Charlie Sheen; A Perfect Storm — NOT !

Charlie Sheen has “acted out” again.  Both feet now reside in his mouth. Don’t ask where his career is.  For the moment it is nowhere in sight.  The reason for this state of affairs is a “perfect storm” of a rant, a very big rant even by Charlie Sheen’s standards.  Some have characterized his words and manner as schizoid, bi-polar, just plain crazy.  The TV news channels, the Internet blogs, all lay out his extremely bad behavior.  We’ll look at his daily chart to see how it portrays these actions.

Charlie Sheen   Prog’d Daily Angles chart for Feb. 28, 2011

Radio rant directed at co-workers and others.  TV show canceled and agent quits.

Chart relocated to Malibu, CA.

MC: 17 Aquarius Asc: 6 Gemini   CD: 28 Saggit.



The observations noted below are taken directly out of my soon-to-be-released book on predictive practices using the MC-Solar Cycle methodology that this blog-site features.

  • Natal Asc. @ daily MC: In the spot light, needing to justify one’s position.
  • Natal MC @ daily CD point: Worried about events, goals, status as they are affected by others.
  • Natal Moon @ CD point: Emotions lead to bad decisions which end up managing you (Sheen).
  • Daily MC conjoined by transiting Mercury: Communication has to be conducted today.
  • Daily MC conjoined by natal Saturn: Complaints arise, conditions are imposed (on others).
  • Doubled Up Sun (natal Sun at IC, transiting Sun opposite @ MC): Black and white views focus one’s attention.  With the MC-IC axis involved, his career and public standing will be affected.
  • Doubled Up Pluto (natal Pluto @ IC, transiting Pluto @ CD point) Irrevocable change is brought into one’s life. Natal Pluto is on the 7th house angle so it represents a “power over others” attitude — a trait Sheen has exhibited with his wives, girlfriends and co-workers according to Internet sources.
  • Doubled Up North Node (transiting N.Node @ CD point, natal N.Node at daily Ascendant): The nature of how one finds, forms and works within group associations is questioned or required to be adjusted or affirmed.
  • Natal Uranus @ IC angle: Surprises likely, upsets in stability, unique decisions.
  • Natal Sun @ IC angle: Decisions lead to changes.

Iconic figures such as Charlie Sheen live their charts to the extreme.  I wanted to show my readers how the book-interpretations (which have been developed over decades of chart readings) fit this tragic situation.  Sheen’s radio rant put down co-workers and supervisors at CBS (Two and a Half Men) and others in his life.  He claimed superior mental capabilities relative to others (everyone) and was extraordinarily rude, abusive and derogatory in his remarks.

This event was so perfect a teaching opportunity that I just had to interrupt my Limbaugh series to share it with you.  Dave

A Sour Note Upon Which To Start A Story

On July 8, 2003 Rush Limbaugh shared some painful news with his audience:  He was addicted to pain medication! He had been taking medication for an extended period of time for a cyst that was located on his butt and which was difficult to operate upon.  As happens to so many, the medication has become more than a help agent, it had become a necessity.  And, over time this necessity had become less effective in dealing with its original goal.  A significant personal change in his routine was needed.

Rush Limbaugh Prog. Daily Angles Chart; 7-08-2003 MC: 8 Scorpio    Asc: 23 Capricorn  CD: 25 Leo

Limbugh admits to addiction for pain medication on his radio network.

Outer chart; natal reloc’d to Palm Beach, Florida.  Inner chart transits for July 8th, 2003.


The most significant factor is natal Sun at the daily charts Asc. (23 Cap.): Making a major decision, an authority figure takes the lead.  Transiting Sun & Mercury at the Desc. angle (15 and 19 degrees); Rush’s public image is being torn in two, should he have revealed this news or withheld it?  With this strong configuration is transiting Moon at the MC (8 Scorpio); Being vulnerable before the public.

These few, simple configuration tell the story for Rush on this day.  When there are only a few factors involved, the astrologer tends to become nervous.  Is this enough?  Should there be more to look at?  Confirmation from other sources?  What can we look for? The CD (Co-Descendant point) doesn’t help in this case — no outside influences are indicated.  The ASC/MC midpoint at 14 Sag is empty — no help there.  We do have natal Neptune (19 Libra) squared by transiting Mercury and Sun. Let us look at this factor a bit more closely.  We start with the natal chart.

Natal Sun squares Neptune from the 12th (born at Cape Giradeuau, MO) to the 9th houses; private images of worldly fantasy and acclaim.  Of course, Neptune also symbolizes drugs and medicines, as well as some illness and fantasy conditions.  We have to keep in mind that astrological symbols try to express themselves in as many ways as possible.

If we look carefully at the birth chart with its original 0 degree Aquarius Ascendant, we see that the move to Palm Beach, FL had an Ascendant at 18 degrees Aquarius — just 3 degrees from Mars (at 22 degrees) opposing Pluto (19 degrees Leo) and square the birth MC but not aspecting the Florida MC.  Mars-opposite-Pluto is a harsh and aggressive pattern seeking to change the relationship between oneself and others — in other words to be overly aggressive and manipulative.  Rush Limbaugh has found his way to do that by talking, badgering and rearranging facts and motives of other people.  With natal Mercury opposite Uranus (11th to the 5th in Florida) he talks to his friends and convinces them with his startling claims and observations.

So, this starts our story of Rush’s fun in the sun during 2003.  It only get better and worse from here.  Catch you on the next posting.  Dave



Rush Limbaugh’s eventful year of 2003

Rush Limbaugh, Political Pundent and Talk Show Host; some years are good, some bad, some just eventful. 2003 was that kind of a year for Rush Limbaugh —- eventful with ups and downs.  You might also call it the year of the big mouth.

