An Ecologist With Very Dirty Hands

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Ira Einhorn studied ecology in college, lived in the Philadelphia area and was an activist  Apparently he was not universally liked, as one major local ecology movement kept throwing him out of their meetings.  Nevertheless, he did show up at all ecology events, handed out leaflets and made speeches.  One of his bogus claims to fame was that he founded Earth Day.  The photo below shows him acting as Master of Ceremonies at the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970.  In fact, that event was created in Congress and put into effect by a number of activists other than Einhorn.  

Ira earthday photo 

His part in this event was very small.  Upon taking up the microphone he talked and talked. The organizers let him go on for half-an-hour and then started the event and speakers.

We will first briefly look at his natal chart, shown below.  The event-charts for this post will utilize t/Moon-to-n/Mars as a reference format, given his natal chart and natural anger.


Most notable is Mars-MC; a pattern which suggest a vigorous pursuit of one’s goals and intolerance for that which hinders him from his goals.  This Mars = Chiron/Vesta, a direct midpoint.  Vesta marks a devotion to a cause, Chiron notes the need to make adjustments relative to that which causes pain or sensitivity, and Mars is assertiveness.  Put this all together and we can interpret this as not putting up with interference in what he is passionate about.  It is all about things being his way.  Martha Lang-Wescott, an old friend who is very much into asteroids, indicates the Vesta-Chiron pairing as difficulty in whether to take things personally, or to view events as being exceptions-to-the-rule where things should be as you want them to be.

We should also note the Sun-to-Moon relationship, the Moon being in the last quarter; this signifies one who takes on a leadership position, has or wants a public role, and seeks to give to or shape the role of others.  Note also the pre-natal eclipse close to 18 Aries and the S.Node.  His associations in life with those around him will always be a point of contention which he has to adjust to — note the square to Chiron, bringing in the pattern of Mars=Chiron/Vesta noted earlier.  With these few observations we are ready to proceed.


This t/Moon-to-n/Mars Return occurred three days prior to the death of his ex-girlfriend at his hands.  Note n/Asc. at the Desc. angle; he was focused on relationships. The close by n/Neptune indicates he had private fantasies about the nature of his relationships, ideals that may not have been met by others.

The Moon-Mars pattern is at the MC; he was about to initiate a new phase in his life, one based on his demands for the world to be what he needed.

The most alarming feature of this Return chart is t/PoF-n/PoF in the 10th; chaos and big changes would affect his life status in this period.  Since Chiron is a sensitive part of his natal chart, we should note t/Chiron-n/Saturn-opp-t/Uranus; how does one adjust to the urge to change things already done?

His ex-girlfriend had just moved out.  He called her to come back from New York and remove her belongings from his apartment.  She did so on Sept. 9th, 1977.  See the chart below, advanced to that date.


When she came to collect her belongings, Einhorn murdered her and placed her body in a large trunk. He attempted to dispose of it in a river, but the weight was more than he could manage.  He packed the body with Styrofoam, papers and deodorants to minimize the odor, and put the trunk in a closet.  This was not found by police who were investigating the disappearance of his girlfriend until 18 months later.

On this date, note the n/Asc direct upon the Desc. angle, the MC right upon the IC angle; life had turned upsdie down and inside out for him.  t/PoF opposed n/Venus; changes in one’s love status.  n/Venus was in the 4th house, the end of love.  t/Sun was approaching n/Neptune and squaring t/Neptune; his best interests were caught beween an old fantasy and a new hope to avoid detection.  t/Moon was squaring the t/Chiron-t/Uranus pattern; his emotions were challenged by his sudden urge to take matters into his own hands.  Impulses don’t always work out well.

We can also note that this date is close to the second nodal return.  Associations and what we take from them is one interpretation of the N.Node.  He did not have a good grasp of what it was to work within relationships, to learn to give and to take.

This event is just the beginning of his story.  More will follow in the next postings.  Dave













For Yoko Ono; A Fork In Life’s Highway

Yoko photo-3For Yoko Ono, her return and life in New York City would lead her to a fork in life’s highway.  We will be looking at her charts relative to the death of John Lennon upon their doorstep.  This inexplicable and horrendous act occurred on Dec. 8, 1980.

On that date, the famous photographer, Annie Liebovitz had visited their apartment to shoot the famous photo of a naked John Lennon with a dressed Yoko Ono.  She left around 3:30 PM.  Then there was an interview for a radio talk show.  After that, the couple left for their studio where the mixing of a new song, “Walking On Thin Ice” was done.  They then returned to their apartment around 10:50 PM.  The limo dropped them off down the street instead of in the secure courtyard of the Dakota where there apartment was.  They approached the doorway and a figure emerged from the shadows.  David Chapman shot John in the back.  Although he was rushed to the hospital, his wounds were so severe that he died within minutes of the shooting.  His killer waited for the police to arrest him.

