking in this chart’s angular activity is n/MC at IC; one’s status and goals are coming to an end.  t/N.Node at MC; his associates will lend public scrutiny to his status.  And, of course, t/Moon-n/Saturn in the 12th house; his limitations are not seen or even understood.   Now, lets look at some interesting supportive features of this chart.

El Chapo is close to his Jupiter Return, close to his Saturn Return, and t/Sun-t/Pluto square n/Sun and opposing n/Asc. — all in angular houses, but away from the angles.  Question One; How does a Jupiter Return fit with this?  natal Jupiter is in the natal third house, El Chapo loves to talk about himself and his role in the lives of others.  Expansive about his views of life, overlooking the misery he leave in his wake with his killings and drugs, El Chapo has an ego and a great sense of his own importance.  The approach of transiting Jupiter just expands this, brushing aside common sense and caution.

Question Two; How does a Saturn Return fit with this?  Natal Saturn is in the sixth house area of his natal chart.  This is a hard working planet seeking to adjust his surroundings to shape them to his own needs.  However, Saturn does not take to ‘having the wool pulled over his eyes’ such as Jupiter does.  Saturn is a real world, real situations type of symbol.  This is a time of reassessment, of constraint, of a price to be paid.  El Chapo is facing a short trip over the boarder to the U.S. for prosecution.  Mexico is too corrupt to be able to hold El Chapo in prison.  The U.S. will end his criminal activities, his former associates will take over his operation.  El Chapo will get to know the inside of a small room, for a long time.

Question Three; How does t/Sun-T/Pluto-square-n/Sun, opposite n/Asc. fit with this?  Sun-square-Sun equates to a conflict of wills among males.  This is the most elemental interpretation.  n/Sun (El Chapo) faces a conflict with t/Sun-t/Pluto (an overwhelming force and power — the military, the state).  As in any card game, Sun-Pluto trumps Sun alone.  Sun-Pluto opposite n/Asc. indicates that Sun-Pluto is in the “others” category and does not represent El Chapo.

Lets leave the other details of the chart (there are some) and move to the capture date chart.













The capture of El Chapo occurred the day after his t/Moon-to-n/Saturn Return date. Major events in life often occur on/near the start of a cycle.  Here, we note n/MC-at-IC, t/PoF opposite n/Moon AND SQUARE N/PoF !  Let’s look at this.

n/MC at the IC; This can most easily be seen as the end of his personal life, public life.  The t/PoF square n/PoF is ‘chance and change’ mixed up with ‘chaos.’  When the natal and transiting PoF make conjunction or opposition or square aspects among themselves, there are fast moving and high-impact  events that should be expected.

Now add the t/Moon over the Asc. and into the first house.  Emotions, public reactions, and more change will occur.  t/Moon-to-n/Saturn was the key cycle of this chart.  When the t/Moon contacts an Angle (the Asc.) the symbolism of Saturn is brought to El Chapo’s personal experience.  This t/Moon squares the nodal axis of the Moon; his associations will be involved in his capture.  

As a curiosity, note t/Mercury (representing meetings, newsmen or journalists or actors) being square to t/Mars-n/Neptune.  Misguided efforts (Mars-Neptune) conflict with the process of talking, interviewing.  n/Merucry has an out-of-sign but close opposition to t/Mars-n/Neptune.  These are “supportive” patterns and are not part of an initial assessment.  The primary assessment of a Return chart is always directed to the angles.






















El Chapo’s Escape & Capture

Experimenting with t/Moon-to-n/Mercury and t/Moon-to-n/Saturn Return and Advanced charts!

El Chapo photo-1

Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman is the head of a Mexican Drug Cartel. He is both dangerous and a legend in his own mind.  He has a reputation for escaping from both legal and court proceedings as well as from prisons he has been consigned to.  On July 11, 2015, El Chapo escaped from his prison utilizing a mile-long tunnel that led from a house to the prison.  He had paid for this mile long tunner with lights, ventilation and transportation.  It was accessed from the shower room in his prison.  Needless to say, the Mexican authorities were deeply embarrassed.   Yet, for all of his ‘smarts’, El Chapo was captured January 8, 2016.  He had been seeking to have a movie made about his adventures.

In this posting, the use of t/Moon-to-n/Mercury Return charts will be used to explore his escape of 2015.  A t/Moon-to-n/Saturn Return will be used to examine his capture last week.  Charts are all located for Mexico City although the events all occurred in other nearby locations.  Note also that two birth dates are noted for El Chapo: Dec. 24, 1954 and April 4, 1957. This latter date seems more fitting.  So, let us be playful with astrology and explore some unconvential approaches for tracking escapes and captures of criminals.  The full charts with data will be displayed so that blog-followers can re-created these or similar charts on their own.  Natal planets are in the outer ring, transiting planets are found in the inner ring.











