Limbaugh: Deeper and deeper into hot water

Normally Rush talks to his audience, giving them a rash of enthusiasm, distorted claims, commentary criticizing political opponents, all of which is truth to some, entertainment to others, and crap to others.  It is all in how you view him and his views.  Today, March 2nd, his remarks of the past couple days have riled up the public in general, woman in particular.  His trashing of Sandra Fluke and her Congressional testimony has outraged many and has started to erode sponsorship of his radio show.

The chart below is a Progressed Daily Angles chart, a chart derived from his Solar Return (precession corrected) chart of Jan. 13, 2012.  The angles of that chart have been progressed to today, the transiting planets for today are shown in the outer wheel, the natal chart (relocated to Palm Beach, FL) is on the inside.

Unlike many of these daily charts that I post on this site, this chart is complicated. It does not read in easy, straight forward steps.  If I was doing a yearly report ahead of time, I would probably have missed this date as a crucial date for Rush Limbaugh relative to a public relations storm.  Let’s try to take this chart apart a bit at a time:

  • Daily Ascendant (12 Sag) is in the 10th house, close to t/Node but not close to the MC angle:  Rush’s speech and actions relate to his public image. The North Node indicates associations and interactions with people will be involved.  Since natal Mars conjoins natal Asc. (22 & 21 Aquarius), his attack-style personality and words are involved by the association between the Ascendants.
  • Daily MC (21 Virgo) opposes natal N.Node and natal Moon:  His public image and stature opposes groups & women (Node & Moon) on this date.  He has been sharply critical of Sandra Fluke’s testimony before Congress this past week, in particular his mis-characterization of her words and position as an impromptu spokesperson for woman’s contraceptive rights.  The points of the story are everywhere on TV, the Internet, and other blog sites.  I will not cover those issues here other than to relate them to the astrological factors.
  • Referring back to the first notation above, transiting Mars is opposite the transiting Sun in the first house.  (Playing astrological hopscotch is part of how we interpret these charts)  This pair, in opposition, points to a fight!  In this case it is not Rush’s fighting words exclusively, but the very strong reaction against him (Sun) as symbolized by Mars in the 7th (other people).   Transiting Sun squares the daily Ascendant:  His self-image and actions are in conflict with his position of the issues.
  • Pluto is the planet of fundamental destruction and transformation.  We need to look at Pluto in this chart.  Natal Mars opposes natal Pluto:  Rush likes to attack “institutions” and those who are powerful.  He like chaos and controversy.  Transiting Pluto opposes natal Uranus:  Personal upsets and challenges take on social-scale upsets and challenges — the issues in this case involves personal health care rights and decisions being controlled by powerful corporations, institutions, laws, power-brokers.  The individual against the many.
The story is all there.  What is missing is the tightly angular placement of a focus planet — this would signify a date of significance.  What we have here is a view of an ongoing process and not a singular event.  This will go on for some eight or nine days until a crises event comes into play.  Woman’s groups, political pressure, consumer boycotts against sponsors of Rush’s radio show will all come into play.  The news media will fuel this uproar. We will follow this subject as it plays out.  Dave