Court Integrity & the Affordable Health Care Act — Part TWO

“Universal Care”, the Affordable Health Care Act, is now the confirmed Law of the Land due to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision of June 28th, 2012.  What is most striking about this whole situation is the move by Chief Justice Roberts in both the manner he used to interpret the law and the reasons he had for doing what he did.  He has re-stated an earlier commentary by a Justice that his duty is to find a way in which to uphold the acts of Congress when there are two ways to make a ruling — one way supporting the Act, the other not supporting the Act.  If Congress, elected by the populace, makes a bad decision or follows a bad policy it is not the Court’s duty to protect the country from the consequences of its elective decisions.  The second part of his actions was the manner in which he chose to support the Act; he decided that the Interstate Commerce provisions wouldn’t support a Constitutional approval, so he choose to view the individual “mandate” as being a “tax” for those individuals who chose not to subscribe to some form of Health Care Insurance.  Taxes are constitutional.

In his approach to the difficult issue, I personally view Chief Justice Robert’s management of this case to be most remarkable.  Next, I wish to express an opinion about the way we view astrology as a practice.  We have looked at the previous many charts as well as the previous post’s daily chart for the Court’s decision (which we will look at again).  In the interpretive views made it strikes me that a view of this chart and event needs to be refined. 

FIRST, thepolitical symbolism needs to be tweaked, expanded, treated a bit differently.  SECONDLY, the chart needs to be interpreted on a broader basis, not as an “issue” chart but as a chart reflecting the Health Care Act, the expectations of the nation in all of its own factions, as the combined body of the court, as the political and financial climate surrounding the passing of the Affordable Health Care Act and its present embodiment as a collective set of laws.  In other words, there is a whole world of views and concerns that surround this chart/event and the chart is best served if we look through the many layers of interests reflected in a chart, this chart.

For now, let us again look at the chart and consider the keyword views of the various astrological symbols.

 Looking at t/Moon, t/Saturn opposed n/Venus:  n/Venus will denote benefits, societal satisfaction and well-being, a sense of balance between both the provisions of the Act and the balance between the disagreeing factions that came together to enable this Act to become law.  t/Moon represents the populace and its needs, reaction by the public, women in general and mothering/nurturing, the caring process.  t/Saturn seems to reflect the system of government, institutions of law, control, the defined Act itself.

In terms of the Affordable Health Care Act, Moon/Saturn represents the people’s body or representative (Moon), the laws that bring structure and control to the people’s needs (Saturn).  In opposition, n/Venus (the Act’s balancing structure and benefits), might be seen as the cooperative balance that was constructed to meet the people’s perceived needs.

In terms of the Court’s decision-making process (made days earlier) and this date’s announcement (made June 28th) the Court’s guiding hand (Roberts) can be viewed as being Saturn, the people needs and nurturing is the Moon, Venus is the Act’s balance that was (imperfectly) defined and considered by the Court as a whole.  This pattern is found in the chart’s 6th/12th house axis — t/Moon & t/Saturn in the 6th representing trade unions, civil service workers, health services and workers, etc. (what is part of the “middle class” in the U.S.).  n/Venus is the benefits, the balances sought by the Act’s many provisions and rules.

Jupiter represents the Court system in general.  t/Jupiter conjoins t/Venus, suggesting that the Court will be favorable to benefits and balances embodied in the Affordable Health Care Act (we have hopscotched or jumped over from n/Venus to t/Venus).  If we were to jump from t/Saturn to n/Saturn, we could fold in the view that the controls and structure  of the Act was being attacked and addressed in an activist manner (t/Mars) and was having an oppositional relationship to n/Sun & n/Uranus (the innovative spirit and identity of the Health Care Act).   Jumping from n/Sun to t/Sun, we find the Court’s view and decision (the t/Sun) shining literally upon the n/Moon (the people) at the Act’s Ascendant (the nation as a whole, the interests of the people as embodied in the Act).