The above t/Moon-to-n/Mercury Return chart, July 9th, 2015 is prior to his escape two days later.  t/MO-n/ME is in the 6th house at 0 Taurus.  Small differences in position are due to precession-correction for the transiting element but not the natal element.  Moon = needs, change, emotions.  n/Mercury = travel, talk, agreements, movement.  Together, ‘a need to move and travel.’   The 6th house indicates the work and adjustments that relate to this incident, while the opposition to n/Neptune relates to his vision and escape.  Rex Bills Rulership book indicates the 12th house and Neptune as being affiliated with escapes.  Note also the square to n/Uranus in the 9th, another indicator of seeking freedom.  t/Mars-n/Asc on the 9th house cusp can also be taken into account.

Even though they are not angular, the Part of Fortune always needs to be considered as a trigger for events.  This ‘doubling up of the PoF suggests ‘chaos’ and ‘major upsets.’   Let us look at the day of the escape:











On this day, El Chapo removed a panel in the prison shower room and entered a tunnel leading to a partially completed house one mile away from the prison walls.  The house had been constructed to hide the tunnels construction.  In this Advanced chart, t/Moon is approaching n/Moon, and opposes t/Saturn; removing himself from custody.  This pattern also squares t/Venus-n/Pluto-n/PoF in the 10th.  Reaction against control, causing ‘change’ and the support of his career plans can all be associated with these planetary placements.  Note that this period is marked by t/Sun squaring n/Sun; a classic indication (in Return charts) of a conflict between two males or two points of view.  El Chapo was determined to have his own way and not be managed by the authorities.

We also see that t/Mars conjoins the n/Ascendant and opposes t/Pluto.  El Chapo will act as he has always acted, in his self-interest (he took no other prisoners with him) and against control by others (those who ran the prison.  The active nature of both natal and transiting Pluto points to the intensity of who is controlling who  El Chapo may only be able to control small portions of the government and legal system through the use of bribes and threats.  He can’t control the whole state, even though he tries to do so.

The intent of this blog is to explore alternative approaches to using astrology.  It may be that using t/Moon and the Uranian hypothetical KRONOS or using the Kronos-Vulcanus midpoint for the t/Moon to contact or oppose may more closely match the symbolism of this one-man battle against the government.  

In any case, in the next posting, we will look at El Chapo’s capture using t/Moon-to-n/Saturn Return and Advanced chart.  I find that this type of exercise brings new insights and possibilities into the use of astrology and how the symbols can be applied in a modern, complex environment.  Let me know what you think.  Dave.
























Bomb, Bluff, Bombastic; Which?

Kim Yong Un photo

January 6, 2016, Kim Jong Un announces that North Korea has tested a Hydrogen Bomb.  This claim is open to question.  A test was confirmed on this date at 10 AM in North Korea, 8:30 AM EST by seismic readings from several locations about the world.  But, Map of N. Koriea photonone of these readings were of a size to equal reading of H-bomb tests conducted by other nations in the past.  The test was done in the northern part of the country near the coast across from Nyesan.

The United Nations has met to discuss this event, an event which violates agreements and may cause sanctions or other actions.

A t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return, 2nd house, and an Advanced chart will help us examine the nature of this test and announcement by Kim Jong Un.














A 2nd house t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return is associated with ‘self-esteem.’  Nearby is t/JU-t/N.Node pointing to a major reaching out to society. This is seen in the bombastic statements of those promoted in a number of news casts and state announcements.  Opposite t/Moon-n/Sun is the n/PoF-t/Chiron.  This seems to be an opportunity to address something that didn’t go right or needed adjustment-fixing.  Either the test was less than what was hoped for, or the test was part of a series of preliminary blasts to test components of a Hydrogen Bomb — and not the complete bomb itself.  This 2nd-8th house axis and planets are squared to n/Jupiter in the 5th house.  This fits with a ‘bombastic’ and overblown claim to boost the country’s image, and Kim’s image, two days before his birthday.

Let us look at the Advanced chart for this date.














On this test date, Dec. 6, 2016, several factors stand out.  n/Pluto-Asc. indicates a ‘not-going-back’statement intended to control a conversation.  The world’s news outlets and the United Nations are certainly responding in that mode of thinking.  n/Sun conjoins the recent Solar Eclipse of September.  This adds authority, authenticity and intent to prove the country’s self-worth and self-esteem in the international community.  The next Solar Eclipse, March 9th, conjoins the Return chart’s t/Moon position and n/PoF-t/Chiron position.  Sensitive Eclipse points of the near future are known to exert prior influence.  We have to take note that t/Sun-t/Pluto-near-n/Moon repeats the symbolism of the last Solar Eclipse and n/Pluto-Asc.  Note that Pluto rules A-bombs and H-bombs according to Rex Bills Rulership book.

Although the immediate response from the scientific community does not think this is an H-bomb test, the astrological indications are that it might be, or it might be a phase wherein components of a in-development H-bomb are being tested.  Kim may be trying to leverage that for propaganda reasons and to shore up his administration and himself following the heavy purging of former top-officials.  We will learn more in coming days.