Rush Limbaugh, 2003 Solar Return, p.c. Palm Beach Florida

MC 28 Pisces Asc. 9 Cancer CD 17 Sag.

S/R; inside  Natal; outer  S/R angles

This posting represents a changed format.  The above chart is produced with Kepler software.  This is much easier, and quicker, than producing manually drawn charts.  Moon and N.Node are at the MC: Scrutiny by others is to be expected this year.  Response by the public will have to be dealt with quickly and effectively.  Associations will be involved in your public presence — Rush will have to deal with both his own image and the image of others.  Natal Saturn at the IC: Caution will be needed in protecting one’s values.  Natal Saturn in the natal 8th sets high personal standards that this Solar Return will require Rush Limbaugh to meet.

Natal Uranus at the Ascendant; New situations arise that attract Limbaugh’s interest. Natal Uranus was in the natal chart’s 6th house: work showcasing his individuality is of most interest to him.  Less-angular is Sun and Mercury transiting the 7th house; strong communications with others will be involved in this work.

These few factors are all that needs to be said for this eventful year!  Many astrologers go into pages of commentary as they examine every aspect, house and sign position, and other factors — they do this because this chart is all that they essentially work with in predicting what will happen in the coming year.  As has been shown in the last two years of posting on this site, that amount of work is not only unnecessary but is also “cluttering” as it hides the essential question of “What does this year hold for me?”  The MC-Solar Cycle method includes the use of daily charts that help us to both define the time and the nature of events, providing us with much more detail about the coming year.  It is almost like having a diary the writes itself long before the days that it would normally record after the events noted within it.  This year of 2003 was eventful for Rush Limbaugh.  I know you’ll be deeply interested is reviewing those events with me.  Dave

Who is for what?

Washington approaches the budget concerns like a flock of squawking crows.

The posturing has begun, shrillness fills the air, and the political season has begun in earnest. At the left we have visual reminders of the primary components of political discussion that drives the many points of view in Washington, DC.  Finance is at the top and represents the budget and financial regulation.

Jobs and unemployment is represented in the middle-left photo.  The whole country is directly and indirectly hurting in so many ways due to people not having income.  Unemployment benefits, loss of tax revenue, retail spending, the need to shrink local governments and their services, schooling and support are all involved.

A third major issue centers on Social Security, Health Care and Medicare-Medicaid and the associated government programs and insurance company involvement.


The four biggest budget items are Health Care, Medicare-Medicaid, Social Security and Defense.  Yet, Jobs are on the minds of the publicJobs seem to have been pushed aside for the moment, becoming a tangentle discussion.

Jobs are represented by the sixth house, with agriculture being seen as a fourth house matter and other job-related segments spread out into other houses such as the twelfth house for hospitals and charitable institutions and prisons. Mars is associated with those who labor, serve in the armed forces and engage in manufacturing.  On this day, these few weeks, Aries is on the 10th house cusp and the ruling party in the House of Reps, the Republicans.   Mars (jobs) are not part of the discussion.  Why? Continue reading

Defunding; spending in reverse

The Republicans plan on launching a defunding effort for Health Care — If you can’t beat it, starve it to death.   The House of Representatives, under Republican control, plans to again attack the National Health Care plan.  This time the plan is to drain it of any funding, to starve it to death so that it cannot be implemented.

While the actual day of the week in which this defunding effort will be initiated is not yet known, Wednesday of next week offers us a Progressed Daily Angles chart to examine.  Transiting Moon at the Ascendant catches our eye.  Moon relates to the public mood and the issue of bringing spending cuts forward as a means of cutting the national debt is popular in itself.  Founding Jupiter is at the Descendant; a Capricorn home for Jupiter points to business opportunity–will business segments that see Health Care as a burden outweigh those businesses that will gain from this bill being in place?  Or, will the Republican’s intense focus on doing anything and everything possible to discredit Obama carry them forward despite other considerations?  Continue reading

Protests now, Agreements later

Day of Departure; mixed results.  An agreement is ten days away. (Two charts analyzed in this post) Crowds fill the streets of Cairo demanding the departure of President Mubarak.  After signs of violence, Feb. 4th brings calm and celebration without the demands of the protesters being met.

February 2nd & 3rd showed activity against protest groups increasing their levels of violence.  Protester and news reporters were harassed.  Feb. 4th found the Army still in place, the police gone, and protesters in the streets singing and making speeches.  Egypt’s government didn’t respond on that day but did announce a speech by the President for the following day.  As the weekend progressed, the calm was maintained.  There is not strong enough angularity to show resolution for the protesters, that will come in ten days from now.  Continue reading

Senate rejects vote to repeal Health Care

Harry Reid, Senate Leader, brings up the Republican bill to reject Health Care — it’s best to get this over with and get on with other business.

The Senate voted, Feb. 2, 2011, to reject the Republican effort to repeal the Health Care bill which was passed last year.  Harry Reid took on this vote so as to be able to move ahead on other business that was more likely to aid in efforts to cut the deficit and create jobs.  These were supposed to be the goals of Republicans as well, but this symbolic effort was done to placate their supporters and to provide an issue to campaign on in the 2012 national elections.  Continue reading

Egypt at a time of change

Egypt has endured for thousands of years but now finds itself in crises again.

July 22-26, 1952 found the Army overthrowing King Farouk.  After a period of civilian rule, a new republic was proclaimed by the Army under the leadership of Nassar.  The 6-day war with Israel was a disaster for the Arab forces and Nassar was replaced by Anwar Sadat.  Sadat was assassinated on Oct. 8, 1951 and the present President Mubarak took over.  Currently, Mubarak’s 30 year reign seems close to ending.  What does this chart and current Solar Return and transits indicate for Egypt? Continue reading