In future posts, I will look at other patterns in this chart.  It might also be helpful the blog visitors to create a page for political symbolism of the planets and houses.  If we look at the whole chart with this degree of examination, we might find that the review of several/many charts for an expected event is not something that can be easily done in a half-hour review.  It might be that a mundane or political chart is more complex due to the layering of meanings that one has to consider.  Comments?   Dave

Health Care & the Supreme Court — Part ONE

The U.S. Supreme Court will announce it findings on the Affordable Health Care Act later this morning.  We can look at the chart for today’s progressing angles and transits now, and later/tomorrow take advantage of the news and analysts breakdown of the court’s findings to see how the chart fits with the details.  This will require a two-part posting.  As a reminder of the charting process used in this series of postings, I’ll note the following.  I am using precession-corrected Tropical Solar Return charts from which I then use daily charts which are constructed around progressed angles (that flow from one Solar Return chart to the next) and daily transits.  The chart interpretations will be based upon the Health Care Act’s (inner chart) planets in contrast to the transiting planets which will represent BOTH the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions/views and the public’s view of that announcement.

Note that the chart’s orientation is determined by the (natal) Affordable Health Care Act’s signing chart’s Ascendant and MC angles, while the daily chart’s Ascendant is at 29 Aries in the natal/Act’s 11th house, the MC being at 16 Capricorn in the natal/Act’s 7th house.  As an overview, we might see the Court’s announcement (Ascendant) as affecting the Act’s future (llth house), and the public image and integrity of the Act as defined by the Court (MC angle) having an impact on how the various parties (individuals, doctors, product/service providers as the 7th house) are involved or affected.  This is as expected.

The daily Asc. squares act/Mars and daily/Mercury:  The Court’s announcement (Asc.) irritates doctors/surgeons or practitioners (Mars) due to arguments/positions that are the basis for their decisions.  New directions or rules (daily 4th house holds Mars and Mercury) are handed down.

We can play “astrological hopscotch” and jump to the Court’s/daily Mars at 27 Virgo at the daily chart’s 6th house.  This daily/Mars is approaching both the Act’s/Saturn and the daily Co-Descendant Point.  Remember, the CD Point is symbolic of “intrusion by external forces” The Court’s argument/position (Mars) will be seen as attacking the structure of the ACT (some of its basic premises)  — or, this will be the initial interpretation of their finding which may change as analysis of their decision and of the legal structure of the ACT is reviewed.  While I don’t generally bother with the use of sign interpretations, it seems to me that the daily/Ascendant at 29 Aries symbolizes a situation which will move from contention (Aries) to stability (Taurus).  This may take a while for the dust to settle.

While we are jumping between natal/transiting versions of planets, let us “hopscotch” or jumpt to daily/Saturn conjoining daily/Moon at 21 and 22 Libra.  In natal charts this pair often broadly relates to the family structure.  In political charts (and this situation is highly political even though the non-political Court is involved) the Moon represents the people, basic necessities, the national mood.  Saturn represents the ‘system’ and institutions, infrastructure (rules, in this case) and law, as well as established processes (the Health Care Act as it has worked over the past two years).  This opposes act/Venus in the daily 12th.  How are we to view Venus symbolism in this type of chart?  I would suggest the people’s values in terms of the benefits of the Affordable Health Care Act.  Might we venture that the Court will uphold the position that the rules that support the Act’s benefits will not be changed?

If the previous paragraph proves correct, what areas of contention are then suggested by Mercury/Mars in the daily chart’s 4th house and Mars/Saturn in the 6th house?  Saturn may come to symbolize the “mandate” requirement and Saturn-opposite-Venus as the “taxing” aspect of the mandate.  This is conjecture on my part, but it will be interesting to see what the Court announces hours after this post is committed to being published.  Will the people’s needs (to have health care being couched in a payable and supportive structure) be upheld.  It may be, as I’ve suggested in fragmented ways in previous posts, that the Supreme Court will want to avoid a split decision impression and surprise us in some way with a degree of consensus.  Let us keep our hopes high.

It is my hope that commentary from my readers will be forthcoming as this event unfolds over the coming days and weeks.  Dave















Come & Gone, What Next?