In this posting three charts will be examined: a Moon-to-Sun Return, an Advanced chart for the day of the shooting, and a Double-Diurnal chart for the day & time of the shooting.


All charts are cast for New York City, NY.  Yoko’s natal chart has been relocated from Tokyo, Japan to NYC.

In this Nov. 28, 1980 t/Moon-opp-n/Sun Return the Sun is in the 11th house.  The book theme, in part, says, “Committing oneself to projects benefiting others. Planning for the future . . supporting the arts or creative efforts . . . Unease between personal and public life.”

I note n/Pluto-IC-opp-t/PoF-MC; a complete change in career plans is indicated.  t/Venus-Desc; this pattern can have many interpretation depending upon the context of one’s life. A love affair, making connections with another, the settlement of an argument, being grateful for what one has in life, — or, a final ‘balancing up’ of situation which has uneven qualities attached to it.  With t/PoF so strongly placed, take note of t/Sun-n/PoF.  One’s intent and direction in life is likely to change.  Now, let us look at the Dec. 8, 1980 chart.


This was a busy day for the Lennon’s.  In the afternoon, Annie Leibovitz, the famed photographer came to the apartment and took the now-famous photo of a naked John Lennon with a dressed Yoko Ono.  Annie left about 3:30 PM.  Then, John had an interview for a radio show to be broadcast later.  In the late afternoon, they left for their studio to “mix” the sound track for a new song, “Walking on Thin Ice.”  A U-tube recording of this fateful song is provided below.

In the Dec. 8, 1980 Advanced chart we immediately note t/PoF-opp-n/PoF, 1st to 7th; These two, in any hard aspect, represent chaos and significant changes.  Don’t ever ignore these patterns.  Further, t/Mercury conjoins this PoF-PoF pattern, suggesting that speaking/singing and travel are suspect activities on this date.   t/Venus is on the Desc. (still there after 10 days due to the motion of the chart angles and the planet’s rate of advance).  Something will achieve a “balance” while Venus is in this position.  With t/Chiron-Asc., Yoko will need to make some big adjustments in her life.  Perhaps this chart is the point where we take note of the prior Solar Eclipse near the 5th house cusp and t/N.Node and opposite n/Asc (which has been relocated to NYC) — and which squares t/Venus!  In simple terms, the light of her life will be blocked out of her experience, the relationship will end, she will have to make adjustments.  t/Sun has moved on to square n/Mars in the 5th; this is appropriate but I wonder if any of would say the obvious to a client if we were in a position such as this.  

At this point we should take note that all of these chart patterns can be given meaning using simple, basic keyword phrasing.  There is nothing complex about these meanings.  Only the blending together of each statement so that it fits the context of the subject’s life requires us to exercise care.

At this point we are going to view a “Double-Diurnal” Advanced chart.  What is this.  My second edition, which will be published within the next couple of weeks, illustrates this quite nicely.  Here, I have taken the daily chart — the Advanced chart — and noted its calculation time of 2:42 PM.  Yoko and John returned to their apartment at 10:50 PM from the studio.  This is when David Chapman emerged from the shadows and shot John in the back at their apartment door.  This point in time is 8 hours, 8 minutes after the chart time.  Adding this 8:08 hour/minute value, we cause the chart angles to rotate, providing the chart shown below.  The Advanced chart was the first advanced by diurnal motion, this event chart is the second advance by diurnal motion.  Hence, the “double-dirunal” term.


This chart is both an Advanced chart and an Event chart.  Striking is the double presence of t/Mercury-n/PoF at the IC angle, and n/Mercury at the Desc. angle. Talking, singing, travel was not a good selection of activities for this date. 

n/Neptune-Asc. has a natal square to the MC and n/PoF.  t/Neptune-squares-t/PoF.  A doubled up symbolism.

There are many interesting supportive factors in this chart to study.  More important is the nature of these Double Diurnal charts in providing greater detail for the curious astrologer.

Again, I would recommend everyone to download the StarFisher astrological software so that they can calculate these charts for themselves.






















Yoko Ono; Marriage As A Goal

Yoko and John photo-5

Many women have set ‘marriage’ as a goal in life.  For them, marriage is part of creating and belonging to a family, having children, a home — it is a plan and means of life.  That is good.  For some, marriage is wrapped up with those goals and something more.

