Trump’s Paranoia & Blame; Another Shiny Object of Distraction


U.S. President Donald Trump has long been known to distort the truth or to make it up for either of two purposes:  To bolster an argument or program he is advocating, or to distract the public from one/several facts that he sees as discrediting him in some way.  Yesterday and today I will look at two incidents.  First, Rachael Madow, MSNBC, commented on a fact-supported story of a mid-east Banker who is known for laundering Russian mob-drug money.  He had a $100 million to ‘clean.’  He purchased land in Florida from Donald Trump, valued far less, for that $100 million.  Presto, Trump had some $60 million to help him at a time when he was dealing with a bankruptcy.  Second, recognizing the extent of unpopularity as demonstrated by town-hall meeting, demonstrations and polls noted by the press, Trump has claimed that professional anarchists, amatuer anarchists, liberal organizers who are bitter about the recent election, and now former President Obama are all conspiring against his Presidency.

The paranoia becomes more evident each week.  Let us look at his recent t/Moon-opp-n/Sun Return (below) followed by his Advanced chart (later) for today.


t/Moon-opp-n/Sun in the 12th.  The book’s theme statement: Choices. One’s conscience says to help another, one’s self-interest want to address personal needs first.  Balancing conflicts. Working in supportive care fields, government, personal services such as tutoring, nursing, social work.  Interactional support is seen, offered, appreciated.  Incapacitated for some reason or period of time. Being ill or discomforted.  Stress.  I have underlined the appropriate parts of this generic statement designed to reflect typical every-day life issues.

So, with that ‘theme’ as a background, let us look at the Return chart.  

  • t/Pluto-Desc. square t/Mars (10th);  demolishing others (Pluto-Desc.) by attacks on their character and reputation (Mars-10th)
  • t/PoF squares n/Pluto (11th to 2nd); any claim to affect change and confusion is suitable for his purpose of destruction.
  • t/Venus (10th) opposes n/Neptune;  “Loving a lie” seems to glib an interpretation, yet it seems suitable.  Neptune at the IC angle is a ‘new distortion’ — and being a natal Neptune, it is a part of his life-style.
  • t/Sun opposes the t/S.Node; his intention is to use past personal skills and approaches to dealing with others.

So, this is what this two week cycle is mostly about.  Let us now check out the Advanced chart relative to these two event that I cited.


Much has changed in the past week since the Return chart.

  • t/Moon-MC-opp-n/Neptune-IC; the ‘public’ (t/Moon) and changes related to the public (protests, polls, etc.) are challenging (opposition) the lie (Neptune).
  • Trump is depressed (n/Saturn-Asc.) over this.
  • He is also fighting mad and frustrated (n/Saturn-Asc. square t/Mars (10th).  He strikes back.
  • t/PofF will pass n/Mars-n/Asc on this day; he will shoot first and continue attacking.  More attacks.  Note t/PoF-n/Mars-n/Asc. opposite n/PoF.  There is nothing better that causing excessive chance, change and chaos.  In other words, a smokescreen to cloud or hide the truth. 

So, where does the truth reside in this chart?  Rex Bills Rulership book gives Jupiter and Aquarius as being associated with the truth.  Actually, we are not dealing with the truth here.  We are dealing with words and claims.  Let us note the n/Marcury in the 12th and t/Mercury in the 8th.  If we look midway between them we find Trump’s n/MC.  His status and goals are framed by his thoughts and words.  In other words, he is using those now-famous “Alternative Facts” that his administration is so fond of using.  This might be a pattern for that phrase “speaking out of both sides of one’s mouth.” 

This has been a fun chart to look at.  It takes away from the tragedy of terrorism, but leaves facing another not-so-funny issue, our democracy under internal attack.  For that reason I feel it is appropriate to bring it us now.   Dave