Well, the predicted date has come and has passed.  Lots of news and comments on TV, no announcement from the U.S. Supreme Court on the nation’s Health Care issue.  A secondary date of June 27th was noted but that chart seemed not to be as strongly linked to the signing chart of the Affordable Health Care program signed over two years ago.   The question now is, “What next?”

In order to assess why the June 19th chart proved to be “wrong” in the given prediction, it is necessary to see what chart is produced for the coming date when the Court’s announcement is made.  We will see what that chart reflects, how it is different from the charts considered.  Then, hopefully, we will learn something.  This is how we study and learn astrology.

Some might ask if I am embarrassed to be wrong?  No!  I’ve been wrong before and expect to be wrong again.  The point is, we need to make our best effort, and to make our predictions, to test ourselves.  We can always say, after the fact, that “I said that such and such would happen on that date.”  But, if we don’t write it down and share it, then we aren’t really testing ourselves.  So, we’ll seen when the Court makes its statements, what the chart shows us, how it is different from my predicted chart, and then we may know more than we knew before.  So, perhaps next Wednesday, the 27th, will be the day.  It has to be soon as the Court takes a summer vacation soon.  David


Obama & Supreme Court’s Health Care Decision

The U.S. Supreme Court has had the difficult task of ruling on the Health Care issue brought before it last March.  How much of those hundreds of pages of rules, policies and definitions of services have they been able or willing to review and to act upon?  Not much.  The problem has been as much as how to decide what to rule upon as it was what to rule on.

Barack Obama has a personal and Presidential stake in the predicted June 19th Court announcement.  I thought it might be interesting to look at Barack Obama’s daily chart for this date to see what his personal attitude, actions and situation will be on this particular date.  Keep in mind that this chart (below) is not the Health Care Act, it is not the Supreme Court ruling, it is Obama’s chart only.   As an astrologer, it is obvious that I do not fear to tread where angles fear to go.

Those who have visited this site in the last few days may have wondered where the chart was.  I found it, and the text following it, to be missing.  This chart has Obama’s natal chart in the inner ring, the transits for June 19, 2012 (my predicted date for the Supreme Court’s announcement on their finding on the health care bill) are shown within the outer wheel.  The outer wheel is the Progressed Daily Angles and Transit chart derived from the Health Care Act’s signing date/time.  

The June 19th Sun/Moon is in a New Moon phase, located in the daily chart’s 9th house at 28 & 29 Gemini, roughly square the natal/transiting Mars conjunction at 22 Virgo.  This interesting pattern can be broken down:  Sun/Moon suggests new starts, big enthusiasm, a potential that is beginning to manifest itself, a coming together of various forces striving towards balance from an uncertain start. Mars/Mars suggests (in the 11th house) suggests debates, arguments, fights for the future.  In itself, these factors suggest that the Administration (Obama) will have something to fight for in terms of the Court providing a “new” basis for part of the Health Care Act.

To seek clarification, we need to play astrological hopscotch so as to include other factors.  Sun/Moon conjoins Obama’s Venus; he will exhibit grace and play out his role within a balanced manner.  T/Venus, on the other hand, squares the t/Neptune opposite n/Pluto pattern from 2 Pisces to 6 Virgo;  The (that day) ambiguity of 5th house Neptune pertains to an unclear interpretation by the Court which conflicts with the underlying social changes advocated by n/Pluto — the 8th house t/Venus will require compromise on how shared resources are to be used.  This seems to apply to the “mandate” and how it might be altered or have optional/additional conditions attached to it.

The two Neptune (natal at Obama’s Ascendant, transiting in his 4th house) positions are almost in a trine relationship, trines often being associated with compromise or alternating use of two energies to accomplish one function.

From all of this I would think that the Obama administration has some work to do with Congress within a very narrow portion of the Health Care Act.  Given the lack of cooperation between the two major parties, it would seem that this “direction toward a solution” will be held hostage until the election determines who has the power to do something.  Just my thoughts  five days before the announcement and several days before the meaning of the Court’s announcement is clarified.  Dave