In this posting we will look at charts for Yoko Ono prior to, and for her wedding to John Lennon.  She had first met John Lennon in London while setting up a gallery which would show her art work.  Lennon walked in, looked around, spoke a bit, and then wandered out.  It was not a memorable event for him, it was for Yoko.


Yoko and John an ideas about how they would plan a wedding.  Those plans were not to work out.  Following the final steps in his divorce, they decided to marry as soon as was possible.  Their first thought was to marry on the cross-channel ferry.  The ferry Captain was not authorized to conduct weddings at sea.

We can see in this t/Moon-ton/Sun Return chart for March 16, 1969 that Yoko’s n/Ascendant was close to the chart’s MC angle; she was taking action to carry out her plans.  This is amplified by the placement of t/Moon-n/Sun in the first house; this was a highly personal effort and important experience for her.  With both Mercury’s close to the n/Sun and t/Moon, we might say that she was single-minded in having this wedding occur.  This first house clumping of planets squares the planets in the 10th.  What she plans and what she does are two different things.

Note also that the first house grouping also opposes natal PoF and Neptune, but not so much the MC and Mars.  Her dreams are subject to modification and circumstances.  The next chart is for their wedding day.


The couple went to Paris, then to Spain and ended up in Gibraltar which was a British enclave,  John was a British citizen, so the marriage ceremony could be held there.  It wasn’t quite what they had planned, but it was a timely solution.

This Advanced chart has the expected “marriage signatures:”  MC-n/Asc., t/Neptune angular (at the MC in this case), and a very obvious “doubled-up” planetary pairing.  Note n/Saturn-n/Venus-Asc. and t/Saturn-t/Venus in the 3rd.  For Yoko, love was also a very serious event and relationship.  It is my view that Yoko wanted this marriage to John so as to firmly establish her celebrity.  Her art shows had not been well received in the U.S. and London.  A relationship to John Lennon would place her more in the public eye.  A sort of “bleed-over” celebrity would be bestowed on her.  This is not to say that she and John were not in a solid and honest relationship.  They were.  But, one cannot avoid considering that Yoko’s art would benefit from this marriage.  If my views offend any, then I can only say that you may appreciate more insights than I have had access to.  Comments and other views are always welcome.   Note also the t/PoF-n/PoF opposition.  This pattern always seems linked to uncertainty and changes from what one wants.  Hence, the wedding on the big rock.

We cannot ignore the Solar Eclipse three days earlier impacting t/Sun.  This was definitely the time to be married.  Fame and attention would be assured.  A melding of two people would be accomplished.  Note t/N.Node (always involved in an eclipse) and t/Chiron near the t/Sun.  For those who link Chiron to hurts occurring in the past or in early life, we might say that Yoko’s always absent father has been replaced by a man who would always be present in her current life.

To summarize the “marriage pattern” in cyclic charts, Moon and Sun are commonly featured in strong aspects or in angular houses, Neptune is typically angular as the ‘fairy tale’ planet, and Venus is prominent in most cases.   With Saturn being strong in this chart, it suggests a strategy for Yoko.  With Chiron at the IC, adjustments will have to be made (isn’t that always the case in a marriage).



Justice Delayed, but, Justice Delivered

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A weary man, resigned to facing the inevitable.  This man, Radovan Karadzik, at least had many years to think about his punishment, his actions.  So many of his victims had only minutes to come to grips with their fate at the end of a gun, standing beside a ditch in the woods. We will first look at his t/Moon-to-n/Sun Return for March 15, 2016, and then his Advanced chart for March 24th when the court at the Hague, Netherlands, found him guilty.


This is an 8th house Return chart; indicating that the lives and interests of others are an issue.  Both investigation and decisions by one party relative to another party are addressed.  In this case, the lives of his victims and the findings of the court and the court’s decisions are what this chart is all about.

Note the natal Part of Fortune (n/PoF) opposite n/Sun-n/Mercury pattern. Karadzik’s whole life was subject to quick thinking and having to deal with changing conditions.  He likely adopted a “do it now and worry about it later” attitude. Of great importance in this chart is nAsc-MC; his actions are being subjected to public review.  Natal angles that have come to the Return-or-Advanced chart angles are always highly significant.  In this case, this pattern tells the whole story.  He is being judged.

Also note, t/Jupiter and n/Jupiter are in the 10th house, close to a conjunction.  We need to take this moment to think about Jupiter and its symbolism.  So often Jupiter is seen as the “lucky” planet or as being a “social” planet.   It might be more appropriate to primarily view Jupiter as indicating “social involvement.”  In this case, Karadzik’s social involvement is related to how he involved himself with his country’s social structure.  He wrecked it, shattered the lives and dreams of many.  Jupiter does not always involve “nice” symbolism.  Jupiter is also representative of the law.  Finally, we might note t/PoF opposite t/Mars, 7th to 1st house.  His very presence, his past actions are all being subjected to “change.”  Note also, t/Sun-t/Mercury repeat the natal Sun-Mercury pairing.  His single-minded view of life and his role as leader of a political movement is again being subjected to a new condition (the 4th house).  This pattern is highlighted by the Solar Eclipse that occurred a few days earlier.


