The U.S. National Election: Part Two, President Obama

President Obama is seeking the approval of the populace for a second term in office and a chance to cement his previous achievements and to make more progress in helping the economy and job situation in the U.S. to improve.  His policies are challenged by the Republicans.  In this post we will look at his Progressed Daily Angles chart, derived from his Solar Return of 2012, to see what that chart tells us about the election’s outcome.  A link to an MP3 audio file is found beneath the chart.  Just click on it, position the chart upon your screen and listen to my observations.

President Obama  PDA chart for      Nov. 6, 2012

transits in outer ring, natal planets in the inner ring

As noted in the MP3 commentary, the answer to “Who will win the Nov. 6th election?” will be given in the next (3rd) posting.  The chart used for that commentary makes it absolutely clear as to who the winner will be.  I think you’ll enjoy this series of comments on our National Election for 2012.  Dave.