March 24th is the day the court found him guilty of the crimes he was charged with.  Fittingly, this chart shows the MC angle has advanced to contact the t/Jupiter.  The law is being applied.  Chiron and Venus near the IC are bracketing the Eclipse point.  An adjustment of his values has to take place.  He is facing a new reality; living and dying within prison walls.

t/PoF is opposing t/Mars and approaching n/Uranus.  This fast-moving PoF covers the same span of movement as the t/Moon, so we apply a 7 or 8 degree of orb to its position.  A final astrological sign of change in his life is seen with t/Moon-conjoining n/Moon.  The 11th house typically is associated with the community and ones part within it, as well as the “future.”  In this case there will be a change in his personal community and in his future — they will not be of his choosing.

Our life is seen within the chart.  The chart mirrors our life.  It is always fascinating to see astrology in action.  Dave

In the next posting I may address the political contest in New York state between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.  That primary election is coming up on April 19th.
















A New Address For The Butcher of Belgrade

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From 1992 thru the middle of 1995, the lands of the former Yugoslavia were caught up in a terrible turmoil.  Each ethnic group was engaged in a life-or-death struggle to define and defend a portion of that former country.  Of the many ethnic leaders, some were more effective in enforcing their will upon others.  Brutality and a lack of compassion were their daily operational expression.  So engrossed were they in their struggles that they broke all the rules of war, all the civility of organized society.  In July of 1995, one atrocity was carried out that symbolized the wanton destruction of one group of people on another group — the Srebenica Massacre.  In time, the western powers did intervene, the energy for the war diminished into local skirmishes and gang-level atrocities.  The leaders of the fighting groups pulled back into their communities and took up different identities.  Over the following years, many were arrested and brought to trial. Radovan Karadzik was one of those who managed to disappear for several years.  On July 21, 2008, he was arrested.  He had been found some time earlier and was under watch while initial charges were prepared against him.  His t/Moon-opp-n/Sun Return and Advanced charts are shown below.


Most notable in this chart, cast for five days prior to his actual arrest, is t/Saturn-t/Mars-IC-square-t/PoF.  What can be more symbolic of an arrest than Mars-Saturn which symbolizes a forced limitation.  Add in the IC angle as the end of one situation and the start of another situation, plus the conflict of dealing with “chance and change” as symbolized by the Part of Fortune.  This is what is in store for Karadzik during this upcoming two week period.  n/PoF-Desc. opposes t/Mercury-n/N.Node and n/Saturn in the first house.  The effectively “doubles up” the Mars-Saturn-PoF symbolism.  We can also take note of the earlier Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius near t/Chiron-t/N.Node. With this pattern we are putting the spotlight (Solar Eclipse) on having to make adjustments (Chiron) within his relationships with other people (N.Node).

In cyclic charts, Chiron is often indicative of making adjustments because of a deeply personal sensitive issue.  What might these deeply personal sensitive issue be?  n/Chiron is at a midpoint of n/Jupiter-n/Neptune; an apparent happiness in his secret life hiding from the authorities.  n/Chiron-square-n/Sun; having an internal struggle with the nature of what he had done relative to the change (now an organized international control over the country he was hiding in) that had come into existance.  t/Chiron-135-n/Venus; personal values and self-esteem are difficult to reconcile.  He is afraid of how he will be treated if caught.  Let us look at an Advanced chart for the date of his arrest.


After several days of being watched, Karadzik was arrested in Belgrade where he worked under an assumed identity.  t/Mars has contacted the IC; he is attacked or arrested.  n/PoF-Desc. indicates a big change brought about by others (the arresting officers).

t/Moon is approaching the MC and opposes t/Saturn; a harsh reaction by others.  This is supported by n/N.Node-n/Saturn-Asc.;  a rejection pattern against him, personally.

Karadzik’s arrest was a major event in terms of its symbolism.  The wheels of Justice turn slowly, but they turn.  It would take many, many months and years before those wheels turned enough to bring real progress towards making Karadzik pay for his crimes.  For the present (in 2008), he was given a new home with no rent.  All that he had fought for was now lost to him.

Next, we will look at the charts for the recent guilty verdict handed down by the court at the Hague in the Netherlands.  Dave